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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10524464 No.10524464 [Reply] [Original]

When did video games stop being a toy you buy kids, and start being a serious medium as art? What's the dividing line?

>> No.10524467

They're still toys but toys can be art. Take those intricate figures that people buy.

>> No.10524468

unironically jarpigs

>> No.10524470

>When did video games stop being a toy you buy kids and start being a serious medium as art?
This never happened. Games are even more infantile now than they were in the 80s. Games are where all the hack wannabe Hollywood writers go when they want to subject people to their schlock scripts like The Last of Us 2 where everyone gets killed by the newest female OC designed to get women who will never be interested in video games (because the female brain literally cannot into intricate mechanical thought required to enjoy a video game) to play video games.

>> No.10524472

Tennis for Two.
very long history.

>> No.10524480

I disagree. Nothing says modern art more than being a scam to make money, which I would say modern gaming is.

>> No.10524481

Street Fighter 2

>> No.10524492

>because the female brain literally cannot into intricate mechanical thought required to enjoy a video game

>> No.10524490
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They are my favorite toys

>What's the dividing line?
I would say how close it is to a computer. Even something like the old Amiga computers could barely be considered toys imo. On the other hand things like Tamagotchi, Tiger handhelds, Pokemon Mini etc, are basically toys by definition, Game Boy scales the periphery of this, sort of

>> No.10524509

Space War is the first true video game.

>> No.10524510

Don't feed the attention whores

>> No.10524532

1980s when Wizardry was being played by college STEMlords and office workers hiding from their bosses and expecting you to understand convoluted puzzles and obscure references to Kabbalah in order to finish its games

>> No.10524541

>When did video games stop being a toy you buy kids, and start being a serious medium as art?

>> No.10524637


Video games were always, low art, amusements. Think fidget spinners and rubrics cubes. Just because I like something that doesn't make it high art.

The more I think of modern gaming the more I think of boardwalk games/scams. Not saying there weren't scams back then. Companies weren't as calculated as today. Every once in a while a few good games got out that weren't flat out money grabs. Today, no, it is all about building addiction, hooking the mark. They literally hire psychologists to figure out how to get people addicted.

>> No.10524640

never happened

>> No.10524664

>a serious medium as art

They aren't and never will be. Deal with it.

>> No.10524672

If we're saying "when did games expand past child shit"? Post Mortal Kombat shit storm where it was made clear that games were not just for kids, playstation was also a good point when RE came out.
As far as "art", all I can say is lol, lmao.

>> No.10525750

Simon's Quest

>> No.10525759

Threadly reminder that the only actual "kiddy" video games are edutainment ones (ironically most prevalent on PC, not consoles).
Games like Castle of Illusion or Kirby may be considered "for kids" but can be enjoyed by people of all ages because they are still well designed games that are fun to play. And you "machur gamurs" will have to deal with this reality.
I already got past my edgy 10-year-old phase of feeling badass because I was playing Mortal Kombat.

>> No.10526037

idk, I don't read books or watch non-anime

>> No.10526046

The older I get the less I can tolerate game writing that isn’t old ass rpgs or surface level stuff to set context, modern game stories are somehow worse than 8 bit games, we’ve not only learned nothing we’ve actually regressed

>> No.10526053


>> No.10527487

it didn't start as kid's toys (the fairchild cost $870 2023 monies, VCS $920, odyssey $699)
it also never became serious art

>> No.10527504

I don't get why people have to shit on everything they liked when they were 12, and have to shit on people for liking edgy and dark shit because they think they're all faking it like they were
The guys that love MK aren't exactly trying to be high brow

>> No.10527507

Missile Command

>> No.10527516

Anyone who says games aren't art is a big dummy

>> No.10527520

Wth the caveat that there's a lot of really fucking bad art in the gaming space (both corporate slop and indie fart sniffing)

>> No.10527525

I think they're only saying solely to be against some imagined pretentious hipster in their mind
Yes, art doesn't inherently mean something is good. I think that's another misconception people who argue against it have

>> No.10527670

>Yes, art doesn't inherently mean something is good. I think that's another misconception people who argue against it have

>> No.10527687

The older I get, the more I realize videogames will always be toys. You'll understand by the time you turn 27, unless you have autism.

>> No.10527691

Games have been an artistic endeavor since Colossal Cave Adventure in 1976. >>10527525
And this highlights that the pursuit doesn't always have to be "good" or high meaning. If it has creative embellishments than it's something to appreciate. I don't see Space Invaders as any different. It's the games that masquerade as films, long stories, and drawn out casino simulators that bring the spirit down and go against the idea of authentic artistic form. Instead they exist as another outlet to indulge in the fantasy of what you think art should be and proactively go against the qualities that make up an interactive medium. At that point it ceases to be worth serious consideration, serving as only anti design, a snobbish refusal to represent games as they are.
>tldr: Games are a serious art form, but people don't treat the unique qualities of the medium with respect. We are also surrounded by focus tested dopamine simulators that muddy the waters.

>> No.10528694

Same with people shitting on games they liked when they were kids. If a game is fun, it's fun.
I still have nostalgia for the old MK games (though I admit the gameplay isn't as good as japanese fighting games from Capcom or SNK, or even KI)

>> No.10528993
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>What's the dividing line?
This for adulthood, although it does not guarantee art.

>> No.10529118

>a serious medium as art?
like what? fine art, which is currently only bought by rich idiots and money launderers?
or music, which is full of ironical hipster hiveminds?
or movies,which is now full of recycled superheroes from Marvel/DC?

maybe "art" has no meaning and you should just play games for fun, asshole.

>> No.10529198

There are like ten games I'd consider art. They are all 8 or 16 bit

>> No.10529221

5th gen
Primarily Playstation but Nintendo 64 also fits
After that it was only worse, except for handhelds I guess

>> No.10529231

Why is that NES controller reversed?

>> No.10529243

So it's possible

Left-handed controller

>> No.10531768
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As a teenager I was a big defender of video games as art... but now? Well, not so much, they surely have other forms of art within it, and are passion project for many hardworking people, but it's still just entertainment, nothing too deep about it, just something fun for a few hours.

I don't think that takes away from the medium or makes it bad, I'd still rather spend a couple of hours with video games than with films really.