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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 100 KB, 792x687, Pacman2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1043880 No.1043880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

piece of kusoge or misunderstood work of art?

>> No.1043883

definitely kusoge no sakuhin

>> No.1043887

It's more ambitious than it might appear but it's ultimately a failure.
The whole self-referential tv thing could have been pretty interesting if it was pulled off but it just isn't.
Pac-Man's animations are pretty good I suppose.

>> No.1043889
File: 238 KB, 524x624, 1370468475736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1043893

It was almost good. It's charming with a great sense of humor, but it's too unwieldy to actually play the game.

>> No.1043897
File: 111 KB, 640x480, pac-in-time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it's marginally less soul-sucking than Pac-in-Time.

>> No.1043901

I love it. try and play through it at least once a year. you've gotta play it like a virtual pet simulator instead of an action game. I feel like I actually bonded with Pacman the first time I played through it.

>> No.1043910
File: 219 KB, 1186x1511, pac-man2sprites.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1043942

I didn't even like watching it being played on GCCX. KusoGe all the way, but not in an endearing way.

>> No.1043981

This. I was actually getting frustrated watching it.

Not by any fault of Arino's. It just looks like that bad of a game.

>> No.1044002

It's really misunderstood, and quite fun/funny just to dick around in. Like making pacman eat the honeycomb or whatever and he goes all retarded. His speech in the SNES version (genesis' sound chip just replaced the speech with horrific ugly noises, go figure eh?) is pretty hilarious, at least to me. It's a great point n click adventure, the problem is people were expecting more of a "game" and when they don't get it or can't wrap their brain around how to properly play it they call it "crap". It is woefully misunderstood.

>> No.1044005

If this were a PC game it could've worked out much better I think.

>> No.1044009 [DELETED] 

Weeaboo detected. Normal people say "bad games".

>> No.1044016

If you want normal people you'd better skedaddle over to gamefaqs, kiddo.

>> No.1044017

You must just fucking despise all loanwords.

>> No.1044019 [DELETED] 

So I guess all the faggots putting "desu" at the end of their sentence count as loan words too?

>> No.1044021

shit like kawaii, onii-chan, kusoge, etc aren't fucking loanwords, schadenfreude is a loanword

>> No.1044027

This game fucking sucked and i literally have no clue to this day how to play it.

>> No.1044028

>Weeaboo detected.

you are aware that you're posting on a message board dedicated to Japanese culture?

>> No.1044031

The fuck do you care? is your anus teary because some shit wants to say desu? Fuck your shit clint eastwood

>> No.1044034


>> No.1044035

Evidently you haven't read the sticky. This is a board about retro games.

Sage for shitposter.

>> No.1044036

I hope you realize the irony of you using sage.

>> No.1044038

I want /v/tards to leave

>> No.1044040

How ironic. Reddit is in the other direction.

>> No.1044041

it's a game like Echo the Dolphin, where I love everything about it, except the actual gameplay

>> No.1044047

It looks awful, but it was pretty funny watching Arino baby sit him on the GCCX episode for it. I don't think I could play it.

>> No.1044048

There is no game called Echo the Dolphin.

>> No.1044046

such expressive and detailed sprites, wasted on a short, bad game

>> No.1044107

brilliant game that I'd label a cult-classic. Pacman's expressions and movements in this game and the ways you go about seeing them are really great. for example early in the game the farmer with the bail of hay over his head that you knock down so Pacman can walk past., if Pacman is in a real bad mood he won't even try and walk past, if Pacman is a in a normal mood he walks past but tip toes very carefully, and if Pacman is in a good mood he'll walk past kinda cocky and than turn towards the screen and snickers

>> No.1044150

You know what Anon meant, you fucking cunt.

>> No.1044157

That Anon was talking about a game that does not exist. There is a game called Ecco the Dolphin, not Echo.

>> No.1044169

God, you're being an obnoxious and/or autistic douche. Chill out, man. What's the point in being like that?

>> No.1044171

It was clearly a troll post by someone trying to get some jimmies rustled by talking about fictional games.

>> No.1044196

10/10 game. It taught me to love trolling by giving me a thousand different ways to troll Pac-Man.

>> No.1044207

I wish games like this were still made.

>> No.1044213

I wish /vr/ was still a nice board... What happened to this place? Just look at this thread.

>> No.1044218

Inevitable fate of all boards

>> No.1044229

How so?

It's like all the users left. We don't even get that many threads for mainstream series anymore.

>> No.1044246
File: 3 KB, 192x46, TortureSimulator2TheNewAdventures.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw you think this was a failed game

>> No.1044252

I enjoyed it. It's better if you go in just expecting to fuck around with the environments than actually trying to beat the game, though.

>> No.1044409

I liked Pac In Time, but Pac Man World was probably the first good Pac Man platformer.

>> No.1044489

>His speech in the SNES version is pretty hilarious

>> No.1044494

It was an experiment that failed horribly, pretty much. For what it is, it's interesting, but I couldn't call it a good game with a straight face. Probably one of the first to be less of a "game" and more an "experience" where your skill doesn't really matter and more your imagination in trying to figure out just what the fuck you're supposed to do.

In a way, it's a point-and-click game, but with a character acting on his own volition, which is a horrible idea on paper, and it didn't really work here either. But still, for what it's worth, it's an unique experience, and I'd recommend checking it out, if only for its historical relevance and experimental ideas.

>> No.1044509
File: 14 KB, 160x124, Metal Smug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it but I hated myself for enjoying it.
Guilty kusoge.

>> No.1044529

I owned this when I was young on the genesis, and like most people, I just didn't get it. I figured then that I was just bad at it, and never considered that it may have just been a fucking ridiculous concept for a game. I hadn't thought about it for a long time, but posts like >>1044002 and >>1044494 make me consider looking at it again.

>> No.1045050

it gets a 10/10 for originality and I think the graphics are gorgeous. , for the first hour you play you'll hate Pacman with a passion, but by the end of the game you actually become attached to the little yellow fucker.

oh and the people ITT that said the GCCX episode sucked are out of their minds. no matter what you think of the actual game, that episode is a top 5 episode easily.

>> No.1045060

great and hilarious game to play with a group of people if you have friends that into gaming

>> No.1045064

I've always enjoyed Pac-Man 2, it's different, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.1045076

>for the first hour you play you'll hate Pacman with a passion
>the people ITT that said the GCCX episode sucked are out of their minds
I never played the game, but I hated it with a passion for the first and only hour I WATCHED it being played on GCCX. Animations like this >>1044509 made me want to punch my screen. It doesn't feel like a Pac-Man game in any way, but the game would be completely ignored without the licensed character. It's annoying to watch and looks like it would be annoying to play.

>> No.1045075
File: 25 KB, 560x410, thatrabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1045101

Kusoge is a loan word, though. It has no English equivalent, as Kusoge means "bad game that is enjoyable or remarkable in how awful it is". The only equivalent we have would be "shit game", which would be the literal translation, except it implies it's bad overall.

>> No.1045102

>talking about fictional games.

Funny, /v/ can only partake in actual discussion if they talk about games that don't exist, such as the KotH threads or the occasional Bear Game.

>> No.1045452


>being this autistic

you really need help

>> No.1045484

we really need more gifs from this game

also, it may not have been a "good" game, but it is one of my favorites. must have played through it at least 20 times over the years. it's short but very charming, and all the different ways to affect Pac Man's mood are great. it's a really funny game.

I can understand if people don't get how to play it or if they're mad about it being a Pac Man game, but it was just an idea based off the kid's cartoon. I don't think there was ever another game like it, and that's kind of a shame.

once you understand the flow of the game it actually plays pretty smoothly and it's really fun.

>> No.1045496

Played it a couple times, glad I never owned it.

>> No.1045516


>being this trolled

>> No.1045540

>that picture
Further proof that America video game companies think that the covers have to have"super edgy as fuck look" in order to sell

Also a LOATHED Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures. Maybe if the little bastard wasn't instilled with the A.I. of an obnoxious deaf twat, it would have been far better

>Pac Man World was probably the first good Pac Man platformer
Oh, definitely. It just doesn't make sense that it took Namco that fucking long to get a half decent formula down.

Apparently some have said that the SNES version is better than the Genesis one, I've never fallen into a deep pit of self-loathing to the point where I'd actually give variant of this piece of horse shit a chance

>> No.1045562

>Go into the arcade
>Want to play Pac-Man but accidently choose Ms. Pac-Man
>Can't get him to change his mind in time and he starts the game
>Lose very quickly so I can just move on with the area
>Pac-Man gets into a rage that makes DSP look mild
It's the little things that make that game stand out

>> No.1045607

I had this game when I was a kid, and I loved it. I even remember drawing little Pacman comics inspired by it. It's got nice colorful settings, a good sense of humor, and it's unlike anything else on the SNES. I like all of the different ways you can interact with objects, like shooting a cat and causing it to attack Pacman, or shooting down a weird fruit that causes Pacman to go apeshit. It's the small things like that that make it charming to me. Also spamming "LOOK, LOOK" is fun.

>> No.1046484

The best thing about this game is tormenting pacman

>> No.1046492

I played both. Neither of them really feel like a game, more like rage at the screen because pac man is a retarded man child that doesnt listen.

>> No.1046517


I used to do this all the time.

>> No.1046662

I liked it when I was a little shit 'cause I was homeschooled in the middle of nowhere. He was my only friend.

>> No.1046671


The Game Boy version of this fucked my mind because it was identical to some ancient DOS game called Fury of the Furries I happened to have on my old PC.

>> No.1046687

why are you posting here?

>> No.1046976

>as Kusoge means "bad game that is enjoyable or remarkable in how awful it is"
No, it just means "bad game". There might be people out there that enjoy bad games in the same way that there are people that enjoy bad movies, but the term itself just means "bad game".