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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 472 KB, 2168x1593, ZXSpectrum48k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10431885 No.10431885 [Reply] [Original]

So people here always shitpost about the Speccy but not being a bong I've never actually experienced the library and I want to give the humble little micro a try. Anyone here has some recommendations? Again I'm really not familiar with the library so feel free to also recommend what would be considered "the obvious" too

>> No.10431890

You must die in pain with all "muh speccy," lovers.

>> No.10431898

Why does the Speccy make you angry?

>> No.10431903

That one game ashens talks about with the kicking. Uhhh. I forget what its called. It’s like river city ransom.

>> No.10431905

Dint mean to sage. bumperino.

>> No.10431948

Auster's Descent Into Madness is pretty funny

>> No.10432006 [DELETED] 

It reminds me of big, fat, disgusting Jim Sterling or whatever he's trooned into now

>> No.10432019

You may as well play Jet Set Willy.

>> No.10432035 [DELETED] 

I've never seen Sterling talk about the speccy, he only talks about gay American shit like cutting off your penis and wrestling.

>> No.10432113


>> No.10432139

Jetpac is good

>> No.10432165



Genuinely love that movie, it’s got the daytime tv low budget kino look too

>> No.10432192

SimCity, Chase HQ, that speeder bike chase game, Jet Set Willy (not fun, just historically interesting), Rescue on Fractalus

>> No.10432204

Holy shit, I never knew the speccy had a fucking sim city port, incredible, say what you want about the eye and ear rape but it’s one of the most interesting game platforms in existence, especially when you factor in all the modern homebrew and see what’s possible with it

>> No.10432209
File: 7 KB, 256x192, Atic_Atac_gameplay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only played the speccy games on rare replay but I enjoyed them way more than I though I would

>> No.10432212

Yeah it's a little hard to play but damn it's cool. I agree, I think it's an incredible little machine, and I am also not a bong.

>> No.10432260 [DELETED] 

>I've never seen Sterling talk about the speccy, he only talks about gay American shit like cutting off your penis and wrestling.

He does talk about "muh speccy."

>> No.10432475

I will never understand the rabid autistic hatred people have for Speccy threads. What, is it cutting into your daily SNES threads where you circlejerk over Super Mario World and F-Zero for the 10,000th time?

>> No.10432506

No one really cares about the Speccy. It's whatever. It's kind of cool for what it is (which is a poverty tier computer from the 80's).
People do it to annoy the Speccy supremacists.

>> No.10432515


>> No.10432534

Some cool games that I think are still enjoyable today:
Cool platformer with clean graphics where you travel through different countries.
>Astro Marine Corps
Action game with lots of different obstacles and enemies. Has the most spectacular graphics I have seen in an Spectrum game.
>El capitan Trueno
Two chapters, one is an action adventure, the other one is a linear action platformer. Very polished for an Spectrum game and not too hard.
>Daley Thompson's Super Test
Sports game with lots of different mini games. Pretty fun, give it a try if you enjoyed Konami's Track and Field
>The Abbey of Crime
An adventure inspired by The Name of the Rose, it's one of the most ambitious games for the Spectrum, although you might want to try the remake at this point.

>> No.10432565

>immediately deflecting to nintendo

>> No.10432573

Half the fucking threads on /vr/ right now are nintendo shit.

>> No.10432576

>It makes too much noise and the colours are too bright.
>I wouldn't be able stand the noise for much longer.
Cute kids. I wish England was still a White ethnostate.

>> No.10432650

I checked, and there are currently about 119 threads on the catalogue that are not about Nintendo.
There are 32 threads that are about Nintendo (or that could be construed as being about Nintendo, since half of those are just bait threads saying "hurr durr this game that was on a Nintendo platform is shit").
Now be quiet.

>> No.10432670

Marvel/Disney of gaming, it applies in almost every sense, from history (made great shit in the golden age, hugely influential, but vicious business practices bts) gradual loss in quality, rabid fans hooked since childhood that defend it to the death, its all there.

>> No.10432671

>now be quiet
Make me faggot. I'll stop complaining when this stops being a Nintendo board.

>> No.10432674

Make less "Mario 64 sucks" threads, and more threads about things you like, maybe.

>> No.10432689
File: 539 KB, 1849x812, Zz93aWR0aD03NjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo, look at this Nintendo board.

>> No.10432712

You can hyperfixate on anons admittedly aaapulled ratio all you want, the reason you guys catch so much shit is because you're obnoxious. If everyone could keep their console war bullshit to themselves that'd be great, but anons will always show up like paratroopers to shit up any thread possible with that garbage. If you like video games you should like video games, not just some specific company, we're all adults that can play whatever now that emulation exists and consoles and flashcarts have made it as easy as its ever been. Its nonsense that this is an issue somehow for grown men. Nintendo games are cool, Playstation games are cool, Sega games are cool, because video games are cool.

>> No.10432728

Great, but that's the opposite of what happens. I sit here trying to enjoy games, some of which are made by Nintendo and then the "you aren't allowed to like Nintendo" brigade shows up.
And this does happen, and it does happen every time. Doesn't happen when I try to talk about one the PC games, or one the Playstation or Sega games I like. Only Nintendo stuff.

>Hey, let's talk about Doom
I have literally never seen this in my life.

>> No.10432752

>And this does happen, and it does happen every time
Great, so now you know what it felt like to mention a non-Nintendo game on this board 10 years ago.

>> No.10432759

Right, because no one on 4chan ever liked franchises such as Doom, Deus Ex, Final Fantasy, Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Duke Nukem, System Shock, Thief, Fallout, X-Com, Sonic, Persona, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry, Grand Theft Auto, Street Fighter...

I'm SORRY no one cares about Jet Set Willy okay?

>> No.10432768
File: 647 KB, 4200x768, weebs 90's gaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I'm SORRY that Nintendo fans need to compensate with their lack of awareness of other games existing because they have horse blinders on.

>> No.10432818

In every avenue of gaming you will find people who only care about one particular thing. That's not something that's exclusive to Nintendo fans. I've met just as many, if not more people who will act like anything that wasn't on the Playstation doesn't exist. GTA is like the most popular game of all time, and it's those people who are buying it.

You need to stop lashing out at Nintendo because internet weebs on an internet weeb website like Japanese consoles more than British computers. I'm sorry, okay?
I don't want to play Everyone's a Wally. I just don't.

>> No.10432830

Why are you in the thread then and pretending you aren't part of the problem? You aren't required to like it or anything else, agreed, but then what reason do you have to have entered this thread in the first place?

>> No.10432834

what list is that

>> No.10432840

You literally cannot approach this topic without sperging out about the SNES, and it's obnoxious.
Maybe don't act like a bellend, and we can have a real conversation about Spectrum games, which I am open to, because I like games in general.

>> No.10432850

So why are you in this thread defending them like a queer instead of just ignoring it? You couldn’t help but white knight

>> No.10432853

Did this thread got invaded by auster? Those complains are pure nitpicking and outright lies.

>> No.10432857

Dont know who you think youre responding to anon, reread what I said. My entire point is if you don't care about the speccy, you have no reason to be here.

>> No.10432862

A troll list

>> No.10432864
File: 756 KB, 1280x902, FC3myldg1NkHCWKLfHq20uyOWFT2SrQm2H6HmFKq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always amusing how even disliking a random game labels you as a nintebdo fan who needs to step put of his comfort zone.
I think its just 1 guy who is really insecure about anything Nintendo and the amount of rent free cope that is going on is hilarious.

>> No.10432868

Why did this poster>>10432475
Make this post?

Literally no one mentioned the SNES or Nintendo.
Don't start shit, if you don't want to get hit. I don't know...

>> No.10432869

Four of those are better on many other systems and Jet Set's part of the reason Zniggy got made

>> No.10432879
File: 204 KB, 1179x547, IMG_0926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn’t “hit” anyone, you just look like a loser redditor lmao, “your company”doesn’t know you exist, also NTA nice try fag

>> No.10432901

I don't have a "my company". I like a lot of things.
You're a smelly Spectrum fanboy who couldn't even afford a good computer like an Amiga.

>> No.10432913

It doesnt look good that a thread that wasnt nintendo related at all turned into a nintendo argument but you cant deny this board has a problem where if you post anything nintendo related you get told to kill yourself and that you should have played something on the spectrum/amiga/mega drive/saturn instead

>> No.10432919

Yes, and it's the same guy, and we all know who he is.

>> No.10432923

what was the first reply in the thread?

>> No.10432924

Probably made by OP, let's be honest.
He does shit like this every fucking day.

>> No.10432932

The cult of shiggy, is a menace to this board. the retaliation is from constant Nintendo threads spreading blatant falsities and constantly shitting up threads. Go look at the oot minimalist thread, it's a dumpster fire.

>> No.10432948

That's not a real thing that happens. I say I like something Nintendo did, and I'm immediately flooded with accusations.
>You just think Nintendo invented everything!
No I don't
>You only play Nintendo consoles!
No I don't
>You hate Sega!
I love Sega
>You worship Shigeru Miyamoto!
I don't. I think he's a Yakuza weirdo, who probably stubs cigarettes out on office interns, behind closed doors.

>> No.10432968

I like the spectrums color pallet a lot more than the c64s

>> No.10432986 [DELETED] 


>> No.10433001

Wait that last one is based

>> No.10433135

And just who do you think is shitting on platforms like the ZX Spectrum? You literally cannot even talk about the Spectrum or Amiga on this board without it turning into shit flinging. Who's to blame for that?

>> No.10433139

thats because nobody ever talks about those computers
its all just shitposts on how they destroyed the snezz and the nezz and shartendo

>> No.10433153

It makes a lot more sense when you understand that there are no casual fans of the N64, GameCube, or SNES, they are all raving zealots with nothing nice to say about anything not made by they're God idol Nintendo. Then, look at what a solid majority of threads on this board are talking about: GameCube this, SNES that, N64 everywhere. This is supposed to be a board for free discussion of retro games, not for sucking Nintendo's dick, but as long as Nintendo discussion is allowed, and Nintendo fans are swarming this place and shouting down any discussions that don't fit they're agenda, that will never be possible.

>> No.10433165

the only one raving here is you
just look at the catalogue, its 10% nintendo threads at the most

>> No.10433183
File: 866 KB, 1856x714, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without even scrolling down, the 9 out of 20 threads visible are about Nintendo in some form or another, or 45%, nearly half. It fluctuates at times but that would be my estimate for an average on this board of how many Nintendo-centric threads there are.
This is a Nintendo board, and the only people denying it are those who want to keep it that way.

>> No.10433185

Stop whining, this is a /vr/ board

>> No.10433198

threads about 3rd party games that just happen to be on a nintendo console are not nintendo threads
threads that use an image of a nintendo game but are about games in general are not nintendo threads

>> No.10433202
File: 4 KB, 256x192, RamiroElVampiro.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blah blah something nintender blah fucking blah.

Post games for Speccy and ignore the shitposts. I greatly enjoyed Unhallowed this Halloween, and right now I'm having fun with Ramiro el Vampiro.

>> No.10433239

>if you actually like something, you're a "raving zealot"
Why are you even here?
Tell me about a Spectrum game you love, personally. Sell it to me.
Don't just say "way better than that baby Mario shit, innit? We played THOUSANDS of games as kids on one pound cassets, innit m8? Have you even heard of Granny's Garden? It's kind of like Zelda, and it came out one year before, so btfo!!!"

Do you actually like these games at all? You don't seem to. You never talk about the gameplay. You never talk about the characters. You never talk about the music. Just about how they aren't Nintendo, but are supposedly better, for reasons you wont specify.

>> No.10433247

lol, you bumped a bunch of those threads, didn't you?
Some of those were like two thirds of the way down the catalogue earlier

>Actually being mad there's a Zelda sprite in the sticky, from like 13 years ago.
Is that what this is all about?

>> No.10433273

>not liking GG or GG2: Over the Canterbury Road or GG3: Bangers and Mash


>> No.10433292

Nice rainbow fag. Only spectrum you belong on is the autistic spectrum

>> No.10433317

It's real and you're obviously not part of that group of cultusts

>> No.10433446

The only person you "hit" was yourself, nintentranny. Cope, seethe, dilate, etc.

>> No.10433453
File: 18 KB, 574x81, 1681838000719384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's not something that's exclusive to Nintendo fans. I've met just as many, if not more people who will act like anything that wasn't on the Playstation doesn't exist. GTA is like the most popular game of all time, and it's those people who are buying it.
Yes, you're correct. It's too bad that none of those other kinds of people post here. There's only two autistic fanbases that plague this board:
>Nintendo fans

They're both annoying and deserve each other.

>because internet weebs on an internet weeb website like Japanese consoles more than British computers
You aren't welcome here.

>> No.10433475

You were also being generous by not X'ing out the Handheld thread....I mean, other than the PSP, what other handhelds of note were there?

>> No.10433545

This thread is extremely dead

>> No.10433558

>auster telling people if they're welcome here or not

>> No.10433564

There's something about British game design (eg. Manic Miner) that really puts me off, there's something so tasteless and tacky about it that you don't have in Japanese or American games.

>> No.10433580


What new zoomer phrase of the week are we being forced to endure now?

>> No.10433815

Reminder that the oy me speccy meme came to be because australiakun (resident shitposter) lost his mind during a famicom pulseline thread, spamming it to bump limit with screenshot of speccy games that were "superiour" than on the "nezz".
The reaction was obvious, there was this one guy who is evidently super invested in his nintendo vs Spectrum imaginary wars and anons from /vr/ started memeing the speccy to trigger him, because it's funny and fits the stereotype of the bong speccy fanboy.
I doubt making fun of the speccy is a nintendo fanboy-only thing. In fact I don't think ninty fans care about speccy, they're busy on console war threads with Playstation, not old microcomputers that were never even relevant against consoles.