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/vr/ - Retro Games

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1049192 No.1049192[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /vr/ think of Duke Nukem 64?

I've been playing it, and I'm quite impressed. The game uses an 8MB cartridge - the second smallest available, yet it features a large chunk of the content from Duke Nukem 3D.

IMO, it's a shame the BUILD engine wasn't used for more N64 games, since the N64 seems to run it pretty well.

>> No.1049198


This game introduced me to the concept of bots in multiplayer, which was some otherworldly shit for me back in the day. I don't have siblings my age and friends weren't over that often, so I had a lot of lonely N64in' to do.

>> No.1049206

N64 was the best fps console of its generation

>> No.1049214

Didn't the N64 start the whole console FPS fad?

>> No.1049225
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I was pretty unimpressed when I played it, but that was pretty late into the N64's lifetime. I thoguht the analog stick was TOO responsive.

This being said, I'm perfectly aware that I basically suck at FPSes, so that's very much just my experience, not to be generalised.

I thought the TPS (Zero Hour) they made later was pretty neat, though. If hard as balls straight from the start.

>> No.1049220

Earlier consoles, such as the 3DO and Jaguar had toyed with FPS games. And the SNES had ports of titles such as Doom.

>> No.1049243

Complete opposite here. I first played DN64 way before even knowing of it's PC release. DN64 was definitely one of my favorite games growing up, I remember my brother (6 years older) had a few friends over for a sleep over and my mom was trying to shoo me away to bed and i remember hollering at her, "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU ONE EYED FREAK"

zero hour was dumb

>> No.1049247

DN64 is fine until you actually pick up DN3D on the PC or on your mobile device (though, last time I played it on mobile they completely botched it with in a few updates and you're best left on the PC).
Duke Nukem Zero Hour is pretty fun and worth checking out. I recommend it over DN64.

By the way, aside from nixing a lot of adult content and adding one more secret to the first level was there really any other major difference in comparison between DN3D and DN64?

>> No.1049249

I really like Duke Burger

>> No.1049251

>By the way, aside from nixing a lot of adult content and adding one more secret to the first level was there really any other major difference in comparison between DN3D and DN64?
Weapons were changed a bit. Some map layouts were tweaked.

>> No.1049259

Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.
They used the dual uzis from Shadow Warrior.

>> No.1049271
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DN64 is great. All the level design changes compared to the original are great improvements.

And that FUCKING AWESOME grenade launcher (as well as the other weapons) are just FANTASTIC

It's just a rediscovery of the game in a great way. Shame abvout the lack of music.

I've played it as the PC mod using the eduke32 sourceport that got released a couple of weeks ago
link : http://www.moddb.com/mods/dn64

>> No.1049282

Great find, man.

>> No.1049286

If you can get past the censorship and lack of music, it's extremely solid gameplay. The new weapons are really cool too. It was my only way to play DN3d as a kid, and I was really happy with it. I beat that game so many damn times. Was this actually made using the build engine too? Seems like it might have been its own engine.

>> No.1049291

that co-op tho

>> No.1049423
File: 43 KB, 609x384, Duke Nukem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I play Duke Nukem 3D online on steam?

3 new achievements came out on steam. You need to play online dukematches and get 100/250/500 kills.

>> No.1049448

IIRC, a big part of the data on the Duke Nuken 3D CD was the music (which was totally worth it)


>> No.1049453

>Was this actually made using the build engine too? Seems like it might have been its own engine.

Yes but modified

>> No.1049459

but isnt the music in duke 3d just midi files? those are tiny

>> No.1049496

Why would you play this on anything but PC or maybe Saturn OP?

>> No.1049498


because fuck you that's why

I still fire up the SNES versions of SF2 despite the fact that I have the arcade originals available to me.

>> No.1049510

Well that was uncalled for. Enjoy your inferior, shitty ports.

>> No.1049514


no one cares turbonerd

>> No.1049517

You are a shining example of the stupidity of the average Nintendo fan. Have fun being a subhuman retard, you fucking abortion.

>> No.1049521


>getting this mad over nothing
>implying i'm even a nintendo fan

Peace out, bruh. You can sit here and stay mad if you want.

>> No.1049525

>typing like this much of a faggot


>> No.1049526

The reason for "CD-quality" music was the same as for pre-rendered CGI. You can only get simplistic sound from an ordinary synth. Of course, you could hack banks and use RAM and all other real-time magic, but in cases with CD-enabled consoles, you can jsut pre-render and stream it.

>> No.1049528

>I still fire up the SNES versions of SF2 despite the fact that I have the arcade originals available to me.
But that's both stupid and disrespectful.

>> No.1049535


It's called nostalgia.


u wot m8

>> No.1049552

>playing inferior ports for "nostalgia"

>u wot m8

You are the cancer killing /vr/.

>> No.1049615
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Can somebody answer me please? The main menu only shows options and new/load game but steam has the online achievements so there must be a way to play online. I trailed the dial-up option you get before starting the game but I spent a lot of time waiting for players and I'm pretty sure that the old dial-up loading screen isn't how they expect you to find games.

>> No.1049625

AFAIK online play isn't out yet. They promised it though.

The achievements showed up but not the online play yet.

if you want to play duke3D online there are other ways though

>> No.1049638
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Thank you for the answer. I'm in no rush to play online, it's mostly just for the achievements since I had 100% achievements on DN until I woke this morning to see 3 online achievements for a game I wasn't aware played online in 2013. Thank's for stopping me bugging myself all week.

>> No.1049643

Firstly, Duke 3D used a really, really small cartridge. Why? The most common reason was overheads. Larger cartridges meant slimmer profit margins. The N64 had no inbuilt sample libraries or anything like that, meaning music samples had to be stored on cartridge. Which is a problem when using a cramped 8MB cart.

Secondly, coding music for the N64 is a bit fiddly - there's a reason why Quake on N64 doesn't have music, either. Because the console has no dedicated sound chip, music is handled on the CPU. And every channel comes with a CPU overhead. Clever coders found ways to get good quality music, but when doing a port, it was often more convenient to just have ambient sound effects.

All that aside, it's a pretty neat port. Yes, in an ideal world the port team would have used a 16MB cart minimum, and featured the music, and all of the extra levels. But considering the traditional constraints of ports, it's a pretty good benchmark.

>> No.1049649

One oft-overlooked change in Duke Nukem 64 is the mirror effects. They were all removed for some reason. Why? Nobody really knows. But I do personally wonder whether it had anything to do with the splitscreen cooperative mode affecting the renderer.

>> No.1049653
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No problem.

If you like DN3D that much I recommend playing those 2 mods

the first one is an episode made in the classic style of the city maps of the original game. It's small maps, takes around 1h30-2h to play. I made 3 maps in that one.

2nd one is a recreation of what you can see in old DNF trailers. Takes 2H as well, it's really good.

To play them you need to:
1) install eduke32 sourceport
2) copy the file "duke3D.grp" from your steam folder to your eduke32 folder
3) install the mods (just unzip them) and launch the .bat files

There are still tons of maps and mods made for Duke3D nowadays. Less than for Doom, but still a good ammount.

>> No.1049659

The BUILD engine used for Duke 64 is significantly better than the original version, and even the Shadow Warrior version. It has better lighting and particle effects, and the engine supports looking up and down without perspective breaking.

This reminds me a lot of the improved engine used in WWII GI, a rather late game using BUILD.

These effects have been added to the various open source ports of Duke 3D, AFAIK.

>> No.1049689

My first experience with DN3D was downloading it onto a non-/vr/ system. Say what you will about that, but I love the game itself, and went to play the PC version just for crits. Fun, fun, fun...personally preferred the level in the police station myself.

Also, am I the only one who hated the FUCK out of those suicide drones?

>> No.1049702


How is taking an action that effects you in no way whatsoever "killing" /vr/

>> No.1049720

Only because Saturn DN64 and Quake got ported so late that no one bought them. They aren't even good ports, they are in many ways superior.

>> No.1049768

The Sega Genesis actually had its share of some good FPSes as well (such as Zero Tolerance).

They're not the uzis from Shadow Warrior. Dual SMGs still, though.

There's no CDDA music in Duke Nukem 3D, but the Atomic Edition came with the extended version of Grabbag as CD audio, though. The reason the original Duke Nukem 3D CD is so huge is because they added a massive (at the time) dummy file for copy protection.

Split-screen COOP and changes in the levels.

N64 limitations, nobody knows the specifics. The N64 version of the game is also lacking sky textures, which is why they added buildings to the E1L1 roof.

WW2GI was literally the base for EDuke 2.0 (and 2.1 later). It was the first modified version of Duke Nukem 3D (in contrast to Shadow Warrior or Blood which didn't use the same con script language as Duke3D did). Obvious stuff like variables were added into WW2GI which could be used through con, something Duke3D lacked completely. You used to need to tie variables into the inventory items (with their limitations usually from 0-100) so earliest Duke3D mods removed some inventory items completely to achieve some other effects.

The only windows port to have the support for this is EDuke32, however. Rest of the ports are only 1.5 compliant.


>> No.1050353

Didn't start it, but it did popularize it with Goldeneye.

>> No.1050382

The Saturn versions were borderline remakes - using the SlaveDriver engine instead of Build.

>> No.1050529

achievements? you are on the wrong board son.

>> No.1051238
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The censorship in the N64 version is interesting. Given 3D Realms already included optional censorship in Duke3D, it's not as if it's some sort of violation of artistic integrity. Nintendo's rules at the time were pretty weird, though.

Chapel? Nope, no religion in videogames. Change it.
Anything overtly sexual was cut or replaced. Porn shop became a gun store. Porn mags became gun mags.

You can save all the babes... except the dead ones.

>> No.1051253


He's playing retro games, so he's on the right board. Piss off.

>> No.1051304

My brother rented this game from Blockbuster back in the dizidlyneotch (day), and I liked it way more than I thought I was going to.

>> No.1051407

It's also weird how the babes got militant green clothing as well. It's like they decided to say fuck it and go completely overboard with the censoring, as if the game was a testament to war or something.

>> No.1051538
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Hey, I think I saw you promote this mod around here a bunch of times already, so I decided to give it a go. It's really great! The levels are swwet and short, the difficulty is well balanced, and it has that original Duke Nukem 3d feel. Whiwh maps did you make? I've been playing for 2 hours or so and I just got past the Derailing level.

>mfw the SNCF ticket room

>> No.1051596

I can't find a source now, but I remember reading that the Duke 64 censorship didn't have much, if anything, to do with orders from Nintendo. I can't remember if it was coming at a sensitive time or there was pressure from another organization or if they just wanted to sell more copies, but I'm pretty sure it's not the "Nintendo censors everything!" story you might expect.

>> No.1051623
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That's how Censorship works, some things are considered not accepted in a very arbritary way (same with movie rating).

So, what they did is play around that and mock the censorship system.
They got asked to cut out the sexy girls so what did they do? They literalary cut them....
Porn mags no allowed? Well, let'smake them gun mags even though guns aren't very good for children either...

thank your for your comment and I'm glad you appreciated it!
I've made the first part (which is my worst one but it's agood intro for this episode), the 4th map called Sex City (the one in which you start in a roof and where you go inside the porn movie maker building; which I consider the best map I've ever made), about 80-85% of the 6th map called Flood which is a remake of the map Flood Zone from the original game, as well as the roof part of the train map.

I've also made a couple of usermaps with the help of other mappers :

>> No.1051637

Looks good, I'll give em a try too!

By the way, if you made sex city, can you tell me where are the secrets?
I found the atomic health hidden behind the machine in the control room, but apparently I'm still missing two others.

Also, how hard is it to make levels for the build engine? I made a few Doom wads, but never really touched Duke Nukem.

>> No.1051667

The first secret is on the roof top
3rd secret is behind the bookcase on groundfloor, you need to push the machine/computer on the desk to open it
(that just made me realize I put 1 secret per floor)

>Also, how hard is it to make levels for the build engine? I made a few Doom wads, but never really touched Duke Nukem.

I don't consider it hard but it's time taking.
Also Doom nowadays has a very user friendly interface, for the build engine, even using Mapster which is an improved version, it's all about using and learning tons of key combinaison and about creating things in 2D mode first to then edit than in 3D mode.

>> No.1051692

Now that you mention it, Nintendo had mostly stopped censoring stuff by the mid-to-late 90's. (They did ask for a KKK gag to be removed from Bad Fur Day, and a torture scene to be cut, though.)

>> No.1051714

Why did the KKK boss end up in Kid Dracula then?

>> No.1051726

There was a gag in bad fur day where the paint brush and the paint tin characters are dressed as KKK members in the background while the pitchfork talks about lynching. Incidentally, said pitchfork is also gay.

The gag was changed to black executioner's robes in the final game, and the line "lynchings" was changed to something else.

That's a bit more controversial than a KKK-style boss.

>> No.1051750


Kid Dracula is a Japanese exclusive game. I'll let you figure out the rest.

>> No.1051925

What still bothers me to no end is the priorities involved. Can I add some not-even-fully-exposed-no-nips-breasts? HELL NAW YOU CAN'T

Can I put in the game a woman hanging from the ceiling, torn apart, without internal organs? OH YES YOU CAN IT'S PERFECT!!!

God fucking damn it.

>> No.1052048
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>now feel what you see