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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 38 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-1932218962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10430736 No.10430736 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know what the brand was or anything, but it was perfect for RPGs. Does anybody here know what that thing was called? It wasn't pic related.

>> No.10430756

I just googled and found different brands. Maybe you should try it sometimes.

>> No.10430821

Yes it's fucking terrible because it's trying to show me screen caps of video reviews of controllers, it thinks I want to buy now and the google ad machine is primed and read.

Also, another tip. It's considered poor form on 4chan to use a tripcode for no particular reason. It's not like we're continuing some old thread and you need to prove you're "you" or anything. Just so you know, I know it's free to make a tripcode and all but we call this tripfagging and you've been doing it for a while, it makes you look like an idiot.

>> No.10430848
File: 47 KB, 319x500, Ascii Grip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it the ASCII Grip?

>> No.10430870

Indeed that's exactly the thing. Thanks.

>> No.10431280

You can still buy new-old stock of this controller online for MSRP. I bought one, but didn't like it very much.

>> No.10431343

>two triangles
>two squares
>no x or o

>> No.10431349

X and O are triggers underneath iirc

>> No.10431379

>i fap to rpgs
Whatever floats your incel boat

>> No.10431778

I want to be able to smoke my tobacco pipe and / or drink tea while playing.

>> No.10431803

Great defence.

>> No.10431804

Bought one of these when they were new and some games that support analog can't be used with them.

>> No.10431896

This pad is made essentially for RPG.
STR and simulation like Sim City or CiV 2 can be cool to play with it.

>> No.10432323

Why are boomers incapable of using technology? I never had such a problem, sounds like a you problem.

>> No.10433293

Not only can zoomers not into directories, they can't even use a basic fucking search engine.
My 80-something year old babushka is more competent than you with tech, wrap your mouth around that cock.

>> No.10434516

kill yourself