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10525452 No.10525452 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the better 4th episode, The Birth or Plug'n'Pray?

>> No.10525482

The Birth is kino. Plug ‘n Pray has that cheap outsourced feel. Forgettable. I also have no idea what you are doing or where you are going in that.

Also is there some fan bundle with all the official expansions in one go?

>> No.10525490

they both suck

>> No.10525530

Plug and Pray sucks due to being an extra on the PS1 port, which runs like ass because it uses a slapdash port of the actual BUILD engine to run instead of something more streamlined. It also looks like blurry shit. Yes, the console capable of running Alien Resurrection and a reasonable port of Quake 2 can't run Dook 3D worth a damn.

Meanwhile the Saturn port of DN3D runs like a dream (yes we know its a different engine, fuck off). On the other hand, compared to the PS1 version, the Saturn port of Doom runs like complete dogshit. Life's funny that way (yes we know its because John Carmack is a turbosperg, fuck off).

I've actually been having a lot of fun replaying DN3D for the first time in over a decade on my Vita, it has been a huge nostalgia trip. It has been fun seeing how many secrets I can remember (not 100%, but quite a few).

If you want to play either of these expansions just play them on the PC. Plug n' Pray is actually kind of fun to play (on hardware that can actually handle it) if you were a Sonyfag growing up, since it has levels based on Tomb Raider, WipEout, and Resident Evil.

>> No.10525568

you mean Megaton Edition?
also, the pulp fiction level of PnP was pretty cool

>> No.10525582

Megaton has most, but the pS1 and last release add their own extra episodes.

>> No.10525641

>(yes we know its because John Carmack is a turbosperg, fuck off)
I don't buy that Jim Bagley had Doom running at a consistent 60fps on the Saturn like he said.

>> No.10525791

How do you get Duke running on the vita? Is it just available natively?

>> No.10525816

The full list as far as I know:

>L.A. Meltdown
>Lunar Apocalypse
>Shrapnel City
>The Birth
>Duke Caribbean: Life's A Beach
>Duke It Out In D.C.
>Duke: Nuclear Winter
>Alien World Order

As far as I know, there's no legal collection of all of them. Megaton is the most complete, but frustratingly the newest release has a new episode and it's pretty solid. Plug 'n Pray is the weakest by far of official content and is the easiest to just ignore. Nuclear Winter is some ugly abortion. Life's a Beach and The Birth are the best addons.

>> No.10525825

>but frustratingly the newest release has a new episode and it's pretty solid
World Tour? It's fucking awful.

>> No.10526063 [SPOILER] 
File: 321 KB, 1600x1600, Insten-for-Sony-PS-Vita-PSV-Black-Bracket-Joypad-Hand-Grip-Holder-Handle_e6beab39-4895-4bfd-944d-dd5575d0fa48.146f9109f2d2a0a031db66e0243ca5ec[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, there is a port of the megaton edition on the Vita. It's on the PS Store, but I don't know how much it costs because if you own a Vita and you still pay for games you're officially a retarded person. It plays pretty well, but like any FPS game on the system I'd recommend getting pic related to make it more comfortable. It has some new features like widescreen support (very nice) and a rewind feature (which is a fucking crutch for fucking scrubs but I'd be lying if I said I never used it after a cheap death).

There is probably a homebrew port as well, but I never bothered to look since there was a native version available that required no tweaking or .

nta but the biggest reason I never picked up the World Tour (other than my vehement hatred for that piece of shit Randy Pitchford, who I live to destroy) on Steam (even when it gets dirt cheap during holiday sales) was because I own the original release of Duke Nukem 3D there, plus the later Megaton Edition release (both of which have since been pulled from the store), and I thought it would be pretty retarded to have three different versions of the exact same game in my library.

I don't think its outside of the realm of possibility to have a game as simplistic (relatively speaking, it was still reasonably impressive in 1995) as Doom running at 60fps on the Saturn. Worst case scenario he was full of shit and it only hit peaks of 60, but I have serious doubts that a machine capable of playing games like Duke Nukem 3D and Alien Trilogy at consistent 30fps couldn't handle doing the same for Doom. I mean shit, the console got a pretty impressive (all things considered) port of Quake (yes we know its a different engine, fuck off) that chugs hard sometimes when multiple enemies are onscreen but still spends the majority of the time at 20-30fps.

Doom at 30fps with texture warping would have been infinitely preferable to the wet fart of a port we got.

>> No.10526083

Is this a joke?

>> No.10526090 [DELETED] 
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Will Randy Bobandy or whoever at Saber/Embracer commission another new episode for the 30th anniversary in 2026?

>> No.10526102 [DELETED] 

> Most hypermasculine character in the history of videogames
> Loves strippers
> Loves his ride
> Literally goes on a mission to protect Earth's chicks, fucks them every chance he gets
> Giving one half of a shit about tranny shit

The only "rights" you get are my size 10 boot up your ass.

>> No.10527608

there's also "It's Zero Hour" (if you believe the dev of it) & "Penthouse Paradise" which the later was included in issues of penthouse both of which are on the same level as Lunar Apocalypse, Plug n Pray and Nuclear Winter in terms of quality.

>> No.10527612

tfw never played any duke expansions

>> No.10528884

im gonna go with full nostalgia goggles on. plug n pray because it's what i played as a kid

>> No.10528939

do it with the ps1 soundtrack aka the only Duke soundtrack that matters