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File: 3.55 MB, 854x576, WW physics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10501826 No.10501826 [Reply] [Original]

What are other examples of soulful autistic details that are in a game just because?

>> No.10501830

Wish we had got a WW sequel

>> No.10501948


Aren't those shitty DS Zeldas WW sequels? They Toon Link that's all I know.

>> No.10502084
File: 31 KB, 480x360, Baking bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked how Ultima 7 allowed you to do little mundane tasks like baking bread or milking cows or spinning wool and eventually making clothes (or bandages). There was very little point to doing any of them, as it was always easier and faster to just adventure and buy the supplies you needed, but it was nice that the engine allowed you to perform those kinds of tasks. Plus, virtue of Humility and everything.

>> No.10502091

Phantom Hourglass is a direct sequel to Wind Waker, while Spirit Tracks takes place in the same timeline

>> No.10502118

2bad crafting mechanics in RPGs became totally autistic and sometimes needed to beat main plot.

>> No.10502120

>Plus, virtue of Humility and everything.
Meaning what

>> No.10502134

Meaning it helps you to play as the Avatar by embracing the virtue of Humility to support yourself through the work of your own hands like a common laborer instead of reaping adventure and glory.

Granted, by the time of u7, individual virtues had faded into the background, but I like how it reinforced some of the thematic role of being an Avatar; you're not just a mercenary out for glory, you're this religious figure and have roles to play that aren't just solving the immediate crisis.

>> No.10502163

Is Wind Waker worth playing or should I just play the HD remaster?

>> No.10502173

>you're this religious figure and have roles to play that aren't just solving the immediate crisis.
le messiah avatar don't have to do shit. i force Shamino to stand in the middle of a forest forever, because he kept attacking me for stealing potions and meme goldbars.

i also lost my isekai born-again virgo by fugging all the gyspy whores. yes, the dude too. take that moral fags!!!

>> No.10502174

>There was very little point to doing any of them, as it was always easier and faster to just adventure and buy the supplies you needed, but it was nice that the engine allowed you to perform those kinds of tasks.
truly the precursor to elder scrolls games

>> No.10502176

>i also lost my isekai born-again virgo by fugging all the gyspy whores. yes, the dude too. take that moral fags!!!
But you didn't make the gypsy prostitutes in u6 fuck Sherry the Mouse when she was in your party? You are like innocent baby.

>> No.10502256

I still don't get how this looked so good in 2002. Or why no other game figured out this look

>> No.10502290

i don't understand how this is not considered the only good 3d zelda

>> No.10502326


>> No.10502328

The (fake)dynamic shadows in Tales of Phanasia's night areas on the SNES.

>> No.10502348

pic or didn't happen

>> No.10502371 [DELETED] 

those mechanics were used in Ultima Online

>> No.10502374
File: 95 KB, 1536x864, 3467844-killer7-23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10502378

those mechanics were used on Ultima Online

>> No.10502379

Why did you delete your original post just to use english wrong

>> No.10502427

I really wish they'd finish Exult Rotate already.

>> No.10502439

I thought "used in" was wrong because we were talking about the engines

>> No.10502443

>What are other examples of soulful autistic details that are in a game just because?
Sorry, in English?

>> No.10502468

Phantom Hourglass has a better ending than WW in my opinion although it wasnt the better game except the dungeons

>> No.10503359

Nearly every Metal Gear Solid Game

>> No.10503389

Hey now, I thoroughly enjoyed both of them.

>> No.10503515

HD because of the Swift Sail. The sailing in the original is just so tedious. I think the remake gets rid of some rupee collection requirement too, but honestly that wasn't so bad in the OG game.

Nostalgiafriends scream and stomp their feet about the art style change but the sailing is just too boring in the original. Don't listen to them.

>> No.10503528
File: 3.92 MB, 634x448, sotc-fishgrip.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Shadow of the Colossus you can grab onto the fish and ride them around underwater. The game has a deep simulation that many things are directly a part of but you can only find out by experimenting.

>> No.10503536

You have ADHD.

>> No.10503546

The game is just insanely boring

>> No.10503553

How did they do this?? FUCKING HOW???

>> No.10503569

physics simulations aren't as complicated as source engine developer commentaries have lead us to believe. Here's a PS1 game doing what tears of the kingdom did 30 years later while getting none of the praise:

>> No.10503595
File: 80 KB, 479x895, top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Basically, a different shadow sprite of different orientation and length would be below Cless depending on where he's standing in relation to the street lamps and shop windows.

>> No.10504053

Because they're all at least good

>> No.10504094

I don't, and I agree with him. The sailing gets super tedious. Well actually, manually changing wind directions is the part that is tedious. I don't like doing it every time I change destinations. The game would be perfect if you could change wind with 1 button.

>> No.10504096

Calling the N64 Zelda's "not good" is peak contrarian.

>> No.10504104

I think they're "not bad" but not much more than alright

>> No.10504124

Viewed through the lens of context, the only real criticism of them (beyond the controller) is that people are too good at 3rd person action games in the present age, and the games are too easy by modern standards. They did a good job teaching people back then how to play... thinking about C-button items, switching to a first person perspective to look for elusive switches, how to shield and counter... etc.

>> No.10504129

That's where I sit with them, they're just not very interesting gameplay wise. They do a lot of little things but even compared to the contemporaries with more of a focus aren't as stand out as they remain. Part of the problem with zelda games basically iterating on oot for 20 years is they started doing little things better here and there until the original became unappealing to go back to because there's not much else there.

>> No.10504598

Those graphics will literally never age, it's funny

>> No.10504856

One of the most genuinely badass games ever

>> No.10504858

>I don't, and I agree with him.
I've got some bad news, kid.

>> No.10505000
File: 2.90 MB, 520x360, sunshine melon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10505014

Original if your first playthrough, you aren't too spoiled and have some patience. Atmosphere is important and good enough without need for the ADHD cheat sail. HD also fucks with the graphics and control scheme

>> No.10505024

You have too much time on your hands.

>> No.10505043

HD fucks with the graphics and physics and yeah I'm a nostalgiafag but the sailing is peak atmosphere so you really don't need the swift sail. Especially after you get the warp spell. Then again my favorite thing about restarting the game is mapping out the entire sea chart so I'm a bit biased.

>> No.10505139

That wasn't "just because", there's two puzzles in the game that require interacting with bridge physics. One in Dragon Roost Cavern, the other in a grotto.

>> No.10505151

>this game doesn't respect my time!
Do you use infinite arrow/bomb/magic cheats and disable the frame limiter for cutscenes too, just to save time?
Go stim somewhere else.

>> No.10505161

Those parts of the game are enjoyable, unlike having to play a song every time you want to turn around. A game not respecting your time is a valid complaint.

>> No.10505163

Never play a JRPG

>> No.10505387

NTA but that's precisely why I've never beaten a Zelda game or a JRPG.

>> No.10505390

Adding to this, I like playing them for the first while but I inevitably end up dropping them because my attention span sucks shit.

>> No.10505586

It also has nice water

>> No.10505592

This all just comes automatically from implementing bridge as physics objects

>> No.10506202

I wish other game had done this. Le scary suspension bridge is pretty iconic and underused
>tfw can hear the ropes creak and have to run to where it sounds safe on the bridge
>even more wind and holes everywhere
>enemies destroying it and baiting you

>> No.10506874

>getting filtered by a perspective

>> No.10507013

i will never play Ultima 7 and (You) will never have sex


>> No.10507043
File: 34 KB, 321x362, Apocalypso cultist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game does some basic shit every backyard physics engine can do

>> No.10507067

There is like three of them. It was the most milked zelda of all time before the advent of BotW

>> No.10507068


There's no way a Gamecube could handle brute-forcing rigid body and rope physics on every part of that bridge, and even if it could it wouldn't produce such a pleasing result. This was clearly done in a deliberate and sovlfvl way

>> No.10507528 [SPOILER] 

>virtue of Humility

>> No.10507641

Rigid-body physics like this aren't very computationally expensive. You had those shown off on the N64 already with stuff like Rocket - Robot on Wheels

>> No.10508021

Acting like somthing is nothing special when no other game does it just makes you look like a desperate console war fag. Why not just post a cool detail in a game?

>> No.10508091

It is easy, especially if you already are using a physics lib. Which is why anon you should be looking through the alternate lens of why doesn't every (relevant) game do this as well. Rather than your current perspective.

>> No.10508510

>Why not just post a cool detail in a game?
The truth is that usually only few games could afford this type of shit. Back then devs were happy to be able to squeeze out a working product.

>> No.10508571

i thought the sound engine for this game was really something else.
it could stream sample and music data from the cart.
it could also cross fade two different songs.
i can't think of any other game that pushed the SPC700 as hard

>> No.10508869


>> No.10509283
File: 1.39 MB, 1121x1071, rats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10509462

what game is this?

>> No.10509798

My fucking 486 had physics simulators like that. You're not special, nintenkid.

>> No.10510530

Hitman 3 I think

>> No.10511143

>Is Wind Waker worth playing
It's a must-play

>> No.10511649

Dark Souls 3 has bridge mechanics but they're more scripted

>> No.10512186
File: 291 KB, 1200x1800, MV5BZTFiNDNhOWUtZDc3NC00YzFhLWJkZjUtNjJiMmZmNDQyOGJlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MTM5NjI2._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mieschief Makers lets you do a lot of autistic shit just cause

>> No.10512692
File: 2.98 MB, 640x480, Perfect Dark 02.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Perfect Dark thread

>> No.10513834

>There is like three of them
What's the third one? I think it's only PH and ST and both are DS gimmick games, albeit good ones

>> No.10513905

Minish Cap and Four Swords reuse the artstyle. I don't think they're sequels exactly though.

>> No.10513946

Such as?

>> No.10514029

I fast forward every cutscene, because it's a waste of time. Believe it or not, not everything in the 20+ hour game is good and needs to be savored.

>> No.10514314

Grabbing everything including NPCs, Clanpot combinations, optional shit in all the levels, the sports games

>> No.10514404

>fuck with the physics
No it doesn't? It's exactly the same.

>> No.10514692


>> No.10514883
File: 33 KB, 167x183, 1639410882501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't touch the """"HD"""" version if you want actual soul.

>> No.10514894

Fucking zoomers are so fucking stupid holy shit.

>> No.10515169

best game ever made

>> No.10516365

never seen this before

>> No.10516382

makes me wonder what amazing games still could have been made for those old generations

>> No.10516386

Don't the ice cubes inside glasses in MGS actually melt if you shoot the glasses?

>> No.10516408


>> No.10516575

Those cool things that they put in retro games for no reason other than to show off a cool new technological feat they accomplished.
Like how they figured out how to do a 16x32 sprite but rather than just use that, they made Mario start at 16x16 and grow to double his height as a power up specifically to show off.

>> No.10518006

they shrink until they disappear yeah

>> No.10518629


>> No.10519390

Because the only other studio that ever even got close to making games look at good as Nintendos inhouse shit got bought by microsoft at this time.

>> No.10520340


>> No.10520358

PH sold many copies and ST was a step up from PT

>> No.10521024


>> No.10521795

>Zelda adjacent thread without any deranged shitposting

>> No.10522010

It does the same thing with Chris's reflection on various wet surfaces throughout the game

>> No.10522012

The screen becomes brighter when you walk past the street lights in the first Mega Man X stage.

>> No.10522015

Pubes of Tetra