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File: 64 KB, 267x373, Tales_of_Symphonia_case_cover (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10519515 No.10519515 [Reply] [Original]

Why was this game so damn popular when it came out? I tried playing it recently and it's so by the numbers. The writing is childish and very by the books. It's the typical save the day plot. The characters are one dimensional. You have the leader, the nice girl, the bratty kid, etc. The combat is a poor man's version of Smash Bros.

It's so boring and a very generic RPG and a very pretentious RPG that thinks it's deeper than it is

>> No.10519543

The combat blows kingdom hearts out of the fucking ocean

>> No.10519545

one of the worst rpgs ive ever played. do not listen to cubefags when they tell you about tales and baten kaitos.

>> No.10519549

are all jarpigs are pretty much the same, some just have better marketing

>> No.10519568

'pretentious' is itself a very pretentious buzzword for people who think they're smarter than they really are. you're not 'above it all' actually, dumbass

>> No.10519570

Because its one of only a handful of jrpgs in the gamecube, and ranks among th3 better ones

>> No.10519582

>better ones
thats just sad.

>> No.10519625

Reminder to DO NOT play the remaster, they fucking locked it to 30FPS and has yet to reverse this decision in all the patch fixes they done.

>> No.10519629

at least it's not the N64, where it had no JRPGs, kek.

>> No.10519631


>> No.10519646

>The writing is childish and very by the books. It's the typical save the day plot.

How far did you get into it? It's a rambling, convoluted plot that starts off seeming simpler than it is. I don't think a person who played only the first bit of it and hated it would learn to like it from playing the rest, mind you - I'm not contesting your claim that it's bad. It just seems weird to see somebody calling it "by the books" rather than "convoluted". Or do you consider those two phrases to mean the same thing in the context of JRPGs? I could see that.

>> No.10519739

The N64 had some good JRPGs like
>Paper Mario
>Holy Magic Century
>Shiren the Wanderer 2
>Super Robot Wars 64
>Ogre Battle 64

>> No.10519751

it does have a better lineup. shiren 2 is an actual certified gem.

>> No.10519756

Lloyd is just a likeable idiot.
Good combat.
Story is good/decent enough to make you want to figure out what's going on.

>> No.10519794

Name another jrpg on the GC at the time that had any real recognition to it.
There's your answer.

>> No.10519808

>they fucking locked it to 30FPS and has yet to reverse this decision in all the patch fixes they done.
That's because they rewrote the game's engine for PS2 and didn't keep the source code for the GC version. They'd have to remake Symphonia at this point for it to run at 60 fps.

>> No.10519809

I'm gonna be honest, when I was that age I bought any game that said it had "anime cutscenes" on the back of the box. Sometimes that massively backfired which is how I got Orphen for PS2, but sometimes I got games like this.

>> No.10519824

>The writing is childish and very by the books. It's the typical save the day plot.
>modern man is so demoralized that he regards the very notion that the day could be saved as a childish fantasy
What is modern man but a tragedy?

>> No.10519842

>Why was this game so damn popular when it came out?
Was it? I hadn't heard of it

>> No.10519851

You don't like it because JRPGs are for children and you're trying to play it as an adult.

I played it when I was 12 and it was kino.

>> No.10519853

Lol I had this phase too which is why I bought Conception II: Children if the Seven Stars. I Iearned an important lesson that day

>> No.10519864

They make JRPGs for adults you just have limited horizons. Not like other retro game genres are much more mature anyways

>> No.10519890

The only one which applies for RPG is Quest 64 (HMC) and it's quite possible the worst RPG ever

>> No.10519896

>i don't like jrpgs
>hmm i know i will play a jrpg...wtf why don't i like it?

>> No.10519937


>> No.10519947

Honestly I'm surprised how often it favored me instead of not.

>> No.10519956

While this game came out a year prior, Thousand-Year Door came out pretty much just a few months after it in america. There was also Pokémon Colosseum

>> No.10519960

I dunno, I just liked the big titty ninja

>> No.10519963

It is, simply stated, the best RPG ever made.

>myriad story routean'
>freezing enemies with the sorcercer's ring and lootan'

If I recall right, Lloyd is not even that important but storywise. Like he never has any 1v1 battles, so it's one of the more loose RPGs where you can train the other heroes while just letting Lloyd die every battle (so he doesn't eat EXP).

Name a better RPG than Tales of Symphonia GameCube. You can't.

>> No.10519971

>he never has any 1v1 battles
The one against Kratos near the end?

>> No.10519972

>good JRPGs like Paper Mario

>> No.10520310
File: 2.21 MB, 1920x1080, camera KH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was good
-not a bishonen visual kei protagonist
-fun and charming characters
-beautiful drawing engine and environments
-did things Final Fantasy was way too stupid to do yet, like a good replacement for random encounters
>action combat where you have to position and react in real time instead of 3 niggas in a row

Yes retard lol

Kingdom Hearts has just button mashing combat and some of the worst camera ever made that tries crawling up your ass the whole time

>> No.10520319

Most people love it. Must suck being an ugly outsider ghoul with no friends

>> No.10520323

If you really care why it's so good, check its Wikipedia in 5 seconds

Shit thread made by anti-GameCube-kun (a janny Sonic fag)
Only retards or samefags bumping below this line:


>> No.10520328

People love Tales of the Abyss and it has much better and tighter design than TofA and not half the bracktracking. Enemy AI also isn't as buggy and it has no shitty free run. Maybe the series just isn't for you. Happens

>> No.10520394
File: 3.99 MB, 960x640, chrono cross.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it was good and not aggressively timewasting like almost all other JRPs at the time. Also the first Tales to get rid of random encounters

>> No.10520708

No retard lol.

Tales has just button mashing combat. KH actually feels like an action game.

>> No.10520728

Kingdom Sharts looks more gay Tales of Symphonia overall so the combat is definitely worse

>> No.10520829

because you can make all the female characters wear swimsuits in fights

>> No.10521543

thises. it had lots of talented people working on it (none of them still with namco funnily enough)


>> No.10521547

The best thing isn't even that it's an amazing game but that you could play it with your bro on the couch. It's like watching an interactive (not cringy as fuck) anime together

>> No.10522293


>> No.10522308

He said on 4chan

>> No.10522345

well, yo uthink it's "by the numbers, childish, by the books"
compared to what games?

>> No.10522653

You won't be able to understand the appeal as an adult if you already played similar games and have been exposed too much.
Typical JRPG back then was turn based, full of random encounters and often had a more standardized presentation with the visuals. It wasn't like the Tales games where the developers deliberately made the games as close to "anime" as possible with the visuals, gameplay, storyline and all that voicework.
For that reason, I thought ToS was a step up as a kid. It was like playing an interactive anime. The gameplay was something different and characters were entertaining. Looking back, I still think it's good but I wouldn't really want to play it again after knowing I didn't care for Berseria's animeshit.

>> No.10523150
File: 49 KB, 540x742, e277aab9f614409e4ce705b7a696ac02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10523224

I will now play your game