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1044970 No.1044970 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/, I've been trying to play catch up with a couple of games that I've never played before in my life and picture related is one of them. I've heard a ton of mix reception to this game, but, I decided to give it a try and I'm just having trouble really getting into it. I really want to get into the world and the quirky characters in it, but the gameplay itself is just a drag for me. I've never really played anything in the 'mana' series. I believe this is part of it isn't it, forgive me if I'm wrong, but, I just can't sink my teeth into it. Is there anything I can do to make it more enjoyable, or at least less of a drag? I'm only a few hours in and I just feel like putting it down already.

>> No.1044974

it's really not a very good game, okay at best. some people cling to it around here, but i've seen people cling to E.T. for the 2600 and deadly towers around here so i really don't put much stock into it anymore

>> No.1044976

It's not part of the Secret of Mana series, just based off the engine.

I tried to play it a while back and had the same response.

>> No.1044983

So it's not just me? I mean, it seems neat in concept, but, I just can't get into it. Would it be worth it to get into the Mana series of games then, how are they like in comparison to this then? I know you said that the engine is just based off of it, but, would they be worth my time and investment?

>> No.1044985

>i've seen people cling to E.T. for the 2600 and deadly towers around here
Holy shit, you've got to be kidding me.

>> No.1044990

Yeah same for me. SoE has too many issues.
Combat is not very good because enemies move in odd ways so it makes them harder to hit than necessary making fights more painful than necessary (it's not a good way to add challenge). Also you're pretty much invicible once you get the shield magic.

Also tons of areas are lazy in design and maze like which adds length in a bad way (like the pyramid, the desert or most notably the dark forest area).

Plus gameplay in general is more limited since not only you have only 2 characters (contrary to SoM or SD3) but the dog is pretty much worthless most of the times. Also, no coop.

also there is tons of places without music which doesn't help immersion in a world which is hard to get into since we're told it's not a real word

also story and storytelling is almost inexistant

I liked it, i beat it; but it's average at best.

>> No.1044991

The gameplay wont particularly change, though it's less drag-ish than SoMs, as SoE relies much, much less on levelling magic to win.

If the hilarious story and characters (Also, a bunch of pretty awesome bossfights) aren't enough to offset this, quit.

And don't even bother starting SoM, as it's considerably worse in this regard.

>> No.1044994

>this game is the reason why we didn't get SD3


>> No.1045002

Heh. Nevermind that SD3 has been translated for so long that it's now a moot point.

>> No.1045019

>also there is tons of places without music which doesn't help immersion in a world which is hard to get into since we're told it's not a real word

I fucking loved SoE ambient music.

>> No.1045028

Yeah, I feel that Soule's soundtrack actually helped enhance the game's lack of any real narrative. It gave the world an eerie touch, as though you were really exploring something alien to you.

But I could understand why people used to the usual JRPG fanfare stuff might not like it.

>> No.1045031

I think you should try Seiken Densetsu 3 op. Atmosphere is more eerie in SoE but if it's gameplay you're looking for SD3 should make you satisfied.

>> No.1045038

I'd really like to have both in all honesty, so I'll keep that in mind, thanks!

>> No.1045065

The box art is unbelievably badass. Too bad it doesn't sound like a great game.

>> No.1045081


>> No.1045079

It is a good game it's just but hurt secret of mana fans that give it a bad name.

Also a rebalance patch came out the other day try it out op.

>> No.1045084

I adored this game when I was a kid.
The amount of 'secret shit' (some of it IS hidden pretty well) was a huge draw for me. I totally fell for the atmosphere. The NPCs were generally pretty entertaining, etc.

However, I tried to replay it a while back and just couldn't get back into it. Probably for much the same reasons that you're having trouble now.

>> No.1045087

Try the rebalance patch here the game is much better with it fixes most of the problems

>> No.1045168


Give Secret of Mana a try. It's much better, in my humble opinion. You'll hear different opinions from everyone, but if you put as much time into SoM and can't get into it either, it might not be the series/style for you.

Then again, you could love it. Just play it and see, like with Evermore.

>> No.1045196

It's not just SoM fans.
I'd say it is an okay game at best.
My biggest problem with it is, of all things, the lack of music in most scenarios. It just makes everything feel so boring. And while it does have a story it's so lazily told and badly executed that it doesn't really motivate me to play either.

>> No.1045482

Tastes differ. I love SoE's absurdist humour (And how it extends all over its story), and the ambient music, while not very interesting on its own, fits the game perfectly. A Gesamtkunstwerk, if you will.

While it does have weaknesses - some characters appearing in cutscenes are never further explored, giving the (Probably correct) impression of massive content cuts, the dogmaze -, its strengths more than outweight this to me. Its sense of humour, its vastly superior and engaging magic system, its gameplay leaving options to finish bosses in particular in more than one way (Rather unlike SoM) all appeal to me. I like SoM, but given the choice, I'll pick SoE over it every time.

>> No.1045490

SoM has some pretty nice music, but SoE has the coolest bosses.

>> No.1046576

>some characters appearing in cutscenes are never further explored
Really? Like who?

If you don't like the gameplay then I can't imagine the Mana series being good for you. Granted, the gameplay in SoE is pretty basic and the other Mana games do it better but the groundwork is the same. Just what is offputting about it?

I personally loved the game. The atmosphere was great and it was a blast to play. It's a shame that it's so short.

>> No.1047093

>>some characters appearing in cutscenes are never further explored
>Really? Like who?
The Wall-Face things in Antiqua, and later Nomiwhatever who talks to the robot queen in Gotica.

They're thrown in, but never explored at all, which is pretty damn wasteful.

>> No.1047154

I forgot about them. While I like the game it really does feel like a lot got cut out.