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10437140 No.10437140 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the day you realize OoT 'Dorf has the highest body count of named characters in gaming:

>Deku Tree
>Hyrule (*King; first name unknown)
>Business Scrubs x4

Some fans even try to claim he added Link to the tally. But these people are merely selling up the 'Dorf. He's accomplished but not that accomplished.

>> No.10437381

What really makes him a GOAT villain is how he basically breaks the fourth wall and shows up in different game as the exact same person, even when they couldn't look more different (WW). Only Xeno games invoke something similar for me

>> No.10437387
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The OoT design is so terrible and generic.

He looked way more interesting as a blue boar.

>> No.10437393
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Nah it's pretty awesome and unique, especially later with the long hair

>> No.10437396

>generic ass dark elf

>> No.10437403

>>Deku Tree
>>Hyrule (*King; first name unknown)
>>Business Scrubs x4
Wow, Ganondorf had sex will ALL those people?

>> No.10437420
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I just googled dark elf and saw a lot of metrosexual men, nothing remotely similar. And your alternative is a pig with a trident. Stop trolling and get a job

>> No.10437435

Drizzt was a disaster for the dark elven race

>> No.10437441

> Stop trolling and get a job
i sell your mother’s lon lon milk and business is good

>> No.10437453

I sincerely doubt you ever touched a woman in your life

>> No.10437462

I have no interested in other women. Your mommy’s lon lon milk is my best selling product

>> No.10437626
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Is he jewish or Roger Klotz?

>> No.10437630

He's middle eastern.

>> No.10437640
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>> No.10437692 [DELETED] 

Saracen with gypsy magic and the coolness of Roger. The Sheikah are Hyrule's Jews/Freemasons.

>> No.10437704

And one tree.

>> No.10437716

it means village, he is in the ymca

>> No.10437801

>Is he jewish
we don't talk about that here

>> No.10438106

the Hylians are evil colonial invaders who ousted the beautiful gerudo and tortured them underground. Shadow Temple lore shows the Sheikah are an evil, CIA/Mossad-esque organization. Ganondorf is a redeemer and a revolutionary

>> No.10438446 [DELETED] 

The lore runs deep.
Also, I milk this guy’s mom to supply Lon Lon Ranch.

>> No.10438552 [DELETED] 

>The Sheikah are Hyrule's Jews/Freemasons
No. They're like ninja operatives serving noble lords in feudal Japan. They're also Hylians and not some foreign parasitic tribe.

>> No.10438728

>Is he jewish
now i know why janny hates zelda

>> No.10438806
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He has long hair in oot too, 7 years later.

>> No.10438853
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Ah a fellow connoisseur of reading-into-art lurking in this den of heathens. I would go into a detailed thesis of Ganondorf/Ganon but it would be for naught. Ironic. They post in a thread about a pig demon from a Chinese novel, unaware of the actual pig demon harboring in them.

>> No.10440952

Today I celebrated OoT's anniversary with my brother by unlocking Young Link from scratch in Melee. We took turns playing through classic mode. it was vibey. his melee model rules.

>> No.10442567

Jewish Vegeta

>> No.10442572

Imagine if OoT didn't exist, we get proper Ganon in Melee

>> No.10444373 [DELETED] 

I’m going to regret saying literally anything about portrayals of DA JOOZ when we live in a world where anything can become ammunition for the shizos in /pol/, but if there are are any races in the series that are Jew-inspired it’s the Deku Scrubs, especially if you look at business scrubs and take both OoT and MM together:
>Enemies who also sell you overpriced items; unclear what distinguishes the true enemies from the others except that some of them profit by siding with you. In Minish Cap they’re the only merchants who tell you to fuck off if you aren’t going to buy anything
>Get way too touchy about you using their property, using deeds to prove ownership and chase you off; would 100% be lawyers and weaponize the legal system
>The one in Clock Town feels the need to impress his wife with wealth and jewelry, who after marrying a merchant apparently has such high standards that only a gemstone from the fucking moon is good enough for her
>Found in all of the major towns/homelands of the other races, but keep themselves segregated and never intermingle or associate with any of them unless you’re a potential customer
>Disliked by the majority race; the Bombers won’t even let them into their group of do-gooders, they’re supposed to be the most charitable NPCs in the game. Even dogs seem to hate them for no clear reason
>Are themselves racist about who they’ll sell what to
>The ones inside the Deku tree are turncoats who immediately sell out their own + Gohma the moment danger arises
>After you reflect a deku nut at the OoT business scrubs, they stand rubbing their hands together; when you play as young Link, they even hunch over a little bit during that animation to look him in the eye
>Their most prominent feature is their nose/mouth thing
>In MM, they wear a race-specific hat which resembles a yarmulke
I don’t believe in the stereotypes and conspiracies or that the dev team intended them to be there, but in retrospect it’s hilarious

>> No.10444482
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>Business Scrubs
How did business scrubs get inside his castle? It's not like they're just some of the monsters he summoned, scrubs are indigenous to Hyrule like the Zora or Gorons and not really monsters

>> No.10445532 [DELETED] 

Arabs also sell shit and buy their fat wife a slave on the libyan slave market. Never been on a Bazar, Anon? This is not unique to Jews. If you watch modern ashkenasi like Jonathan Greenblatt, Noel Ignatiev or Susan Sontag slandering the white race, that comes much closer to what Ganon wants to do with blonde blue eyed Hylians or children in the Kokiri Forest.