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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 182 KB, 1276x929, windwaker[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10519747 No.10519747 [Reply] [Original]

The game that single-handedly doomed the Gamecube. I‘m not even joking; WW‘s cartoony graphics and dopey character designs were the polar opposite of what people wanted in the early 2000's, especially after that Spaceworld demo. There‘s a reason why so many games from that period went the "edgy" route; that‘s what people were into back then. WW cemented Nintendo’s "kiddy" image at the worst possible time. If the game had looked more like Twilight Princess, people would‘ve gone absolutely nuts over it, and it would’ve sold a ton of Gamecubes. Alas, we got Toon Link instead, and when Twilight Princess eventually came out, the Gamecube was at the end of its lifecycle.

>> No.10519753

>clean is better than dirty
it was a two man hit job.

>> No.10519786

I only bought WW, by the time TP came videogames had already started to die
Mostly because retarded fags like OP

>> No.10519791

Wind Waker is a masterpiece and Nintendo should never have listened to fans in the first place.

>> No.10519805
File: 53 KB, 750x932, 1673288848388857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically this. Fans don't know what's good and when I say this I'm not joking at all. They're the equivalent of a 5yo who thinks putting chocolate fudge on lasagna is a good idea because chocolate tastes good

>> No.10519814

Pandering to the brownbloom crowd is not something you should ever do.

>> No.10519861

They wouldn't have been able to make this game with realistic graphics. The fact that it's cartoony allows them to get away with simple textures and models. Even with that in mind Wind Waker had at least two dungeons scrapped and the game feels unfinished.

>> No.10519870

more like willy wanker

>> No.10519872

>They wouldn't have been able to make this game with realistic graphics
I think OP means he thinks Nintendo should have released something like TP instead, not WW with realistic graphics

>> No.10519881

I honestly don't care about people wanting to be "edgy" or "cute", I am not an NPC and can enjoy both kind of games. Though in general the nig-simulator template game of the 00s is pretty soulless.

>> No.10519889

>le masterpiece
I'm playing through it right now, and it's so poorly designed. The Great Sea is 90% empty (imagine BOTW but flooded and with 10% content), and what ISN'T empty is all item gated, so there's literally no reason to explore until you get the final tool from the last dungeon, that is, until the Triforce fetch quest, which is another terrible design choice btw. Before that you just rush the story and do your best to ignore all side content because you can't engage with it without your full kit.

On this note, this is what truly puzzles me about Zeldafags wanting to go back to this retractive design after BOTW/TOTK gave you 95% of your tools right at the beginning so that you can actually explore. In older games like WW (especially WW!) the exploration is literally meaningless until the end game due to so many item gates.

>> No.10519891

nintendo will always be seen as a kiddy console but they also want them to be the kiddy consoles
the gamecube was re-released as the wii anyway (with only some minor hardware upgrades)

>> No.10519916

it would have been a way better game if instead of the ocean, it were traveling rivers. So there could be more, denser landmasses to explore too. The islands in this game is such a let down that it ruins the whole ocean dynamic completely.

>> No.10519919

it would be cool if the game were designed like Eventide Island from BotW, no matter which island you sail to you start from scratch and go through some item progression to tackle a couple dungeons, or shrines.

>> No.10519942 [DELETED] 

Yay, another Zelda thread!!!

>> No.10519984

>when Twilight Princess eventually came out, Gamecube was already at the end of its life cycle.

You mean well past. TP GCN came out om December 12 2006. 23 days after the Wii's release. Do your homework if you want to troll.

>> No.10519993

WW was always hated but online revisionist articles say WW was always loved

>> No.10520006

it's so strange too, you had to be there. everyone ripped on this game

>> No.10520021
File: 187 KB, 1197x512, Ek-bBs_WkAAKueT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest, while I dig the "cookie" style of this game, back then when I saw some pictures in my local Nintendo magazine I thought it was quite gay, just like you say. I bought those just for the pokemon supplement, but even pokemon had more edge back then.

>> No.10520052

it's more fun and looks better than TP tho
People were still buying Gamecubes. Nobody acted like they weren't going to buy a GC b/c of WW. They were, however, buying PS2s more due to the DVD player and the PS1 compatibility

>> No.10520059

TP and WW are the same game with different presentation. Pretending one is better than the other is peak retardation.

>> No.10520065
File: 34 KB, 474x473, 1700626330892271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[insert Zelda game (OoT, TWW, TPGCN, SS, Tears)] comes out
>"this is not the same! I hATEZ it! You're not a true fan if you do (translation: really I only have noney for one console and chose the competitors this gen)!"
>game comes out again on next platform which overlaps with a certain percentile that were jaded and went back to Nintendo or now fot acquainted with family/romantic partner with a Nintendo
>"t-t-the game is still lame. I didn't miss out on anything! Baka! (translation: I did miss out.)"
>reads more about it online as the longtimers now show them up with obscure knowledge like parrying Ganon or melting ice with spin attacks! Also, timeline threads.
>"okay fine... It's good. Now can we please join your clan? We are ashamed of our words and deeds. We just didn't think that Nintendo's track record would hold. And to be fair why did they go with [insert this very oddly specific thing that the game wouldn't be able to function without] if they didn't want to alienate the fans? (translation: I'm stupid and need to do damage control to live with myself.)

This is the true Zelda cycle. Only in the case of SS it really did suck.

>> No.10520076

You're the revisionist, Wind Waker was very controversial and had plenty of people who loved it and plenty who hated it.

>> No.10520079

BotW gives you open world tools at the cost of actually well designed dungeons that were a previous staple of the series.

>> No.10520106

nice attempt at revisionist history but this series got feminized with ocarina.

>> No.10520114

Nice blatant samefagging in your thinly veiled "Zelda bad" thread number 124515

>> No.10520123

Not him but you're kinda wrong. The people who "hated it" are not real Zelda fans. It was always Zelda-esque. Nobody was gonna look the other way because Link had a big head like "they" try to cope now.

Not bashing it but MM started this way back in the day with the Ice Arrowe being circumventable. However IF you do circumvent them, then it becomes like BotW. It's an unresolvable equation. Damned if you do damned if you don't.

>> No.10520132

This is simply not true, WW was rushed and is very low on meaningful content, while TP has an actual overworld with things to do and probably the best overall dungeons in a 3D Zelda game.

>> No.10520136

You have mental problems. I can tell you're the same person who makes these falseflagging comments in every threads in order to be disruptive and cause confusion. Unleas of course you're really that stupid. Either way, get help before it's too late.

>> No.10520143

>Zelda bad
im one of the few people itt who actually likes zelda. note: "zelda" refers to 2d video games on the nes, snes, and gameboys. what you call "zelda" is 3d feminized toddlerslop.

>> No.10520156

"Zelda got feminized with OoT" literally makes no sense at all, you fucking retard. At least try harder trying to make it look like people care about your stinky thread and don't say completely random bullshit 100% giving away your samefaggotry here

100% another "ZELDA BAD" samefag thread made by the local autist

>im one of the few people itt who actually likes zelda.
Then you mighit be one of the few people ITT who isn't an autist samefagging

>> No.10520180
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, travis if botw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least inform yourself. The empty sea wasn't merely a deign choise but a GC limitation. They still thought the sense of adventure and atmosphere would make up for it when playing it for the first time in 2002, which they were right about. And BotW is one of the most beloved games ever made and way bigger and emptier, so this comparison just makes you look like you have a problem with Zelda in general instead of helping you make a case

>> No.10520183
File: 166 KB, 500x309, link.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wind Waker
>well designed dungeons

>> No.10520201

Better than TP's and MM's for sure and there are no other games that do Zelda like dungeons except maybe Okami

>> No.10520202

Wind Wanker is easily the worst 3D Zelda, 95% of the map is empty sea and getting literally anywhere takes at least 2 years. I know this game was made in only one and a half years, but holy shit, Nintendo shit the bed hard with this one. Should've just made it short and sweet instead of padding it the fuck out.

>> No.10520205

>95% of the map is empty sea and getting literally anywhere takes at least 2 years
But that's why most people like it. There aren't many games bold enough to do that. Only Witcher 3 comes to mind with a similarly empty sea but it's somehow even emptier, not a single sea monster, boring graphics and music

>> No.10520207

This was my first 3D Zelda, and I didn't see the Space World demo, so I just enjoyed this game on its own merits - though that's not to say I ever thought it was perfect.
Feels good.

>> No.10520216
File: 249 KB, 1861x331, deleted because.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A janny needs to explain why this thread will stay up but the thread in the picture was deleted twice

This thread here is an actual carbon copy except more aggressive and shitposty (and filled with the typical samefagging). The one pictured was asking questions instead of forcing answers. It was bold honest enough to
1) seek some fault with the Western market's backward thinking at the time (something being too "kiddy" and not dark and edgy enough would in no way fly as valid criticism and overshadow good game design in this day and age, let alone in Japan at any time), and
2) recognize that the GC had a lot of games that people will always remember fondly, as opposed to it being "doomed"

Is /vr/ really a Sony/Sega containment board moderated by a Zelda-hating psychopath? I take your response to this post as an answer

>> No.10520218

Why shitpost? People ITT have actually played these games. WW is infamous for its INCREDIBLY linear dungeons, you just go room A > room B -> room C -> room A again but now you have an item/key to open room D -> which leads to room E etc. There's no deviation, no alternate paths, no freedom whatsoever. This was a very common criticism. Here's a video talking about it, in case you can't be arsed to play the game yourself.

>> No.10520229
File: 39 KB, 586x307, 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People ITT
No one cares bout your samefags

>> No.10520234

>WW is infamous for its INCREDIBLY linear dungeons
As opposed to most TP dungeons and particularly MM dungeons
>Here's a video talking about it
You can find a video talking about everything, this doesn't make me agree with it

That's the last bump your shitty cope thread gets from me

>> No.10520265

TP is awesome because the overarching puzzles, and the layout of dungeons intuitively interconnecting previous rooms to new rooms. It's the most "3D" Zelda game.

>> No.10520270 [DELETED] 
File: 2.58 MB, 1920x1080, 1464389850588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SotC is much emptier and no one cares. WW has a lot of small islands, puzzles, sidequests, NPCs, things you can interact with with your abilities. SotC just has lizards. And I bet that the majorty of people who shit on WW love SotC

Learn to appreciate a games tone or just play something else and stfu?

>> No.10520276
File: 333 KB, 1920x1080, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SotC is much emptier and no one cares. WW has a lot of small islands, puzzles, sidequests, NPCs, things you can interact with with your abilities. SotC just has lizards. And I bet that the majorty of people who shit on WW love SotC

Learn to appreciate a games tone or just play something else and stfu?

>> No.10520282

nice another salesfag thread

>> No.10520313

Wind Waker was the game that made me realize Zelda was no longer the series I fell in love with.

>> No.10520324

>If the game had looked more like Twilight Princess, people would‘ve gone absolutely nuts over
and then express disappointment on release, just like Wind Waker "2" (aka Twilight Princess)

>> No.10520327

Fuck TES and Tolkien fags, they took my Zelda away from us.

>> No.10520331

>Is /vr/ really a Sony/Sega containment board moderated by a Zelda-hating psychopath?
It appears so. A mystery why there are so few Nintendo fans here and this board is so slow

>> No.10520332

>WW‘s cartoony graphics and dopey character designs were the polar opposite of what people wanted in the early 2000's
>what is world of warcraft

>> No.10520343

Because Sugimori was ripping off Toriyama at the time at and before post-doijin Game Freak
Fucker wanted to be a manga artist but he chose to be a slave to a billionaire franchise's merchandising.

>> No.10520351

Soul game that was way ahead of its time, don't really care what the unwashed 100 IQ masses think desu


>> No.10520392

>less than a month after its successor comes out
>well past its life cycle
Please work on being less stupid.

>> No.10520410

It sold 5 million copies/five times as much as Majora. Was it as successful as Nintendo hoped? No but it didn't doom shit

Imagine being the faggot janny allowing these aids threads to stay up every day

>> No.10520418

>physics Zelda game
boy do I have a bridge to sell you..

>> No.10520596

Honestly you are right. Every time they listen to fans, shit goes south. Look at how Twilight Princess was received? Don't you think it's quite telling how when hyper realistic zelda finally happened, they gave goty to the one game that was Wind Waker but with a wolf and on ps2?

>> No.10520601

visually a masterpiece gameplay wise not so much

>> No.10520618

Who is they?

>> No.10520776

I really don’t see the gameplay as much different from Ocarina. The Zelda series as a whole is very comparable to Pixar’s filmography imo. Everyone has their favorites for different reasons.

>> No.10520791

The bottom line is that Twilight Princess took too long to finally come out because Nintendo decided to transfer it over as a Wii launch title. Okami and Shadow of the Colossus shared a lot of similarities with TP, making it feel somewhat dated by 2006 standards.

>> No.10520807

They're both rushed and should have been 1 game

>> No.10520812

Honestly I think half the reason people were pissed about WW is because they thought the Spaceworld tech demo with Ganondorf and Link sword fighting with their Ocarina designs was going to be the next Zelda game.

>> No.10520835

The only bad part about wind water was the unskippable cutscenes, especially every time you open a chest.

You got a key! Use it to open. Doors! No shit! I've been playing since the original and we never ever needed an announcement to use keys with doors! Fuck

>> No.10520913

Wind Waker’s Ghibli-esque art design would probably go over way better now. Back in 2003, anime wasn’t nearly as mainstream as it is now with Gen Z.

>> No.10520920

Holy fuck this game is beautiful

>> No.10521057

This gets completely unbearable by the time Skyward Sword comes along.

>Enter a room with a locked door
>Camera does a slow pan to the locked door
>Find a key. Get the "You got a key! Use it to open doors!" message
>Fi comes out to say something inane like "I believe that key has a 96% chance of being the one needed to unlock the door in this room.

Just terrible.

>> No.10521074

hate this shit in every game that does it

>> No.10521078

I bought a gamecube when I was 16 because of this game

>> No.10521101

Similar here. I was 11 for Ocarina and thus seemingly around the perfect age for it. I ended up liking Wind Waker much more at 16.

>> No.10521126

Wind Waker is a masterpiece if you're a fan of Eiji Aonuma's style.
TP was mediocre because Koizumi didn't return to work on the game, and instead, hired Eiji to work on it when it wasn't his style.

>> No.10521130

having to play a song to switch characters is retarded. having to wait to arrive at destinations is retarded. having to fight an enemy gauntlet to receive an item that shows enemy health is retarded. the magic tunic being late game is retarded. the swift sail needing to be bought is retarded. the positions of the warp points is retarded. being locked into a linear progression of dungeons is retarded. having to beat and replay the game to see what characters said in "hylian" is retarded. needing magic to simply swing the deku leaf despite it not consuming magic is retarded.

shit's all fucked up and retarded.

>> No.10521158

On the contrary, I’m a huge fan of Yoshiaki Koizumi, who clearly had a hand in Wind Waker’s story. Zelda would’ve been much better off under his supervision.

>> No.10521187

Okami was way worse about it.
>enter a puzzle room
>your fairy companion straight up tells you how to solve it
Why even have puzzles then.

>> No.10521346

WW could have been a great game but it needed more dungeons and more time spent on it. The art style was novel, technically impressive and charming; nothing wrong with it. Nintendo had already been cemented as kiddy long before this game came out.

>> No.10521356

and he had virtually no involvement in TP, which probably would explain why so many fans were split on their feelings over the game. Instead, it became an Aonuma game and surprise, people didn't like it as much.
I agree that the series should have been handed to him. The franchise is nothing but a trainwreck now, no matter how many sales digits and relentless shilling they push onto people. Its a farcry to the status it used to have.

>> No.10521561

>Is /vr/ really a Sony/Sega containment board moderated by a Zelda-hating psychopath?

>> No.10521589

you could always hang around /v if you hate this board so much. at least here you can both rag on and break down nintendo games without getting banned the whole time. try doing the same anywhere else results in you getting called every buzzword possible.

>> No.10521594

>Eventide Island

nigga this shit was so easy if you have the thunder magic.

>> No.10521736

You Didn't Beat The Game

>> No.10521753
File: 245 KB, 1268x662, most mentally stable 4chin poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you could always hang around /v if you hate this board so much
/v/ is even more infested with Tomb Raider-kun's (janny?) dementia. We have another thread up right now that uses the exact same fulsome shitpost lingo: >>10502578
>generally reviled upon release
This is a demonstrable lie and outright trolling. The only people bumping it are fanboys and people occasionally pointing out that the OP is stupid
>try doing the same anywhere else results in you getting called every buzzword possible.
The same happens here, though? I call you a fanboy manchild who is obsessed with Nintendo and should learn to move on. Nothing you say in this thread wasn't said before or changes that WW is a great game loved by most people (DESPITE the controversy), see >>10520229

Keep venting about toys all day. Seems healthy

>> No.10521764

>2016 memes
I really hoe you use bots to make these obvious samefag posts kek

>> No.10521815

>uploading the same video 1000 times for virtually no difference in the world

>> No.10521869

What the fuck? I thought this bored was insanely
slower these days. The Mod here a faggot or what?
True, but deleting on topic threads is fucking retarded.

>> No.10521905

The game itself disagrees

>> No.10521934

Dumbfuck. I don't want them to go back to Wind Waker, I want them to go back to OoT and Twilight Princess for 3D Zelda

>> No.10521959

>The Mod here a faggot or what?
That's most mods today. They will tell you if you ask them on IRC

>> No.10522053

1) Moderation in this board has been consistently shit for more than 5 years
2) You must be an idiot if you don't think this is the Nintendo containment board.

>> No.10522065
File: 3.66 MB, 800x450, ezgif-4-ba35cd1633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet Toriyama's monsters look sillier and cuter than pokemon.

>> No.10522109 [DELETED] 

>maybe five Nintendo fans browsing this shithole
>every day a new "can we talk about how PlayStation was the best console ever?" thread
>20 Sonic threats at a time
>ample proof of threads getting deleted just because janny hates Nintendo and shitpost threads straying up
>literally just responded to such proof
Man, make a noose already

>> No.10522157

MM dungeons are anything but linear. Maybe the Woodfall Temple can be considered linear, but thats it.

>> No.10522167

I unironically think a Breath of the Wind Waker game would be great. Only need to have fast sail, actual populated isles, and interesting sea battles against abyssal creatures and other ships/crews.

>> No.10522172

That’s exactly what I wanted Tears of the Kingdom to be like. Unfortunately the Switch hardware probably wouldn’t be adequate enough.

>> No.10522185

slut your mouth faggot

>> No.10522208

People always placed higher standards on Nintendo and that's fine

>> No.10522219 [DELETED] 

Nintendo fans live in an alternate reality. There's like 10 Zelda threads on the catalog right now, and you get mad when people make threads about anything else.

>> No.10522226 [DELETED] 

In the catalog, not on. Common ESL mistake.

>> No.10522230

The corny pro environmental super Mario sunshine tv Ada didn't help either

>> No.10522236

Nah it has a lot of flaws but the bright cartoon graphics style is not one of them

>> No.10522245

That's what BoTW/ToTK is

>> No.10522257 [DELETED] 

No I'm 100% with you. I also don't like all the Zelda threads the shitposting janny makes

>> No.10522259

ugly fucking game that everyone claims looks decent

>> No.10522260 [DELETED] 

it would help if other games were at least on par with Zelda games in terms of quality

>> No.10522307

True. Its a good game though. Also like all sequels.

>> No.10522318

Yes. I want a fucking remake with more interesting shit in the ocean though and diving and exploring underwater depths. Doesnt have to be a giant ocean. Also OOT style dungeons and a lot if them with interesting gadgets in them.

>> No.10522417

Screenshots never did Wind Waker justice. The game's visuals are carried hard by how everything animates.

>> No.10522637

They have a non 4chan mission server, they're here to make us stop using no no words. They infect almost every community.

Through our complacency we let them rule us

>> No.10523637
File: 222 KB, 1920x1080, 1633733376962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, Wind Waker. I get a lot of requests for this one. Back when it was revealed, if you can believe this, everyone hated the graphics. The graphics are actually pretty cool, it's like you're playing a cartoon. But GODDAMN, if it's a cartoon it's like one played in slow motion! Link moves so SLOW on those stubby little legs of his... like a doped up snail covered in molasses. Getting in your boat is no better. If you're not going in the direction of the wind, you aren't going anywhere. So what do you do? Well first you open the menu... equip the rod... then you gotta hold the direction of the wind song, not time it like you'd THINK you have to do, then the game plays the exact same song you just played. THEN you can change direction, and watch Link confused at the sky every time. FUCK. Is all the song and dance really necessary?! It's an actual song and dance! And don't think you can avoid this, you'll need it to find the triforce pieces which are scattered all over the world... though good luck finding them, since it's all the same MS paint blue!

And even if you KNOW where they are, guess what? You can't see them unless you pay this fat little dwarf guy 400 bucks to tell you where they are. 400 bucks! And there's 8 pieces! This is worse than that guy who sold me those old Atari games! Now there's nothing wrong with triforce pieces, in the Legend of Zelda you had to find 8 of them too. But they were in dungeons, full of monsters and dead ends and this weird grumble grumble guy. Not a little kid's scavenger hunt! What were they THINKING!?

Wind Waker? More like SHIT TAKER! The wind isn't the only thing that blows! I'd rather get buried under Dodongo dung! I'd rather get manhandled by Manhandla! I'd rather dig my own grave with Digdogger!

>> No.10523964

It's not a coincidence that the threads are similar. Deleting threads and stealing thread ideas for maniacal shitpost versions of the same threads is what janny does. You can see other fresh examples of that looking at the desuarchive catalog for 2 sec
>gets deleted
>these two made right after
And here he is derailing a thread and literally announcing that he will do exactly that:
Obviously a janny trying to give himself an alibi for deleting a thread he doesn't like (fell flat because he's low-IQ and can't argue his way out of a paper bag). Of course his off-topic shitposts didn't get deleted

Janny wants to make his board look not dead while venting about Nintendo because his mom couldn't afford two consoles. This is exactly what it looks like

>> No.10524048

>The game that single-handedly doomed the Gamecube
Twilight Princess released on the same console, all people had to do was look at the screenshots on the box to see the "true" sequel to OOT/MM

>> No.10524052

>umm actually Nintendo fanbase HATED cartoony graphics
People keep saying that in regards to WW, but have you seen ANY fucking Nintendo games? How are they Nintendo fans if they hate this look

>> No.10524053

Yeah but the GameCube was pretty much a bust for Nintendo. Twilight Princess was delayed until the Wii launched in fall of 2006.

>> No.10524062

The wind changing mechanic could've been faster but it's good that it's there. It forces you to actually think where you're going instead of blindly heading towards something you saw in the distance. You plan your route so that you can get to all the places you want to go changing wind as few times as possible. It's neat, it's a very light survival mechanic where the limited resource you're spending to travel isn't food or fuel but your own time

>> No.10524184

>doomed the Gamecube
I played Melee longer than any PS2, Xbox or DC game. If this is doomed I like doomed

>> No.10524575
File: 240 KB, 1920x1080, 20231219052030_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The remake added Swift Sail, 2x sailing speed + no need to change the wind. Plus, you no longer have to pay out of the ass for the triforce hunt (the guy gives all locations for 201 rupees now). Just play the remake, it runs wonderfully on PC.

>> No.10524632

I'd like to see this game with a smaller ocean

>> No.10524879

i prefer the original for more than just nostalgias sake. windwaker is still the only 3d zelda where i actually wanted ruppees. no idea why youd want to take that entire thing away.

i just think sailing is interesting.

>> No.10524880

Id like to see the same ocean with interesting shit in it + giving link a diving suit.

>> No.10524887

I cannot for the life of me understand why they started doing this. every single game after OoT they have to treat you like youre 5 years old and you didnt JUST watch a cutscene showing you how to progress or where you need to go, with Fi or Midna popping out to tell you HEY STUPID, I WONDER WHAT [THING] DOES? LETS GO DO THAT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS

Its like they really took Arin Hanson's OoT playthrough and thought it was the plight of everyone that ever played a zelda game, so they needed to make it as hand-holdy as possible

>> No.10524896

This. I adore the Wind Waker's look and story but as a Zelda game it's a half-baked disappointment, lolsailing, lolstealth, baby-tier dungeons that seem thrown together, I don't know why they didn't just delay it a year and actually finish the damn thing. While I think the averse reaction to its artstyle was stupid I can't really blame people for shitting on it, they were right to expect better.

>> No.10524921

Guess why. Go on, guess.
>Aonuma: So, one of the interviewers who interviewed me on the recommendation of Mr. Kotabe was Mr. Shigeru Miyamoto. At the time of the interview, I showed him the artwork that I did during university, and Mr. Miyamoto liked them. That’s how I joined Nintendo in 1998.

>I thought I would be located in product package design or something like that. But I was placed in a game manufacturing department. I knew nothing about the game, so I had to ask my girlfriend what games Nintendo had made. But I didn’t even clear the “Mario” that I borrowed her and she was making fun of me saying, “You have slow reflexes.”

>And then she gave me “DQ”(Dragon Quest) and this time she made sure I played it right. I stayed up all night to play it and she kept by my side the whole time, coaching me like, “You need to go south five steps" and "Now go to the east four steps".

>> No.10524929

Nobody gives Twilight Princess enough shit for how fucking CLUNKY it feels compared to both OoT and Ōkami

>> No.10524931

SotC is boring as shit.

>> No.10524935

what's the best way to pirate it?

>> No.10524952
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For me the worse lighting is enough for me to just always want the original in addition to the original simply being easier to acquire and play

>> No.10524969

It's like they didn't understand that the contrast is a big part of what made the graphics so great.

>> No.10524976
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I've tried both, and ultimately settled on the remake. The original needs a lot of mods (Hypatia's HD texture pack, 16:9 widescreen patch, unreversed camera patch, swift sail patch), plus the Triforce stuff is till a shitshow, and the swift sail patch simply makes it so that you don't have to change the wind, you don't get the double speed modifier (because Gamecube simply can't load the islands that fast).

Also, the remake is far more accessible. You just literally download it directly from Nintendo's eShop servers, same as BOTW. Wi U's server access codes have been hacked lol, and Nintendo never cared to fix that.

>> No.10524978

well its just not actually cel shaded who knows why. maybe they re used another engine for a different game

>> No.10524980

WW original is far more accessible though.
I prefer the original. I dont like swift sail. I don't care about mods. I like the triforce hunt a lot. Im honestly clueless why so many people hate it. It was so cool. I used every sea chart getting money and exploring to get triforce charts. I replayed it and was blown away by the triforce hunt.

>> No.10524996
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To be perfectly honest, this take sounds mega contrarian. Farming thousands of rupees just to beat the story was fun to you?

And yeah, the OG needs quite a few mods to be on par with the remake. Unless you're playing on the real hardware of course. But on a modern screen, you'd definitely want the HD texture pack and the widescreen patch, at the very least. Granted, both are very polished and look basically official, no stretched HUD or anything. But the remake is good out of the box, you don't need any mods at all, very easy to install and play (esp if you already have Cemu set up for BOTW etc).

>> No.10525010

The original doesn't need mods either. I don't understand. WW is easy to play in both original hardware and dolphin.
Contrarian? Its just what I think
I enjoyed exploring in WW and felt more rewarded doing it than botw.

>> No.10525063

>wanting a HD texture pack
Someone post it

>> No.10525154

Wind Waker came out at a time when people were excited to see what new gen consoles were capable of.
Twilight Princess and Okami came out at a time when people had already seen everything that generation of consoles were capable of and were ready to see some different styles.
It's not about fans being fickle, it's about Nintendo being out of touch with current trends.

>> No.10525192

>I like the triforce hunt a lot. Im honestly clueless why so many people hate it.
I enjoyed it too, the first time. When it was an adventure.

but it's hated, I hate it now, because it's just a huge Pad, it's just a time sink, you get money by doing repetitive uninteresting things.

if the devs instead god rid of paying to decipher the charts, and made a new dungeon, OR TWO, would that be too much to ask- ,and involved the new content for acquiring shards, instead of what they did- ,cut a few of charts that need decipher, made it cheaper to decipher, and increased the wallet capacity, -it would have went A LONG WAY, toward improving the game.

>> No.10525198

>you'd definitely want the HD texture pack and the widescreen patch
shit like that isn't remotely what the game needs, it needs a friggin randomizer that starts you out on the ocean in a boat, no slow ass beginning segments, it's all non-linear, choose where to go, sail to where you need as you make progress. It's such a radical improvement that it's nutty that the game doesn't have that stuff by default, and that you have to mod it in manually yourself. It just *fits* and really reveals the game in its normal state to be the biggest drag, and a shit game.

>> No.10525240

>The game that single-handedly doomed the Gamecube
That and Mario Sunshine

>> No.10525283

This would have made the original game a 1000 times better but the bitching from the contingent of Zelda fans who freak out at any game of the series that deviates from the formula would be unbearable.

>> No.10525915
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>> No.10525920

The graphics were the only good part of this dumpster fire

>> No.10525983

Not WW though. If anything it filtered a lot of people because it was too open ended, people demanded more linear stuff and less open world stuff.

>> No.10526136
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It's a really good texture pack, it was made by an actual artist before the whole AI upscaling craze, it's arguably better than the remake's textures (which often have scaling artifacts lol).

More screenshots and download here:

>> No.10526189

I like both WW and TP, but I think the premise of this thread is at least partially correct. I don't think the GCN would have outsold the PS2 if TP and WW were swapped, but I do think it could have outsold the N64 and taken a decent chunk of sales from the Xbox and PS2. For salesfag purposes though, Nintendo was better off with TP being a Wii launch title to be the opposite of Wii Sports.

It might have sold them 20 million extra gamecubes, but it probably sold them 40 million extra Wiis.

>> No.10526482

I think you're wrong. GC sales didn't hinge on the Zelda. It hinged on n64. Playstation was such a success and ps2 was backwards compatible.

>> No.10526526

Pretty subtle, I like it. That one Majora's Mask pack was pretty good too and had the same method of repainting things by hand.
>it's arguably better than the remake's textures (which often have scaling artifacts lol)
The Wii U TP remake was the worst for this, looked like some waifu2x shit and made everyone look so derpy

>> No.10526623

I wanted wind waker to be good. I loved the art style. Then the game came out and was 90% boring ass sailing, everything would've been better than the ocean.
Worst part is the game didnt even capitalize on the "sail everywhere" gimmick since there wasnt any exciting islands to discover and it was linear as fuck and felt desolate and empty.
Its such a failure of a game.
I kept hoping the ocean will drain, the ocean will drain... it never drained.
Visiting that underwater hyrule castle felt like a fucking punch into the gut. As in "this is what nintendo is keeping from you"

>> No.10526658
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lol what are you talking about TP had even less to do on the overworld then WW did?

>> No.10526719
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>The Great Sea is 90% empty
This is a comment I see being made very often, and everytime I do, it just confuses me so much.

The sea in Wind Waker is by far one of the most impressive, content-rich open-world environments that I've ever seen in any video games. It's vastly superior in terms of depth and content to every other 3D zelda out there (excluding BOTW and TOTK), and to most modern open-world games like Skyrim, The Witcher, Red Dead Redemption. The only game that did it better, of course, is Breath of the Wild. In fact, in retrospect, I see TWW as some sort of proto-BOTW. Both games share a distinctive feature, which is the absence of a predefined path. You can venture in any direction, and there's always something to discover, a secret, a treasure, an island full of enemies, etc. Red De

If you think that the Great Sea is empty... then what, exactly, do you consider to be a video game world that isn't empty? I can't think of many games that do it better than Wind Waker. You can literally ride around in witcher 3 for 15 minutes and not encounter anything at all.

(also, the item gates are unironically a good thing, it makes exploring the same area more interesting because you can discover something new each time)

>> No.10526803

Are you kidding? WW's progression is entirely linear, you go from dungeon A to dungeon B and so on. And all the side content is item gated and thus pointless to engage with until you have the last tool from the semi-final dungeon (and at that point, do you really need all those extra heart pieces, the game is far too easy anyway). That's kind of the thing they decided to fix in BOTW by, you know, doing the complete opposite of what WW did, so no, WW is not a "proto-BOTW", that whole notion is ridiculous.

As for the content density, yeah it's 90% empty, all the islands are tiny and separated by miles and miles of open water. It's like this because that's the kind of "open world" you could do with Gamecube's hardware limitations. The remake tries to fix this by letting you sail twice as fast, but it only highlights how empty the game's world is. WW is likely the lowest on content 3D Zelda game ever made, which is unsurprising really as it was developed in only 18 months.

>> No.10526950

>Are you kidding? WW's progression is entirely linear, you go from dungeon A to dungeon B and so on.
Yeah, just like 80% of zelda games out there until BOTW came out

>And all the side content is item gated and thus pointless to engage with
This is just blatantly false lmao, by the time you have access to the open world, you alrady have the grappling hook, the bombs and the leaf, and there's plenty of content you can access without any of those. You can climb the towers of enemies, there are islands you can explore, treasures to find, and more.

>do you really need all those extra heart pieces, the game is far too easy anyway
That is the only legitimate criticism, the game is indeed too easy. There's not much of an actual incentive to complete quests other than for the pleasure of completing them. But once again, that's the same as every other 3d zelda, they've always been too easy, and this time this includes BOTW as well.

>> No.10526957

I always wondered if that Link statue you can make in Majora was parodying this art style.

>> No.10526963

>There's not much of an actual incentive to complete quests other than for the pleasure of completing them. But once again, that's the same as every other 3d zelda, they've always been too easy, and this time this includes BOTW as well.
Both TP and BOTW (not retro though, so won't elaborate) are much harder than WW. TP in particular has the most complex combat in the series with many unlockable sword moves, I remember struggling with Darknuts a lot on my 1st playthrough. In WW you basically just mash, and press A when the parry prompt comes up.

>> No.10526968

>As for the content density, yeah it's 90% empty, all the islands are tiny and separated by miles and miles of open water.
Yeah the islands are separated by open water. But there's plenty of stuff in the open water.

There are rays of light that shoot up from the sea which will give you a treasure if you use the grappling hook. There are also treasures that are not shown, but that you can find using the treasure map. There are towers of bokoblins you can explore and attack. There are also enemies that will attack you in the sea at night. There's also the giant octopus that you can stumble unto by accident. There's the fish guy who will draw the map for you. There's beedle shop ship. There's a ghost ship. I could go on and on.

My favourite part though, is the minigame that activates once you've sailed for a while. Barrels will appear with a rupee in between them. If you get the rupee, a new set of barrels with a rupee of higher value will appear further away, and so on. You can try slaloming inbetween them to get money. It's such a simple minigame but it always gives you something to do when you sail. It's that Nintendo touch that makes the difference.

By contrast, in OOT for example, I never found myself exploring the overworld, because it's pretty much empty. It only serves as a hub to get from one place to the another. Same thing with TP.

And same things with 80% of "open-world games" out there. As I've said earlier, in Red Dead, you can literally ride around on your horse for a long while without encountering anything. And when you do, it's not really interesting. You talk to some guy and he gives a quest to go talk to some other guy... basically that's it.

So once again, I have to ask: what, exactly, do you consider to be a video game world that isn't empty?

>> No.10526978
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>Both TP and BOTW (not retro though, so won't elaborate) are much harder than WW. TP in particular has the most complex combat in the series with many unlockable sword moves
Is it? I never saw much of a difference. I completed the game having died maybe 2 or 3 times, most of those happened in the cave of ordeals, that "gauntlet" section where the enemies get harder and harder. Same as in TWW, pretty much.

>> No.10527216

>cemented Nintendo’s "kiddy" image
Dude, everything they did before and after cemented it. The only edgy move from them was Capcom 5 and Fatal Frame

>> No.10527234

this idea that TP is the true game for hardcore gamers is insane revisionism. i was a literal baby who got both around the same time and i dropped wind waker for being too hard for me but i managed to beat TP. on replay both games are a joke difficulty wise

WW and TP are decent games. they are both filled with so many different pros and cons that neither can be ranked higher consistently. They are a duology similar to OoT and MM. except they are two sides of the same coin of being a step down generally and unfinished.

WW and TP should not have been made and nintendo should have dedicated that time and effort on a single well polished zelda game for that time. But they were absurdly Zelda hungry in the 2000s in the wake of OoT praise. IT hurt them in the end I think.

IT is my opinion that the development of those two zelda games should have been combined into one game
called the Wind Waker.
Because its themes and plot are stronger and more interesting.

>> No.10527270

I guess I was ahead of the curve then because even at the age of 10 or however old I was when this came out I was completely over the whole edgy "childish = bad, adult = good" phase and I appreciated WW for doing something bold and different. And I was right, because Wind Waker is revered in hindsight, while Twilight Princess with its contemporary graphics and more serious tone is just dated.

>> No.10527301

WW was one of the only games I ever beat 100%. Unironically the best 3d Zelda game.

>> No.10527309

>this idea that TP is the true game for hardcore gamers is insane revisionism.
In what way is it revisionist when that was a common talking point at the time? Or could you just not think of another word to use? It's plain fact that the contemporary opinion was that Wind Waker was the casual option compared to Twilight Princess. It may well be a shitty take, based on nothing more than visual style, but that doesn't amount to revisionism.

>> No.10527319

because i remember it being talked about as being easy anyway even back then but I don't really care who even cares

>> No.10527327

sorry i just get triggered by people inserting arbitrary buzzwords into their post

>> No.10527342

im just going off my hazy memories of the retarded forum wars that i saw. its not really the crux of my post anyway. actually im just a retard. you're right.

>> No.10527367

okay that looks alright

>> No.10528434

The intro is one of the coolest things in any Zelda game imo. Wind Waker also on my list of top 5 Nintendo soundtracks.


>> No.10528498

I was 10 years old for Ocarina of Time and thus in theory the perfect age for it, but I ended up preferring Wind Waker even though I was in my edgy teen years when it first came out.

>> No.10528507

>a game released four years earlier was parodying Wind Waker’s art style


>> No.10529451

The triforce hunt in this game was such bullshit, 100% padding.

>> No.10529474
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>> No.10530558

I look like this and say this.

>> No.10530635

This time period really was the worse with this shit. And we've never really recovered from it either, people still want gritty hyperrealism bullshit. We will never escape this stupid mindset

>> No.10530683

I really like the music in this fight. Keith Emerson vibes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3bKST166Ho

>> No.10530701

Wind Waker was the "emperor has no clothes" moment for Nintendo. People saw the graphics and called it out as looking like a super easy game for small babies, and then despite the journos going "you don't know that, it's not out yet!", being proven right that it was in fact a super easy game for small children. It was Nintendover