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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10521228 No.10521228 [Reply] [Original]

Do you remember when Samurai Shodown was about precision in moves and every cut felt like it was to in your soul?

>> No.10521232

how dafuq is she going to draw her sword if it's behind her?

>> No.10521236

no. fighting games are the most terrible autisic shit genre there is, literally just rhythm games and hoping your opponent presses something to your advantage

>> No.10521298
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>> No.10521367

I like Samurai Showdown II the best, never could get into the sequels.

>> No.10521378
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Oh boy, I whiffed an attack, I sure hope this doesn't mean that I am now unable to play the game as my opponent unleashes a 47 hit 80% combat on me for the next 30 seconds while I literally do nothing.

>> No.10521385

She doesn't use a sword baka

>> No.10521393

2 is the best but having 3 kick buttons is still asinine

4 is my favorite. 5 and 5V are completely soulless

>> No.10521402

>literally just rhythm games and hoping your opponent presses something to your advantage
How is that not fun?

>> No.10521413

it really isnt, its a retard filter, unless you're some fgc pro gaymer or some shit it doesnt reach that level of autismo, i say speedrunning is peak autismo

>> No.10521427

When did it stop being that exactly?
>The ps2 game
We don't talk about that one.

>> No.10521436

>literally just rhythm games
You have no idea what you are talking about.
At all.
You are actually making others posters dumber with the conviction with which you have posted this misinformation.

For a game like Samurai Shodown the single biggest factor to winning is match-up knowledge.

>> No.10521437

as a kid i would see the cabinets for this franchise and accepted that it was too complicated for me and would only watch people play it but never try it out myself. i was shy.

>> No.10521473

Even in games that read diagonal input I can spam DP with keyboard/hitbox hell even 360 inputs pre input buffering and shortcuts can be spammed

>> No.10521751

>as my opponent unleashes a 47 hit 80% combat on me for the next 30 seconds while I literally do nothing.

>complains about 47 hit combos, in samsho
>already pathetic, but totally untrue

Lol the point of old Samurai Shodown is that it doesn't have big combos and focuses on high damage normals. Zoomer who doesn't play games, but talks about them. This board has gone to hell because of these fucking posers. Fucking shame these faggots.

That faggot is just a Nintendo fan sick of Smash being trashed for the garbage it is.

>> No.10521762

>i like kirby!

>> No.10521765

You just suck at games, go back.

>> No.10521776

>the most terrible autisic shit genre there is
Nah that'd be any uber-nerd RPGs where people too low IQ for books or film get their poorly written "stories" from.

Or mascot toon games designed to be beaten by 5 year olds but obsessed over by grown men because games aimed at teens and adults are too hard for them.

Or shit like racing games or any non combative vehicle simulator that may as well be a legitimate unthinking retard flying a model around his room going "woosh"

>> No.10521783

You're bad at criticizing stuff

>> No.10521787

You're bad at playing video games, stay butthurt Mario faggot.

>> No.10521801

he's right

>> No.10521821

I only had Sam Sho 1 for 3DO and my favorite thing was the referee in the background, and how people leave in bodybag stretchers after the fight.

>> No.10521834


>> No.10521916

retro fightans aren't like modern fightans

>> No.10522041

That was Bushido Blade.

>> No.10522476

She does use a short sword, or a dagger I'm not entirely sure
>t. haven't played SamSho

>> No.10522478

Meant for>>10521385

>> No.10522553

>Fucking shame these faggots.
You can't shame someone when you already have zero respect for yourself.

>> No.10522625

Do you fancy making a fool out of yourself on the internet, retard?

>> No.10522664

>47 hit combo
Literally the one game where combos are almost nonexistent and this is your complaint about it?

>> No.10522815
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Trying to learn SamSho II and V. I'm aware of Mizuumi, but are there any resources for SamSho II?

>> No.10523034

Old Japanese websites