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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10470263 No.10470263 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point in owning this console? I'm not interested in JRPGs with lower shonen-level writing and menu combat. It feels like it has less games than the PS1, and that one is mostly JRPGs and 2D games too.

>> No.10470268

I'd personally say no. Almost all the good games got better ports or sequels on other consoles.

>> No.10470269

It's a Gran Turismo 4 machine

>> No.10470272

PCSX2 isn't that bad anymore and PS2 is very susceptible to both noise (when using 480i especially) and damage

>> No.10470282

>Gran Turismo
See >>10470268
There isn't a real reason to go with 4 when 6 or maybe even 7 exist. Not like GT has a lot of personality; it's just content game. And funnily enough, PS3 emulation is better than PS2 emulation these days

>> No.10470283

ps2 has a great deal of excellent action games. the sheer volume of software for this console means pretty much anyone can find enough games to justify having one.

>> No.10470297
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>the sheer volume of software for this console means pretty much anyone can find enough games to justify having one.
There is no good justificatino for playing games like SotC on PS2 with 10 frames and vaseline resolution instead of either remaster. It will just sour your experience. The same goes for a lot of games

And if those games are even really good or stand the test of the time is the other question

>> No.10470298

PCSX2 is better than it was but still not good enough. Maybe in another decade. In the meantime it’s still best to own a PS2 and a CRT.

>> No.10470305

>vaseline resolution
I like the vaseline resolution, the fur "shader" and motion blur are more convincing at the original res. I believe the HUD is broken on PS3 when played at 4:3, so the PS2 original still has its place if you are a CRT user

>> No.10470307

PS3 version of SotC has the grip gauge bug. Thanks for confirming you don't actually play games and jerk off over graphics instead

>> No.10470308

>when 6 or maybe even 7 exist
online bs

>> No.10470312

The physics are a bit different, which is good because it makes an extremely easy game slightly harder

>> No.10470314

Only pcturds and zoomerfaggots care about this shit

>> No.10470316

Was that bug even confirmed? I played through the whole game multiple times and beat all the time trials for the platinum and never noticed any annoying grip issues. If anything I found it easier than the PS2 version because the frame rate wasn’t constantly disorienting. I was surprised to come online and see people crying about it.

>> No.10470324

You are retarded. It fucks with gameplay and your timing. Low framerate is one thing but it should be stable at least

>> No.10470325

You faggots are going to be the reason why I’m going to quit video gaming altogether.

>> No.10470379

What are must play games with an above 85% aggregate score that are still exclusive to PS2?

>> No.10470391

It was designed to be played that way.

>> No.10470416

How could the physics be so fine-tuned in a game that has wildly variable frame rates? You can fight a given colossus multiple times and have a different experience every time while the PS2 gasps and shits itself trying to keep up. Sounds like bullshit. It would be different if the game was at a stable 15 fps or some shit.

>> No.10470420

The ps2 was the start of the cancer movie games era
It barely has real games like the ps. In this era reading text is mandatory even in action games

>> No.10470423

>it was designed to be shit

>> No.10470441

Idk about exclusive, but these games are best played on PS2
>Devil May Cry 1&2 (94%, 87%)
again, best played on PS2 due to missing graphical effects in remasters
>Okami (93%)
not exclusive but best played on PS2; Wii version has waggle and the shaders don't scale to the resolution on PS3
>Final Fantasy X (92%)
Again, best played on PS2; you cannot take the story seriously with the remaster's fucked up character models and mismapped facial animations. Not to mention, missing lighting effects in the remaster, yaaaaay
>Ratchet and Clank games (88%, 90%, 91%)
Again, best played on PS2; the PS3 versions have major graphical bugs and audio looping issues
>Ico (90%)
For me, the PS2 version is king because of 240p.
>Persona 4 (90%)
Definitely not an exclusive, but definitely more visually appealing than any other version.
>Ace Combat 4 (89%)
Fuck yeah, this one actually is exclusive
>Silent Hill 3 (85%)
Again, not exclusive, but may as well be.

>> No.10470449

Could have saved a lot of typing and cope and simply said that there's only one exclusive you would recommend.

>> No.10470453

Pretty true there's a lot of really good games that are just waiting to be played, dark cloud/rogue galaxy are great.

>> No.10470459

>shit framerate and eye cancer resolution
>BUT IT'S BEST PLAYED ON PS2 BECAUSE A MINOR EFFECT DOESN'T WORK IN THE 8k 60 frames port with a controller of your choice and desktop comfortability

>> No.10470463

>not exclusive but best played on PS2; Wii version has waggle and the shaders don't scale to the resolution on PS3
The PS3 resolution thing can be fixed by manually setting the console resolution to 720p, it's when the PS3 upscales it to 1080p that you have issues. The later ports of the game don't have this issue.

>> No.10470465

>It feels

>> No.10470467
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>caring about aggregate scores

>> No.10470469

Which of the listed games have shit framerates and eye cancer resolution

>> No.10470470
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>Only pcturds and zoomerfaggots care about this shit
Strange. Snoys seem to suddenly care when comparing the PS1 to the N64

>> No.10470473

>Devil May Cry 1&3*

>> No.10470474

I can't take you quality of life fags seriously anymore. Especially here on /vr/ where people openly exclaim games with 12fps are 10/10 masterpieces. You're a creature comfort addict, I'd like to slap you in the face with glob of fresh mud so you can inhale the petrichor into your soul.

>> No.10470483

PS2 is 480 at best so all of them?

>> No.10470486

The PS2s library, just like the SNES, is very underwhelming unless youre generic retro mcgamer dude weeb who plays nothing but platformers and jrpgs. It's main advantage was every multiplat game was designed with it in mind first which lead to some shitty Xbox controls in certain games, but with all the controller adapters avaliable now that's not really an issue.
The Genesis, PS1, Dreamcast, NeoGeo, and Xbox are all far superior options.

>> No.10470489

God Hand is the Japanese equivalent of Eurojank. Beloved by contrarian-by-nature anons on 4chan, but it's entirely understandable why it's considered mediocre by most.

>> No.10470497

If you're too ignorant to appreciate 480i content then you should consult >>>/v/ instead of this board.

>> No.10470504

I really, really, really suggest against opting for low res just because it's le 'authentic' which is apparently the snazzy thing to do on /vr/. It really is bad for your eyes and at least in 6th gen really hardly intended by devs

>> No.10470505


>> No.10470510

typical emufag doesn't care if the graphics are glitchy and broken so long as it's technically 4k

>> No.10470517

480i looks like dogshit. You're playing every game with permanent N64 blur

>> No.10470523

Look great on a CRT.

>> No.10470532
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And a projector

>> No.10470538

Yeah seriously. Everything else can be broken as long as they get 4K rofl. In the case of Silent Hill 3, the remaster is so bad as to not be worth playing even if it's your only means to but some morons are going to flock to it just because it has HD in the name

>> No.10470546

No it doesn't. PS2 games never looked great because they're blurry messes due to the shit output.

>> No.10470554

t. zoomie who has only ever played them on an LCD

>> No.10470557

It had better output than Gamecube and Xbox.

>> No.10470558

Always looked great to me. Still looks great now.

>> No.10470567

every analog output looks like shit on an LCD
The Xbox had 480p in every game

>> No.10470571

Sure, it has the biggest and most diverse game library of any (retro) console probably.

>> No.10470574
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Why are you even here?

>> No.10470578

There's nothing diverse about the library. It's Metal Gear, DMC, and then nothing but JRPGs and mascot platformers.

>> No.10470583

What TVs, especially tubes, supported 480p in the early 2000s?
If you stick to interlacing, the PS2 was better.

>> No.10470585

why are you attempting to defend the objective worst video output resolution?

>> No.10470586

Why are you so mad that the PS2 has a more diverse library than the GameCube? Aren't nintendrones homogenous Nancy's? You just want games that play like Mario and Zelda, what kind of short circuitry is going on in your brain.

>> No.10470587

framedrops are part of the game

>> No.10470589

Do you think component RGB SCART and VGA are all tech invented in the past 10 years?

>> No.10470591

>be /vr/ poster
>wake up
>look up library of retro consoles
>sort by worst metacritic score
>pick one of the 10 worst games
>go on board, post: if you don’t like this game you’re a FAGGOT and you need to LEAVE
Rinse and repeat

>> No.10470593

rgb scart has nothing to do with 480p

>> No.10470594

Because it's not and it's also not a big deal in the aspect of retro videogames. You're the one whose hyper focused on this, not us. You invaded this thread to post bullshit about resolution like PS2 is the only retro console that suffers from these problems, when every single retro console uses resolutions from the era they were created. You're psychotic, mam.

>> No.10470596

When did I ever mention the fucking gamecube? no one owned a gamecube except literal toddlers and weird fundie christians and it has an even shittier library and worse multiplats

>> No.10470598

Do you think most people played their console games with SCART? With YPbPr? With fucking VGA? Christ. Most people didn't have EDTV's; most people played games with the bundled composite cables on a shadow mask set.

>> No.10470602

Ohh so you're just mad for no reason, that's a problem my guy, you might wanna get that checked out

>> No.10470604

480i is worse than 240p, and 480p. it is objectively the worst resolution. it looks like shit, and results in a blurry image.

>> No.10470605

I don't know what RGB Scart has to do with this. But please tell me about all these CRT televisions that supported progressive scan.

>> No.10470607

>my guy
nta but God please don't talk like that, not on /vr/
So all the people who were blown away by the graphics of 6th gen consoles (remember, most people used composite cables) were just making shit up? Learn something new everyday

>> No.10470618
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Reason? No, it's implicit.

>> No.10470619

They have poor sensory organs and their judgement should not be trusted, they were incorrect then and they’re incorrect today. Everyone’s opinion is not equally valid.

>> No.10470620
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Ohh well that's what they had back then. You're retro actively getting angry and resolutions that were common place in their times. Thanks for shitting up the thread because you're retarded

>> No.10470626

The graphical fidelity of new consoles has nothing to do with the output format.
You're literally just trying to argue basic and not even debatable tech facts under the guise of "well MGS2 had better graphics than MGS1"
No one cares. 480i is a terrible format. It will always be a terrible format.

>> No.10470631
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I think you're the one with poor organs if you can't appreciate the games for what they are

>> No.10470636

So what's the diverse library of games? The worst multiplats, shitty JRPGs, and action platformers for 10 year olds?

>> No.10470637

Blurry is not how I would describe it, it actually looks exceptionally sharp but also quite harsh on the eyes. The blurriness comes from the flicker filter that is usually applied to mitigate this.

>> No.10470639

We talking the gamecube now?

>> No.10470642


>> No.10470649

why does a console no one over the age of 12 owned live rent free in your head

>> No.10470653

Meh that's a horrible list this is better

>> No.10470656

Why is every discussion framed only around consoles as if VGA wasn't a commonplace connection for thousands of PC games at the time?

>> No.10470659

Because people don't connect their consoles to PC monitors.

>> No.10470661

Seoerate issues. 99.99% of computers used vga, consumer televisions did not. It's really just about how the market chose to push which technologies where.

>> No.10470664

Who the fuck is talking about interlacing on desktop monitors you fuckwit? Holy shit, what the hell is your problem? Leave the thread now; you have nothing of value to contribute.

>> No.10470672

>PS3 emulation is better than PS2 emulation these days
Why spread lies on the internet like that?

>> No.10470675
File: 3.12 MB, 497x280, oh-my.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seaman 2
What in the worrrrld

>> No.10470676

>480i is a shit format
>"uh no it's not it looks fine and there was nothing better anyway"
>VGA was commonplace and every other console did 240 or 480p
>ensuing tard rage from tech illiterates
cool thread

>> No.10470687

Probably hyperbole on their part but the fact that PS2 emulation has been so bad for this long is pretty disappointing. People were too willing to settle for emulation hacks.

>> No.10470691

This is a console thread you miserable bag of grease. Are you even lucid? Why would you come into a console thread to talk about how uniquely bad the PS2's output is (in distinction to other consoles), and then sing the praises of fucking VGA (again, in distinction to other consoles)? Why is that your counterpoint to console players en masse using composite? What is the relevance?

>> No.10470692
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>cheerleader effect
There are very few PS2 games worth playing. I know because I'm looking for excuses not to remove the PS2 emulator off my desktop

>> No.10470705
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This is the only game for the ps2 i found memorable, Other than Neo Geo Battle Coliseum.

>> No.10470708

Not really

>> No.10470724
File: 607 KB, 488x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PlayStation 2 is, dare I say it, the Dreamcast 2.

>> No.10470739

Like half of these aren't even worth having a PS2 for

>> No.10470740

PS2 ports of Dreamcast games were shit.

>> No.10470746

Thend delete it, nobody's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to play PS2 games, holy Christ.

>> No.10470748
File: 422 KB, 458x651, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno what causes so much seething raging from dreamcast 2 deniers...PS2 is simply the DC2....DC had heart and the PS2...it felt it.

>> No.10470754

To be fair dc was split between the Xbox and ps2

>> No.10470758
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It was split..but the PS2 made it whole. double the framerate for this dreamCLASSIC.

>> No.10470763

You're trying to reframe the discussion. The point is people like to regurgitate the idea that PS2s video output was 'garbage' compared to the competition because relatively few games supported progressive scan, as if that wasn't an incredibly niche feature that would only really gain viability as the transition to HDTV kicked off. And considering analog CRT televisions are almost universally seen as the preferable display method for consoles of this vintage its kind of a moot point.

>> No.10470772

When Dreamcast games have bad ports on the console and are just inferior versions it's hard to call it a Dreamcast 2.

>> No.10470779

what's the game all the way at the bottom left?

>> No.10470794

The levels of retardism in this thread are astounding! No that OP's topic helps with how dumb it was. Get a PS2 and shut up.

>> No.10470796

Probably technically nothing because there are good emulators and enough legit ports of games such as mgs2+3 available nowadays, but I own it because I like to collect physical games and be able to just insert the disc and start playing.

>> No.10470802

I hear a lot of talk about ps2 emulation improving recently after years of stagnation, is that true? Or is it just cope

>> No.10470804

Code age commanders

>> No.10470806

Yes, it's gotten quite a bit better the last few years

>> No.10470826

>Noooo, stop saying 20+ year old games looks fine the way they are, you have to play them at 4k 60fps even if that could potentially break things dammit!

>> No.10470947


>> No.10470971
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The cons:
- low production values
- too easy
- lots of cringe stuff
- the Cosmosphere sections lack any real gameplay
The pros:
- great lore and setting
- great battle systems
- great soundtrack
- lots of cringe stuff
- great characters

>> No.10471041

>I'm not interested in JRPGs with lower shonen-level writing
I really wish you people told us what kind of stories you consume. Because I have no doubt all of you watch Hollywood movies, Netflix shows, books aimed at teenagers, super heroes...

>> No.10471104

>In this era reading text is mandatory even in action games
Whoa, what a condemnation.

>> No.10471176

stuntman is the best casual filtering device

>> No.10472282


>> No.10472291

The Ace Combat games alone make this console a must-have. I do not care for any opinions that deviate from this fact, for they are worthless opinions from equally worthless creatures.

>> No.10472447

>The Ace Combat games alone make this console a must-have
Niche genre and you could just play the superior new games

>> No.10472460

If you can't find dozens of top tier non RPG games on PS2, you haven't bothered looking.

>> No.10472464

I swear this all because nintendrones got btfo recently. So, they became auster. Nintauster

>> No.10472468

None of the games that came after the PS2 trilogy surpassed it, despite their qualities.
This is an informative post, replies are not required unless you're too low IQ to accept this.

>> No.10472482

>None of the games that came after the PS2 trilogy surpassed it
Maybe if you are a nostalgia fagging retard. There is nothing the PS2 games do better than 7 and graphics are very important for this series. And you can say the same about Tekken, Ridge Racer, Gran Turismo and many other games

And a shitty casual game in a niche genre anyway

>> No.10472503

I sadly can't disagree. It's like, every 'actually good' exclusive game on the PS2 is either generally underwhelming or severely flawed in some way despite being almost great.

It's fucking surreal to pop in a game like Megaman Legends and find that it's actually really bloody good, and then realize that there are basically no PS2 games like that. Like, PS1 and N64 games had this strong focus and though put into how to make them solidly interesting and mechanically compelling. But it's like, on the PS2 you mostly get all kinds of shit like Dark Cloud, where it's *almost* great, but the game's like "actually, yeah, you are just going to spend most of your time going through tons of randomly generated, repetitive dungeon floors, have fun".

>> No.10472518

>Incoherent quadroon squealing
Yeah that's a wrap.
The PS2 won, and the PSX won a second time. History will never change but you're used to that by now.

>> No.10472728

>nothing the PS2 games do better than 7
Story and music

>> No.10472743

Can you imagine having that mongrel's shit taste? Must've stemmed from all the lead paint chips he ate as a kid (and probably as an adult too).

>> No.10472862

But you are an emotionally stunted 12 year old if either story impresses you. Gameplay and visuals matter way more here. Most normal people will have their fill after 7. You are the only one obsessed with this gabage casual series and spamming it here

>> No.10472884
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Aren't you too old for brand loyalism and sales faggotry? And that's not even true, Nintendo won every single generation (console + handheld) except 6th gen which was still close and which was just because everyone bought PS2 as a DVD player lol


Nintendo generally made way more money with vidya than Sony and tendies are happy with the few Nintendo games they get. I assume this causes you restless nights, but you need to grow up

>> No.10473212
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Soul Reaver 2 and 3

No one's apparently never going to make an HD collection. Or a proper sequel. Or prequel. Or anything to do with LOK ever again. It's still real to me, damn it

>> No.10473220

I even liked Nosgoth and they shitcanned that too