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File: 67 KB, 500x500, ResidentEvilDirectorsCut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1049531 No.1049531[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I've never played this game. Holy shit it's a lot harder than I expected it to be.

I've only ever played RE4 (which I've been playing for years since it first came out on Gamecube).

I'm surprisingly susceptible to the jump scares in this one, and I'm enjoying being very careful and conservative of ammo giving the game a real survival horror feeling, but now the Mansion is empty and I can't find any doors that can be unlocked so I've been running around aimlessly for a few hours with awful controls.

Is there any way to get the shotgun off the wall this early? Am I just being unobservant or will it become clear later on?

>> No.1049539

>I'm surprisingly susceptible to the jump scares in this one

ahahaha what a faggot, video games scare you what are you 12

Jump scares still work on me, too. You're gonna love RE2

>> No.1049540

You aren't very good at solving even the simplest puzzles, are you.

Who are you playing as? Chris, I suppose? Anyway, be more thorough. Open the map and think harder. Look harder.

>> No.1049547


Playing as Jill. Didn't realize it made much of a difference.

>> No.1049550

As Jill, you get teh shotgun for free. You don't have to solve the puzzle, jsut fucking get it, what the fuck is stopping you?

>> No.1049556


I grab it off the wall, the lack of weight causes a switch to rise, and the ceiling crushes you slowly in the only exiting room.

I can put it back and survive, but can't get out of the room in my hands.

>> No.1049559

>and the ceiling crushes you slowly in the only exiting room.
Spoiler: Barry saves Jill. He breaks open the door.

You can find a broken shotgun and solve the puzzle properly, and you are required to do that as Chris.

Anyway, definitely be more thorough. Are you using the lockpick? You're carrying it with you, right?

>> No.1049561

It depends which way you go first. If you don't get there RIGHT after you leave Barry in the hall then he won't help you there.

Or, more like, if you don't go there before you meet him again in the hall (where he gives you grenade launcher ammo) then he won't help you.

OP, on the west side of the mansion (ground floor) there is a room with a broken shotgun. That will help you get the real one.

If you're stuck OP that means you need to solve the puzzles to get the crests to open the backdoor. There are 4 crests to find.

>> No.1049562

Confirmed for impatient as fuck. If you leave it until the last moment, Barry will kick the door down. Jill is Easy Mode what with two inventory slots and an early shotgun.

>> No.1049573

>It depends which way you go first. If you don't get there RIGHT after you leave Barry in the hall then he won't help you there.
What, seriously? Whoa.

>> No.1049568

>Playing as Jill. Didn't realize it made much of a difference.
Jill's and Chris's scenarios are somewhat different. They have the same mansions, enemies and bosses, of course, but their routes across the mansion are entirely different.

While we're on that note, RE1 >>>>>>>>>>>> RE2.
2 was great, but compared to 1 it's just an ordinary clunky action game. 1 was a fucking masterpiece of comedy, suspense and survival horror gameplay. 2 was just shootan and silly melodrama.

>> No.1049569

about Barry see >>1049561

>Are you using the lockpick? You're carrying it with you, right?

The lockpick doesn't appear in the inventory, this is not RE3. Jill always carries it no matter what, just like Chris carries a lighter.

>> No.1049579


What!? I died twice letting the ceiling crush me trying to find a way out that wasn't back into the shotgun room. Barry didn't save me for shit!

>> No.1049584

Did you get all of the crests yet? (Sun, Wind, Moon, Star) One is usually obtained from the painting gallery puzzle (from beginning to life to "end of life") The story unfolds pretty quick once you've gotten the crests and made it outside.

>Is there any way to get the shotgun off the wall this early?

Replace it with the "Broken Shotgun." Don't count on Barry.

>> No.1049582

> Jill is Easy Mode what with two inventory slots and an early shotgun.

Jill has a less HP than Chris which means hat it's much easier to die especially against bosses. It's not as easier as you make it out to be, just a bit easier. The Shotgun is only early and "free" if you go there right away.

> 1 was a fucking masterpiece of comedy, suspense and survival horror gameplay.

it was never meant to be a comedy...

>> No.1049585

Namefag already enlightened me in a post above. I didn't even know this could happen. How come you missed the room the first time, though? Keep trying all the doors. You're trying to look for a person before you escape, you know.

>> No.1049587


I've got 2/4 crests. I imagine there's one inside the lion with one red and and one blue eye, but I can't find the red gem yet.

>> No.1049593

>it was never meant to be a comedy...
Yes, comedy in a Shinji Mikami game? I never, right? Name one game by him that wasn't a fucking comedy through and through.

Or do you seriously think the live-action fucking intro was supposed to be taken seriously? You think he went and did it and thought it was very dramatic? Seriously?

>> No.1049597


B movie =/= comedy

>> No.1049601

>How come you missed the room the first time, though? Keep trying all the doors. You're trying to look for a person before you escape, you know.

It's very easy to miss it.
You can go in 3 directions : upstairs west, upstairs east, downstairs east.
Once you go around and come back Barry will be back in the hall (and from then won't help you with the shotgun).
So basically, he only helps you if you go downstairs/east FIRST + actually go in the room + actually pick up the shotgun.

There are quite a few other missable moments like this, as interactions between characters, that change or are missable. I was never able to meet Rebecca in the small library room where a hunter attacks her until YEARS later. I was also never able to save Barryuntil many playthroughs as well who would have thought of actually WAITING for him?!

>> No.1049605

Honestly, it's like Scream, it's horror but not meant to be taken seriously.

>> No.1049608

>Or do you seriously think the live-action fucking intro was supposed to be taken seriously? You think he went and did it and thought it was very dramatic? Seriously?

Yes it was. It was meant to be B horror movie. The intent was to disturb with gore and to scare. They used cheap actors because of budget and also because they WANTED to have this kind of B acting and voice-acting.
Early japanese video game voice acting sounds as weird as it does because, back then, the Japs had a very clear and "japanized" way of speaking English in mind which isn't native english at all; not because they wanted to create comedy.
Tons of other game of the time with voice acting had similar VA quality regardless of genre.

>> No.1049612

Red gem is acquired later (it's in one of them rooms locked by the helmet key).

Are you played Advanced/Arranged mode?

If so, there's half of one after fighting the giant snake and another half in another one of the second story rooms. Then, another in the room with the knight statues (you'll need the armor key for this room).

Are you sure you've explored everything? Dressers too (Jill has a lockpick)? Did you kill the giant weed in the fountain surrounded by herbs? There's a bag of insecticide somewhere; 'use' it on the pump.

>> No.1049613

>second spoiler
Wait WHAT!? And here I was thinking that the later appearances were a cop out or retcon or magical science.

>> No.1049614


>> No.1049617

Scream is meant to be taken seriously. It's not a comedy like Behind The Mask or Braindead.

>> No.1049687

Fucking birds...

Also, it really sucks having to randomly click X everywhere to find items. I'm trying to enjoy the game, but being this rut is not fun.

Waiting for that "eureka!" moment

>> No.1049718

But most items are 3d on 2d backgrounds and blink.

>> No.1049726

>Also, it really sucks having to randomly click X everywhere to find items.

It's not an RPG. There are no invisible items in RE.

>> No.1049743


Maybe it's because I'm playing on a PSP, but some of the stuff I've found was a total accident

>> No.1049747

PSP has a higher resolution than the PSX.

>> No.1049840


The clip I just found on Kenneth's body was definitely invisible.

>> No.1049854

You don't see stuff in people's pockets without actually going and checking them. Makes perfect sense to me.

But staying on topic, other than items on corpses, all of the other items are visible and you don't need to wallhug.

>> No.1049887

Yes but it also has a smaller screen and the PSP does no smoothing or filtering whatsoever unlike the PS2. DPI (Dots Per Inch) and resolution are both important when it comes to how much detail something can show. The DPI of a PSP is several times that of a CRT television, which means that certain graphics will be smaller and thus more difficult to see.

>> No.1049965

Some items are "invisible" but they'll be hidden in obvious places such as a bookcase or a shelf.
The only invisible item that's not obvious is a Beretta clip which is only in the PC version of the game, at the back of the lab room where you fight the Tyrant, probably a funny hint given by the developers of the port to hint at how you can actually kill the Tyrant in under 15 beretta bullets

RE2 has much more of invisible hidden ammo a bit everywhere though.

>> No.1049971

You can actually kill him in 27 knife strikes too. The fastest speed runs of RE1 involve just using the knife. Hell, in Code Veronica you can easily take down Nosferatu by knifing him a few times, same with Krauser in RE4.

>> No.1049989

I know.

Knife-only no-save (=no death) run with Chris I made a few years back :

He actually becomes an interesting opponnent when you take him down with the knife

>> No.1050010

It can be a tough game, if you allow it to be. You've got to manage your herbs and ammunition properly or you'll be forced to run away from practically everything and everyone.

Jill's campaign is a lot easier than Chris's, but that's because she's got bigger inventory space, and I believe the lock pick makes a few things easier.

>> No.1050180

Remember that if you're lost or confused to always check your map for locked doors or rooms with items in them (I forget if RE1 indicates on the map rooms with items inside them).

If you know anything about REmake the triggers for events and the order of events are different and sometimes completely flipped. The biggest example is V-Jolt since in RE1 it's detrimental if you do that as opposed to REmake where it's beneficial if you do that.

Chris requires old keys which also take up what valuable little inventory space he has available. Jill is easier in the sense that you get more powerful weapons early and you have more leeway in carrying items.

>> No.1050194


I'm currently stuck on that part in RE:DC. Ugh.

>> No.1050442
File: 86 KB, 640x549, Resident-evil-directors-cut-ps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The music was butchered. Yes it makes a big ass difference. Get yourself a copy of the pre-DS version. Play on advanced. Don't be a pussy and use the "easy" arrange mode option either

pic related, this is the one you want.

>> No.1050483


>letting Barry save you

Fuck that. I always do it the right way.

>> No.1050484

...is there a joke I'm missing or can you really get out another way?

>> No.1050501


I meant that I always get the broken shotgun first. Jill don't need no man to save her.

>> No.1050506

Unless you play as Chris.

>> No.1050507


Oh come on, it's not that bad. I got it from the Playstation Store back when they had a Resident Evil sale last year and it's mostly fine unless you're a purist.

>> No.1050510


You know, I've never enjoyed playing as Chris. Jill's version of events will always be canon to me.

>> No.1050525
File: 104 KB, 800x600, Sunglasses At Night.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this cover so much. It just shows that it's a man with a terrified look wielding a shotgun ready to shoot anything he encounters. He's terrified.

The Dual Shock music sucks. That's my main problem.

Same here. Chris doesn't have as many encounters with Rebecca during his romp through the mansion whereas Jill always bumps in to Barry. Jill also seems to have more of the story in her mission due to meeting Barry.

>> No.1050540



Ugh, ordeal obviously.

>> No.1050543
File: 631 KB, 647x678, 1368923287871.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here. Definitely unobservant/stupid which ever you prefer.

Killed snake. Got poisoned.

>mfw blue herbs do nothing

>> No.1050537


Chris's story makes even less sense in REmake. Why doesn't Rebecca seem to recall the horrific ideal she literally just went through in RE0 and more importantly, how the fuck did Richard manage to get himself stuck in the Aqua Ring? I admire his tenacity but maybe he should have considered turning back when he hit waist high water...

>> No.1050539
File: 38 KB, 374x298, Resident Evil Tiger Eye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played through Advanced last weekend and posted about it in the other RE thread.

If anyone is playing Advanced mode, make sure you take the time to find the second eye for the statue. It's almost entirely out of your way, and there's going to be, like, 3 Hunters per room to get it... but it's worth it holy fuckkk

>> No.1050547


... actually the snake just ran off.

>> No.1050558

Well, REmake came out before RE0 so Capcom couldn't add in any extra story to reflect 0. Richard just has too much spunk, man. You can't contain that enthusiasm. Really, a lot of people manage to get behind locked doors by some magical means, like Barry in the aquariam room. The one thing I don't get is where does Jill get a second gun? Chris took hers at the start of the game.

>> No.1050556

Go to the room where you first met Rebecca (safe room, west side of mansion)

I remember back when the REmake was first announced, I had hoped they'd add both Barry and Rebecca in, so you could potentially have 4 survivors per play through, as opposed to two. but nope.

>> No.1050589

>never meant to be a comedy


>> No.1050591


Yeah, it would have been cool to see all 4 of them escape together. It also would have been sweet to see them all take on Tyrant together.

>> No.1050605

I think Barry's Live Actor also did the voicework.

>> No.1050598

What is it?

>> No.1050608

>mfw blue herbs do nothing

How'd you get blue herbs that early in the game?

You're supposed to use serum on your character. You can get serum in the save room located in the hallway underneath the staircase (get there from the dining room 2nd floor).

>> No.1050610

Ever put the Red Gem in the statue in REmake? Something fun happens.

>> No.1050628
File: 28 KB, 275x411, mvc2-jill--article_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I ran as quickly as I could through the snake's area and then found some. I remember reading about it earlier in the medicine notes, but apparently this poison is not that same poison it was referring to.

>> No.1050636

The giant snake, right?

Not the little ones that drop down around the pool in the path to the elevator.

>> No.1050641


Yeah, I haven't come across any small snakes. Just the one.

Wasn't expecting him to wrap around me...

>> No.1050649

>Games in 1995 used live-action FMV for comedic effect

Haha, wow. If you were alive in 1995 you'd have a totally different take on this subject.

>> No.1050651

I wasn't aware you could get poisoned a second time.

>> No.1050678

You have to use serum after you beat it the first time. I don't believe there's a way to NOT be poisoned during that fight.

>> No.1050681

There is, don't get bit.

>> No.1050706

This, I've avoided Yawn multiple times and not had to deal with his venom.

>> No.1051096

>The Dual Shock music sucks. That's my main problem.

There are only like two bad songs in the Dual Shock version.

>> No.1051119



Play RE or RE:DC only. Dual Shock adds a terribad new score.

>> No.1051129

I was able to master RE2 at the age of 10, I can still beat the game in about an hour.

>> No.1051139

I haven't been able to play RE1 for the PS1, i've played RE2 and RE3 and absolutely loved them, Is it worth a play ?

>> No.1051149

>There are only like two bad songs in the Dual Shock version.

It's still a worse score. It also lacks music in certain areas that originally had it. And some of the music is comically bad.

>> No.1051156


They were trying for serious but:

1. Very low budget for video scenes, and audio recording.
2. They had no idea how to shoot video or record audio.

The result of low budget amateurs results in something awesome.

>> No.1051157


Yes. Do not play Dual shock version.

>> No.1051167

You should have started with REmake.

>> No.1051201

You are an idiot.

>> No.1051261

RE1 is the only RE game that actually has scarce ammo and ink ribbons, at least for the beginning of the game. Got to love that US Normal = Japanese Hard.

>> No.1051762

How is the V-Jolt detrimental in RE1? When you use it depending on which character you're plaing as, it will either let you have to kill the Plant once instead of twice; or make you avoid killing item altogether, which in any case make you saves ammo (and maybe health too).

>Jill also seems to have more of the story in her mission due to meeting Barry.

Yes there is the whole "Wesker using Barry" when you play as Jill which is SO B-movie like; but when playnig as Chris you get more info about Umbrella through Rebecca. Speaking of that, Rebecca teaches Chris what Umbrella is, which means that in RE1's storyline, Umbrella is a small company. Umbrella became bigger and bigger with every sequel (small company in 1 -> owns a town in 2 and 3 -> has labs and bases all over the world in Survivor, CV and on)

>Chris's story makes even less sense in REmake. Why doesn't Rebecca seem to recall the horrific ideal she literally just went through in RE0 and more importantly
>Well, REmake came out before RE0 so Capcom couldn't add in any extra story to reflect

That's because Mikami couldn't give a SINGLE fuck about 0. Sure, 0 came out after REmake; but its development started BEFORE REmake, which means that Mikami did know what was up with it; yet he did NOT acknowledge it at all in REmake. To me that's a proof that he doesn't agree with what Capcom did to his story.

>2. They had no idea how to shoot video or record audio.

They used a pro company to do it (Voice Acting director is the VA of Rebecca).
It's not a matter of quality at their disposal.
It's just that, that IS how VA used to be like for games.

>> No.1052109

>How is the V-Jolt detrimental in RE1?
If you don't use it in RE1 after the first "phase" Barry comes and saves you, but if you do use it then you have to fight it again. The opposite happens in REmake where if you use V-Jolt and enter the room Barry comes and saves you.

>> No.1052138
File: 305 KB, 750x1000, jill00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

>reading about a mutant plant
>seen it's tentacles grab at me earlier
>notes in dormitory talk of it getting it's nutrients from the excess water in the basement
>... and blood.
>walk down into the flooded basement
>brought my rocket launcher, let's do this
>cutscene shows something in the water coming at me
>bring it on plant monster
>it's not the plant, it's a fucking school of sharks
>nope right the fuck out back through the door I came in

This is like the best game ever made.

>> No.1052146

>rocket launcher
>Plant 42

>> No.1052148
File: 99 KB, 639x588, muhlady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That butt-trumpet basement music

>> No.1052153

Might've meant grenade launcher.

>> No.1052156

That makes sense.

>> No.1052158
File: 59 KB, 407x521, 1879f18e_e542_e1c6[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1052217

No, you're mixing things up. These are 4 possible ways :
1)you use it and Barry saves you the 2Nd time (=you don't have to fight it at all)
2)don't use and Barry saves you the 2Nd time
Then, if you get the cutscene where you overhear Barry talking to Wesker in the room with the hidden ladder that leads downstairs, while Jill is in the corridor; then enter the room to talk to Barry; he says he'll go outside. In this case he won't come to save you at all whether or not you use it.

>> No.1052219

in any case it's not detrimental to use because you always save having to fight it once.

>> No.1052272

The sharks can easily be outrun. In one of those rooms, across from the entrance (accessible with a key) , you can drain the water and not worry about the sharks.

The room near the entrance contains (maybe) one item and said plant's roots. Mix the v-jolt in the room with all of the chemicals by making the mixture's numbers add up to 42 (see the writings on the wall). 'Use' the v-jolt on the roots, fight the plant, collect the item in the fireplace.

>> No.1052289

>which means that Mikami did know what was up with it; yet he did NOT acknowledge it at all in REmake
And thank goodness he didn't, cause the game is much better off for not acknowledging that piece of junk.

>> No.1052313

>The room near the entrance contains (maybe) one item and said plant's roots.

It only has an item (a small key) when playing as Chris

>> No.1052406

>In this case he won't come to save you at all whether or not you use it.
I certainly didn't know that. I always managed to miss that event in the original.

>> No.1052417

Yes it's very easily missable. I only found out about that scene years after I first palyed, but it's actually pretty good as it foreshadows OP don't lookBarry doublecrossing you and Wesker manipulating him by using his family

>> No.1052423

The thing is I *always* get it in REmake due to how the event triggers were rearranged. I'm not even sure if you can miss it in REmake.

>> No.1052434

I'm not 100% sure because I've people REmake a lot less than the original (although I did beat it in Real Survival without saving or dying) but I think you can't miss that scene in remake indeed.

i should replay it

>> No.1052460

I'm about to replay RE1 once I figure out how to get this vertical black line to go away. Haven't emulated PS1 in a long time. I think I got it working fine switching the graphic driver, the other one just doesn't like Resident Evil.

Yeah, it works now. Hooray.

>> No.1052542

OP here. V Jolt is useless. Based Barry saved the day. Got the helmet key. Frogs everywhere. Having to use my heavy ammo. Hopefully will have enough with whatever boss is next.

Use spoilers please. Ive been lucky so far reading, but I enjoy the unknown, especially in this game.

>> No.1052560

>Frogs everywhere
Enjoy hell.

>> No.1052578

If i'm honest RE2 should be everyone's first RE.

The intro to zombies just didn't cut it in DC but the intro and start of 2 was perfect.
The window and the interrogation room were just great but it's the location that sells it. you get the feeling you're trapped in the city. it's what RE games should have always remained.

RE2 - DC / REmake - 0 - 3 -
CVX - 4 - 5 - 6 aren't really needed but are practically an epilogue on the characters.

>> No.1052594

>4 - 5 - 6 aren't really needed

Bit of an understatement there. Nothing since 4 has had anything to do with Resident Evil as far as I am concerned. Totally different universe with the RE title and characters tacked on to sell units. CVX was the beginning of the end as far as the shitting up of the storyline went but wasn't nearly as awful as the most recent entries in the franchise.

>> No.1052610

Well that's the way I felt (4 onwards not being canon) Revelations is worth a play though.

I forgot outbreak they should be played. But CVX is primarily about claire and chris finding each other so it has some merit canonically, even if the ashford family did jack shit.
>My family helped found umbrella!
>We helped develop the t-virus
>We made the veronica virus!

It's nothing important that game at all. It brings alot that ties in but doesn't add anything. it's just being shoehorned into the canon.

>> No.1052617

>Frogs everywhere


>> No.1052681

Can you not change costumes more than once in RE1? After I changed it just keeps saying "old clothes".

>> No.1052736
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>V Jolt is useless.

It's what makes it possible to kill the plant without Barry. A few shotgun or bazooka shots and it shrivels.

Did you get the other items (ammo, etc) in the rooms near the aquarium?

>> No.1052797
File: 10 KB, 154x193, 1287781570677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

Back to where I started. Checking a bunch of rooms to make sure I haven't missed anything. The last major item I seem to have gotten was the battery and it didn't seem to help me much.


>Demon Book 1
>Nothing interesting.

>> No.1052798

Check it again, bro.

>> No.1053112


Did you inspect the empty slot near the "waterfall" where the dogs were lurking? Outside of the path to the dorms.

>Doom Book 1

Check it thoroughly. Think, OP: what does one do after picking up a book?

>> No.1053304
File: 15 KB, 510x546, 1346702273183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished RE2 (ClaireA-LeonB) myself.
Holy shit, that game was so cash. Although I kinda liked RE1 a bit more.

>> No.1053829


This guy has no idea what he is talking about.

>> No.1053954
File: 101 KB, 581x218, RE1saturnCostumes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you can't.

My fav costume is the exclusive costume of Chris in the Saturn version.

The Saturn version is my favourite version of RE1 (not counting the DS version because it changes gameplay a lot even in classic mode due to enemies having a different AI and characters having more moves).

I would have never found out what to do with the books on my own; somebody showed me before I played it. But as >>1053112
pointed out, it makes sense.

>> No.1055541 [SPOILER] 
File: 276 KB, 960x720, PSOGL2_002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I remember why Hunters scare me the most in RE1. Fucking Advanced mode.

>> No.1055694

Resident evil for the PS1 is the best, I had the longbox and directors cut version.
I wish I could take amnesia pills so I could play it for the first time over and over

>> No.1056072

the first three REs were so much fucking fun 2 was my fave with the desert eagle

>> No.1056082

>To me that's a proof that he doesn't agree with what Capcom did to his story.

It is a pretty stupid story. Even more than any of the goofy stuff in Resident Evil 4 somehow.

>> No.1056089
File: 313 KB, 495x371, CVE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember Me?

>> No.1056095
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I enjoyed it. Bosses were a pain in the ass, but it's better than them being too easy.

>> No.1056110
File: 167 KB, 640x572, resiDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My personal favourite version of classic resident evil 1

>> No.1056549

it's great, but the experience is VERY different considering that every 3D model has been redone, that enemy AI has changed (and zombies are harder to dodge for example), and that you can use the knife at any time without it eating inventory space and do a 180° backflip.

The touchscreen mode is shit though. The new "puzzles" are baby's first gimmick shit and the first person knife part have awful gameplay (spawn in diagonal to win), don't make sense at all (why would I stop to fight all of a sudden?) and breaks the scare factor as well as the feel of danger and of having to flee.
Still, it's interesting to go through the game with a different key item palcement yet again.
Wish I had friends to play the multiplayer modes with.

>> No.1056563

Everyone I've seen on 4chan bashes CV, but I really liked CV. It was great in my opinion.

>> No.1058103


Looking into this. Never heard of it before.

>> No.1059659

Great version of the game. DS D-pad works surprisingly well with it too. Feels so much quicker and great to speedrun.

>> No.1059667

>Wish I had friends to play the multiplayer modes with.

No you don't. Trust me

>> No.1059681

My only issue was the icon rather seeing the actual player model. Otherwise it was fuck as shit. great mode.

>> No.1059692
File: 1.19 MB, 1748x1999, IMG_1351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multiplayer mode is great fun. No lag at all.

>> No.1060743


How does mp work?

>> No.1060927

The game includes wireless support (LAN-only) for up to four players with two different multiplayer game modes. The first is a cooperative mode in which each player must help each other come together. The other is a competitive mode in which the objective is to get the highest score out of all the players by destroying the most monsters (with the tougher monsters being worth more points). There are three playable multiplayer stages (the mansion, guest house and laboratory) and nine playable characters (Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Wesker, Forest, Kenneth, Richard and Enrico).

>> No.1061643

I actually like to play the DS version better on emulator using a PS2 pad rather than with the D Pad of the DS. Somehow I like it much better.

The best part of this is that some people modded it so that you can play the single player game with any of those other playable characters now. Enjoy playing through the game as anybody from the Alpha and Beta teams. Before that only a (hilarious) Barry's mod was made for the PC version.

>> No.1064237

double ngiger

>> No.1064251

I'm about to replay re1 myself, the original one before directors cut where you don't even choose a difficulty before playing, they just throw you the fuck in.

>> No.1064261
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The first PS1 version as well as the Saturn version are the only ones with no aim assist at all. Even if you play "classic mode" in Director's Cut you'll have aim assist which isn't in the original.

It makes the game harder but it's how it was intended to begin with, I personally love it (the Saturn version is my fav verison, I recommend it for the new skins of the 2nd waves of Hunters and Creature Labs, they make it worth alone by breaking the monotony of seeing the same looking monsters constantly)

>> No.1064270
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Going through Chris's campaign and just took care of the plant boss. Now, the place is filled with hunters. Is it best to avoid them or take them out with a shotgun? I'm getting my ass handed to me by these reptilian assholes.

>> No.1064279


Chris is hard mode.

And take out the niggers you can with the shotgun. Run when you can't.

I played with double ammo easy mode, so I should do a proper playthough sometime.

>> No.1064287 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 640x480, resident-evil-1-scary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are best avoided, some of best killed.

Basically kill the ones that are the hardes to kill and the ones which are in corridors that you go through the most. Avoid the rest.

Once you get the timing right they're actually pretty easy to kill with the Shotgun. Once you find a stronger weapon, the Magnum, don't be afraid to use it against them. Totally worth it.

Small protip: In the corridor on the west else which has the staircase connecting the ground floor with the upper floor, the staircase is divided into 2 segments. The first segment is a loading screen, the 2nd smaller segment is not. (pic related, this place except in the original).
As Chris, there is 3 Hunters up there. However, if you wake them up, attract them, quickly run and go down the upper segment of the staircase (therefore without leaving the room); you'll be below them and they won't be able to come down. They will remain runnings without moving like idiots at the start of the staircase.
Then, you can use your handgun, aim up, and kill them safely while saving stronger ammo. There is a saferoom just below in order to get the handgun and ammo in your inventory.

>> No.1064291
File: 71 KB, 640x480, resident-evil-1-scary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some are best avoided, some of best killed.

Basically kill the ones that are the hardest to avoid and the ones which are in corridors that you go through the most. Avoid the rest.

Once you get the timing right they're actually pretty easy to kill with the Shotgun. Once you find a stronger weapon, the Magnum, don't be afraid to use it against them. Totally worth it.

Small protip: In the corridor on the west else which has the staircase connecting the ground floor with the upper floor, the staircase is divided into 2 segments. The first segment is a loading screen, the 2nd smaller segment is not. (pic related, this place except in the original).
As Chris, there is 3 Hunters up there. However, if you wake them up, attract them, quickly run and go down the upper segment of the staircase (therefore without leaving the room); you'll be below them and they won't be able to come down. They will remain runnings without moving like idiots at the start of the staircase.
Then, you can use your handgun, aim up, and kill them safely while saving stronger ammo. There is a saferoom just below in order to get the handgun and ammo in your inventory.

>> No.1064332


I like REmake, it's the second Resident Evil that I played (first was 0) but I like the PSX (Director's Cut with the good music, to be specific) more. I'm not sure why, I just have more fun with it.

>> No.1064414


How different is the soundtrack from Resident Evil and its Analog Stick-compatible counterpart? I've got the Director's Cut, and have noticed the music does sound a bit off.

>> No.1064419

Dualshock version

Director's Cut

The difference is amazing

>> No.1064429


You've got to be shitting me. Why would they do that?

>> No.1064437

To be fair that's the absolute worst track on the Dualshock version. Most of it doesn't sound like a cat walking across a synth keyboard.

Dualshock Version

Resident Evil

Still a pretty big difference though.

>> No.1064453


No idea. The guy who made the Dualshock version has actually made some pretty good music, just not for Resident Evil.

>> No.1064456

I suppose because they thought re-releasing the exact same thing just with dualshock support wasn't a reason enough, so they had to force some changes in.

>> No.1064464

I think the new musics and camera angles were good for one re-discovery playthrough.

Once the novelty factor gone though, I'd rather just play the original; although I consider a few camera angles better than the original, like upstairs in the main hall.

>> No.1064471


None of the new tracks beat the original score. It's a complete step down.

I wouldn't mind seeing a patch for Dual Shock version with original audio though.

>> No.1064542

>I wouldn't mind seeing a patch for Dual Shock version with original audio though.

PAL version.

Emulate it so that you can play it at regular 60FPS (since it plays at 50fps) and to manual set the proper resolution, and you're set.
If you do that the in-game timer would still be about 18% faster so play time won't be what you would have gotten with the same play on NTSC versions
(it's actually harder to earn the Rocket Launcher in the PAL versions of the games)

>> No.1064548

Wait a second, I think I'm misunderstanding Dual Shock version with Director's Cut version?

Dual Shock version was never released in Europe.

Director's Cut NTSC versions have the new music but not the PAL version.

>> No.1064569
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>awful controls.

I have never understood why people say this shit

>> No.1064909

>I suck at the game
>It doesn't play like Call of Duty or Uncharted

There, is that easier to understand?

>> No.1065206
File: 238 KB, 481x331, 1376223581922.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They were deprived of RC cars as a child, or are too heavily wired for camera-sensitive controls from modern action games to wrap their minds around absolute headings.

>> No.1067482


they'e shti

>> No.1067506

>they'e shti
As is your spelling.

>> No.1067507


oh burn from the turbo nerd.

at least I get mad pussy instead of obsessing over 20 year old games.

>> No.1067516

Hello /v/ :^)

Hilarious retort but the way.

>> No.1067878

>on 4chan
>getting "mad pussy"

Banging family or pets doesn't count.