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File: 269 KB, 1920x1080, half-life-2-vr-beta-release-announced-for-september_q43a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10455792 No.10455792 [Reply] [Original]

Been putting it off for years, will I enjoy it?

>> No.10455804

It's great. The only bad thing I can think of is that some parts are good on your first playthrough but not as much on replays because the fun factor relies a lot on travelling and exploring (the airboat and buggy sections)

>> No.10455808

yes, also play lost coast
i think episodes 1 and 2 are pretty meh though, valve should've just done a full fledged sequel

>> No.10455810
File: 2.64 MB, 800x450, half life 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shit. Play HL1 instead.

>> No.10455813
File: 3.90 MB, 476x452, 1671730215061421.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its good gameplay wise but half life 1 will forever be the best both gameplay and story. Zen was fucking sick and opposing force was incredible. Blue shift is also really good. Half life 1 was way bigger than hl2 was if you were around back then. HL1 was a boom and HL2 was a bang.

>> No.10455832

I don't think it really matters. Most of the weapons are horrible, the companion AI isn't incredible, shitty vehicle sections, and the enemy variety is horrible. The best parts are the gravity gun, music, and certain environments are pretty cool and eerie.
If you don't play it, you're not really missing out on anything too crazy or fun.

>> No.10455972

ignore every retarded attention seeking contrarian in this thread and play it. on the continuum of games that are worth playing once, and games that are not worth playing once, hl2 is the former.

>> No.10456096

id say that webm about wraps it up. the ai in hl1 was never this fucking retarted

>> No.10456720

>it's shit
>posts webm that shows it's a fun game which fosters creativity

>> No.10456728
File: 555 KB, 1300x268, hl2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every 2nd window is foggy. Repeating patterns are so sloppy.

>> No.10456770

Why are zoomers like this? I mean why don't you try it and find out? By the time it took you to make and monitor this thread you could have already gotten a first impression playing it.
You spend so much time worrying about potentially "wasting your time" that you end up ironically wasting it in the process. Not to mention that, it's not like HL2 was a controversional game, it's a best selling critically acclaimed game. Chances of having a horrible time are low, even if we don't know you and your taste.

tl;dr STFU and get playing. And play for more than 3 mins before deciding to make a thread about how "it's actually shit".

>> No.10456815

I consider HL to be a must play for everyone who owns a pc. Very depressing that the story wasn't finished but still, all Half life games from 1-Ep2 is just the golden example of how to make a great game.

>> No.10457331

Well I won't make a thread about it but it's actually shit. As in my copy is broken or something, I'm getting attacked by enemies and found literally no weapons to defend myself.
Got to a part where there's literally nowhere to go and no weapons and I died to some guys with stun bats, so I just alt+f4'd and uninstalled.
Thanks for the rec boomer.

>> No.10457340
File: 622 KB, 360x263, ee451bbc022.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HL2 = Fun
Also play Red Faction 1 and Guerilla ! !!

>> No.10457342

You dumb retards are easily amused.

>> No.10457361

Mug moment

>> No.10457365
File: 178 KB, 538x611, mug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10457367

the HL1 doc made me want to do a full replay through of the entire franchise
HL1 > Blue Shift > Opposing Force > HL2 > Lost Coast (why not) > Ep 1 > Ep 2 > HL Alyx
probably all with dev commentary if available...

>> No.10457543

i went through HL1 a few years back but i added uplink, decay, condition zero deleted scenes and CAGED. pretty fun playthrough all things considered. i even included some mods like residual life in the mix.

>> No.10457571

its a tech demo with low punch weapons. No, you shouldn’t play it

>> No.10457582

Games are literally intended to be fun, not "art" or some other gay shit.

>> No.10457589


>> No.10457637

This. The game is like what, 10 bucks on steam? Just fucking play it OP. Make sure you play the first game first.

>> No.10457641

This post should have been the first reply and this thread stickied as a signpost to all future newfags

>> No.10457643

This isn't a sith operation. There's overlap. Art is intrinsic for games, not just videogames but all games and for the billionth time, NOT ALL ART HAS TO BE HIGH ART FOR IT TO BE CONSIDERED ART. It's like you're stuck in a boxed argument of "well since it's not the Mona Lisa it's not art". Such fucking boxed minds, it's retarded, you're fucking retarded.

>> No.10459165

The buggy section is fun to do without the car.
The airboat section can take a hike, thoughever.

>> No.10459176

Play Half Life 1 is a much better game also play the Expansions then play Black Mesa Half Life 1 Remake