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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 64 KB, 512x512, street_fighter_3_third_strike_cast_posters-r2d91bcd6d95e4a949b42d35e1f16fd6c_w2q_8byvr_512[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1048373 No.1048373 [Reply] [Original]

So I decided that I want to play every retro fighting game ever, usually local US releases but I'll make exceptions of the international versions are better in every way.

However, I'm not sure if I should go chronologically, at random, by series, etc.

Pic related, my favorite series.

>> No.1048382
File: 82 KB, 400x294, samurai_shodown_ii-181986-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly I just made this thread to see what series you guys think I should start with, what are some lesser known series, what games no one knows fucking exists, etc.

I'm going to be using this wikipedia page for reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_fighting_games

>> No.1048390

Groove on Fight is an awesome fighting game for the Saturn.

It's a tag-team fighter from the Power Instinct series and features a lot of cool mechanics. Body Throwing is totes broke.

>> No.1048401

>Groove on Fight
There's weird priority and animations on most of the moves, but it looks cool, I'll check it out.

Favorite character?

>> No.1048408

I've just realized that the wikipedia list is fucking garbage because it doesn't list in chronological order nor is it ordered by systems so instead I'll just have to get a list of the fighting games for each system seperately.

Maybe I should make a list somewhere after since it doesn't seem to exist. What do I need to do to edit wikipedia?

>> No.1048412

>What do I need to do to edit wikipedia?

The patience to fight autists who babysit the pages they created and revert any edit you make whether it's good or not.

>> No.1048416

I've also decided that going through this chronologically is probably going to be a fucking bore since I'll have to slug through a lot of bad games so I'll probably just play what I like first.

Or maybe I'll just ignore the bad games? I'm only doing this for myself, not e-peen points so it doesn't really matter if I cover EVERY fighting game.

Fuck, I didn't realize all these doubts would come my way

>> No.1048432

shaq fu.....are you sure about this OP?

>> No.1048436

I'm sure I'll probably regret it down the road later but for now fuck it. I've decided to go through the list chronologically (but only by system, not game release, so for example I'll be doing atari before NES, and so on)

>> No.1048476

Would you guys prefer this thread be me talking about the vidya I play throughout the journey, or just be a thread where people reccomend retro fighting games?

Strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/391085

>> No.1048483

I'd just bounce around if I were you. No sense getting burned out by one system.

Also try Art of Fighting 2 if you're feeling masochistic.

>> No.1048484


I'll be using this list from now on, it's pretty handy.

>> No.1048490

Good point, but I really want to feel the sense of progression that fighting games have made. I want to play neo geo king of fighters before marvel vs capcom 2, if you catch my drift.

>> No.1048495

Well then you just told us you want to do it chronologically.

Also CvS2 is the best fighter ever.

>> No.1048503

I can only promise I'll go through systems chronologically. That should give me enough sense of progression without going overboard on date releases.

>> No.1048514
File: 18 KB, 256x203, gfs_81810_2_4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not to mention this masterpiece.

>> No.1048746

UMK3/MK Trilogy

>> No.1048760

oh lawdy is that some strip fighter 2

>> No.1048886
File: 10 KB, 256x224, Yiearkungfu[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, time to sleep, hopefully this thread will still be here tomorrow/today (it's 3am)

I'll be playing this whenever I wake up.

>> No.1048895

are you just going to play them just against computers?

>> No.1048896
File: 49 KB, 360x240, Fucking Genereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, try to beat this, I dare you

>> No.1048901

Pretty much, but maybe I'll get kaillera going for systems which support it.
Beating games here isn't really my goal but if I really like a game I'll stick with it.

>> No.1048913

Since we're on the topic, does anyone know how to play systems online besides kaillera? Maybe hamachi or something similar?

>> No.1048923


Also if an emulator has P2P options, you can use those.

>> No.1048926

Only for good/popular games though

>> No.1048931


Every game that runs on Final Burn Alpha can be run on GGPO, but you need some savestate trickery to get it going. I'm not sure exactly how to do it though.

>> No.1048936
File: 902 KB, 2103x1436, THE ORIGINAL SOUL CALIBUR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are or ever were a fan of Soul Calibur, this game laid the foundations of how a lot of the game's mechanics worked.

>> No.1049041
File: 5 KB, 318x228, ik-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That might be kind of cool playing fighters in chronological order. Sort of like that guy who is playing every NES game in chrono order. Sure you start out with some real fucking shit, but it would be cool to see how the genre evolved. Plus if you have a bro to go through it all with, it could be a good time even during the stretches of shitty games.

>> No.1049434

Funny you mention that, I picked up soul cal II at an EBgames recently for the ps2, never played it before did you know they merged with gamestop? I fucking didn't.
Sadly the bro wouldn't have as much dedication as me and as for fighting games has only played super mario bros, marvel, soulcal, tekken, and blazblu

>> No.1049606

super smash bros*

>> No.1050443
File: 416 KB, 1366x768, 2013-09-05_18-35-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here we go!

First game is called Yi Are Kung-Fu for the Arcade. Pretty cool game I think for its time, a great game to learn footsies and distance exploitation.

Game starts easily enough, you fight a shirtless bald fat dude. Just go to town on him.

Stage 2 involves this bitch, and shurikens, lots of them. Learn to dodge these. This is also the stage where I learned I could attack in the air (you have to press both the up and the kick/punch at the same time, if you don't, you just jump). Dodge shurikens and play footsies.

>> No.1050448
File: 424 KB, 1366x768, 2013-09-05_18-38-09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage 3 involves this guy with a bullshit nunchuck range, learn to exploit your distance here and do air attacks when you can. Otherwise, just beat the everloving shit out of him and eventually you'll get it.

>> No.1050462
File: 4 KB, 165x314, kungfuchars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stage 4 features a guy with a pole, basically the nunchuck guy except that he has even more reach now. Try to just mash buttons when you hit him once and you can do stun combos.

Stage 5: Feedle. This guy has dopplegangers. Hit them. Honestly not that hard at all.

Stage 6: Chain. This guy has the longest reaching weapon in the game, but it's a bit slow. Dodge it by jumping then beat the everloving shit out of him. Took me a couple tries.

Stage 7: Club. This guy has a shield. Fair, right? Try using low kicks here and play footsies because he can just counter your attacks without going down in health.

>> No.1050465

Stage 8: Fan. She launches out fans in front of her, but there's a glitch; you can jump in front and behind, through her fans, and beat the everloving shit out of her. This made her pretty easy, would've been pretty hard otherwise since without jumping shes a bit hard to hit with all the fans moving around.

Stage 9: This is the first guy that gave me a bit of trouble, he dodges all your attacks super fast, has long reach, and if you hit him, he'll counterattack. The way to play against him is to be on the defensive, know your range, and when he attacks back up a bit and hit him back. Sometimes you can do that stun-lock thing I told you about earlier. This was a close match and I almost gave up here.

>> No.1050531
File: 61 KB, 1366x768, 2013-09-05_18-52-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my pic, but whatever.

Stage 10: This guy is tons of fun get it?

Anyway, this is the guy I gave up on, he seems to be another version of pole, but has faster speed and can actually stun-lock you for a change making it hard to get the better trade. Jumping doesn't work since he always runs the opposite direction and if you try to approach him you get his balls to your face.

It's a shame because the next stage has a guy that seems to know all your moves, will only use high-priority moves, and you can't corner him because he turns into a ball and moves to the other side which seems to be his only vulnerability.

All in all, this game has stuff most fighting games today have like knowing distance, priority (attacks counter certain attacks, do more damage), stuns, corner control, counter attacks, different characters with their own movesets, and different attacks based on the direction you hit (he has 16 different moves). Though I wish it had blocking

Oh, and when you perfect an opponent, a sound sample plays ("xie xie", chinese for "thanks")

>> No.1050535
File: 59 KB, 980x573, 2013-09-05_19-34-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game also apparently had a bunch of ports too, here's a small sample. I look forward to play some of these because there are new characters in some of them and added mini-games and such.

>> No.1050551
File: 4 KB, 224x256, Karate_Champ[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/395249

I'll be playing Karate Champ - Arcade (1984) next after I finish eating.
I know, I fucked up the order, sue me

>> No.1050569
File: 17 KB, 320x200, 143207-world-karate-championship-atari-st-screenshot-fighting-s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll definitely want to play Karate Master for the Atari ST, as that's the best version of it. It's also on C64 and Amiga. Conotrols are extremely foreign to a modern player.

Further down the line, some games you must play: Eternal Champions (Sega CD), Time Killers (Arcade), and Fighting Vipers (Arcade and Saturn). They're all weird and unique in their own ways.

Also, Ergeiz and Power Stone will be fun!

>> No.1050606

>Eternal Champions (Sega CD)
I've heard of that and also wanted to play it at one point but never did

>> No.1050617
File: 111 KB, 1024x730, eternalchampions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's silly bad, but had some interesting bits. It was super hyped back in the day. Oh, and it's not Karate Master on ST, it's called Worlds Karate Champion. It's great. Has good music too, for it's time.

>> No.1050705
File: 60 KB, 1366x768, 2013-09-05_20-29-20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game was not what I expected it to be. Weird controls. There's two sets of directionals and you have to press certain sequences to get certain moves. You fall if you get hit once.

Started off pretty easy with me just doing random moves and judging distance but after the 2nd championship I learned I was a scrub real fast because I couldn't counter (if you attacked first they would just counter/dodge).

This screenshot describes this game perfectly.

>> No.1050837
File: 122 KB, 256x256, Wu-Tang_-_Shaolin_Style_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1050843

Shame on a nigga.

>> No.1050951
File: 28 KB, 216x189, Urbanchamp2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm skipping Karate Champ Player vs. Player because it's basically the same game with two players. I also just remembered I skipped boxing for the atari 2600 made in 1980

Next game is Urban Champion- NES- 1984. I almost died of boredom playing this. You have a jab, and a punch that will knock the other person out if it connects. I have no idea why you would ever use the former, it doesn't even save stamina. I don't know how many rounds there are but I was fighting the same guy for about 10 rounds (mind you that in each round you have to get the guy through 3 screens to the right)

And there's my first regret. Onto the next one!

So apparently I can't take pictures of retrocade in full screen mode so here's a stock photo instead

>> No.1051025
File: 212 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-05 22-54-28-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you remember this game.

Punchout!!- Arcade (1984)

Not much to say here, you all know the NES version of this game, and it's pretty similar, except its from a different viewpoint. I'll use that as my excuse for why I can't beat bald bull.

>> No.1051071
File: 197 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-05 23-20-38-50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn it, why am I so bad at video games. I couldn't beat this guy because I couldn't dodge this kick even once. I tried so many times.

Super-Punch-out!! (1985)

>> No.1051090

Andre Panza Kickboxing.

>> No.1051102
File: 248 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-05 23-35-27-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never mind, I didn't know I could duck which was the only way to avoid the kick

But I gave up on vodka drunkenski (remember soda popinski? What'd you think he got drunk off of? soda?) I don't seem to have the reflexes required from this viewpoint, I can barely dodge things, so I guess the NES version was easier for me.

>> No.1051269
File: 469 KB, 1364x768, retroarch 2013-09-06 01-45-18-65.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next was a game called International Karate but since I suck at emulating things, I played the gba remake. This game is like >>1050705 except that I'm less scrub at it. You fight more than one person and whoever gets the most points wins. It gets damn near insane at levels 10+. Had a ton of fun playing this old game.

>> No.1051314
File: 95 KB, 1364x768, retroarch 2013-09-06 02-08-04-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to mention that it came out for the atari 800 and that it came out in the year 1986.

Next game is Karateka (1984)- Famicom

I hate this game. I don't know why I played it for so long. You can punch and you can kick low, middle, high. I got to the 2nd boss and had such a ridiculous health handicap that it was near impossible to win (fucking birds are sent at you and I can't find any way to kill them before they get to you. Punches and kicks do not work). Oh, and talk about padding, before each boss you have to fight henchman one at a time (starts with 3, then 5, and so on). Save yourself some frustration and never play this game.

It's apparently a long game, so I gave up on it, here's the ending:


The picture shows the 2nd boss, and the health is at the top, middle being full. Notice the difference between me and him.

>> No.1052002

Don't skip International Karate Champ! I can get you an emulator and disk if you want. It's a needed touch stone.

Keep this thread alive. I love it!

>> No.1052937
File: 7 KB, 390x332, VICE_C64_emulator_at_148%_speed,_7_fps_(warp)_2013-09-06_22-01-22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, always nice to be appreciated. I'm doing the best I can to play these games in order but I have to scour the net because everyone seems to have different opinions about fighting game history and no list is the same. A lot of lists miss a lot of games.

I always found computers to be the hardest thing to emulate and most of the time shit doesn't work. Only exception for me was DOSbox and c64.

I'll play it if you find it, but last night I played "Way of the exploding fist" (1985) -Commodore 64

I don't know what it was about this game but it felt strangely relaxing. I played this for 3 hours straight without even realizing it. I've also noticed that usually I get mad when I get beaten in a fighting game, but in this game I didn't care and wanted to get better at it. Eventually I got to the point where I got to the 10th Dan (which is the last one apparently, it doesn't go any higher, if you keep fighting, you just fight the same guy again in different backgrounds with no real difference). Technically, I got to the 15th dan, without save states. Which was a first for me. Great game.

Oh, I forgot to mention how to play. It plays very similar to international karate except that you fight one dude (I honestly preferred it this way). If you get a good hit, you get a portion of the yingyang symbol. If you get a knockout, you get the full thing. 2 yingyangs and you win. Also there's a bull later which you have to jump over I lied, I got mad when that happened on my no save state run because I had to start all over

Goddamn, I can't believe how much fun I had with such a simple game.

>> No.1053039

The original International Karate was practically a clone of Way of the Exploding Fist with new backgrounds, music and different SFX. International Karate + added another player to the mix and changed few of the moves. Both also had bonus rounds like "deflect the balls", "dodge/destroy stuff thrown at you" and "crush a stack of bricks". The best thing about these games are the long, evolving BGMs made by Rob Hubbard which borrow from the main theme of Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.
The IK+ on Amiga looks (and especially sounds) pretty funky.

The GBA version kind of sucked, if I remember correctly.

>> No.1053047

I wonder if I would've played international karate as long as I played WotEF had I played it first. I didn't like the whole other player bit, I'd much rather play out my strategies against one person instead of trying to get as many points/survive as long as I can.

>> No.1053072

>The GBA version kind of sucked, if I remember correctly.
From seeing that video, the GBA version played exactly the same with a couple graphical differences. You might be thinking of International Karate Advanced, which is the one I avoided.

>The best thing about these games are the long, evolving BGMs made by Rob Hubbard
Yeah, I really liked the music, and from the little I played on the Atari ST (it crashlooped with every disk I tried)

>> No.1053215

I just realized there's going to be a lot of arcade games I have to keep track of if I'm going to stay true to what I originally intended, so I'll probably skip arcade games until later and only play them if they're on a list anywhere since there's so goddamn many of them.

>> No.1053315

Again the Atari ST version is its own thing.

Like WoTEF, it's more about waiting, anticipating, responding. You can easily win with 1 hit in just about any fight if you do it right. ST version is 1 on 1.

>> No.1053350
File: 165 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-07 00-42-50-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Giantbomb comes to the rescue again! I don't know why I didn't do this ealier, would've saved so much time:

Anyway, next is Great Swordsman (1984)- Arcade

Another arcade game impresses me! Simple controls (left right, 3 buttons;high, medium, low swings. There's apparently 3 modes: fencing, kendo, and Roman.

The first round was a pushover but by the 2nd round shit got serious, he started blocking all my stuff (I'm guessing he predicts your moves because if you don't move he doesn't do much)

It's cool how you can fake out the opponent, and you also have to be good at counte, knowing what to do when. Just like Karate Master, I learned I was a scrub when we started doing Kendo. I couldn't into the way to fight so I got my ass handed to me pretty quickly.

>> No.1053456
File: 11 KB, 384x224, filepicker%2FkDzntHvkTkKHqGfejgx6_street_fighter_1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come 1987, prepare to become a man, OP.

>> No.1053471

Actually, the three modes are set one after another: first you clear fencing, the you clear kendo, then the gladiator combat. And yeah it's a cool fighting system.

>> No.1055109

I hope you're prepared to watch some old World Master Piece Theater anime and classic Western children's literature to prep yourself for WORLD MASTERPIECE BATTLE. Because, you know, everyone wanted Anne of Green Gables and Tom Sawyer to duke it out with Heidi of the Alps and the kid from A Dog of Flanders.

>> No.1055138

>dat broken Shoryuken

>> No.1055205
File: 129 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-07 22-03-55-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for taking so long to play these games, college just started up so free time is scarce.

Anyway, Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal - Arcade (1985) is next.

The game approaches beat-em-up status rather than a pure fighting game, but I made an exception (I won't play many beat-em-up games later).

Never mind, it was a pretty bad game. Made me remember why I hate beat-em-ups.

>> No.1055223

Find a way to play the original pressure sensitive version.

>> No.1055239
File: 251 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-07 22-21-06-68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what would I use for pressure sensitivity? I don't have anything like that.

Next game is Shanghai Kid (1985)- Arcade.

Decent game, although I wish that the sound design for it was much better, it looks lazily put together, but the fighting system is pretty solid, albeit easy at times. You get a red circle to the enemy's weakpoint and have to hit them there, at the same time you have a weakpoint and have to block that part of your body to stay alive. This system makes the game easy at first but progressively harder as you get less and less time to block.

Pic related, this guy kicked my ass.

Also I feel like you should watch a video to get a good grasp of the fighting system since the screenshot doesn't really show that:

>> No.1055241

I have no idea. There has to be a way though.
Or you could be unbelievably lucky enough to find it in an arcade.

>> No.1055358
File: 150 KB, 1364x768, blueMSX 2013-09-07 23-11-54-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww yeah, now it's time for the sequel to the most favorite game I've played so far:

Yie Ar Kung-Fu 2: The Emperor Yie-Gah! (1984) -Konami- MSX seems to be the best version out of all of them so I'll play that one.

I didn't realize this game would be so hard.

Look here if you don't remember the previous game characters: >>1050443

This game features a bit of filler before you get to the boss of each level. Mini ninjas will lunge at you and you have to kill them before they get to you. There's 3 screens of this before the boss.

First stage was the equivalent to chain >>1050462 Fairly easy, just dodge the chains and jumpkick towards him and space correctly.

Stage 2 is similar to fan >>1050465 Much harder than the previous game because you can't exploit air invincibility. Just dodge her fans and then play footsies.

Stage 3 is where I lost, this guy releases farts and if you get hit by them you're stunned for a duration of like 3 seconds where he can just wail on you. You can hit the farts in the air before they get to you and they dissipate. Once you get up close though he seems to have the upper edge so you'll need to play footsies once again while dodging his farts (I couldn't play footsies because he always moves toward you so you can't really play defensive)

Fun game, just like it's predecessor, although its much harder here.

>> No.1055386
File: 98 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-07 23-19-11-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next game is Galactic Warriors (1985)- Arcade.

This is a mediocre game in every sense of the word, you fight with either your fists, legs, or a sword (IN SPACE, WOW)

You press one button to select your weapon at the bottom and press the other button to use it.

I gave up on this guy not because he was hard but because I got bored. It was kinda cool that this was the first stage where you could fly (BECAUSE IT'S IN SPACE)

Overall impression: meh.

>> No.1055429

>did you know they merged with gamestop

welcome to to 2005 OP

>> No.1055442
File: 308 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-07 23-38-27-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never went to gamestop/EBgames before that time so I never knew about that.

I skipped Kinnikuman Colosseum Deathmatch - MSX (1985) because it looked dumb (based off the M.U.S.C.L.E. series, if you remember that)

Also skipped Ninja (1985), because it reminded me of >>1051314 and I don't want anymore of that bullshit.

Now we're in the year 1986! And playing the game called Gladiator, for the arcade.

I actually like this game. Maybe there's something about the 3 buttons for low, middle, high hits that I really like but this game was incredibly fun to play. There isn't much else to say other than block the other guy (or girl), and attack back. If you get hit in the head and you have a helmet, you get another chance (speaking of which I tried to aim for this girl's middle every time, can you guess why?)

I lost at the stage after her, my shield was depleted from blocking all the fireball bat things so I couldn't block and I didn't want to start over (oh, did I mention that before each fight there's a scrolling fireball bat thing?)

>> No.1055454 [SPOILER] 
File: 17 KB, 256x224, gladiator-9[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently in the japanese version, the woman's breasts are visible if you destroy her chestplate.


>> No.1055972
File: 7 KB, 510x435, nestopia 2013-09-08 03-24-24-69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I skipped Brian Jack's Uchi Mata-Comm64 (1986) because although it was the first game to have button sequences (like street fighter), there was no way I was going to find them out. I had to look up a combination guide and by then it wasn't worth it.

Also skipped Karate - Atari 2600 (1987) because it just looks retarded, and Death Sword/Barbarian (1987)

Next is Fuuun Shourinken-Famicom Disk System (1987). A tip for those trying to emulate this, you need to the bios rom:

This game reminded me of a mix between yi-are-kung fu and karate master. Same control set with a few variations. Fun game, but couldn't beat this guy no matter how hard I tried.

Coming up: Street Fighter

>> No.1056030
File: 485 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 04-26-14-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Street Fighter (1987)- Arcade

What strength!! But don't forget there are many guys like you all over the world

I mean, what do I need to say about this game that you don't already know? Fluid movements, combination moves, combos, fast movements/attacks, etc. In this game you can only play as Ryu (and ken for P2) and you go all over the world and fight people with different movesets. It was unlike any game in its time and I can see why it got so popular.

Adon was the first person to give me any trouble, it seems like he does so much damage with his kicks compared to mine. I beat him eventually.

Then I met sagat. Fuck that guy. One of his fireballs does half my health, and he can combo his bullshit knee kicks if I don't block the first one. After 10 minutes of fighting him, I gave up. Well done sagat, I thought I could beat you...

Pic related, he was one hit away, and I was 80% health. One of his fireballs and down I go.
Sorry, I couldn't do it.

>> No.1056037

Time Slaughter. I believe it's worth looking at, at least.

Thrill Kill.

>> No.1057104
File: 72 KB, 640x480, 2013-09-08_16-37-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next game: Budokan: The Martial Spirit (1988)- PC (DOS)

The game features 4 martial arts: Karate, kendo, nunchaku, and Bo. You attack by using directions and your action button, but can also change stances to perform attacks (for example if you press left and then right and the action button you perform a kick)

This game is all kinds of complex and fun to play but unfortunately when I signed up for the budokan (tournament) I got my ass handed to me the first round.

>> No.1057151
File: 312 KB, 1364x768, retroarch 2013-09-08 17-03-33-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Sword Slayer-Comm64 (1988) because I couldn't switch tapes.

Skipped Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll-NES (1988) because I played it for like 10 seconds.

Skipped Big Challenge! Judo Senshuken- Famicom Disk System (1988)

Skipped Tatakae!! Ramenman: Sakuretsu Choujin- NES (1988) because more M.U.S.C.L.E.

Now we're playing Fighting Road(J)- NES (1988)

Really nothing special about this game, and the one thing that ticks me off is that the 2nd round you have the same hp as the previous round (sometimes a little more), but the opponent has full health. This resulted in me not being able to beat this chick because she trades pretty well.

>> No.1057167
File: 175 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 17-10-15-70.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next is KaGeKi- Arcade (1988)

This game does not play around. The first guy was moderately hard, but the 2nd guy is near impossible to trade with. If you get hit with just one of his jabs, he will combo forever and you'll be down before you know it. It's one of those games where you can't really play defensively because the other guy just advances on you and beats the shit out of you. Despite that, the game looks great, and plays great.

>> No.1057184
File: 341 KB, 1364x768, retroarch 2013-09-08 17-23-25-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Tongue of The Fat Man-DOS (1989) because although the artstyle looked decent, it didn't look fun to play.

Next was Hissatsu Doujou Yaburi- Famicom (1989)

Not much to this game, you start off allocating points to certain stats (no idea which ones because its all in japanese) and then go around fighting different people. The combat is pretty boring, you just mash the button and play footsies all day. I stopped playing the game at the first thing I lost at, which was this guy (he's the 3rd opponent)

>> No.1057275
File: 268 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 18-09-02-88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Violence Fight- Arcade (1989) because although it looked nice, there wasn't much depth to it (flurry of punches, jumpkick). You can check out the game here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lrsqJrWES4

Skipped China Warrior-PCE(Turbografx 16) (1989) because at first it looked like a fighter but it was a scrolling beat-em-up when I played it.

Speaking of beat-em-ups, here's SNK's first fighter: Street Smart-Arcade (1989)

It plays like a series of beat-em-up boss fights, so if that's your thing, check out this game. Although it has its fair share of problems, mainly the control scheme, which requires you to press a direction and the kick/punch button to execute a move. However, since these directions move your character also, you will find that you are moving into the opponent while trying to do moves.

You can do combos of moves by executing a series of moves one after another. Punch combos are OP if you time them right, I once did a 45 punch combo that I couldn't replicate with kicks (the one exception being the final boss in which you should punch, low kick, throw combo). Once you beat on a dude long enough, he starts flashing and that usually means he's near death (or injury, whatever). There's also an SNK ambulance that takes away injured fighters (the one time this didn't happen is the stage right before the final one, no idea why) and a different woman congratulating you every fight.

Overall, the game is fine. It gets boring after a while and since I could continue as long as I pumped in virtual quarters, I got to the ending fairly quickly.

Virtual money spent on this game: $5.50 (Assuming each credit is 50 cents AND you don't count the credits thing at the bottom left because it doesn't actually give you lives in advance)

Pic is the ending.

>> No.1057282
File: 406 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 18-08-22-91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the SNK ambulance taking away the final boss.

>> No.1057448
File: 632 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 19-37-07-44.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Human Killing Machine- Atari ST (1989) because it just looks bad. It's apparently the spiritual successor to street fighter.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zUkK14bHDk

Skipped Fire Pro Wrestling Combination Tag(J)-PCE because
also it looks terrible.

Next game is Last Apostle Puppet Show / Reikai Doushi: Chinese Exorcist - Arcade (1989)

I honestly regret playing this. While the graphics of the game are decent the hitboxes are dumb, there are no special moves, and overall its just not fun to play.

>> No.1057475

> skipped fire pro wrestling

Because wrestling? Sure. Pass up on a series ten times deeper than all the shitty sf2 clones

>> No.1057504
File: 453 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 20-05-54-83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meh, I played the game for a bit and didn't like it. Sorry.

Anyway, next game was Hippodrome(Also called Fighting Fantasy in Japan which makes a lot more sense)- Arcade (1989)

Remember Actraiser? How about just fighting the bosses? If that sounds okay to you, you'll probably like this game. It's pretty simple in design but is interesting because of all the different opponents (see:pic). After a certain amount of rounds you get to buy different weapons and potions which make you more powerful (I actually bought the axe which does more damage but has less reach, so I scrapped it immediately).

The first 3 bosses were easy but the next 3 were too hard for me. I beat the dragon once and came close to beating the scorpion but the magician is too hard (he has these ice projectiles that you can't dodge that do a lot of damage).

Overall fun game.

>> No.1057508
File: 331 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 20-01-41-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's gameplay footage.

>> No.1057564
File: 390 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-08 20-37-42-02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next is Pit Fighter- Arcade (1990)

I'm sure you've all heard about this game. The ports are all terrible so I played the arcade version.

Unfortunately, the game itself is pretty terrible anyway. It's probably the first game to feature fighting characters as real actors but that's pretty much all I have to say positively about this game.

As for OP tactics: jumpkick, weapons, and that one pickup that makes you invincible.

I stopped playing here because I couldn't take much more of this game.

>> No.1057630
File: 148 KB, 1364x768, retroarch 2013-09-08 21-01-31-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, I didn't even realized I skipped a game I used to play all the time: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (1987)

This game was the pinnacle of fighting games for me, at the time, because it required such fast reflexes, and to this day I still haven't beaten Tyson.

Here's how far I got in a couple runs (I forgot the gimmick for king hippo so I underestimated him)

>> No.1059063

I've been thinking of doing this on breaks that I get during college but I'm not sure if they'd take kindly to me downloading ROM's on their servers. What do you think?

>> No.1060665
File: 128 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-10 00-54-19-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Phantom Figher-NES (1990) because I played it for a min. before I got bored with the gameplay.

Next game was supposed to be Shogun Warriors- Arcade (1991) but I couldn't get it working in any emulator/rom combination I tried (yes, even MAMEXT, which was supposedly working)

Next is a very well known game: Street Fighter II: World Warrior! (1991) (I'll be playing the Champion Edition which added balance changes and lets you play the boss characters; Balrog, Vega, Sagat, and M. Bison, released in 1992)

Goddamn, the arcade version is much harder than I remember. It took me a good while to beat it (fuck blanka, and especially fuck vega). Surprisingly enough I beat sagat and bison fairly easily.

I spent so much time playing this game and it was the introduction to fighters for me and probably the reason I like the street fighter series better than any other. This game is amazing, lets just leave it at that.

Virtual money spent on this game: A lot.

>> No.1062540
File: 399 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-10 17-47-36-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped Ultraman: Towards the Future (1991)- SNES because it looks incredibly bad.
Next game is perfect for playing after playing street fighter II. The first game in the king of fighters series: Fatal Fury(1991)- PC Engine (Couldn't get MAME to work)
There's some cool things in this game that street fighter didn't have: weather, moving from the foreground to the background (I mostly found this annoying since the opponent would just keep switching). Other than that, the game tries to do what street fighter did, and it succeeds. I honestly got bored of this game though, and some characters approach blanka/vega levels (eg. this bullshit wrestler)

>> No.1062547

And that's all for now /vr/.

That thing that you said would happen finally happened, I'm burnt out from trying all these games in chronological order and its becoming a chore to try out the games that look bad right away that I previously would've given a chance.

Maybe I'll continue this later but for now I'm just going to play whatever.

Strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/422699

>> No.1062553

I fucking loved this game. Getting all the chanbers was a cunt.

>> No.1062559

Try beating Rugal on KOF'94,
you'll learn what pain really is.

>> No.1062562

Try the SF2 Black Belt edition, it's a fucking broken laugh

>> No.1062573

>SF2 Black Belt edition
Looks fun for maybe 5 minutes but other than that not interested.

>> No.1063007

Oh God I can't wait until you get to the bullshit that is Art of Fighting 2.

>> No.1063016
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Can you even into Karate Champ?

>> No.1063989

No. I already said I couldn't learn to counter well.
see >>1050705
Maybe I'll just play all the requests in this thread then and just play whatever and comment on that instead. Getting burnt out on games sucks.

>> No.1065041
File: 426 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-11 18-35-23-78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, starting off the art of fighting series.

First game: Art of Fighting(Arcade)- 1992

Going to keep it simple. Things I like about this game:
>screen moves when you get farther away from each other
>spirit gauge limits spamming
>less spammy in general, every move matters

things I don't like:
>A+C=hard punch instead of extra buttons
>a fucking taunt button thats only used to decrease spirit gauge
>bullshit damage on some moves (>inb4 scrub)
>not fun playing against the computer since it knows what you're going to do, hard at times

This is how far I got before I got bored.

>> No.1065170
File: 512 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-11 19-31-22-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I think I've found the hardest game I've played so far: Art of Fighting 2

What I like about the game:
>bigger list of characters to choose from
>moves are super fast
>blocking specials actually reduce damage by a lot

What I don't like about this game
>Holy fuck this game is hard (can't footsies against opponent, specials are the only way to win, opponent has perfect grabs)
>different blocks for crouching and standing, if you're blocking one way you're not blocking the other
>game made me think I'm a scrub, can't even beat one fucking person twice, always seems like luck on my part.

Pic related: this happens a lot, for some reason when both of you are low health the computer goes into super spam mode and goes fucking crazy.

You guys were right. I didn't think you were serious, but holy jesus, this game is so fucking hard.

>> No.1065416
File: 595 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-11 20-16-51-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the last one of the trilogy: Art of Fighting 3(Arcade)- 1996
>super fluid movements
>a good successor to the first art of fighting
>The feeling you get when you KO someone is satisfying
>some moves can make the other character lose their footing and you can combo off that
>able to hit someone when they're down

>taunt is still fucking here
>too easy
>except for the last boss (artificial difficulty ftw)

Also, look at this shit. This bitch has a fucking sword. How come I don't get a sword? That shit is unfair. Fuck this game.

>> No.1067136

>Liza looks so fucking old in teh protraits in teh global champions and Kaiser versions
>fixed on Dan Ku Ga

>> No.1068352
File: 554 KB, 1364x768, mameppkgui 2013-09-11 20-55-26-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just kidding. I thought you guys would harp on me for being a casual and I wanted to see what you guys would say.

But since you didn't, here's the last fight.

>> No.1068360


I may be exposing myself as an utter peon, but can someone explain to me why it says "level-4" towards the bottom? I think Samurai Showdown had a similar thing going on, but it's been so long.

>> No.1068364

"The level is the difficulty setting of that game. Every Neo Geo game has the level setting; it's usually displayed but can be set to be hidden. The default is level 4, but can be set from level 1 (easiest) to level 8 (hardest)."

Wow, I didn't know that. You mean I can make these games harder? I don't even want to imagine how that would be. Anyone know how to do this in MAME?

>> No.1068440

Back in those days the level thing just adjusted damage given and taken and didn't really affect the AI at all, which means if you knew how to exploit the AI in any of the games then levels really just adjusted how many times you were allowed to fuck up.

Actually, making the game easier might have made the AI less psychic (or it wouldn't read your inputs so often).

>> No.1068463

I might be a casual for saying this, but the amount that the cpu reads your controls is too much, it makes the game into a series of footsies and counters instead of what I find fun about fighting games: combos and super moves

>> No.1068471

In which game? Also footsies and counters are important because without them you'll never get the chance to use your combos or super moves.

>> No.1068482

Pretty much every game I've played so far. It's more about knowing how the cpu works and learning to exploit them at times then it is about being good at the videogame.

>> No.1068492

That's why you have to find actual people to play against if you want to actually be good at fighting games. Learning to exploit the computer is still fun though. It also lets you learn a lot about what your moves can do and how to use them all in different situations. VS CPU is good for when you just start at fighting games but don't just play that for too long or you'll start developing bad habits that are effective against the computer but not in a real match.

>> No.1068505

I think the only time I've actually played against other people is back in the old days of tekken and street fighter 2, controllers in hand, against friends.

If you don't mind, how do I get started? (Something free would be great. Also, something reliable/stable (not kaillera)

>> No.1070292

GGPO is the main client for online fighting. It comes with the FinalBurn Alpha emulator and you still need to download the specific roms for the various game. Your ass will get mercilessly beaten but you can probably ask people to give you tips or help you practice as long as you're nice to them.

Or look to see if there are actually any arcades around you. If you live in a coastal state you might have a chance. Even if you don't you might as well check anyway.

>> No.1072779

What's the best fighting game ever?

>> No.1075739

I got on there and there was a nice anon who helped me out with a bunch of game mechanics but I still feel like a scrub. Also I managed to figure out how to play multiplayer on SSFIV and slowly getting better at that.

I think I'll stick with street fighter for now, but what should I move onto after that?

>> No.1075757 [DELETED] 


>> No.1075758


>> No.1075780

Start with SF2, then go in chronological order from there.

>> No.1075787

Honestly after not doing it, I'm kind of glad I didn't because there was a couple games along the way I really liked such as
>Yi Are Kung-Fu
>Way of Exploding Fist