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1051867 No.1051867[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Name a game that you find over-rated.

For me, it's Super Mario World. I grew up playing all the original Mario games on the NES. In 1990, Super Mario Bros 3 blew me away! It was exciting, fun and shocking. I couldn't wait to play Super Mario World when it was released the following year.

Super Mario World was a very good game, but I found it super boring at times. The game was repetitive. I couldn't tell each new area on the map apart—they all were too similar! And don't get me started on those slow-paced cave levels. *Shrugs* The slow and repetitive music also failed to keep me captivated like the other Mario games.

Overall, Super Mario World has the perfect title, because there is only ONE world that you can explore. Super Mario Bros 3 gave me eight different worlds to explore—each of them unique and different, and for their time, each design could have been its very own NES game!

I give Super Mario World a 8/10. Good game, but didn't blow me away like Mario 3.

So tell me /vr/! You wanna debate it? What games did you find over-rated?

>> No.1051889 [DELETED] 

Oh, so Vanilla Dome, Forest of Illusion, and Valley of Bowser all look alike and aren't unique in any way? Oh... I must have been playing a romhack or something. Woops.

>> No.1051891

SMB3 is more discrete and challenging. The levels seem less sporadic and more to the point.

>> No.1051897

SMW was my first video game so I love it to this day. It had a metric ton of secrets - some of them very hard to find, nice music and a lot of variety - different zone, different rules.


Overrated: pretty much all retro jRPGs that saw a western release (FF's, Dragon Quests etc. etc.). Ultra primitive combat systems, linearity, zero difficulty and juvenile stories could only appeal to my younger self.

(This doesn't include SRPGs)

>> No.1051898


I would say those areas you mentioned are very similar. I noticed you could only name three places, though?

Question! How many worlds are in Super Mario World?

>> No.1051903 [DELETED] 

>on a train
>just finished Burroughs' Queer
>kindle running out of charge
>pop into /vr/
>ctrl+f 'sevenshit'

surprise, surprise, shitposting!

>> No.1051905

You see the same kind of levels reused over and over.

>> No.1051907

the only game that didnt live up to the hype for me is oot

it wasnt bad but it wasnt as good as zelda 1 and 2 or awakening

>> No.1051910

>Question! How many worlds are in Super Mario World?
8?(Including Star World)

>> No.1051909

Yes exactly. Compared to LttP OoT's over world was like a level hub.

>> No.1051912

Mario World and Mega Man 3 had a similar effect on me. They're awesome games, but I had enjoyed the previous one so much from start to finish that almost anything would be a letdown.

>> No.1051913
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All Sonic games. The platforming was just frustrating to me. I guess I just never got it

>> No.1051914

get good fag

>> No.1051915


There was only one world in Super Mario World. It had giant map that you moved around on, and similar level designs were used over and over. Mario 3 had eight different worlds, however.

>> No.1051916 [DELETED] 

The Yage Letters was better, still not as good as Junkie though.

>> No.1051917


Did you find Mega Man 3 to be too easy compared to Mega Man 2?

>> No.1051921

Oh yeah good point. Guess I never thought about it like that. Areas did change after beating each castle but they aren't really worlds.

>> No.1051928

While not horribly so, I always found Fallout 2 a little overrated. Maybe it's just me going back to my NMA days, but I really liked the focus of Fallout 1. There weren't any places that felt extraneous and I got a pretty decent understanding of how all the towns connected to each other, each making sense in the setting (for the most part). Fallout 2 had a huge world with lots to do, but it lacked the cohesiveness that I felt from Fallout 1 and also gave way to a couple of strange canonical things (like talking deathclaws). Of course, then Fallout 3 happened.

>> No.1051929


Area 3 was the worse. Going through that cave is a nightmare of boredom and repetitiveness.

>> No.1051938 [DELETED] 
File: 423 KB, 1211x947, mario-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Look at all that variety!


>> No.1051940

there were plenty of similar-looking levels in SMB3. 5-1 looks just like a World 1 level, and most of the underwater levels were similar.

That being said, I do prefer SMB3 to SMW, but there was definitely variety in SMW, especially the gimmicks of the Star and Special worlds.

>> No.1051942
File: 423 KB, 1211x947, mario-world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow! Look at all that variety!


>> No.1051943

No, actually it took me longer to figure out the boss weaknesses. After that it was pretty fun.

I just wasn't as wowed overall by the sub-bosses and Wily level bosses as I was in 2 when it was all new.

>> No.1051946
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>> No.1051947

4 and 7 look real similar in overworld. So do 3 and 9.

>> No.1051952

>couldn't tell each level apart
>on super mario world

I am not ragging on Super Mario Bros 3, I loved it, but it was basically same shit, different level, everytime. From the same brown color, to the repetitive placing of blocks, it was the least varying title in the Mario series. The only variations were water levels, which never were entertaining to me. Most of their levels made use of the same 3 songs, and that doesn't get repetitive at all?

>smb3 gave me 8 worlds!
Which over half of the game could be skipped, and each level could literally be 10 seconds long.

What difference does it make if they are completely different sections? Does 8 different worlds verses 8 different sections on the map really make all of the levels more appealing or something? No, it doesn't. Calling it worlds makes the amount of levels SOUND bigger, but their levels are so spread out and short, it might as well be on a map. Seriously, if SMB3 were able to use the 'map' feature as used in SMW, it would probably be seen as shorter.

If anything, Super Mario Bros 3 is over rated, but deserves to be.

>> No.1051953


So you can only name one level? All of the water levels' designs were altered to fit the theme of each world. Also, world 5-1 was noticeably different from the levels of world one.

>> No.1051956

In what way?

4-4 also looked rather similar to 5-1 and the World 1 levels. They reused the desert level theme for a few levels in World 7, as well as having a water level like that in World 7. 7-3 is really close to 1-2, too.

>> No.1051957


Each world in Mario 3 had a different theme. Grass, Desert, Water, Giants, Clouds, Ice, Pipes and Fire.

There are no different worlds in Super Mario World. There are only different areas that use the same kind of levels over and over.

>> No.1051959

Always thought forest of illusion looks like Bowser's claw and vanilla dome looks like Peach's head(with the red ! being an earring).

>> No.1051960


The theme of world 7 was pipes. Rather than all the pipe levels being based around grassy areas or inside caves, adding the desert background was just another element to prevent each world in Mario 3 from looking too similar.

>> No.1051961

Completely agree about SMW. I never got what people saw in it. I consider SMB3 superior in every aspect.

As for overrated games, I would say Link to the Past is up there for me. Maybe it's because I played it after OoT and LA, but I found LA to be the superior 2D Zelda in every single way, and much more enjoyable.

>> No.1051962

I like Mario World but I agree, its levels feel bland and boring. If I were to try and describe it, I'd say they feel too "earthly". The donut plains, caverns of vanilla dome, chocolate island...they really aren't all that whimsical at all, they just seem kind of dry.

>> No.1051963

I'd like to agree, but I can't say I've gotten far enough in the game to judge it. I just couldn't get into it and quit really early, so the game could've gotten better partway through.

>> No.1051964

My problem with SMB3 is that it has way too many auto scrolling levels, which I hate. NO matter how good you are, you can't really go through the levels more quickly, which makes them really annoying to play through.

>> No.1051967


>> No.1051965

ALttP gets better as it goes, admittedly. Once you hit Skeleton Woods/Thieve's Town in the Dark World the gameplay gets a lot more interesting. It still feels really bland and uninspired compared to Link's Awakening, though. That game is a masterpiece.

>> No.1051968

Majora's Mask is overrated as fuck on the internet. The game is pretty good but not that great

>> No.1051971

I found SM3 to be bland and boring compared to SMW.

>> No.1051972

SMB3's scrolling levels were incredibly well designed though, because they were filled with secret coin blocks/1-ups or respawning enemies you could keep bouncing on for points. So basically the entire level was a series of screens where you were trying to accomplish a mini-objective before the screen scrolled past it.

That's classic Miyamoto design for you.

>> No.1051974
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Totally! And how about those awesome airship levels? Do the boring castle boss levels from Super Mario World even compare? And that gosh-awful music that plagues those castle levels. *Urgh*

On the airships, you would dodge cannon blasts and bullets all while the screen would pan up and down, left and right, to create the ultimate experience. And the music kicked butt. So exciting!

No wonder Nintendo used the airships for Super Mario Galaxy, and even kept the same music!

>> No.1051975

i can name a few.
world 1 level 2 looked similar to world 1 level 1. world 1 level 3 looked similar to world 1 level 2. world 1 level 4 looked similar to world 1 level 3. the list just grows, doesn't it? i would love to see you list levels in smw that used similar level design. i personally cannot think of any, because i played the levels to the end, and not just through the starting area.

>> No.1051979

The airships were cool, but I didnt like how it was basically the same thing at the end of every world. Got kind of old

>> No.1051981

>I consider SMB3 superior in every aspect.
Is it because it was easier?

>> No.1051980

Except by it's superb controls, all other SMB games are better than SMW. That's why I spent most of my time playing the SMW mods like Vip Marios, they're the greatest Mario's experience on SNES after Yoshi's island.

>> No.1051984


Mario World is way too easy. Every time I play Mario World, within 1 hour I'm already at the end with over 80 lives. Seriously? Why does Mario World have to give us soooo many extra lives?

>> No.1051990


I've played through Super Mario World tons of times. It's a good game, I admit. But the levels designs are very repetitive. The cave levels are perhaps the worse. If you seen one of them, you've seen them all, and they totally plague the game.

>> No.1051991

>And that gosh-awful music that plagues those castle levels.
I completely disagree there. I also think the castle levels were one of the few things SMW did pretty well. They were a bit less repetitive than the airships, and each one offered a unique challenge. Most of the airships did as well, but not to the same extent. Though the best levels in SMW were optional fortresses, like the one with all the saws. I don't understand why the mandatory levels weren't better than they were.

Also, one note about SMW's music compared to SMB3's is that all of SMW's tracks are variations on one theme. This was intentional by Kondo to fit in with the more interconnected world of SMW, so he made heavy use of a single motif that permeated all the game's tracks.

While I can understand why he went with that approach, it also contributes to another reason why I find SMW lacking in comparison to SMB3. It highlights its blandness, because not only do many levels look the same, but the entire game sounds very similar too. It's a single world with multiple regions, whereas in SMB3, you felt like you were on a huge adventure, traveling across multiple, wildly different kingdoms on a grand journey. SMB3's soundtrack was also varied enough to reflect that, and I enjoyed its music much more.

Hell, the music was so great in SMB3 Kondo even rearranged some of it for use in ALttP


I also think that, despite SMW's interconnectedness, SMB3 actually did overworld maps better in general.

>> No.1051997

SMW was much, much easier. It had a jump that makes you essentially invincible and infinite flight through use of a common item. SMB3 may have had infinite flight as well, but it was a very limited resource in comparison. Not to mention how much Yoshis break the game.

>> No.1051994

>fire flower and feather don't give you a third chance? what the fuck its about as useful as a mushroom!
>awh, i don't like this level. i think i will skip it just like i could in smb3! wtf no cloud and whistle this game is shit
>what, more than fucking 5 enemies to get used to? im done!

>> No.1051995

Final Fantasy 7.

>> No.1052001


Exactly. Very well said. Super Mario World only had one world to explore, while like you so nicely put it, Mario 3 was like going on a huge adventure, spanning eight different worlds.

So their goal was to make the music similar? You mean they actually did that on purpose? O.o Yikes!

I only disagree with one thing. I thought the airships were exciting. Plus if you lost, it would travel elsewhere on the map. I thought that was wicked awesome that you would have to chase it.

>> No.1052004

Who are you quoting? Stop shitposting.

Also, SMB3 had far more enemy variety, and being able to skip levels was a reward for skillful play and finding secrets. SMW had the same thing going on with its multiple exits.

>> No.1052013

SMB3's levels are too short and the only worlds with any difficult levels are 7 and 8. I don't get why people seem to think that's it's way more difficult than World. they're both easy games, but World with it's many secret exits holds more challenge than 3 IMO.

>> No.1052010


It took me weeks to complete Mario 3. I got Super Mario World from my parents back in 1991 and I beat it the next day. They were like, you already beat it?! Sadly, the Super Mario World experience was over for me before it started. Mario 3 lasted so much longer.

>> No.1052017
File: 140 KB, 600x429, what the fuck is this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1052015

>So their goal was to make the music similar? You mean they actually did that on purpose?
Yep. Like I said, I can understand why he would do that, and it was actually pretty clever and really fit with the nature of the game. Kondo did something similar with Majora's Mask as well, making the themes for the game's major regions variations on Majora's Theme to really drive home how much Majora was affecting the world itself.

Kondo's a brilliant guy. Though I think he's at his best when he's composing short, catchy melodies, like the early SMB themes or OoT's warp songs.

>> No.1052016


Also, what was harder to find? The warp whistles? Or the hidden star paths?

It's really no contest, is it?

>> No.1052019

I guarantee you didn't find all 96 exits in a day, unless you cheated and used a strategy guide

>> No.1052021

SMW's levels are too long and lack focus. SMB3's levels are the perfect length for completing the execution of whatever their specific gameplay element is. They are bite-sized, super focused levels that each explore one idea. SMW lacks this degree of focus, which is another reason why I find it to be a huge mixed bag of a game.

Also, the fact that Mario has weight in SMB3 and it places much more importance on keeping your momentum like in the original SMB makes it a bit more challenging than World, just in its fundamental gameplay mechanics. One of the worst aspects of World is the physics.

>> No.1052024

Yeah, no contest at all. Easily the warp whistles.

>> No.1052025


Yeah, Ocarina of Time's soundtrack was brilliant. Not only the music, but the sound effects in that game were amazing. Ocarina of Time is another game that blew me away.

I agree that the similar music definitely fit the rest of the game! I understand if that's what they were going for, but I personally like more variety in a Mario game.

What did you think of the soundtrack for the original Metroid and Zelda?

>> No.1052027


I didn't find all the exits in one day. I got close, though. Way over half of them.

>> No.1052030

>What did you think of the soundtrack for the original Metroid and Zelda?
Both were excellent. Zelda 1's dungeon theme kicks the shit out of the ALttP dungeon themes any day.

Metroid was just a champion of sound design in general, let alone the actual music. It was one of the first video games to establish an atmosphere so well on such limited hardware. It's completely amazing what they did with it, especially compared to other games of the area. The use of silence in a lot of tracks was way ahead of its time.

>> No.1052040

>So tell me /vr/! You wanna debate it?
>g-guys please take my b8
>hehehehe i love offending people's cherished childhood games

>> No.1052039


Is it me, or did a lot of the music on the SNES sound 'dull' compared to the NES games? Like Mario All-Stars is a prime example. The graphics and music was supposed to be improved to SNES standards, yet the original NES games looked and sounded far better!

In my opinion, the early SNES days were over-rated. Except for a few titles here and there, the SNES didn't become hot until about 1994-1996. What do you think?

>> No.1052041

>stop shitposting
>who are you quoting epic meme
How is that shitposting, when those are all things that were actually in the game? What, are mentioning elements of two games now banished from 4chan? It is discussion of the game, from a different viewpoint.

I don't believe that it true, SMW had most of the same enemies from SMB3, plus extra enemies that were appropriate for the level.

You can literally find 2 whistles in the first 2 worlds alone, which is what, 20 levels, 10 minutes maybe, then HELLO BOWSER.

The hidden star paths, actually. You had to complete multiple levels secret exits to get to them, and to even use the path to teleport, you had to beat a levels secret exit, which made use of blocks which only appear if you find other secrets throughout the world and trigger those, and even then when you go through the tunnel you had to complete the levels that lead to portal pipe in the area you wanted to teleport to.

Compare that to SMB3, and all you have to do is hold down on the only silver block in the level, or use the hammer in the top right wall of the overworld, and boast to your friends about how you destroyed bowser in one day.

>> No.1052049

Glossing over the castles, ghost houses, bridge levels in the skies... there are still water levels, ice levels, fire levels, etc. Star world levels, grass levels, water top levels, cave levels, the sunken boat level.

The design between them shares distinct similaries, but the variety is still there.

>> No.1052054


The warp whistles were almost cryptic to locate. Especially the one were you stand on the white block. That one was almost impossible to find.
I found all the star paths in SMW without any trouble at all. I only found one warp whistle on my own, though.

True, the warp whistles let you skip ahead to ANY world. This is keeping Mario's roots alive, as the original Mario Bros also featured warps.
It should be noted that the star paths are also used to skip ahead to Bowser extremely early in SMW. So both Mario 3 and Mario World feature wraps of the same nature.

As far as playing straight the game, Mario 3 is harder. Super Mario World gives you far too many extra lives. I'm high in the double digits by the end of area 1. Plus Yoshi almost breaks the game.

>> No.1052060


>implying that isn't possible beat SMW in 10 or 12 minutes reaching the star road by donut plains secret routes and then finish the game warping to bowser castle

>> No.1052071
File: 165 KB, 820x1428, 543779567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would love to see you beat the game 10 or 12 minutes using Star World. They weren't meant to be skips, but shortcuts back to where you came from. You have to beat the secret levels that lead the the star to even use the teleporter.

>> No.1052072


>> No.1052076


You can't beat Super Mario 3 in 12 minutes, either. The difference is the warp in Mario 3 takes you to the last world. So if you go early, you end up unprepared without any items! So it doesn't help you all that much.

In Super Mario World, the warp takes you right to Bowser's front door...

>> No.1052078
File: 93 KB, 640x400, ultima-vii-the-black-gate_35.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a bad game but people pretend it's perfect and other skip the direct predecessors in their wake which is bad because they are great games and knowing them improves the experience for 7.
It changed many aspects of the series for the worse. The world is severely shrunken, limited to two levels and dungeons in particular are constricted in the mountains. The inventory is a huge annoyance with quest items seemingly disappearing under mountains of stuff. The combat becomes chaotic. Game elements like line of sight are removed or dumbed down. The story though amazing feels incomplete and rushed.

>> No.1052082
File: 4 KB, 256x224, smw_frontdoor_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah you can finish this game with skipping most of it but I wouldn't necessarily consider that beating the game. Just like people who do speedruns of Ocarina and go straight to end. What's the point of even playing the game if you're going to skip 95% of it.

>> No.1052084


By the time you warp to Bowser's fortress in Mario World, you already have 50 lives.

By the time you warp to world 8 in Super Mario 3, you would have a single mushroom power-up and be expected to complete every level of the game's hardest world.

It's no contest.

>> No.1052085

Ultima in general is forced as fuck.

>> No.1052089

i fucking HATE the camera perspective in ultima, I feel like I'm going to fall over or throw up when I see screens of it

>> No.1052090

All I know is they fucked up super mario bros because Mario's head goes through the blocks when they break instead of bouncing off them.

>> No.1052092


The picture you showed is a GAME-BREAKING warp. Clearly. Super Mario Bros 3 has no such warp like the one you just showed, because facing world 8 without any power-ups is arguably harder than completing several worlds to collect power-ups, first.

But yeah, I agree. That warp in Mario World and Ocarina sucks. >.<

>> No.1052095

It's sort of top-down isometric which is completely wrong.
Makes me feel sick.

>> No.1052106

what is even the point of this thread. this is like something that would show up on /v/. why make a thread about overrated games, which encourages arguments, when you could make a thread about underrated games where people could discover new shit? although OP at least seemed to be civil about it so that's good, i suppose.

>> No.1052107
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>> No.1052113


Hi there! Thanks for saying I was civil about it! Haha

Well it would be nice to discuss games one thinks is over-rated without any arguments, yes? Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between an argument and a discussion, though. After all, we can't feel each other's emotions through the screen! Haha

But right on! Why don't you start the thread for us, anon? Under-rated video games? :)

>> No.1052118

i could tell what you wanted from this thread was legitimate discussion, and to be honest it seems like some of that is definitely going on, but it's inevitable that this kind of thread will eventually devolve into shit flinging and people getting upset. also i would but i wouldn't know how to start it/what game to start it with.

>> No.1052120


Why don't you choose a game that YOU think is under-rated? That way, others may discover it and/or give an opinion and/or add a game to the list they think is under-rated. Also, you could find an awesome screen shot of the game to add legitimacy to your thread. Sounds like a good way to start the thread to me! :)

>> No.1052129
File: 626 KB, 1464x3776, 54357486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To even get to Bowser you would need to find both the green and red blocks.

>50 lives
Nice try, but I would love to see you do that. SMB3 is easier because of its inventory storage. By the time you DID amass the 2 whistles, you would have all of pic related items (not shown whistle and cloud). You cannot horde items in SMW, you can carry an extra mushroom or fire flower, but you would still only get the amount of hits you would get in SMB3 to die, and even then you would have to go out of your way to grab the floating item.

>> No.1052131


apparently someone doesnt know of the top secret level that allows you to get a yoshi and then 1-up mushrooms from there on out.

>> No.1052134


Not true. You don't need those green and red blocks. I never use them in Star Road. I always grab the blue Yoshi and just fly there. (The blue Yoshi you get on Star Road.) So again, Yoshi breaks the game.

And that's the point we are trying to make about the inventory in SMB3. If you grabbed the first two whistles and warped off to world 8, you would be screwed, because you wouldn't have any inventory! Beating the game's hardest world without any power-ups would be very hard.

Most every level in SMW is riddled with extra lives. And on top of that, there's all kinds of bonus stages that feed you even more lives.

>> No.1052141


The first two warp whistles are in the first 4 levels of the game, dude...

>> No.1052145



Plus you can repeat levels in SMW to gain extra lives. You can't do this in SMB3.

Mario 3 is clearly the harder of the two games.

>> No.1052147

The best part about SMW are the controls. Mario moves on a dime and it feels amazing to play

>> No.1052154


Master of Orion 2 is ridiculously overrated, IMO.

Most of the traits are totally worthless, there's really one clear path you want to research along every game, and the antarans are less "cosmic menace" and "ooh, when can I get a raid to try for some game breaking tech?"

I mean, Civ 2 and Master of Magic were WAY better, but to this day, you see a lot more of MOO 2 diehards.

>> No.1052152


Yeah, I definitely agree with that! Even though I prefer SMB3, I definitely admit that Super Mario World had awesomely tight controls. Flying with the cape was pretty fun, too.

>> No.1052160

Those fucking GBC Zelda games. They're ugly and shitty. Yet people on this board act like those games are better than Phantom Hourglass and/or Spirit Tracks? No goddamn way. Just because something is "retro" doesn't automagically make it good.

>> No.1052161


Any time you load your game though, you would lose every life except for 5. Many levels were made in mind for Yoshi, it isn't breaking the level, it just isn't something that I have ever tried.

In the last picture, it showed me with a flower, a leaf, a frog, a super p, etc. You could beat Bowser in one life, too.

I had no idea, but thank you for affirming that you can get to Bowser much quicker than I had first believed.

You don't have to repeat levels in SMB3, you just get bombarded with 1-ups.

>> No.1052170


It doesn't matter, because there is a level in SMW that gives you unlimited lives. You can literally rank up 99 lives in a matter of minutes.

Still better than the save feature in SMB3... because SMB3 doesn't have a save feature.

Yes, you do indeed have those power-ups, but if you used the whistles right away, you would not have any power-ups. So clearly, you cannot beat world in 12 minutes.

But wait... I don't want to come off as being a bully here. Look, I'm sorry. I respect your opinion.

You win. Super Mario World is harder.

>> No.1052174

You wouldn't need a save feature in SMB3, because the levels are so short and easy. You could beat Bowser without getting hit, but wait, that's impossible right? I keep forgetting that carrying additional powerups is necessary to progress in the game.

>You win. Super Mario World is harder.
Thank you, I will take my award now.

>> No.1052176


I never got bomb-barded with those 1-ups you mention there, anon.

>> No.1052179


It's not the fight with Bowser that is so hard, it's the entire world 8 that is hard. Try to get through world 8 without any power-ups and 5 lives.

Good luck. ;)

>> No.1052183

Vanilla Dome and Valley of Bowser levels actually do look a like a lot (they are both caverns).

>> No.1052184
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Final Fantasy VI
Not a bad game.
Not even a mediocre game.
But a great game which for some reason has been praised as the best game ever.
"Overrated" is a hard concept to talk about, since you on one hand have to think about how good the game is, and on the other hand have to think about what it did in its time, and on the third hand (?) have to think about what people think about it.
FFVI really is only overrated in the online community (and especially on the Escapist) while at the same time staying in the "not quite as famous as VII" folder.

It had a great flow for the first half of the game, but to me it seemed like it sort of trailed away at the half-way point.

It's got flaws similar to OoT, namely the Forest temple, Fire temple and Water temple problem that it just slows down from a fluid game to just (puzzles in LoZ, grinding in FF), and it's just too... weird to be a "perfect" game.

>> No.1052187

Oh yeah like the diverse level types of SMB3.


That's fucking it. Mario World has Ghost Houses, autoscrolling underground levels, and multipart Castles.

Not to mention supreme controls. I didn't grow up with either game so I can say without rose-tinted glasses that SMW is way better than 3.

>> No.1052185

I personally preferred Super Mario Bros. 3 over Super Mario World as well.

My second and third favorites are Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, respectively.

>> No.1052191


Top reasons SMB3 is harder.

1. Using the warp early is useless, because that only causes to face world 8 without any power-ups.

2. There's no game-breaking Yoshi.

3. You can't repeat levels to obtain extra lives, such as the hidden bonus level that pumps you full of infinite lives.

4. It takes 12 easy levels and then one difficult level to beat SMW via warp.
While it takes 4 easy levels and then 11 hard ones to beat SMB3 via warp.

5. The secret level you find in area 2 allows you to enter Bowser's keep with tons of lives, Yoshi and power-ups. Going to world 8 early in SMB3 is useless, because you wouldn't have any inventory.

The facts are adding up, huh, anon?

>> No.1052196

Mario World runs at like 15 fps.

This is a problem for me.

>> No.1052193


Agreed. As do many other parts of SMW. I hated how bland it seemed at times. Mario 3 gave us eight different worlds each with a different element. Why couldn't Nintendo give us the same in SMW?

>> No.1052195

What's with the small versions of Mario but with the fire flower, frog, hammer bros., etc.? I don't think those are ever used...

>> No.1052198

Game-breaking? Back then, no one would've found that shit. It's too difficult to figure out without a walkthrough. Hell even today it's really hard.

>> No.1052202


I found it back in the day without any problems. I never could find all the warp whistles, though.

>> No.1052203

SMB3 was hard for the sake of being hard.

SMW was challenging, it made you sort of think.

>> No.1052204

>To even get to Bowser you would need to find both the green and red blocks.

No, just a Blue Yoshi. Which you can find right fucking there on Star Road 2 or 3, don't remember, and they turn every level into easymode.

>Nice try, but I would love to see you do that.

With the invincibility stars on Star Road 1 you can easily get 20 lives on a single run.

>> No.1052207


You forgot airships, pyramids, ice levels, deserts, cloud levels, giant levels, levels with a big fish that tries to eat you, sun-chasing levels, pipe maze levels, etc.

All these levels featured different elements and scenery. They used varying designs.

Super Mario World had some different types of levels, too, but you see the same level designs used over and over.

>> No.1052209


20 Lives? That's pushing it. I usually have close to 50 lives. Seriously.

>> No.1052210

The thing about FF6 is that everyone thinks its goddamn art just because it copies European renaissance style. Which in my opinion is pretty stupid. Same for FF7 using Scandinavian mythology. It's like they were too lazy to come up with names.

>> No.1052214

>Exult 45 degrees

Any idea how this is possible? Wouldn't this require them to redraw every single freakin' tile in the game?

>> No.1052221

>Mario World runs at like 15 fps.

Uh, what? I'm very sensitive to low framerates and it has never seemed off to me on my SNES. Are you emulating?

>> No.1052225


I hated all the grinding in FFVI. You had to grind how many characters? 14?!

>> No.1052234

It requires rotating the view by 45 degree. Basically they render a far larger area and then crop it to the screen.

>> No.1052236

Well I was writing from memory because the last time I bothered playing SMW was when I was 14 years old, and could max out the entire game in a few hours. Haven't played it since; it has nothing to offer for me anymore.

Going from memory, you have 8 enemies in the bottom chamber to kill on the first star, then pick up the second star and crash through 8 or so parakoopas, then pinball around and maybe get another star and hit some more dudes. That's what I remember. I wouldn't be surprised if you could rail up to 50 lives, from what I remember it was possible to multi-kill some enemies, but I couldn't abuse that when I was younger and didn't care about it anymore when I was older.

Also you could get shit loads of lives on one of the Forest of Illusion stages because those wiggler worms gave two or three lives if you killed them on a star powered rampage, and the whole goddamn level was full of them.

I think one of the special stages had that too? The one with all the wriggling cactuses? Don't remember anymore.

What I remember is that last time I played SMW I didn't even bother going for lives because the game was so fucking easy, I was literally just grinding through every exit to max out the save counter.

>> No.1052246

They don't have to redraw the sprites because the sprites are already... weird-looking, to be non-technical about it. The oblique projection shows the sides of the objects and walls as if they were being viewed at an angle already, so rotating 45 degrees just provides a more natural "camera angle" for how the sprites were already drawn.

If you rotate a regular U7 screenshot yourself you'll see that nothing has to be redrawn.

>> No.1052248


Yeah, I feel ya! I mean, Super Mario World is still a good game, but holy cow is it too easy! Why does it babysit you with unlimited lives?

There's also the secret level behind the ghost house in area 2. It's not really a level, just a one-screen area that gives you an extra life every time you enter it! Unbelieveable.

Ever play Mario 3?

>> No.1052251

4 easy and then 11 hard to beat SMB3?

If you're talking about Dark World then there are 3 (yes, three) hard levels if you don't have a P-wing.

First you'll get at least one leaf in the "hand drags you down" stage. You can get 3 if you want.

Then it's the first "stage" (and if you have a P-wing you'll beat it like it's nothing).

Then the level with the sun, have a leaf (or a downgraded P-wing) and it's easy as hell.

Then the castle, this one is easy if you know where to go (I'll give you this, it's hard as balls if you don't know it beforehand)

Other than that, the "armada" levels are pretty easy imo.

So I'd say 1 or maybe 2 hard levels if you flute to 8 directly.
But certainly not 11.

>> No.1052254

Gah, sage without meaning to.
Polite bump.
Sorry for messing up.

>> No.1052256

Yeah, but not as much, and only in All Stars.

It was fun but always like World better even if it was piss easy.

I think the only game I've yet to fully beat on that was Mario 2 (the doki doki panic clone). Every time I decided to do so, I got sidetracked on the way.

>> No.1052261


Those levels aren't quite as hard if you have the right power-ups, though. If you warped straight to world 8 you wouldn't have any power-ups that you need and would only have about five or six lives. Now compare to that Mario World's warp that puts you at Bowser's door with unlimited lives and any kind of power-up that you want. That's only one level, and if you lose, you simply back-track and grab more power-ups. This is a luxury you would not have with SMB3, because if you lose a level in world 8, you still have zero power-ups and have lost a life, too!

The unlimited lives, game-breaking Yoshi, access to any power-up you want at any time make Mario World way too easy.
If you don't properly prepare for Dark World in SMB3, you will get your butt kicked, because there is no turning back like in Mario World.

>> No.1052270

... if levels weren't re-playable in SMW, you'd be hard fucked by the time you reach Bowser, even using the star warps. That's about the only thing that makes SMW super easy - you can just go back for a Blue Yoshi and fly through every goddamn stage.

>> No.1052273


The NES counterparts were way better than the SNES remakes. The physics were changed in Super Mario 1, and the graphics and sounds was much duller in Super Mario 3.

>> No.1052280


I get your point, but I'm not so sure about that. I usually beat Bowser's keep on my first or second try, and even without replaying levels the game still loads you down with well over 30 lives by the time you warp there.

And yeah, Blue Yoshis make the SUPER easy. Even easier than it already is!

>> No.1052291

If levels weren't replayable, you wouldn't even BE able to get to Bowser as easily, because if you lose your Blue Yoshi once, you might not even be able to get some of the secret exits in Star Road. And remember, many stages have 2 exits...

>> No.1052296


>if levels weren't re-playable in SMW, you'd be hard fucked by the time you reach Bowser, even using the star warps.

Yeah, I'm not sure why someone would claim you to could reach Bowser through the star warps without replaying levels, either.

>> No.1052298

Alright, in that case I follow you. I just got flabbergasted by the "11 hard levels" thing for Dark World.

And yes, I agree that SMW is way easier than SMB3 if you don't prepare for W8 in SMB3.

I built my whole premise on how hard Dark World in SMB3 would be with the quickest warp, and I just assumed you'd get the P-wing from the first ship before warping, sorry if I misinterpreted what you meant.

>> No.1052407

Use warp whistle from level 3.
Use warp whistle from the fort in the warp zone.
Bam. World 8. With 2 whistles from the first 4 levels.

>> No.1052667

If DKC was never released, the SNES would never have a superstar platformer. SMW is pretty lame compared to SMB3.

>> No.1052675


I'll try here now to see how many time I take to do it. If I could achieve 12 minutes I'll record and post on YT.

>> No.1052680

Since this is practically a Mario thread, does anyone else hate the controls for bouncing off things? The trampolines, the music blocks, the koopas...This goes for any of the games in general. It often feels kind of random when you're going to bounce really high, and it's fucked me up a lot. It seems that pressing the jump button when you're on the bottom helps, but not a guarantee.

>> No.1052682


I don't think those are comparable at all. the warp in ocarina of time is a glitch, not even supposed to be there. in mario world and mario 3 its totally there on purpose. the game designers definitely knew that people would use it to beat the game really quickly. who cares? if people want to do that more power to them.

>> No.1052683

World 8 in Mario 3 is hard as fuck when you warp there right away. Its possible if you know all the levels and shit, but many many game overs await.

>> No.1052687
File: 49 KB, 600x450, sdgft262-img600x450-1364381409czqkx823326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think SMW is overrated at all, ir deserves its praise.
SMB3 is also great, I always thought SMB3 vs SMW argues are kinda stupid... it's OK if you want to talk about them and their differences, it's also OK if you prefer one to the other, but something's wrong if you like one and hate the other.

>> No.1052708


>>1052060 Here. Finished the game in about 16 minutes, with many silly mistakes and losing 2 lives.

>> No.1052739
File: 31 KB, 1672x515, linear vs nonlinear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just because something is "retro" doesn't automagically make it good.

On that note, I nominate Zelda 1 and Metroid 1 for overrated, at least around here and other retro gaming circles. They were good in their time I'm sure, but they really don't have the crucial elements that made the later games iconic (there's a reason OoT and SM are world famous and to this day still make many top-X-of-all-time lists). They've also aged poorly, by which I mean they have all the flaws that retro enthusiasts handwave away with "well it was made in '86 so you can't blame it for that"--bland backgrounds, copypasted rooms, bugs, limited save capability, etc.

The only argument I hear for why they're better than later games in the series is that they're "non-linear". But I don't think that's an automatic advantage or that linearity is an automatic negative. It all depends on what kind of game you're trying to build, as pic illustrates. Attempts to force non-linearity where it doesn't belong can lead to problems like the level-scaling enemies in Oblivion or worlds that end up being 90% empty space. With regards to Metroid, you often ended up tediously backtracking your way through boring samey copypasted rooms for 1 missile tank, which you never needed because killing Ridley or Kraid gave you plenty and they could be beaten with just the Wave Beam if you were decent.

>> No.1052786

I agree with you on Metroid, but I still find Zelda 1 to be good.

>> No.1052807

>bland backgrounds
This isn't just a limitation of 1986 creativity but of the NES itself. It was a very early NES game and most games didn't even look as good as Zelda did.

>copypasted rooms
Do you know how big the game is? They didn't have time to make every single room look unique.

This isn't even a valid complaint. Even modern games have bugs, moreso if at all.

>Limited save capability
For fuck's sake. Zelda was one of the few early NES games that even *had* a save capability.

You can "handwave" all my "handwaving", but that doesn't erase the fact that you're looking back with some serious hindsight.

>> No.1052824


I totally agree. Donkey Kong Country only better and more exciting with each release.

>> No.1052825

this propaganda picture is such a convoluted mess, mixing up and confusing concepts of game design I have to wonder if the creator was a clever troll or incredibly stupid

The gameboy Zelda games are objectively -better- games than the DS ones. More challenging, better aesthetics and themes, better controls, better design, more rewarding, more content, better music, more fun.
Your taste in video games seems to be terrible.

>> No.1052828

I kind of understand where OP is coming from.

I remember playing SMB3, sucking at it pretty badly at first, then finally beating the first castle.

I had thought that would be the end of the game. Because SMB1 had just a few stages in between each castle while SMB3 had quite a few. I was shocked when it went to the desert level after that. I was like man this game is way huger than I imagined.

>> No.1052832


How shocked was you the first time you saw Giant Land?

>> No.1052830
File: 2.06 MB, 1500x1000, Zeldas World.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...yeah, take from someone who just played Zelda 1 again, and is now playing Outlands. The older Zelda games are some of the best ones, and I still think the first is my favorite overall (if even by a hair). I think this is a big matter of opinion because I could make an equally compelling argument that everything introduced in later "more Iconic" Zeldas is what ruined the franchise and eventually gave us trash like SS and Spirit Tracks. So setting your greatness bar by 'iconic' is just stupid. The first Zelda still wins that race anyway since it introduced pretty much all of the core elements.

>The only argument I hear for why they're better than later games in the series is that they're "non-linear". But I don't think that's an automatic advantage or that linearity is an automatic negative.

You're right on that, however for a game about exploration and adventure, it's a god-tier win. If you want to walk along a straight path or a story driven experience, then you really aren't an explorer, are you? Because you basically don't want to explore, you find it "boring" as your little image demonstrates. For some of us though, that's the most fun part of all. It was for Miyamoto when he designed the first Zelda game and based it on his actual adventures of exploring Japan as a child. That's the thing about exploration, not everything you find is exciting and fun... but that just makes the reward all the more amazing when you do stumble across something interesting.

>> No.1052843

The first game boy Zelda game, Link's Awakening really opened up handheld gaming.

Before that game, the game boy was something of a curiosity. It's most well known game was Tetris and the Mario games had not gotten much headway.

After Link's Awakening, people became convinced you could do an immersive game and story on that primitive grayscale system.

>> No.1052847


Pretty blown away.

I think maybe part of the reason Super Mario World felt underwhelming is because SMB3 had just set the bar so high. I mean the transition from 1->3 (not counting 2 which I did like as well) was a lot bigger than 3->4.

>> No.1052850


Agreed. Super Mario Bros 3 was a definitive Mario game and a new standard for video games as a whole. It delivered 8 vast worlds to explore, while Super Mario World simply came up short with only one repetitive world.

>> No.1053726
File: 5 KB, 222x166, VanillaDome.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never liked this part of the game.

>> No.1053727
File: 137 KB, 530x364, cunning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1053761



That said, I can almost guarantee that OP never beat all 96 exits of the game otherwise he wouldn't be saying what he said.

>> No.1053768


Why are you being sarcastic there is clearly a lot of variety there... Just the insets alone show as much variety as all earlier SM games.

>> No.1053796


Oh trust me, I haven't completed this game and found all 96 exits tons and tons of times. I still like the game. I'm just saying to me it's over-rated because it wasn't quite the adventure Super Mario Bros 3 was.

>> No.1053819
File: 4 KB, 400x300, Chargin_Chuck_by_Laro44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also, many of the enemies lacked that classic Mario feel. Remember Chargin' Chuck? The freakin' football player? Seeing a football player as an enemy in a Mario game was crappy.

>> No.1053838

It's sort of like the Pokemon argument, what exactly constitutes as a "Pokemon" in the first place? I get what you mean though, one thing I'm not fond of in the Mario and Luigi series are the enemies, 70% tend to be original enemies so the games never really feel like a traditional Mario. Paper Mario has some of it too but I don't get that feeling as much as I do with M&L.

>> No.1053848

I liked Chargin' Chuck. Remember that Nintendo took risks with the Mario series and as a result we used to get a whole bunch of new enemies, the two Super Mario Land games being the biggest examples. I feel a Koopa football player fits in just fine compared to things like the Hammer Bro.

>> No.1053861
File: 113 KB, 500x370, WeirdMario_SpookyMask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chuck sucked, no doubt. But remember this dude? Wtf At least this enemy was kind of spooky though unlike poor Chuck.

>> No.1053864

I love Link's Awakening. I think it's the best Zelda, as well as the greatest handheld game ever made.

But that's just nonsense. Mystic Quest (Final Fantasy Adventure for the yanks), For the Frog the Bell Tolls, and Final Fantasy I- III were all preceding Link's Awakening, and showed that the gameboy was an adequate platform for such games. With respectable commercial success (Well over a million sales for some of them), too, so it's not like they weren't noticed.

Link's Awakening perfected the formula for such games on the gameboy. But it didn't invent it.

>> No.1053869

I thought these enemies were a great addition, actually, adding considerable variety AND being challenging to boot.

Much like Wiggler.

>> No.1053873
File: 3 KB, 224x158, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you almost got me

>> No.1053874


Wiggler > Chargin' Chuck

>> No.1053880


World is a overrated cause people hold it as THE Super NES game when it's not even the best Mario game, I'll give you that. But you have to admit the Sunken Ship level was awesome.

>> No.1053884


But the levels in Super Mario World were supposed to be similar, that was part of the game's charm. Nintendo wanted players to explore one world instead of many like previous Mario games. That's why the music and levels were similar in a sense. Many games now days are also built upon the premise of one world. I actually liked how Super Mario World didn't overkill us with variety, it's just not needed for a game to be fun.

>> No.1053906

A lot of later Final Fantasy titles seem ridiculously over-rated, and you guys know which ones I'm talking about.

One series I just don't understand the love for though is Bug! Not a game a lot of people talk about, and hardly a game most people would think of as "over-rated," but I just don't understand any love for the series. It's interesting, but that's it. Not fun, not really challenging, it's just a pretty mediocre platformer that for some reason, people who grew up with a Saturn loved.

I've been trying to get through them, but honestly, these games are pretty mediocre. Nothing I'd go on and on about normally, but I just don't get the love for the games one bit.

>> No.1053914

Wait, why are there people here saying one world? Did you not understand that each screen that makes up the overworld is supposed to be similar to the individual worlds found throughout the previous games?

I can understand not liking Super Mario World, that's totally fine, but complaining about the lack of varying level themes is just flat out wrong. I like SMB3 more, but this is just kind of ridiculous.

Does Super Mario Land 2 have one world? Because it's literally the same design.

>> No.1053939

Resident Evil 4
Tomb Raider (2013)
Sonic CD

>> No.1053947


Super Mario World doesn't have different worlds. It has different areas you can explore in one world. In Super Mario Bros, there was 8 different worlds complete with its own map and element.

The title of the game is even Super Mario WORLD, not WORLDS.

>> No.1053991

>In Super Mario Bros, there was 8 different worlds
>eight different worlds
>several levels in different worlds are just day/ night swaps of the same map
>A total of four different level types - Overworld, underworld, mushrooms, castle

>> No.1053994


I meant to say Super Mario Bros 3. It had eight different worlds. Mario World only had one world.

>> No.1053998


Having one world was the charm of SMW, though. Yeah a lot of the levels and music are similar but it was designed to be that way. Nintendo did this on purpose, but I still liked it.

>> No.1054000

It threw me off that the B button was jump. A was always jump in every game before.

>> No.1054002

The Super had more buttons than the original.

>> No.1054024
File: 69 KB, 512x448, stars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remember Mario All-Stars having the option to switch the jump button to A? I wonder how many gamers actually used that.

>> No.1054094

I don't like Mario World either. I'm not trying to be edgy or anything, it's just how I feel. The game is just boring.

Yoshi's Island (in Mario World) is charming enough, in the "first world settling in" kind of way, but the boring, bland Donut Plains (with the awful Donut Plains 2), the really slow Vanilla Dome, the too repetitive Forest of Illusions...The game just feels so SLOW for some reason

>> No.1054214
File: 16 KB, 256x224, vanilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Same. I'll go a few years without playing it, and then I'll see all these screenshots of the game online, and everyone talking about how fun it is. So I'll say to myself, "Maybe I misjudged it last time I played it." So I'll play the game and by the time I enter the Vanilla Dome I'm dying of boredom.
But never-the-less, I always stick it out until the end in hopes things will get more exciting. They never do, though.

If Super Mario World had starred any other character besides Mario, it would have never been so popular.

>> No.1054246

No. It's all a part of one larger implied world. What, do you think Mario is leaping through dimensions or planets? World just uses the improved hardware of the SNES to put all of the areas in context of a larger "World." That's it.

Besides, SMW has more levels than SMB3, and much more gameplay as far as finding secrets and multiple exits goes. It has more gameplay.

>> No.1054259

>It's all a part of one larger implied world.

So you agree with me? I understand that one world with several different areas was what they were going for, but I still prefer eight different worlds complete with their own map and element. It adds flavor to the game.

Super Mario World only has 6 more levels than Super Mario Bros 3. But I much rather have more variety than an extra six levels.

>> No.1054265

And a lot of people disagree and really like the game, remember it fondly, and still play it today.

Not saying you're wrong, just that you have different taste and have no idea what you're talking about when you say stuff like
>If Super Mario World had starred any other character besides Mario, it would have never been so popular.
You're not the rest of the world, you have no clue what the rest of the world likes, so stop acting pretentious and pretending that you do. It's idiotic.

>> No.1054276

I never got the hype for any of the Mega man series

>> No.1054278


The fact that it was a Mario game was the game's selling point. Doki Doki Panic was changed into a Mario game for the States so it would be more popular. So if Super Mario World had never starred Mario, it wouldn't have sold as well.

On the other hand, I personally think Super Mario Bros 3 starred Mario, and that was a plus, but it was the game's massive worlds that made you want to play it.

To me, Super Mario World is just mediocre but happens to star Mario and Yoshi. That's my opinion, I'm allowed to state it here on 4chan. Thanks for stating yours, as well.

Super Mario Bros 3 > Super Mario World

>> No.1054284


Saying SMW is boring is an understatement. I would buy it as a gift for someone, but I don't know anyone I dislike that much! xD

>> No.1054287
File: 40 KB, 480x360, SMB3 Airship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The airships was just another reason why SMB3 kicked so much Koopa booty. Damn it, why couldn't we have gotten Super Mario Bros 4 instead of Mario World?

>> No.1054294


Just not your thing, huh? How many of them did you play?

>> No.1054298

I don't like the physics in mario 3 as much as in mario world

And I definitely prefer the feather to the leaf

>> No.1054304

It was actually called Super Mario Brothers 4 when they were making it.

I'd say World and 3 are more similar to each other than 3 is to 2, so it's silly to not consider it a proper sequel for that reason

>> No.1054319


It was a decent game. I agree it wasn't impressive at all compared to other Mario games, but to say it could be sold as a gag gift is a bit much.

>> No.1054316

No, I'm saying that SMB3 is 8 areas that make up a world. It's not larger than SMW, what I'm saying is that they make up a world bigger than each individual area itself.

Furthermore, SMW would try things for a level or two, switching up level gimmicks. No Ice world, no Sky world, Water world, so no getting tired of some of the mechanics which were prevalent in them.

SMB3 was good because it took the concept presented in SMB and expanded upon it, giving more levels, more mechanics, and longer levels. You finally have a map, which implies your place in a larger area, making you feel more immersed and impressed with the game. It also presented substantially more difficult gameplay.

SMW took ideas from SMB3 and further expanded upon those as well. You've got multiple exits, hidden levels, a greater variety of levels because of a lack of forced themes like ice or water or lava or whatever. You've got Yoshi, which can change gameplay entirely, with either powers, or using him as something of a powerup. You've got the spinning jump, checkpoints, tons of new enemies, swinging platforms, moving walls and ceilings and puzzles which can make finding a particular secret exit that much harder. I've never had an issue finishing a level in a Mario game in less than a minute or two, but SMW has levels which can easily take you most of the time limit to finish.

I'm not saying you have to LOVE the changes in SMW, or even that you have to LIKE SMW, but it really comes off as if you haven't played the game, or have a poor memory when you claim that the game doesn't have have the variety that SMB3 did.

>> No.1054331

I think you missed the joke, dude.

>> No.1054328

>We're entitled to opinions
>But one game is better than another

>> No.1054334

>That's my opinion, I'm allowed to state it here on on 4chan

wow you are a massive faggot and sound 12 years old. stop acting like anyone is trying to silence your banal opinion. i hate when people remind you of what opinions are and that you can have them whenever someone disagrees, and especially when their opinion is retarded. people can think different things? no shit?

that said, i enjoy both games but prefer the tightness of control of SMW. not as challenging due to abundance of lives and items, but often more relaxing and fun to play for me. the NES mario games are more challenging but less visually interesting and more linear. some criticize the openness and length of SMW levels, but i enjoy it.

>hurr i can't be wrong because everything is just your opinion man, 1st amendment, don't tread on my free speech, hurrrrrrrr

>> No.1054338

I tried to play X and a few of the regular series

>> No.1054340


I've completed all 96 exits of Super Mario World at least five times since it was released in 1991. In fact, I played it again not too long ago. I played both SMB3 and SMW when they were originally released.

They didn't expand upon the ideas of SMB3, but rather they altered some of them. For example, they took away the inventory system and replaced it with an item-holding box at the top of the screen. They removed the ability to interact with the world maps through the use of Hammers, Music Boxes, Clouds, etc. and instead gave you the ability to hunt multiple exits as a way to interact with the map. They gave us Yoshi, but holy cow did SMW lack the power-ups! SMB3 has tons of power-ups. A lot more than SMW!

Super Mario World has one world with one theme, but it alters the theme creating more variety in each level.
Super Mario Bros 3 has eight worlds with eight themes, but it alters each theme creating TONS of variety for each level.

>> No.1054349

Nintendo makes crappy rehashes trying to milk their franchises for every last cent, clearly having ZERO respect for gamers or gaming culture. They don't spend any time thinking about what would make a game more fun, or what might improved it, they just slap Mario on it.

NO ONE thought "What can we use our new hardware to make that's fun and enjoyable?" they just thought "How about we release a shitty game and just slap Mario on it so it's an instant seller?"

Fucking Nintendrones make me sick, just lapping up anything Nintendo shits out. They'd probably buy a piece of actual shit if it had gone through Miyamoto's intestines.

>> No.1054356

You've won. You're a fucking retard. Good job.

>> No.1054364

You ignored EVERYTHING ELSE that I talked about, only bringing up a couple counter examples.

I'm done with this shit, this isn't arguing, this is "I have an opinion, I have no clue how to argue, so instead of having a reasonable discussion, I'm just going to say a couple things and follow it up with 'You're wrong!'"

This shit is childish. If you want to have a slightly intelligent discussion on this again, fine, but right now, no one can hold a discussion with you.

>> No.1054365


What? You don't like Mario Party?

>> No.1054372


I never said you was wrong, and I tried to address the main points of your opinions.

Does Super Mario World not have less power-ups than Super Mario Bros 3? Did Super Mario Bros 3 not allow you to interact with the maps? What did I say that was wrong and/or didn't add insight to our discussion?

>> No.1054373

it's like i'm really on /v/

>> No.1054378
File: 20 KB, 320x240, mario_party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know want teh Mario Party, anon.

>> No.1054382


Poor attempt to make me angry. You sound angry yourself, actually...

>> No.1054389
File: 11 KB, 620x298, blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Blue Yoshi ruins the whole game. So many of the levels could be flown over by riding a Blue Yoshi with a Koopa shell in its mouth. Look up game-breaker in the dictionary and you should see a picture of a Blue Yoshi.

>> No.1054402

Best parts of Mario World were the secret exits and the Star World. Just going through the main game itself isn't that special.

Also, what's with the save system. You can save after beating a ghost house, even if you already beat it before....so whats the point? might as well just let you save at any point

>> No.1054413

This, so much this.

>> No.1054420


What? You mean human beings would actually plot ways to make money without really caring about the happiness of fellow human beings? No way!

>> No.1054424

Keep defending Nintendo's bullshit you retarded Nintendrone, people like you are why the Wii U sucks so fucking much. Nintendo thinks it can make Mario Kart 22 or Mario Party 17 and people will still want the same rehashed shit. Thanks for ruining Nintendo, asswipe.

>> No.1054428

Thank you, based anon.

me rove you rong time

>> No.1054430

>Is it me, or did a lot of the music on the SNES sound 'dull' compared to the NES games?

Probably because of this.

>Additional channels included one fixed-volume triangle wave channel supporting frequencies from 27 Hz to 56 kHz,

Whereas the SNES basically just did 32Khz waveform out instead of specific discrete tone generators with higher audio frequency.
Nyquist rates dictate roughly freq/2 is what you're recreating. So 32/2=16Khz audio. 56 kHz/2 = 28Khz. CD audio is typically 44khz/2 =22Khz. Which covers most of the range of hearing humans have, so you're losing about 6Khz of audio out of that, though plenty of people do not hear past 18+khz anyway. But that would 'dull' the sound of the SNES as the very highs won't be there.

>> No.1054435

What is actually wrong with Mario Kart 8?
Why do you think it will not be fun?

>> No.1054438

What is actually wrong with Final Fantasy 31: Online Dewritos Edition?
Why do you think it will not be fun?

>> No.1054441

That's not even a good analogy

>> No.1054445

>typical nintentoddler mindset
Enjoy your rehashes from a company that hasn't been relevant since the early 90's, faggot.

>> No.1054449

You still haven't even answered my question. Did you like Super Mario Kart or Mario Kart 64? If not, then it makes perfect sense that Mario Kart 8 wouldn't appeal to you. If you did enjoy them, however, I would be interested to know what exactly it is about Mario Kart 8 that fails to live up to these previously set standards

>> No.1054456

Of course I liked Mario Kart 64. Then I played Mario Kart Advance... then Mario Kart DS. If I could already play any of these past Mario Kart titles that were perfectly executed for their purpose, then why the fuck would I want to play another rehash? Enough is enough, Nintendo is the equivalent to mindless Hollywood studios rehashing the same ideas over and over, aka Plebeian shit. Maybe you fail to understand this because you are the typical plebe they are aiming to sell this repackaged shit to.

>> No.1054471

You obviously haven't played Wii or 7, because they make significant changes from DS. But even that may be conceding too much, because I think a game can be mostly the same with a only a few gameplay changes with a new set of levels and music and still be worth playing.

Look at the Mega Man series, for example. Are Mega Man 9 and 10 bad games simply because they play similarly to 1 and 2?

What's wrong with loving a game so much that you just want more levels, bosses, and music?

Also, what makes MK DS so not rehashy compared to Advance and Double Dash vs Wii and 7 compared to MKDS?

It seems you're very selective with your 'rehash' standards

>> No.1054474

Look son, enjoy your kiddie bullshit. DS brought online to the table and that was the last thing the series was missing, anything else is just fluff. Megaman games are another offender but even they are not as frequently rehashed as Mario shit. We don't need 20 Mario games coming out every year, it's worse than Madden at this point. Nintendo truly has no other ideas, they can't even do a Metroid game right anymore. If you can't understand any of this then just enjoy your ignorance and wallow in your own filth I guess.

>> No.1054475

Super Mario Bros 3, the most overrated game of all time.
>Shitty controls, especially in the water. It takes you a full second to turn around while running or swimming. When you land you keep moving forward making precision platforming more hard than it has to be.
>Shitty music.
>Having to fight the same boss over and over again, even the koopa kids are extremely similar.
>Boring and sometimes ungodly bad level design. The only changes in the worlds are aesthetics. You'd think the giant world would make the enemies more challenging, no they're exactly the fucking same. Every air ship level is slow paced as fuck because of the screen scrolling(in fact fuck this game for even inventing these kind of levels.) And how about that castle level where you keep picking random doors, and if you pick the wrong one you have to swim back forever then try again until you get the right one.
>The new powerups suck. People criticize mario worlds cape even though the tanooki suit is almost as broken, and the range on it's spin attack is so shit that you're better off jumping on the enemy, it's also useless in castles and airships. Frog is useless outside the water world and the occasional water levels. I'm not even sure what the shoe or statue is good for. The only one I like is the hammer bros suit, but I think it only comes twice in the game(I'm probably wrong about this)
>The minigames aren't fun. Especially the matching game that you only have two tries on.

>> No.1054480

So online play and karts with unique stats is significant enough to make MKDS not a rehash, but tricks, bikes, and 12 players isn't?

You still haven't identified what specifically makes the Mario Kart games that you like not pointless rehashes, and what makes the games that you don't like pointless rehashes.

>> No.1054481

>Name a game that you find over-rated.
any mario game
any zelda game
any metroid game
any final fantasy game

they are all horrible games series and i cannot believe anyone could like them unless they had only played that and did not know better games

>> No.1054482

>Super Mario Bros 3, the most overrated game of all time.

I stopped reading after that. Lmao

>> No.1054489


Not trying to argue, but what don't you like about each of those series? I find it interesting that someone would not like any of them.

>> No.1054490

Just look at the Wii U sales figures, tell me how well your rehashes are doing. I'm out, have fun being on a sinking ship.

>> No.1054491

>Mediocre platformer that's constantly hailed as one of the best games ever when it's not even the best nes game

yeah its pretty overrated

>> No.1054495

I'm just trying to understand your opinion on the matter. But if you don't want to talk anymore that's OK

>> No.1054496

>sales figures
it's a good thing that you're out

>> No.1054497


I didn't know genre-defining was considered mediocre.

>> No.1054502

It doesn't. That's why mario 3 doesn't define platformers.

>> No.1054504

Mario 3 isn't genre defining, 2D platformers were well defined before it came out (that doesn't make it bad, mind you). Mario 64, on the other hand, is an example of a genre-defining game

>> No.1054507


Lmao at you

>> No.1054509


No platformer was on the same scale with Mario 3 back in the day. It clearly defined what a game could be.

>> No.1054513
File: 36 KB, 600x399, world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario World didn't suck. The reason it wasn't quite as impactful as Super Mario Bros 3 had much to do with Nintendo's experience with the new SNES console.

Super Mario Bros 3 was released late in the NES' life. If Super Mario World had been released in say 1995 it would have been much better.

>> No.1054514

It certainly pushed boundaries with the interactive, dynamic world map and the retainable power ups, but it didn't define the genre. Mario 1, Mega Man, Castlevania, Ghosts n Goblins, and others had already done that before Mario 3 even existed

>> No.1054516


I get your point, but I still think by 1991 Nintendo should have been able to produce a proper follow-up to Mario 3.

>> No.1054519


It should also be noted that more people owned a copy of Super Mario World. Nintendo packaged the game with the SNES, a luxury Super Mario Bros 3 did not have. So naturally more people are gonna say they like Super Mario World, because more people played it.

And actually, creating games for a whole new console really is a different ball-game. I still say Nintendo released the game too soon and that it could have been much better, but you have to keep in mind it was the first Mario game for the SNES.

>> No.1054520

there is nothing to like about them - they have very unappealing game-play and design

>inb4 "he doesn't like it because others do"
>inb4 "he doesn't like it because he's bad at it"
>inb4 any other standard ignorant/delusional response

>> No.1054526


Super Mario 64 was the first Mario game for the Nintendo 64, and it was awesome. I don;t think Mario World being first had anything to do with it. I just think Nintendo totally failed to recapture the magic from Mario 3.

>> No.1054529


What games do you like, then?

>> No.1054528

mario 3 WAS packaged with the NES, very late into its lifespan.
I've seen the box, PatTheNESPunk has it on his NES collection video, part 3 or 4

>> No.1054536


Indeed it was! But key-word is "late" in its lifespan. About 20 million people played Super Mario World and most of them played it cause it came with the SNES. By 1990, most people who played Super Mario Bros 3 already owned an NES.

>> No.1054537

I like them both

>> No.1054541


I was hoping that when Super Mario World came to Gameboy Advance, it would be riddled with awesome new features. Sadly, Super Mario Bros 3 had all the awesome new features, so even on a hand-held it is supreme.

>> No.1054543

depends what genre

>> No.1054545


Action? Adventure? RPG?

>> No.1054546

Since you don't like Mario, what platformers do you like?
For Zelda, what action adventure games do you like?
For Metroid, what labyrinthine dungeon crawling exploration games do you like?

>> No.1054547
File: 234 KB, 600x450, Yoshi&#039;s Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yoshi's Island was ten times better than Super Boring World. I can't believe it wasn't more popular, I freakin' loved that game.

>> No.1054549

Such a fucking masterpiece

>> No.1054561

>mfw this has much longer and more annoying autoscrolling levels than both SMB3 and World

>> No.1054570

Yoshi's aerial doggy paddle makes auto scrolling stages feel good though

>> No.1054573


I wasn't crazy about Yoshi's Island. The controls always felt kinda fumbly to me. Plus it was annoying how the game would freeze for a second every time you opened a passageway.

>> No.1054607

>that tone of voice
>those emoticons
>actively trying to not curse or offend anyone in any way
>making such a big deal about the semantic difference between "worlds" and "areas"

2/10 OP

>> No.1054615

jagged alliance 2, tactical/rpg
deus ex, fps/rpg
no level-grinding games (which probably makes up for 95% of RPG's)
oddworld: abe's oddysee
earthworm jim 2
probably more that slipped my mind

my preferred genre is racing games (excluding kart games), ideally a mix of sim and arcade style

>> No.1054629

So it basically it has to be mature and not for kids?

>> No.1054690

don't think that's it, there are games that seem 'for kids' that i still play and enjoy

>> No.1054736

I just don't get how a guy who can appreciate abe's oddysee and earthworm jim fails to enjoy a mario game

>> No.1054739

Excellent post.

>> No.1054741

hi /v/!

>> No.1054752

It did.
>Made (Most) levels replayable in one game, rather than having to start anew
>Removed superfluous gimmicky power-ups, replacing them with a sensible power-up tree
>Made enemies more challenging (The pseudo-goombas)
It did lack the enormous variety SMB3 had, but by and large, it's an improvement. It may not be as aesthetically diverse, but the gameplay was fixed.

>> No.1054760

While it's very pretty, it actually has LESS aesthetic variety than SMW, while reintroducing SMB3 tendency toewards gimmicks (Helicopter, Digger etc. Yoshi).

The level design varies between completely awesome and 'Bleh'.

It's not a bad game, but 'Ten times better than SMW'... No.

>> No.1054787


It same guy

>> No.1054790


Yeah, cause everyone knows how stupid a gimmick the Frog Suit, Tanooki Suit and Hammer Suits were. Everyone hated those power-ups...


>> No.1054823

>Shitty controls, especially in the water. It takes you a full second to turn around while running or swimming. When you land you keep moving forward making precision platforming more hard than it has to be
Personal preference, I didn't have problems with the controls.
>Shitty music
>Having to fight the same boss over and over again, even the koopa kids are extremely similar.
They weren't completely the same, and they actually were a little challenging compared to SMW bosses.
>Boring and sometimes ungodly bad level design.
You're shitting me, right? SMB3 has shorter levels but they are all better designed than SMW levels which are stretched out and feel empty.
>The only changes in the worlds are aesthetics.
Please tell me how there is any difference between chocolate land and grass land in SMW.
>You'd think the giant world would make the enemies more challenging, no they're exactly the fucking same.
You'd think that the forest of illusion would have more challenging enemies, but they are exactly the fucking same.
You see where I'm going with this retarded logic of yours?
>Every air ship level is slow paced as fuck because of the screen scrolling
It is slow paced, but you still have to dodge and watch out for various shit.
>in fact fuck this game for even inventing these kind of levels.
Git good faggot.
>And how about that castle level where you keep picking random doors, and if you pick the wrong one you have to swim back forever then try again until you get the right one.
I'll give you this one, I hate this level, although it's easy now when I got the right door memorized.

>> No.1054824

>The new powerups suck.
>People criticize mario worlds cape even though the tanooki suit is almost as broken,
Except the Tanooki Suit is rare as fuck, and you can't fly over the whole level with it, unless you have a P-Wing, which is also rare as fuck.
>and the range on it's spin attack is so shit that you're better off jumping on the enemy
The cape has a shitty spinning range too.
>it's also useless in castles and airships
That's why you don't use it there.
>Frog is useless outside the water world and the occasional water levels
That's why you don't use it outside of that.
>I'm not even sure what the shoe or statue is good for.
You can walk on spikes, and you look badass going around in a fucking shoe.
>The only one I like is the hammer bros suit, but I think it only comes twice in the game(I'm probably wrong about this)
You are wrong.
>The minigames aren't fun.
>Especially the matching game that you only have two tries on..
..and which you can play numerous times throughout the game getting the chance to complete it.

>> No.1054868

>Personal preference, I didn't have problems with the controls.
Please tell me how having to take a second to turn around is good in anyway.
>They weren't completely the same, and they actually were a little challenging compared to SMW bosses.
Oh man jumping on them then jumping when they do the shell thing soo hard. Oh man I wonder what boss is going to be at the midway castle?
>You're shitting me, right? SMB3 has shorter levels but they are all better designed than SMW levels which are stretched out and feel empty.
I can't think of a level that doesn't have enemies or things to jump on constantly. Neither game has empty levels.
>Please tell me how there is any difference between chocolate land and grass land in SMW.
Introduced two new enemies along with having a different kind of platforming.
>You'd think that the forest of illusion would have more challenging enemies, but they are exactly the fucking same.
Except they're not. New enemies got introduced, you are also forced to explore because the way out of the forest is a secret exit.
>It is slow paced, but you still have to dodge and watch out for various shit.
You can have levels where you dodge shit and not be forced down a slow-ass scroll. If someone modded this game to have the scrolling taken out then it would be a million times better.
>Git good faggot.
Okay so it's right to praise this game for influencing good things but not to scold it for the bad? Fuck off.
>Except the Tanooki Suit is rare as fuck, and you can't fly over the whole level with it, unless you have a P-Wing, which is also rare as fuck.
You can get it in every level, you can skip over most of the levels with it anyway.
>That's why you don't use it there.
>That's why you don't use it outside of that.
You're telling me that the powerups are well designed, but not to use them in every level? There's not a single other Mario game where the powerups are that situational (other than the mini mushroom in nsmb)

>> No.1054870

>You are wrong.
The point is that it's extremely scarce while being the only fun powerup in the entire game.
A slot machine and trial-and error matching, how fun.