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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 95 KB, 253x190, platformer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10509436 No.10509436 [Reply] [Original]

>Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf
>Jumping Flash
>Tomb Raider
>Ape Escape
What's the superior platformer game for the ps1? And why?

>> No.10509441

im loving the influx of klonoa threads lately

>> No.10509446

Can Tomba, Sheep, Dog 'n' Wolf and Tomb Raider really even be considered platformers? Heck, I'm not even sure if Spyro is a platformer, it's more of an action-adventure game too

>> No.10509449

>Heck, I'm not even sure if Spyro is a platformer, it's more of an action-adventure game too
Then Mario 64 is an action adventure too.

>> No.10509464

>thinly vailed bait thread
we all know its not about platformers or ps1 games. you only made this thread to bait another psx vs ps1 debate. yes the psx was the name of the ps2 multimedia station and no, no one used the term psx I grew up with a ps1 I remember that time.

>> No.10509469

the oddworld games are kino as fuck

>> No.10509506

You'll laugh but that's actually what I've always thought, you can even talk to NPCs in that game. It's an action-adventure game with platformer elements. Same for Sunshine and especially Odyssey

>> No.10509575


>> No.10509589

klonoa ez

>> No.10509603

Jumping Flash > Crash > Klonoa > Croc > The rest

>> No.10509608

Tomba is more like a metroidvania, if you count it you need to count SOTN as well.
It's often being forgotten since it came out petty late but Castlevania Chronicles is a very good platformer game.

>> No.10509617
File: 189 KB, 355x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the deepest most satisfying platform game, has no extra fat or weird extrinsic motivations, it's all about gameplay 100%. Umihara Kawase Shun for the PS1 is the greatest 5th gen platformer.

>> No.10509632

>no little ralph
this board is infested with casuals

>> No.10509634

The people who praise these games don't actually play them.

>> No.10509650

This but Nintendo

>> No.10509659

Weird deflection when the game has a replay feature and you could easily post your gameplay.

>> No.10509663

hes right tho

>> No.10509667

>Tomb raider is a platformer

>> No.10509678

I just think it's funny how easy it is to spot the guy who always praises games he doesn't play.

>> No.10509679

Same, never seen a nintendo fan *play* a game, just pretend!

>> No.10509680

the craziest thing is a whole generation of kids is convinced that a boogeymen exists out there that larps about playing anything but mainstream trash. if its not mario 64 no youve never played it dont even try to tell me otherwise.

>> No.10509682

He has the same file name and praises the same games and never has anything to show for it despite having a capture card. It's obvious he doesn't actually play them.

>> No.10509683

Dont you say this about literally everyone who isnt you?
Plays Umihara? Doesnt play games.
Bought a retrotink 4k? Doesnt play games.
Nintendo? Doesnt play games.
Posts on 4chan? Doesnt play games.

>> No.10509686

>Plays Umihara
He doesn't. That's my point.

>> No.10509687

This but for Nintendo. Literally never seen anyone post it! Just doesn't happen. Press them on it and they're like "uh yeah I've played uh...BARIO 64!!!" and when you ask for proof they instantly flip out accusing you of never even touched an atari or something. Weird obsession and schizophrenia.

>> No.10509692

Post your Mario 64 clear.
If you dont do it right now, you dont play video games.

>> No.10509693

Tomba and Tomb Raider are almost exclusively platforming. The fuck are you on about?

>> No.10509694

>youre playing a saturn game?
>why arent you jerking it to pokemon or x popular thing
the state of game discourse rn

>> No.10509696

Spyro is the only correct answer

>> No.10509705

Can you go one thread without bringing up Nintendo? All I'm asking is for the huge Umihara fan to post his replay, the same fan who says he has a capture card.

>> No.10509714

If you cant post your own game clears, why would other people?
People dont record their gameplays, you dont record your gameplay, so why do you think others do?

>> No.10509716

How about Heart of Darkness?

>> No.10509724

>People dont record their gameplays
Umihara games have a built in replay feature. And why did he buy the capture card if he isn't going to use it?
>you dont record your gameplay
I do.

>> No.10509727
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I was always quite partial to Crash Bandicoot, also Mega Man X4 and X5

>> No.10509732

>I do.
Then post some

>> No.10509782
File: 3.72 MB, 626x480, Umi.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have now played this game more than you (about five minutes).

>> No.10509785
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Me too :) umihara kawase shun is the best 5th gen platformer by the way.

keep in mind he's a mid 40s unemployed autist that spends all day defending nintendo, inciting weird flamewars over the name "ps1" and defending n64 and the gc (with his only example being re4) to the death. He doesn't play games. Also he gets insanely upset when you tell him croc was the first game with modern style stick controls where the left stick moves the character and right stick the camera. He has a deep vendetta against croc.

Anway the last things I've recorded are the last bit of act raiser (which I beat 2 days ago), and some soul calibur 1 webms responding to some anon who was convinced the game looked better than it actually did. You'll notice this autist is hyper aggressive over the most mundane shit and reveals a mental complex once you play a game that doesn't have mario in his name. He's also 1CCfag despite being a huge nintendo fanboy.

>> No.10509786

Holy shit dude nobody cares. Just post your gameplay.

>> No.10509787

abe's oddysee is the best one, though not really because it's a platformer per se, cinematic platformers are pretty different. the best ones in that regard are crash and tomba

>> No.10509794
File: 54 KB, 451x91, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't give autists what they want because I enjoy seeing them contort with obscene performances. Stop behaving this way and remake yourself into someone who isn't a rabid shitposter, maybe get a job you pathetic 45 year old man living at home.

>> No.10509802

>all the first level
Of course lol.

>> No.10509819

You actually record your gameplay?
Ok I still think this is extremely uncommon behavior and is an unreasonable ask.

You literally had to play the game to get a recording. You know most of us are at work wasting time when we post on 4chan, right?

I think Abe's Odyssee is also my fav PS1 platformer, but I agree, it's not necessarily a game I'd recommend if you're looking for a "platformer". But I also think Ape Escape is hardly a platformer, and I love that game too.

>> No.10509846

>"No! YOU post YOUR gameplay!"
>posts gameplay
>"w-well I uh don't have the time t p-play so..."
Wow, what a colossal faggot you turned out to be.

>> No.10509853

Earthworm Jim 2

>> No.10509860

Can you prove this is a common behavior? You have a sample size of 1 other person.
Also, I didnt say I dont have time to play. I said I dont record gameplay I've already played. Something you also havent done yet. What's stopping from OP from doing what you did just now? beating 1 level and saying "ya i love this game, been playing it for years"

>> No.10509883

I never said it was common behavior, I called you out for asking for something and complaining when you got it. That's faggot behavior, and you deserve to be mocked for it.
>something you also haven't done
They DID post a gameplay recording, you replied to it and complained. What are you even trying to say? I've already clocked you as a faggot, but are you genuinely retarded too?

>> No.10509901

I'll re-phrase.
Earlier I said Abe's Oddysee is my favorite PS1 platformer. I've at least played it twice in my life. But when was the last time I played it? Probably a decade ago.
Do you really think I have a recorded clear of that game to prove I love it?

>> No.10509915

I don't care what or if you record. I don't even care if you play the games, to be totally frank. I'm focusing on an interaction consisting of three (3) posts in which something was asked for, delivered, and subsequently complained about.

>> No.10509927

but you didnt do what I said. I said post some clears you've previously done. You didnt, you made a new one.
That's the issue, who has that? Apparently the one guy you were requesting for does (I'm still shocked), but you only posted on-the-fly gameplay. Show me a recording of yourself playing something in the past.

>> No.10509935
File: 700 KB, 1024x768, outl_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i realise this might sound a bit weird but i've been trying to create an "Atlas Vid" for a long time now about Umihara Kawase Shun. I already did one from the OG: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Z9QRSCrj0I and it was pretty straightforward because I could encode the TAS no problem and use it as input. There are multiple Atlas Vids already done, do a youtube search and there's a lot, notably by Andy Dick.

I did a test video of the PSX game years ago https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYa54hFPL3M but apparently the current TAS is incompatible with modern versions of BizHawk which is required for RAM dumping and analysis.

Would you be interested in recording an input playthrough of the game on the latest BizHawk? I contacted a few speedrunners but they weren't interested.

Pic related, it's some footage of my program used for drawing one frame of the level data as per the instructions fetched from RAM from one frame of gameplay

you can contact me on discord: @vervalkon

>> No.10509958

It was ok until field 9. What's that bullshit?

>> No.10509963

No you didn't. He said that he records gameplay, to which you responded "Then post some". He did, and you bitched.

>> No.10509975

Holy shit you're right. I re-read my posts and nothing about my post was past-tense. I said "Post gameplay", not "post clears" or even "post clear of games you've already played".
But my post where I tried re-phrasing >>10509901
specified the situation that I think makes no sense. Are you really asking me to play Abe's Odysee right now to prove I love it? I assumed I was being asked to already have a recording and to share it. "post your clears" sounds like I should already have it, not create it.

>> No.10509981

Goemon's great adventure on N64 blows all of these games out of the water.

>> No.10510097
File: 87 KB, 686x512, 1677326085572529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's why it wasnt released in the west. west had hate boner for all 2d stuff. plus this literally feels like kusoge

>> No.10510126
File: 276 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_5384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10510135
File: 69 KB, 639x586, IMG_5570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only consider one of those games OP listed as a platformer. Damn zoomers.

>> No.10510136

let's pretend gex was released today. i'll start
>visiting discord feels like that time on jeffrey epstein's island

>> No.10510187
File: 2.05 MB, 4032x1908, 20231124_163731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Shun, but here's a photo I took of the clear screen for Umihara Kawase on snes when I was bitching about how hard it is on an old thread. Beat the 3 main routes. Schizo btfo

>> No.10510193
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>> No.10510204

What's the difference between this and the snes release?

>> No.10510241
File: 910 KB, 1280x575, 1685737011847888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that it runs natively on psp as ps1 eboot

>> No.10510274

It's a full sequel with different levels and mechanics

>> No.10510318

laffo at schizo op getting triggered by umihara kawase. Never seen a no name game mindbreak someone so hard. Imagine being confrontational over a game like that.

>> No.10510410

i recently got driver's license and i'm more fascinated by road signs details. especially that "reversed" no u turn one because japanese have reversed traffic. it's nice detail

>> No.10510483

Only Jumping Flash and Crash can be seen as pure platformers that still somewhat hold up. There's barely any platforming in Ape Escape for example or it's so easy and basic it may as well not exist

>> No.10510740

Thats because something is mentally wrong with you.

>> No.10511129

what game is that? it looks fun

>> No.10511170

Why do people feel the need to prove their love for objects and art? What the hell does it matter, especially on 4chan of all places?

>> No.10511226

kek this is true

>> No.10511253

Ape Escape isn't a platformer, it's a snag 'em up

>> No.10511375

A little rough on the edges, but a fun game. The difficulty cranks up in the final world, but that's like two levels and a final boss stage?

>> No.10511438

You beat me to it.

This is a very pretty game. And dignified enough to not straight up mention on its cover and title that it is a Lemmings spin-off. I've recently realized that the death animation in this game was meant to represent the self-destruct command. Very charming.

>> No.10511514

If you enjoy any of those longer than one hour as an adult man there is something wrong with you

>> No.10511523

>Are you really asking me to
I'm not asking you to do anything. I called you a faggot. My involvement in the thread began and ended there.

>> No.10512008

West has been doing 2d platformers for a decade by the time of the fifth gen. They were desperate for something new, and the pastel colours just looked uncanny to them too.

>> No.10512034

in what world is tomba 2 not a platformer lol, have you ever played the series before

>> No.10512075

Tomba 1 is a metroidvania, 2 is an action adventure. Just having platforming elements doesn't automatically makes a platformer.

>> No.10512306

Are you one of those people who also call Metroid a platformer to piss everyone off?

>> No.10512310

>I'm not even sure Spyro is a platformer
You've lost your mind

>> No.10512314

tomb raider is definitely a cinematic platformer like Prince of persia and flashback, just in 3d, but i guess you could also just give it the generic 'action adventure' label

>> No.10512317

impressive attempt at turning non-bait into bait but ultimately you failed.

>> No.10512336

2d metroid and castlevania are also platformers

>> No.10512472

Yes and no. Technically metroidvanias could qualify as platformers since the most of gameplay consists of platforming but being focused on exploration and having abundant backtracking could be a major turn off when you want just a pure platformer game. And most importantly the quality of platforming in these games usually isn't that great. Both Tomba and SOTN are good metroidvania games but I would never recommend these to someone looking for a platformer.

>> No.10512489

stop replying to obvious bait

>> No.10512513


>> No.10512537

What makes platformers feel more infantile than any other genre when they are all escapism with no intellectual value?

>> No.10512539

It is a matter of proportions. If you spend more time jumping than killing, then it is a platformer. Otherwise, action adventure.

>> No.10512595

Platforming is a major part of Zelda 2

>> No.10513334
File: 111 KB, 1072x658, DaYIfh0V4AEZ0t3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have a PAL rom of Spyro Year of the dragon that has the save bugs fixed? I tried one called Spyro year of the dragon 1.1 but it wouldn't fucking work with openemu

>> No.10514076

I dont, but I'd like to hear more about the save bug and your preference for the European version.

>> No.10514123

Spyro 1 is the best 3D platformer on PSX for sure.

>> No.10514270

Creepy as fuck, hard, extremely gory. I was legit scared to play this shit as a child.

>> No.10514301

Like the other anon said about Tomb Raider, it's a cinematic platformer in 3D. Early on it's more of a shooter, but by the end you have do more and more insane jumps to get to the end of the level, until you have you climb up what's effectively a mountain face to win.

>> No.10515556
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