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1049218 No.1049218[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Could someone explain how the music after Megaman x3 turned from upbeat metal into some poor-techno? Is this a joke?

>> No.1049230

You're generalizing


That's just one example, but the PSX series had varying music genres. It wasn't all "poor" techno.

>> No.1049238


Here you go.

>> No.1049263

Well ok those aren't too bad.

>> No.1049396

Nope, it was people just trying to be leading edge, and it sucked.

>> No.1049632
File: 266 KB, 800x500, MMX41[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered about X4's soundtrack. A lot of it sounds like it was done with some sort of tracker or MIDI instruments, whereas X5 onward sounds more like real instruments. I really wish they had kept X5 and X6's style going onto the PS2 games instead of "LET'S ABUSE GUITAR FEEDBACK" or whatever they were trying to do

>> No.1049642

(cont.) I really think X5 nailed the soundtrack. It's probably my favorite next to X1's and helps recapture the "epic" tone that wasn't as strong in some of the other games.

>> No.1049793

>good music

Hell no, that shit is abysmal. X4 did sort of try to take it to a techno-y music, but it was down well and probably has the best intro song of all X games.

>> No.1049795


>Not liking Blizzard Buffalo and Gravity Beetboot

>> No.1049797

None of it can touch the music from Bubble Man stage

>> No.1049809

>Blizzard Buffalo
>muh winter chimes
>Gravity Beetle
>oh look more electric guitar MIDI

I'll pass.

>> No.1049813


Your ears don't like to have fun

>> No.1049960

>Upbeat metal
>What is X6

X6 has the most rockin' OST in the series, man. (Even if a couple of its tracks are remixes of older games' tracks)
You must be joking.

>> No.1049967

I want to know why it turned into crappy metal in X to begin with after it was just awesome videogame music in the originals.


Sounds like modern gaming garbage. All the way back on the SNES.

>> No.1050002

I'm sorry you're deaf

>> No.1050012

>oh look more electric guitar MIDI

That's what the PSX soundtrack is for

>> No.1050025

Metal was only popular in the 80s, megaman was obviously trying to stay current. Most brands do this.

>> No.1050047

x1 and x2 had varied music. x3 snes is the one that started the "electric guitar everywhere"
x3 psx version tried to make a new ost, but its pretty average. parts of songs that need guitar won't have it.

>> No.1050063

What are you guys fucking idiots? A lot of the soundtracks were rock/metal because his fucking name is fucking Rock Man.

>> No.1050342

Awesome song, but it doesn't really fit the stage.

Like, it was obviously written with the bike part of the stage in mind, but most of the level is slow-paced puzzle solving. The whole game was just kinda poorly thought out.

>> No.1050354

Agreed. The whole premise of Megaman X is cringe-worthy. It's like Batman Beyond, or that "edgy" reboot of Looney Tunes they made about ten years ago.


>> No.1050358

This so much this. If he was a robot master boss. He would be powered by rock and roll.

>> No.1050369

By this logic Mighty No 9 will have an antifolk soundtrack, because the main character is named Beck. right.

>> No.1050385

The Looney Tunes Show? Edgy? Nah

>> No.1050389

>supporting characters named Bass, Roll, Kalinka, Blues, Beat, Tango, Treble, Reggae, and Punk, Techno, etc.

>not a reference to rock music

for fuck's sake Proto Man's japanese name is Blues. Guess what rock music's an evolution of?

>> No.1050390


By your logic, if something applies to one thing it has to apply to everything else. Fuck off retard.

>> No.1050430
File: 293 KB, 1280x960, Loonatics_titulo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he was referring to this godawful abortion of an action cartoon.

>> No.1050434

>Mighty No 9's name is Beck

>Beck is post-rock


What has been unseen... cannot be SEEN

>> No.1050473

>implying mega man and mighty no 9 aren't the same game.

>> No.1050476

so why are we complaining about techno when one of the character's name is techno? I worded my post poorly, I do know it's a music reference, but it's not just confined to rock, you know.

>> No.1050493

Techno and Middy are computer geniuses, so the name fits.

>> No.1050502
File: 20 KB, 293x521, Techno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come to think of it, doesn't Techno look awfully familiar?

>> No.1051613
File: 204 KB, 359x500, megaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based X4 soundtrack



>> No.1052112

This, the only games that got right the feel of the original x music were X6 and 5.

>> No.1052126 [DELETED] 

IT's time to stop posting

>> No.1052128

As far as the soundtracks go,

PS1 OSTs were fucking awesome.
>muh metal

>> No.1052130

>Beck is post-rock
You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.1052143

>hating on a video game for something you can completely ignore
Just skip the fucking dialogue, genius.

>> No.1052197

Somebody please flush this thread down the toilet. Jesus Herald.

>> No.1052719
File: 28 KB, 212x180, 1377715009111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beck is post-rock

>> No.1052737

that sounds like ass compared to the snes version

>> No.1052740

They certainly were. D&B all day, dude.

>> No.1052854

calling anything post-anything is fucking stupid unless you are talking strictly historical

>> No.1052859

so we agree that morph moth was the best overall track

>> No.1052873

arguing over genres in general is fucking stupid, music or video games.
I don't get it especially when it's about something with a diverse library like Beck, this is almost "durr zelda is/isn't an rpg" idiocy

>> No.1052906

Man, and I thought regular /v/ was easy to troll.

>> No.1056212


ps1 games were weak.
