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File: 72 KB, 1000x625, FF7_FR.exe_DX9_20131018_155651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10447453 No.10447453 [Reply] [Original]

What if Final Fantasy 7 was an N64 game?

>> No.10447457

Background texture too high-res for an N64 game

>> No.10447458
File: 887 KB, 540x666, 1684363620247006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10447472

Then it would have been ignored because "gameplay" too bad

>> No.10447473

This. Mario RPG might have a dumb story but they made the combat somewhat fun

>> No.10447479

What if we had a thread that wasn't N64, Sonic or Zelda?

>> No.10447483

You would have to change cartridges at every single FMV scene.

>> No.10447485
File: 979 KB, 1140x804, 1686775722872014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't talk like that here, the nintendrones will hear you. Then they'll call the shiggy mod and the jannys will dance naked around your corpse as shiggy mod devours your flesh.

>> No.10447493

Don't delude yourself, mechanically that game is like Mystic Quest-tier.

>> No.10447494
File: 955 KB, 1175x453, cloud canon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tehre would be twice as many gay millennials today

>> No.10447518
File: 68 KB, 300x205, evil sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if it was like the Goemon game with true 3D maps and realtime fights it would have been one of the greatest games ever

>> No.10447519

Sounds like you just want FF16

>> No.10447523

>wait until anon discovers that each disc already holds all the non-FMV data and the FMVs are the reason it was multi-disc to begin with
If you changed the code, to not play the FMVs, there would be no need for additional discs.

>> No.10447547

But there would still be a need for additional cartridges. At least 4

>> No.10447549

Could the N64 hardware handle the game, regardless of cartridges?

>> No.10447559

Remove all fmv or just use jaz format

>> No.10447590

>Remove all fmv
Well then it's not FF7 anymore, congratulations, you've made a shitty demake

>> No.10447645

It would probably focus on fully 3D environments, rather than pre rendered ones, because that's what N64 was good at.
Would it look like Quest 64, with actual good writing? Maybe.

>> No.10447685

not really, ff16 is more like a bad dark souls clone

>> No.10447757

Good thing, fuck movie cutscenes.

>> No.10447792

it'd be half as long, have worse music and no fmv's, and be very blurry
why do you ask?

>> No.10447795

It's not just cutscenes, in PS1 FFs FMVs are used for in-game backgrounds during some scenes. Try playing FF7 even a little bit, it's right at the start

>> No.10447835

Nah, they would have loved it. Square and Enix games were huge in the NES or SNES.
Besides, they loved Zelda OOT, a game with braindead battles, simple and easy puzzles, no jumping, poor framerate, empty deserts without barely any enemy, almost everything is automatized...

>> No.10448713
File: 94 KB, 1024x768, windows 8.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Packed onto 20 carts

>> No.10449030

>installation progress: 87%
>please insert disk 3258
>the disk in drive A in not formatted. do you want to format it now?

>> No.10449610

This but unironically. Even Tales of Symphonia actually had to add tight fun maps and dungeons. Baten Kaitos has interactivity and puzzles everywhere as well

>> No.10449874

Theoretically, the entire game + fmvs can be done on a single cartridge. The rom file size would be astronomical (more than RE2 at 64) and would cost a shitload of money at retail, hence why they did cd-roms at a reasonable price to sell at.

>> No.10450308

>another "what if" thread
and I though only segafags were like this

>> No.10450439

If the game had good graphics instead of 3D graphics, then all of it except music could have fit onto a Super Famicom cartridge. Handle the music in one of a few different ways, and there you go, problem solved. The game has been drastically improved AND it's been made portable to several other platforms.

Any development funds saved thanks to this change could be allocated toward a project to lobby the Japanese government to preemptively make voice acting in video games illegal (with a narrow exception carved out for simulation games involving man-faced fish), for the sake of future gamers.

>> No.10450658

>Abort, Retry, Fail?

>> No.10451357

>n64 exclusive
A very different game, say goodbye to many of the pre-rendered backgrounds and the cinematics

>64DD port of the PS1 version
A very weird hybrid with some parts very true to the original and some completely changed. Hated by purists, beloved by contrarians.

>64DD developed simultaneously with PS1
Gets spun off as a side title