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File: 251 KB, 1024x1024, lufiasnes-1669748590028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10511854 No.10511854 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't this series ever gain any mass traction?

>> No.10511869

I made sure to keep it a hidden gem only known by sticky nerds.

>> No.10511879

i’ve wondered this too. i was a bit young for the release of the first one but remember clearly the second coming out right after super mario rpg so that probably had a negative impact. then it also wasn’t from a known publisher and, as now, that always matters a good deal for whether someone essentially window browsing is willing to give something a try on a whim. plus there’s always the argument that the snes was so glutted by rpgs that people missed a bunch either from ignorance or being blown out on the similarities.

>> No.10511985

how would they even, when the most prominent games were released during the apex of square? they had nothing that made them stand out (no, the ancient cave is boring garbage, accept it). and then came the nihon flex disaster... and later the remake fiasco...
lufia is just a cursed series; it never had a chance at all. which sucks, because i still long for remakes of ruins of lore and TLR

>> No.10512162
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i think the problem is that the first one sucked shit too hard, so nobody bothered to look at the second one. lufia 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. arguably, i would even say that its a better game than chrono trigger. while chrono trigger has a better plot, the actual GAMEPLAY from lufia 2 blows it out of the water. i find the interesting dungeons and loads of puzzles way more compelling than a few minor forks in the road and button or two to find, while simply advancing the plot.

>> No.10512407

I feel like i straight fever dreamed this entire franchise. Was this the game that had an optional path to let a demon lord take over the MC as a way to gain more power?

>> No.10512440
File: 1.80 MB, 3472x2738, E8F2FE7B-FCCD-402B-871E-07EDE370F696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just spent 150 hours getting the perfect save file on Lufia 2 lol. The timer loops back to 0:00 at 99:99 hours. Trying to max out the first one now. Probably going to take me well over 500 hours to get everybody to 999 stats.

>> No.10512441

Does it have cute girls?

>> No.10512442

Yes but it also has Dekar. Who is better.

>> No.10512496

Played Lufia 2. About 8 hours. It's a great game. Super charming, but the battles are the weak point.

>> No.10512615

The game has fantastic dungeons, better than anything you can find in the genre. But the genre was over saturated with good games with far better designs and stories. The combat is not that bad as the anon says, it is actually at the level of FF sans ATB.

>> No.10512739
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Honestly I'd chalk it down to bad luck and timing

2 was a sleeper hit, but what really killed it was the PSX entry being cancelled. Lufia 2 came out in 1995, and the PSX entry was supposed to be a 1998 release. After the publisher, Nihon Flex, went bankrupt Neverland couldn't really get the PSX entry out the door + combined with scrapping it and doing a Game Boy Colour entry instead meant the next game, The Legend Returns, didn't come out until September 2001; At this point, the GBA had been released in Japan since March the same year.

So yeah, a six year hiatus between entries and the next mainline game being on a dead console really put it in a bad spot. Add to that Ruins of Lore getting a poor reception and the series was essentially dead in the water.

In hindsight, if they had gotten the PSX entry out in 1998 as planned I think there's a good chance the series would have been a lot more well-known. The long delay between 2 and TLR meant Neverland couldn't really strike while the iron was hot and capitalize on the IP.

>> No.10512750
File: 20 KB, 599x337, lufia-3-design-doc-arts-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nihon Flex doesn't go bankrupt and Neverland gets the PSX entry out as originally planned
>Alternatively Neverland gets The Legend Returns out by 1999 or early 2000s so it doesn't release on a dead console
>Make Ruins of Lore a launch title for the GBA or get the polish up to the level that it doesn't look outdated in 2002 compared to Golden Sun which had released half a year earlier

There, the IP is now in a position to have kept going in the 2000s as a smaller-scale RPG series with either portable or console entries

>> No.10512826

lufia 1 was generic af
lufia 2 was okay

>> No.10512834

it was well known. lufia 2 is like the original gfaqs-core.

>> No.10512849

I've been playing Lufia 2 but honestly I'm thinking about dropping it, it has soul but I'm getting to a point where I need to alt tab to a guide every time there's a puzzle and there are a lot of them.

>> No.10512997

seems like a niche interest game. some of the characters look cool but overall i find it unappealing.

>> No.10513016

It's no final fantasy or dragon quest sure but it did pretty well to get a handful of sequels and a questionable remake

>> No.10513058

First game has that feel of being a late 8 bit jrpg except it came out in 1993 in Japan and 1995 in the us when that shit didn't fly anymore. Sequel feels like proper 16 bit style but the better jrpg series it was competing with were in a more refined second generation at that point

>> No.10513537

It kind of did.
>In the United States, it was the top-selling Super NES game in February 1994.
>In Japanese polls of all-time favorite Super Famicom games, Lufia II was consistently voted one of the top five between 1995 and 1996.

>> No.10513606

i think you're thinking of "soul nomad and the world eaters"

>> No.10513619

tell me a snes rpg where the battles arent a snoozefest that you just mash A to attack through. yeah, yeah, maybe you use a spell instead or something, but most battles you can get through by just having all characters attack.

>> No.10513626

lol filtered brainlet

>> No.10513635

theres like one hard puzzle in the game. the rest are toddler level.

>> No.10513639

bold take: the ancient cave alone is better than most final fantasy games

>> No.10513697

>a guide every time there's a puzzle and there are a lot of them.
i hope you are 10 years old bro, because i got bad news if you are an adult.

>> No.10513704

only if you enjoy repetitive dungeon grinding with no character interaction or plot. but i guess a lot of people are like that.

>> No.10514363

I'd tell you to read a book, but we both know you're too lazy for that.

>> No.10514394

there's games mostly everyone considers unique and worthwhile, and there's games mostly everyone considers bland and forgettable, and lufia's kind of in the exact middle

>> No.10514407

There's too many mediocre jrpgs popl have esteem and nostalgia for because it as their only game for a summer and Lufia is the face of that

>> No.10514428

Isn't this the series that to get a physical copy of you have to spend meme-level money to get? I suspect that, and originally appearing on the Sega CD had an effect on it failing.

>> No.10514513

>first game was bad
>second game was filled with bugs and overshadowed by final fantasy
>gb game was a clusterfuck

>> No.10515316

the bugs are so negligible though. i dont understand why people have this notion that it was some sort of unplayable mess. there was like "the sword shrine" map being fucked up, and thats it. nothing else ever really mattered or impacted anything unless you did some REALLY specific shit.

>> No.10515540

You're thinking of Lunar.

>> No.10515593
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>tfw you can't even bring yourself to play this past the bridge

>> No.10515652

lunar is worth something? the playstation game "lunar silver story complete"? im pretty sure my mom picked up a copy from a garage sale or bargain bin in the early 2000s. it might be a little used/beat up, but its definitely a real copy. just how "meme-level" are we talking?

>> No.10515661

i guess i should add that its the cardboard box set, with a thick booklet too. not just the game disc.