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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10517345 No.10517345 [Reply] [Original]

Was ultima online really that big when it came out?

>> No.10517370

Yes. Back then internet connections were shit and quite expensive, so of course it was a nerd-only thing (unlike WoW).

>> No.10517385

I'd never heard of it, but EverQuest had a few sick commercials and I knew people who talked about games like Asheron's Call

>> No.10517427
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>staying on-line for up to four hours at a time
wow haha the absolute madmen haha

>> No.10517505

its the first ever service game, literally coined massively multiplayer role playing game by ralph koster and richard garriott. i recommend reading ralph koster's (the lead designer) website if you want to understand how important ultima online was at being the first game to truly capture a real populated space with other players. it didnt hold your hand either. you could venture into a dungeon and be ambushed by another group. you could steal a boat from anyone. you could buy property and maintain your own store or smithery. everyone had a different role and their own stories. online games have been dumbed down from the sandbox brilliance of UO.

>> No.10517520

I had a friend in hs who racked up a $2k internet bill by staying online macroing in UO 24/7 for a month

>> No.10517543

there was that webcomic about it called The Noob so it must have been but it needed a subscription so many poorbros had do with runescape or tibia

>> No.10517558

That's like a 1/5th of a new geo metro

>> No.10518012

My whole friend circle had been playing emlenmuds for years and thought it was pussy shit

>> No.10518449

this could be EA's world of warcraft if they resurrect it, what the fuck are they doing?

>> No.10518516

yes for very short while IIRC, because MMORPGs popped up everywhere and Everquest won the MMO race, until WoW came around.
in SEA monkees land, it was barely relevent as our interwebz were too expensive for kids or wageslaves for a very long time.

most people had at most dialup 36kbps at home or in a school,that charged per second,on top of a monthly fee.
LAN shop gaming with FPS-es was a bigger deal.

>> No.10518519

UO with fake 3D, and UO2 already failed them?

>> No.10518568

>most people had at most dialup 36kbps at home or in a school,that charged per second,on top of a monthly fee
most people were using AOL which had a flat monthly rate since like... '95 or so?

>> No.10518868

you say the same about any of the devs they bought and gutted. uo was massive and ea forced everyone out who made it good, despite how much money it was bringing in.

>> No.10518905


>> No.10518925

Yeah it was huge. Remember that a hit game like Diablo meant it was selling 600,000 units. Ultima Online did well to carry the sandbox spirit of the series and for a time was the big online game.

>> No.10519195

not in SEA monkees world. we had pay per second dialups till about mid 2000s.

>> No.10519237
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>Was ultima online really that big

>> No.10519876

It was awesome. All my friends played it, cities were so crowded. The golden age was the original release before the Second Age if you ask me. I recreated that particular time period on a personal UO server just for nostalgia.

After that came out, I went to Everquest. I preferred UO though and wish I hadn't traded my account.

>> No.10520986

I used to hear people talk about Asheron's Call frequently in the late 90s and early 2000s, but then at some point before WoW's release, word on it just stopped completely. I don't know if something went wrong with the game or it just stopped getting updates or everyone moved on to the next best thing, but suddenly no one cared about it any more.

>> No.10520991

I played it for years and was the highest level on my server for a long time. Ended up slowly quitting once I got into FFXI and WoW.

>> No.10520996

I knew a guy at my first job who was obsessed with the game to the point where almost 80% of his work day was spent playing AC. I only worked that job for a year or so, but it was common knowledge he didn't do shit and just played video games. Never got canned though since we were overstaffed and the work always got done.

>> No.10521376

I was reading the Hellsing manga and one of the extras were some scribbles and the author mentioned getting into Ultima Online. He described his character as a perverted beard old guy walking around in his underwear. This manga was from 1999 I think
So I guess it was

>> No.10521438
File: 68 KB, 560x419, 87e5ad73a0d10202cfc831371e2447e2-3795874960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>die to lag
>im red so im slogging my way to the Chaos shrine
>occasionally going into people's houses to check out what's going on since im a ghost and doors mean nothing to me
>two players in a house are cybering
>saying "removeth thine brassier" and shit like that lol
>get on ICQ and tell some of my buddies to die and come over to this house
>we all watch this couple cybersex for like 20 minutes
>after they are winding down we all start talking at the same time
>9 ghosts OoOooOoOoOoOoOO just standing in their house
>sex goons immediately log off
UO was the best game ever made actually

>> No.10521475

I used to be a UO prostitute and made 10k a week

>> No.10522620

playing it right now as a new player this game is interesting. players are ruthless but fun instead of a theme park we have a sandbox. borders on simulator at times.

>> No.10522721

thats ultima in a nutshell. they were simulation rpgs in an open setting where anything was possible. bethesda ripped off the idea and dumbed it down further. blizzard ripped off the idea and turned it into a gated theme park for carebears to cruise around in. ultima online was defined by shared community. and with that came a lot of unscripted interaction for players to create their own stories, not merely follow the one that modern online games shit out.

>> No.10522771

QRD on UO Outlands? Interested in giving it a try. I played Tibia back in the early 2000s so I'm used to unforgiving mmos.

>> No.10524383

I am on the test shard. Pretty chill. Talked to people farmed the dungeon. Haven't gone out inti the main shard yet. I was told there are msny pkers so joining a guild ASAP would be good.

>> No.10524434

if they actually put it on a service that wasnt god forsaken origin (fuck you ea) than it might have a bigger audience today.

>> No.10524520

They would have stayed online longer but mom needed to call her sister.

>> No.10524543

EA wasn't reliable then, much less now. Just imagine the unmitigated disaster they would cause if they even tried.

>> No.10525234

>sharts on ea
for ralph.

>> No.10525271

I think I read that they had at least 200,000 concurrent subscribers in their peak.
@10$ per month.

They were making 2 million dollars per month back in the late 90's.

>> No.10525281

was hexen 2 really that big

>> No.10526805

huge for the time.

>> No.10526816

If only you knew how dial-up connections worked back in the day

>> No.10526827

I used to buy dial up cards that give you an hour of access and use them for a whole week.

>> No.10526839

How did we go from
>MMOs are alternative worlds
>VR is new reality
>MMOs are just skinner boxes that trick people into doing a boring daily job for fake rewards
>VR is used for jerking off and dancing with a laser sword exclusively
I guess in a way the laser sword dance is even better than what people expected but what about the rest

>> No.10526975

Same story as a lot of MMOs - AC1 was successful, so they made AC2. The playerbase got split and both games suffered as a result.

To be fair, this was before anyone really understood how to properly run a live service game.

>> No.10527957

I still play EVE Online from time to time and am reminded just how great MMOs can be when they give players freedom in a sandbox, but then I also realize how quickly they optimize the game and close off the majority of the sandbox by turning everything into a numbers game. Half the shit I like to do in EVE is worthless and never pays the bills because it's old content that hasn't been upkept or massive bot farms out compete everyone, and while what remains can still be fun, I also am reminded there's no reason for me to go out and mine or anything else but farm sleepers in a wormhole.

I have to feel like a lot of MMOs naturally end up like this, so it's just as much a problem with the audience as it is with development.

>> No.10528110

I remember the news when they managed to kill Lord British himself.

>> No.10528135

>>MMOs are just skinner boxes that trick people into doing a boring daily job for fake rewards
>>VR is used for jerking off and dancing with a laser sword exclusively

both not /vr/ so get >>>/v/

>> No.10528439

I wonder if VR was ever used to jerk off in /vr/ days. I bet it was actually. MMO sure as fuck were turned into skinner boxes in /vr/ period already

>> No.10528446 [DELETED] 


racist ugly face retard cockroachCaucasoid go to hell burn
White sub humans is rotten shit
go fuck you self lmao

>> No.10528632

I’m well aware of dial-up. It was just a joke.

>> No.10528671

>excusing yourself
nothing you said was wrong or mock worthy

>> No.10528682

Not everything on this board is a fight with someone younger than you. Seeing someone suggest spending four hours online is impressive compared to today is funny. The wording and style of my statement was to nervously suggest that I also think that’s a long time, but the expression says that I probably do that regularly, if not for longer periods.
Did you not find it funny? That’s okay, I shot my shot. Does it need to become some misdirected zoomer seethe hour like every other thread on this board? Probably not. But let’s see how you run with it.

>> No.10528776

Tiny little turd compared to WoW

>> No.10530196

>blizzfags btfo
anything with a quest compass should be tossed in the trashbin.

>> No.10530213

The game itself never really appealed to me but I remember laughing at the griefing stories. Like the guy who crashed his server with a million slimes multiple times until the devs were forced to patch out their ability to split when attacked.

>> No.10530650
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>February 22, 1999
>Patch server messages:
>The following players were expelled for chatting on religions and ethnicities on chat servers and ignoring repeated warnings:
holy shit boomer MMO enjoyers were based, he even got his own patch note

>> No.10530682
File: 38 KB, 606x292, 1682466248037976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Moonrings