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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10498415 No.10498415 [Reply] [Original]

>...the Gameboy port was developed by the same team that developed the NES Batman. Compared to the NES, Batman's default weapon is a gun rather than his fists. There are no mid-level boss encounters, just the boss at the end of each stage. The Gameboy game features eight levels against the NES's five.[4]
Probably why the midway point bosses are absent; they had to fit three additional stages into roughly the same ROM size. Also Batman looks like a weird insect and the music is not as catchy as the NES music is.

>> No.10498467

The game is a lot more enjoyable if you imagine that Batman has gone insane and is shooting up the city with a handgun.

>> No.10498917
File: 43 KB, 771x420, batman-rafael-grampa1jpg-25092023092522295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Batman just shooting everyone is genuinely the thing that makes me love this version... though I do think it stands on its own as a superb Batman video game regardless of this funny little detail.

>> No.10499103

Had this as a kid. Enjoyed it a lot. It even feature a shoot'em up level.

>> No.10500835
File: 187 KB, 1400x744, Batman_Machine_Gun_Truck_Driver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10500868

The three new levels were probably extras they designed for the NES game but left out for lack of ROM space.

>> No.10501439

I still pick this up on occasion! I played it a lot as a kid and I found it challenging and enjoyable. Especially silly having Batman with a gun. It worked surprisingly well for such a small screen. Never managed to beat it though.

>> No.10501698

it's rare to see a Gameboy port of something that was actually any good and not treated as an afterthought

>> No.10501741

The golden age was bat shit insane.

>> No.10501885

Even the NES Batman had you using guns like 90% of the time, fists were just for farming ammo or if you're a noob who runs out of ammo.

The first Genesis Batman game is way better than any of the games that came before it, it actually feels like a Batman game and not a shooter. Idk why the NES Batman gets all the attention.

>> No.10501904

>The first Genesis Batman game is way better than any of the games that came before it, it actually feels like a Batman game and not a shooter. Idk why the NES Batman gets all the attention.
That was a real early game when not many people had a Mega Drive yet. The NES was at its peak when Batman came out and outsold the Mega Drive game over 2-1.