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10512438 No.10512438 [Reply] [Original]

I've never beaten this game as a kid and I decided to go back to it.
I know the PSX/1 version is not great, but since it's the one I have, it's the one I'm playing.

Any tips or general advice? I remember something about how you should beat Nevada as soon as possible.

>> No.10512450

did the series really end with 2?

>> No.10512554

You will almost certainly need to use a guide but try not to rely on them too much. The games so obtuse with some of it's routes that every small step forward feels like a great rewarding discovery.
>inb4 I completed it on ps1 without a guide when I was 6
You didn't.

>> No.10512572

Just pirate the GOG version. The PS1 version is hard to go back to after playing the PC port. They're exactly the same aside from the higher resolution. There's also mod that lets you play in widescreen without altering anything else. I've played every version of this game multiple times as it's my favorite Tomb Raider, and PC is the way to go.

>> No.10512582

Widescreen patch:

>> No.10512591

I beat it and found all secrets without a guide when I was 15. Beating it was actually the easy part. Meanwhile the retards on this board can't play this game for 30 seconds without their feeble brains exploding from the tank controls.

>> No.10512592

I don't have any big advice other than the general warning that Tomb Raider 3 seems to have been developed in that old mentality that sequels are mostly meant for people who have already played and beaten the previous games, I really don't think this game was made keeping in mind people for whom this might be their first Tomb Raider game.

If you played the first two games going into 3 you notice a step up in difficulty but it's ok because after beating the previous games you're already skilled enough to handle the challenge, but if you're jumping straight into 3 it's brutal.

>> No.10512601

>The PS1 version is hard to go back to after playing the PC port.
I cannot play the pc port in my handheld.

>> No.10512607

Accurate. I was ready for a challenge after the first two and 3 scratched the itch, but first timers should definitely play 1 or 2 instead.

>> No.10512643

I don't really want to use a guide. I'm not planning on getting 100%.
Just meant any overall tips if there are anh major do's or don'ts.
Like how commom are the save crystals? If I save in every level early on, will I fuck myself over?

My autism wants me to beat the version I have sitting on my shelf.

I've beaten 1 multiple times since it's awesome and I beat 2 a few years ago for the first time. I mostly miss the save points from 1.

>> No.10512671

Yes, beat Nevada first because you lose all your equipment there. If you leave it for last you'll lose everything you have hoarded permanently. Also London will most likely be the gatekeeper for you, especially Lud's Gate. Be aware those stages are even more obtuse than usual.

>> No.10512708

Not only does the difficulty curve in 3 start where the previous two left off, the game also feels like it was developed with being able to quicksave anywhere in mind, which is probably why most complaints about difficulty came from people playing the PS1 version (although if you're emulating these days it no longer matters).

>> No.10512736

how do I get into a mindset where I can tolerate the combat? killing these games for me.

>> No.10512806
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>Beat Nevada first
>The second level is one of the most frustrating, don't give up on it
>London isn't as bad as people say apart from the coin/ticket thing
>Be conservative with your save crystals at the start and they'll eventually pile up for when you need them
>Make sure you have a good understanding of Tomb Raider fundamentals (what I mean by this is don't even bother if you couldn't beat TR1/2)
Good luck anon. I properly played through the PC version about 8 years ago and it was like pulling teeth. Played through the PS1 version this year and after I adored it. It's now my favourite TR game.

>> No.10512836

2 is my least favourite out of the first trilogy.

>> No.10512906

I need to replay 2 but my current opinion on it isn't very high either. Too much focus on combat and the Venice levels are a slog. The game redeems itself at the last few levels but most of the time it hardly feels like a Tomb Raider game.

>> No.10512914

I disliked 2 for having so many dudes to shoot. I also don't like the "save anywhere" feature, I prefer set save spots.

>> No.10512921

Yeah do Nevada first and London last (because it's the best)

It's almost possible to complete the game without a guide if you are very careful and check every corner for items/paths. But there are a few areas (not that many) that are kinda poorly designed and where you'll probably get stuck. Mostly Aldwich

Also, there's no shame in using save states from time to time. I tried sticking to the save crystal system untill I finished Nevada but it became pretty clear that the game is designed with unlimited saves in mind. There are so many instant death traps that are pretty much unavoidable on a first playthrough that you'll spend hours backtracking and waiting on loading screens if you try to ration your save crystals.

>> No.10513249

just keep in mind most enemies will drop health and you can delete them with uzis and shotguns in a few seconds.

>> No.10513387

Literally my thoughts. I like Maria Doria/Tibet and love the China levels, but can't stand Venice or the Rig
It felt like TR2 had loads of times where you'd turn a corner and lose half your health to some prick you couldn't see. Made me savescum constantly which was a shame.

>> No.10513397
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Did anyone else find London OK but nearly get filtered by South Pacific? Everyone I talk to struggles with London but gets through South Pacific OK.

>> No.10513536


>> No.10513545


>> No.10514052

Doesn't one of the tomb raiders start with a worm monster guy who pops out of the ground to fuck with you during the first level or am I just a schizo?

I spent a whole day trying to find this ps1 game that had that and I can't remember what it was called but I remember it being like tr.

>> No.10514080

Just tried the first stage. Did fine, found a few secrets and 3 save crystals. The a random rolling rock offed me.
How often should these save crystals be used?

>> No.10514134

Like to get better at combat or just make it funner? For the former, you can run circles around most melee enemies. For the latter, think about Lara being a gunner you're just doing movement for, I guess.

>> No.10514178

Best advice is to play 1 and 2 first, they really had those players in mind when they made this game. It's one of the most difficult games I've ever played, and I have every achievement in Sekiro.

Always look UP and watch for any kind of traps. But this will only get you so far, because most of the traps will still kill you without any type of warning, and you will have to redo 20-30 mins.
Save A LOT of ammo for the final boss, he can kind of softlock you, since your normal pistols aren't gonna cut it (maybe they can but it would be hell i think). You WILL need to get about half of the secrets to be on the good side.
Once you get to the point where you can choose your next destination, you should probably choose Nevada first, since you lose all your guns and ammo (and medpacks?) there. You want to be stocked for the final level.
Once you get the Underwater Vehicle in a level called "Lud's Gate", just look up a map/giude. This is THE worst section in any game I have ever played and it will save you A LOT of frustration.

>> No.10514760

>How often should these save crystals be used?
Sparingly at first, but eventually you get loads. I had to use a few in level 2, but did level 3 without dying so they kept building up.

>> No.10515380

Kind of amazing that they pumped out five Tomb Raider games in as many years on the PS1. Can't imagine that happening anymore on the PS5, except for slop like FIFA or Call of Duty of course.

>> No.10515771

Each game used the exact same engine with minor improvements to graphics and some new features:

> TR2
> Adds dynamic lighting (gunshots, flares)
> Adds vehicles
> Adds save anywhere
> Adds wading/shallow water

> TR3
> Added crawling
> Added sprinting
> Added colored lighting
> Adding monkeybars
> Added branching levels

> The Last Revelation
> Added ropes
> Added combining inventory items
> Added scoped shooting

> Chronicles
> Added tightrope walking
> Added pole swinging
> Added "stealth" gameplay

TR2 and 3 both had dev times of only around 8 months. It's amazing what you can do if you focus mainly on iterative improvements and put your employees on a grueling work schedule.

>> No.10515787

i've never played these games before but i will play the first two games and then this one and beat it withouth a guide just to spite you anon

>> No.10515790

i miss when developers did that

>> No.10515791

nta but you should unironically play the first Tomb Raider, its a very good game as well as the best in the series.

>> No.10515797

yeah they look like my type of game (action adventure) i havent gotten around to play them, i've been also meaning to play legacy of kain

>> No.10515845

The developers were so burnt out on Tomb Raider it was the reason they "killed" her at the end of 4. They actually intended it to be the end of the series, though that didn't happen because why kill a profitable series with a mega popular character. But it goes to show how grueling their work schedule must have been.

>> No.10515852

This is exactly why TR 3 is popular with the hardcore fans while everyone else seems to hate it. It's my personal favorite and one of my favorite games ever. The London levels in particular are my favorites as well, which a lot of people cite as the hardest in the game. The thing is, the difficulty is actually a smooth progression if you play them in order.

>> No.10515983

The first game is relatively light on the action part, its more exploration and platforming. There are long sections of just working on puzzles or exploring new areas, interspersed with small combat encounters. The combat itself is really easy to cheese, there are a lot of areas where you can just jump on top of something and shoot the animals while they run around in circles unable to get to you.

The first game has a really nice feeling of isolation that doesn't really show up in any other games I have played. The sequel added a bunch of human enemies and starts becoming more of an action game, but the first one is much more zen in comparison.

>> No.10516014

It eventually bit them in the ass because the team was so fed up with making the same game over and over that they shat out Chronicles as fast as they could and it shows, they also had to rush out Chronicles because the Angel of Darkness team was having trouble and they needed to ship out Chronicles so that team could be added to Angel of Darkness development, didn't do them much good because AoD ended up being a franchise-killing disaster anyway.

>> No.10516039

You won't.

>> No.10516091

OP here.
Finally got through the first stage, took me around 2,5hours. I decided not to use a save crystal and I managed to save 7 of them, so I figure it's safe to start using them.
Didn't find any guns, but lotsa bullets, but I guess those are irrelevant if Nevada takes everything away anyways.

>> No.10516523

>It's amazing what you can do if you focus mainly on iterative improvements and put your employees on a grueling work schedule
What also helps is having a tile based engine with an editor that allows for relatively fast level generation

>> No.10516542

The Last Revelation comes much closer to the isolated feeling of the first game. It's too bad some people can't get past the weird level format, as it's basically TR1 on steroids.

>> No.10516576

first venice level is kino but yeah the others are meh
south pacific is apparently the true kino TR3 experience, that's not how i remember (i loved the atmosphere of london despite the difficulty), i'm looking forward to replaying south pacific before the remakes come out

>> No.10517043

>but the first one is much more zen in comparison.
Funny because "zen" has always been the adjective that pops into my head when I think of the first Tomb Raider too. Something about that game just gets me fully zoned in. The sense of isolation you get reminds me a little bit of early Metroid too, literally no other game in the series captured that feeling again.

>> No.10517049

Yeah Tomb Raider 2 only starts to feel like a Tomb Raider game after you get to the Maria Doria, before then it just feels like a bad action game or something.

>> No.10517148

Honestly even 2 has a bit steep learning curve compared to the first game. I, like many others, played 2 first as a kid and right at the beggining of the very first level you get a tiger thrown at you, you need to search a big area and be able to tell which platforms you can climb on, and you need to do a bit of precision jumping, compare that to the first level of the first game where you do minimal platforming and just shoot some wolves. All that in the first 5 minutes of the game where you're still learning the controls makes a lot of people frustrated but if you already played the first game it's obviously no issue, the thing is a lot of people I talk to that want to get into the series seem to want to skip the first game and jump straight into 2 because I guess it's more famous and seems more polished? I don't know but I always reccomend everyone to start with the first because it's the only one that provides a smooth introduction to new players.

>> No.10517158

TLR seemed like a return to roots for the franchise (which is odd when you consider only 3 years had passed since the first game released), unfortunately I think it's held back by some frustrating level design decisions and honestly just by being a bit too long.

>> No.10517172

>I know the PSX/1 version is not great
On the contrary. Tomb Raider 3 on PS1 is the BEST version of TR3 and arguably the best TR game gameplay wise. TR3 on PC is hot garbage.
>but the save system
Shut up and git gud. The save system of TR3 on PS1 is PERFECT and I will fight for this

>> No.10517184

For me, in retrospect tlr is by far the weakest of the classic tr games, (hot take: for me tlr is even weaker than chronicles) and the only one I drop playing once I reach Alexandria. Weird because when I was a kid tlr was my favorite and tr3 was the worst imo. Now I find tlr just tedious and unispired, with tr3 being my absolute favorite gameplay wise and tr1 being the best when you consider art direction/style/story/characters.

>> No.10517189

>TR3 on PC is hot garbage.
Explain how or stfu.

>> No.10517191

Agree on tr2, I used to love the boat on Venice as a kid, but tr2 has the amazing great wall of China levels, both the intro and the spooky tomb later on. Brilliant stuff.

>> No.10517193

The difference is you just played to win when you were a kid. Stop playing games autistically for 100%. Although I will give you that TLR is the worst if you're going for all secrets.

>> No.10517203

Very dark and bad graphics on PC (something in the lighting and special effects is not working correct on PC like at all, I'm not a resolution nigger, there are more important things like atmosphere and art direction), save anywhere on PC is hot garbage and a crutch for n00b fags (save crystals on TR1 and 3 on playstation is my ideal TR save system), very buggy, the only game on the TR series I had to download multiple save files just to fix the bugs.

>> No.10517207
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Yeah, Great Wall is a showcase for the returning players, not an easy-going intro like Caves was
>shows off the new skyboxes
>tigers which are nice graphical upgrade over the shithouse lions in TR1
>nice big wall to dive off early on, and tall enough to sneak a roll in too
>the key in a cave that encourages you to use the new underwater roll and see the difference such a little addition makes to the swimming
>gauntlet of deadly traps to say "welcome back, faggot! Just because this is level 1 doesn't mean you can be complacent. Also, it's not just boulders and dartguns this time, look at all the new shit we've got waiting to kill you"
>dark ladder to pop a flare so you can see
>unexpected T-rex call-back, then a third secret to give you the new nade launcher, followed by another surprise T-rex you might choose to use the new weapon on
>zipline, which are nearly as rare as the T-rexes

>> No.10517212

Actually, I don't give a shit anymore for secrets or kills, I just play for fun, as a kid I was turbo autist getting all secrets, saving bullets and killing all enemies. Maybe this is why I love TR3 so much now, levels seem organic and huge.

>> No.10517219

Not to mention flares on TR3 on PC DON'T FUCKING WORK AT ALL while on PS1 they are PERFECT with best lighting ever, along with COLORED LIGHTS and real fog effects, which makes a ton of difference for atmosphere. TR3 on PC is garbage.

>> No.10517229

Fair enough, desu. I did encounter a few bugs but nothing game breaking. Mostly missing textures in a few random spots.

>> No.10517236

Sounds like an issue with your install. Flares worked fine on mine.

>> No.10517243

>Flares worked fine on mine.
Your opinion is discarded if you don't play TR3 on PS1, even on an emulator. Just try and don't be a resolution nigger. TR3 on PS1 is the best looking classic TR game, they nailed the lighting+dynamic lighting, atmosphere, environment effects and the gameplay is top notch. The PC version of TR3 is botched, that's a well known fact.

>> No.10517253

the save crystals don't heal you in the PSX version though, very inconvenient when they are so few

>> No.10517261

Don't be an autist and use the medpack. Don't reload like a pussy if you botch a fight, just use the medpacks. Don't save before and after every gun fight or tricky jump like a fag. Play Nevada last so you go to Antarctica with the least items and enjoy the game the way it was supposed to. And actually git gud.

>> No.10517283

>It's amazing what you can do if you focus mainly on iterative improvements and put your employees on a grueling work schedule.
The crunch in core design between tr1 and tr5 must have been great, because on top of being overworked and overpressured, let's be honest, even though we love classic tr core design devs were not allowed to innovate, the grid based graphics where only 90 degree corners were allowed was embarrassing even for ps1, being an overworked developer on crunch time and not being allowed to have even the slightest innovation over a period of 5-6 years must have taken it's toll. No wonder aod turned out shit, they were burned out and sucked dry. Too bad we never saw the natural, non-forced by greed, evolution of tr1. Aod was a shitshow that had nothing to do with tr and there has been no other game that has captured the magical feeling of tr1. Sad.

>> No.10517317

That's spot on, the classic TR games are really made for people who play all of them in order.

>> No.10517324

>inb4 somebody mentions crystal dynamics
I'm not a legend trilogy hater, I actually enjoy them a lot, but they are not, not even close, spiritual successors of tr1. They are not grid based but lara has a very floaty feel, like she is not part of the game world. This is what tr1 nailed. Lara was a part of the world, she fitted 100%. Other contemporary 3rd person adventure games (e.g. American McGee's Alice which I love) had also this floaty feel of the character not fitting with the world. Since then this problem has become even worse with shit like the uncharted or tr reboot and the subsequent modern gaming trash fire. I'd like to see a non-grid based tr game with the action/puzzle/loneliness/exploration/mystery/zen ratio of tr1 where Lara feels 100% part of the world. I'm sure it's not so easy since no one has pulled it off but surely it's possible.

>> No.10517329

I liked Legend back in the day but recently I tried playing Underworld and couldn't stomach it, the way Lara magnet grips onto everything is disgusting.

>> No.10517330

I think it was TLR I was reading about where the dev team was so burnt out and tired of making Tomb Raider games that the most fun a lot of them had while working on the game was creating new and brutal death animations for Lara as a joke.

I would have been ok with Lara Croft staying dead after the end of TLR. Chronicles was a mishmash of decent and disaster pulled from the "cutting room floor" (there is usually a reason why something is on the cutting room floor), and Angel of Darkness was about as fun as being raped by a rabid silverback gorilla. I never played Legend, thought Anniversary was ok but preferred the original (and would have loved to have seen the initial version of TRA that had the promo footage with the duel of the fates music leaked), and while I played through and had fun with Underworld I played it on the PS2, which from what I have heard is the worst version of the game. TR2013 was fun, but it was not a Tomb Raider game, and I skipped the next two.

Letting the team permakill Lara Croft at the end of The Last Revelation would have been the best way to go. The series would have ended on a really high note.

>> No.10517368

It's a nice headcanon that Lara was killed off at the end of TLR as a "fuck off" from core design devs for being burned out but I'm not buying it. I think the Core Design management was planning on some epic shit twist for AOD, that turned out nice LMAO. Core Design management at the time must have been real sleazeballs and slavedrivers at the time, don't forget that Toby Gard was actually forced out of the studio and game he had a huge part creating and he actually tried to innovate with Galleon, which despite being a failure it showed that maybe there was a hope for modernizing TR and getting rid of the grid without losing everything that made TR good in the first place. We will never know where TR could have gone if they let TR evolve naturally.

>> No.10517381

>I think the Core Design management was planning on some epic shit twist for AOD
Yeah I believe that too, I really doubt they were just planning to not make a Tomb Raider for the PS2. But then they insisted in wheeling out Chronicles and ruined everything.

>> No.10517387

>I think the Core Design management was planning on some epic shit twist for AOD, that turned out nice LMAO
They were teasing that AOD was just a small part of the story that would be told in the epic sequels of AOD and there would be an EPIC spin off for the EPIC LOVABLE TRUSTUS YOU WANT THIS CHARACTER Kurtis Trent LMAO. What a shitshow. The fact that EIDOS shut down core so fast after the AOD disaster and gave TR to Crystal Dynamics hints that some real shit was going at Core Design management at the time.

>> No.10518340

Now that I've been playing the first two levels, this game is really fucking beautiful. This has to be among the best looking PSX games.

>The save system of TR3 on PS1 is PERFECT and I will fight for this
I disagree. I prefer TR1 save crystals and hate the "save anywhere" function.

>> No.10518590

It's not headcanon since some of the devs have said that was the actual plan. They were probably lied to by management though to get them to work extra hard on the "last" game, which they did. You can practically feel the hurt of this lie in Chronicles, by which point they had lost any remaining hope.

>> No.10520450

the slow walkspeed in this game is fucking inexcusable with how often you need to use it to position lara because of the run's long gait. did they not playtest it or was sexy lady strut too big of a draw?

>> No.10521206

> ADHD addled zoomer can't stand any movement that isn't zoom zoom fortnite fast

Slow movement is precise movement retard. The classic TR series is comprised of games where 50-90% of the challenge is precise platforming.

>> No.10521252

>The save system of TR3 on PS1 is PERFECT
they should have stuck with checkpoints. 'save anywhere' crap is just dumb in platformers and encourages lazy design anyways.

>> No.10521263

>TR3 on PC is garbage
console versions have no expansions, outside of fan ports. which contains better levels than the base game.

>> No.10521284

> It's too bad some people can't get past the weird level format
because its lacking on the platforming aspect compared to the prior three games. and i dont even know why people compare to 1, its almost entirely different in its design. it certainly has better puzzles and combat segments. but who cares about the latter in TR?

>> No.10521387 [DELETED] 

You forgot to mention the fact that TR2 Added
>underwater combat
>mid-air turn jump

>> No.10521394

You forgot to mention the fact that TR2 Added
>underwater combat
>mid-air turn jump

And TR3 added:
>environmental effects such as mist, rain, and snow
>AI was improved and could now take cover and retreated when unable to reach the player

>> No.10521405

If anything, Toby Gard failing to do anything remotely successful after Tomb Raider shows that he really wasn't as important as everyone thought he was. I mean, most of his original ideas weren't even kept. They changed main character, they changed the style of play, they changed her main weapons, they changed the story. He basically built a robot, then they removed all the inner workings and kept the chassis.

>> No.10521927

bullshit. classic resident evil's walk is just as precise while not being painfully slow, it'd only be a problem in TR because of animation momentum, which they easily could have made an exception for something boring like walking.

>> No.10522197

OP here.
So after the first stage, you meet the weirdo at the camp. You go to the temple and see the other two dudes are sacrificed. Then when you beat that stage and see the original camp fucker on a raft, Lara tried to shoot him.
I figure he sacrificed those two dudes for some ancient power, but am I supposed to know what's going on? Lara clearly knows something is up as she started shooting on sight.

>> No.10522232

I agree with the walking speed being too slow but honestly that applies to a lot of animations in classic TR like for the ladders, monkey bars, crawling and shimmying because there are big stretches of climbing in TR3. If the animations were sped up by even 30% it would already be a big improvement.

There's also one thing that could improve ALL of the classic TR games and that would be allowing Lara to jump whenever she reaches a ledge. As it is right now, she needs one tile of space before she can jump while running. Which means you have to walk to the edge, then hop backwards (one tile) and then run and jump when you reach the ledge and it become tedious really fast because you have to do that ALL the time in every Tomb Raider game.

>> No.10522285

yeah, I really like the grid platforming concept but you have to endure so much slow tedium for that one short bit of fun jumping. there's a certain appeal to TR's animation fidelity but I wish they had taken a crack at tightening everything up and making the game snappier. the original robot mechsuit concept feels a lot more appropriate for how slow and labored the gameplay is.

>> No.10522341

>zoomer tries something different than the standard control scheme of the modern third person action cookie cutter gameslop and has a monkey rage moment
LMAO typical. Pretty soon you are going to start complaining how classic tomb raider sucks because it doesn't have gears of war/uncharted cover shooting mechanics or how much it sucks because it doesn't have tatoo customisation in the character selection menu. If you are not willing to accept different games from different eras with different decisions that make sense for what the game was set to achieve go back to fat pigslop like GTAV and RDR2.

Classic Tomb Raider isn't perfect but it gets much more things right than modern third person action """games""". Lara's movement and animation and how it fits with the environment, the action and the puzzle/exploration elements is one of the objective triumphs of classic Tomb Raider.
You got filtered.

>> No.10522374

I like classic resident evil so your entire premise is moot.

>> No.10522560

>i like braindead garbage

>> No.10523250

If you can, rewatch the cutscenes in-game or on Youtube. Possibly even check the manual. They did not do a good job mixing the sound in those cutscenes so you probably missed something important.
Whether you played Resident Evil too is irrelevant because you don't really understand why Tomb Raider does what it's does. Tomb Raider is al about giving the player as much control as possible, Automating the running jump would take that away. If you want that, just play Anniversary.

>> No.10523275

The dude was acting weird, said the other explorers were still at the temple. Said he' leaving, I should do, unles I want to dieeeeee.

>> No.10523330

Once you got used to these games you only start walking at the last moment if at all. Zig zagging near jump spots to avoid walking or climb animations is actually fun.

>> No.10523341
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3 had so much better atmosphere than 4.

>> No.10523371

I'm not the anon that mentionned Resident Evil although I enjoy RE games too because I play a lot of games from different genres. I absolutely understand the appeal of classic Tomb Raider games and they are still at the peak of their field but you'd have to be completely deluded to think that they are without flaws and can't be improved. Allowing Lara to jump at the edge of a tile means giving the player MORE control and would lead a more skill based gameplay since you still have to plan her trajectory perfectly. If you think that's identical to TR Anniversary's automated jumps then I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.10523474

So I want to beat the Tomb Raiders for the playstation just because I can actually emulate then on my chink handheld. Is this a good idea? How are the controls? I think there is an open source pc remake, how do they compare?

>> No.10523791
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>Meet Tony the Loon
>He claims to be the last person to see Randy and Rory alive
>Find Randy and Rory's ritually slain remains
>You and Tony are the only living humans in several kilometre radius

>> No.10523812

Yeah, it could get improved. There could be decent quick-turning and better combat, but screwing around with the jumping is not improving the game.
I haven't played the PSX version, but things like TR1Main add in a bunch of QoL features like improved draw distance, the console version's music, better distance for grabbing items and hotkeys for each weapon and medikit. Also, if you want to play the Gold levels in one, you can.

>> No.10524525

There are those living statue guys there too who could have easily killed them.
I meant more that am I supposed to know what he did and why.

>> No.10524649

It's hard to see in the ps1 version (I never noticed it until I made the switch to pc all those years ago), but he has the artifact Lara was looking for jammed into his chest.

>> No.10524820

That makes alot more sense.

>> No.10525412

4 is shit and I won't pretend otherwise.
Core design has made only 3 good tomb raider games, 1, 2, 3, and this is only because they are based to the work of the original dev team and they hadn't (yet) burned out all their developers and level designers. It's not a surprise that aod is shit, the surprise is how tomb raider 1, 2 and 3 were so good despite being managed by the slavedrivers of core design.

>> No.10525474
File: 46 KB, 768x480, 283596-tomb-raider-the-last-revelation-dreamcast-the-start-of-the-adven[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Revelation started development at the same time TR3 did but with a different team, so they had twice as much time as normal and the devs weren't as burned out because they only had one massive crunch behind them (for TR2, whereas the original had around 3 years of dev time).

That's not to say that Core higher ups weren't slavedrivers, but the situation was not as grim as you are making it out to be. The Last Revelation is a fantastic game, and a perfect sendoff for the series (we are pretending that Chronicles never happened). The whole "killing Lara Croft" thing was kinda funny though, the team decided to do it and make TLR literally the LAST revelation, but didn't tell management until very late in development and by then there wasn't enough time to change things.

As an aside, the Dreamcast port also looks and runs great, especially over VGA.