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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 379x264, Smetroidbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10416162 No.10416162 [Reply] [Original]

This game is so much larger in scope than any other game released at the time. It feels like a complete game and not just a bunch of random levels glued together.

>> No.10416167

It's a very good game

>> No.10416168

Soulless slop

>> No.10416180

Hearing that sampled speech in the beginning threw me for a loop. I didn't expect anything with that level of clarity from the 16-bit era.

>> No.10416182

True, hipsters today no longer value content because it's no longer relevant. You don't go out and buy a retro game for $60 and then hope it entertains you for at least a month. Now you just download it and play it for an hour and then play some other shit

>> No.10416183

Backtracking bullshit maze

>> No.10416196

It's like an Amiga game with better controls. Even the color choices are the same

>> No.10416204

>watches video essay on it
this is how i play all my games.

>> No.10416210

Sick and tired of hearing about this game, fuck Super Metroid and fuck the rest of the series too.

>> No.10416217

It's one of the greatest games of all time. Get used to hearing about it.

>> No.10416225

This. We could've gotten a console war thread or another "what if the saturn didn't fail" thread or another "how to save the dreamcast" thread or another "Mario All-stars is soulless" thread or another "recommend me games for X system" thread or another "popular game le bad" thread or another

>> No.10416239

Wish they'd remake super Metroid on NES. Js.

>> No.10416245

>Amiga game with better controls
Amiga games control better than this game. The physics are some of the worst in any major 2D mainstream game, I cannot believe they released it in this abysmal state.

>> No.10416249

Another casual modern gamer filtered.

>> No.10416250

Super Metroid controls perfectly you scrub

>> No.10416257

>It feels like a complete game and not just a bunch of random levels glued together.

>> No.10416260

I've never played super metroid, but so far every "best game ever" on a nintendo console has been disappointing.

>> No.10416261

Hope you like repeating rooms

>> No.10416265
File: 99 KB, 250x354, Paper_Mario_The_Thousand-Year_Door_(artwork).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought Jarpigsloppers love backtracking

>> No.10416267

Metroid is a series that even most Nintendo haters enjoy so I'd say give it a go

>> No.10416272

It's literally impossible to be filtered by this baby game, there's virtually no enemies. It's one of the easiest games ever. The whole game consists of wandering empty hallways whilst you struggle with some of the worst controls ever for a run and gun, until eventually the end "fight" (really more of a cutscene) guides you to the credits.

>> No.10416275

Complaining about backtracking in stuff like Metroid or Resident Evil is like being mad that you have to jump in platformers

>> No.10416276

Yeah you've obviously never played it.

>> No.10416289

>if you don't suck Super Metroid's fat cock it's because you've NEVER PLAYED IT!!!
Yeah you obviously don't play anything else but the short list of trite Nintendo shit. Try some games that are on an actually decent 16-bit platform some time.

>> No.10416292

As usual the only "people" who hate Super Metroid are mentally ill /vr/ console warriors who haven't even played it.

>> No.10416295

It's not the greatest of all time though, it's remarkably average. And we have enough three hour video essays and forum posts on the topic to cover multiple viewings of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

>> No.10416305

I found the Prime games to be terrible, so I'm not sure how that would alter my perception on the series. I'll try Super Metroid one day.

>> No.10416309

Absolute clowns

Disaffected loons

Makes no sense.

Do your best AVGN impression somewhere else

Stop wasting time.

>> No.10416310

If you've played other games from the era you'd know how good it is.

>> No.10416318

If you only played SNES games maybe, that's quite a low bar though. There were far better 16-bit action games before and after.

>> No.10416325

That's cool. Nobody really cares though

>> No.10416327

No other action game from the time has the kind of depth SM has.

>> No.10416328

>I found the Prime games to be terrible
How in the fuck can someone think that

>> No.10416330

>this empty hallway that you walk back and forth through 6 times has so much DEPTH!!!
What a fucking joke.

>> No.10416332

It's an action-exploration game though. There are bosses, sure, but action is still not the focus. Metroid to action games is what SotN is to Classicvania

>> No.10416337

How many other action games from the same era have an hour long explanation of the advanced mechanics within the game?

>> No.10416339

SotN has good combat and challenging fights. Metroid tries to pass itself as an "action game" but can't actually offer any challenging boss fights, any depth to combat, or anything other than wandering empty hallways with braindead enemies, and having to revisit them several times. What a snooze fest.

>> No.10416345

>SotN has good combat and challenging fights
Why are you discussing games you've never played?

>> No.10416349

See >>10416289
No refutation. Super Metroid sucks and so does the shit console it's running on.

>> No.10416354

in the first one terrible bosses, uninteresting lock on combat (good note: it puts emphasis on dodging,) tons of long revtraversals through magmoor just to get to elevators, odd location to choose as the hub of the world but that's what it became, artifact hunt deflates momentum for the finale, a choice I don't believe added anything to the game.

>> No.10416357

>SotN has good combat and challenging fights
They are honestly not different from the ones in Super Metroid and beyond. Nigga they are EXPLORATION games, the character movement and action are built around the concept of exploration. They are not Mega Man X. If you don't like it then play Ninja Gaiden or Contra. You trying to say SotN is different from SM just makes me think you have a Nintendo hateboner

>> No.10416360

I know the three or so ultra dedicated SNES haters are retarded but saying SotN of all games has good combat that is challenging no less is insane. You have to go out of your way to find a weapon that doesn't 1 or 2 shot bosses in that game.

>> No.10416364

I liked the movement but the level design doesn't take the full potential of the movement to its full potential, unlike mario where the designers started to explore what is possible with mario sandbox. It's cool to realize that mechanics like the mid-air shell jump have been intended by the designers.

>> No.10416572

You like to dish it out but you can't take it

>> No.10416581
File: 193 KB, 279x358, Ultima_Underworld_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This game is so much larger in scope than any other game released at the time.

>> No.10416753

>This game is so much larger in scope than any other game released at the time. It feels like a complete game and not just a bunch of random levels glued together.
I don't know how much bigger it is than LttP, but it feels much bigger. It also accomplishes its dark scifi, Alien homage much better than Zelda feels like a real European fantasy world which it fails at by being too kiddy.

>Sick and tired of hearing about this game, fuck Super Metroid and fuck the rest of the series too.
Phony chump. If you were "sick of hearing about things" you'd be sick of Castlevania, Mega Man, and Zelda. The things that dominate this board


Play Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden. Better yet if you must suck the tit of Castlevania, play Classicvania if you want to even begin to pretend to be an "action game guy". I bet you'd get wrecked in any fighter and any shmup would kick your ass.

>> No.10416760

super metroid is still a masterpiece
the series as a whole sucks though
the gba metroid games are some of the most overrated games ever developed

>> No.10416838

>the gba metroid games are some of the most overrated games ever developed
Better than weeaboovania

>> No.10416865

Fucking idiot SNES fans don't understand the concept of RELATIVITY. No, SotN isn't hard in the grander scheme, but it does have fights that are challenging, to a FAR greater degree than Metroid, which practically plays itself. There is nothing even vaguely blocking you're path in Metroid, the same cannot be said of the far better, far more balanced SotN.
You just like easy games for toddlers.

>> No.10416886

Play NEStroid you cowards

>> No.10416892

>you like easy games
Sorry bro, if I'm gonna play Castlevania I'm playing Classicvania games that actually can be a little hard and actually aren't ripping off another franchise, PSX fucking sucks. I regularly beat games that would make you cry, with your fence sitting "half metroid half castlevania" garbage

Metroid isn't supposed to be super challenging, that's not why it's good. If I want a challenging game though, I'll play something like Contra Hard Corps, a game that would make ANYBODY who plays SoTN for the "challenging action" fucking weep

>> No.10416909
File: 2.31 MB, 200x200, IMG_0406.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> This game is so much larger in scope than any other game released at the time.
It’s a great game but wtf, this is blatantly false, there’s hundreds of games larger in scope than super Metroid at that time. Frontier elite and ultima VII had been out for a few years already. Wtf is wrong with nintendrones?!?!?

>> No.10416935

castlevania appealed to fans of horror and dark fantasy. metroidvania appeals to fans of twilight and bishounen anime. you think you're talking reason to somebody of that demographic?

>> No.10416951

Ridley is a much harder boss than anything in SotN.

>> No.10416975

My thing is that Metroid is good at being an adventure game, there's nothing else that feels as much like a space bounty hunter adventure excavating an alien planet. SOTN on the other hand, can't have that level of immersion because Castlevania never made sense as a "world", you accepted the old games as being action platformers with Mario logic of "this is an abstract world built on a theme", but when you try to make a serious adventure exploration game with a narrative out of it you can't be pulled into it, which is the point of this genre, because it's a completely nonsensical environment that only makes sense if you assume you're playing a character who took a heavy dose of LSD. SOTN like you said fails at being a hardcore action game like the old ones, so what is the point?

>> No.10416981 [DELETED] 

By not being an NPC crossdressing zillenial

>> No.10417002

they dont play other games. they dont even play other games on nintendo hardware.

>> No.10417004

>Frontier elite and ultima VII
Any games with remotely decent gameplay?

>> No.10417007

SotN > Super Metroid

>> No.10417019

SotN requires you to teleport around and fly into corners of the map to fight the true final boss. The balancing is also nonexistent and it's difficult to not become insanely OP quickly. It's a classic but certainly a more flawed game.

>> No.10417020

They both are great and have good gameplay for their respective genres, both are heralded as amazing games. You’re just stuck in a Nintendo bubble, keep trying to move the goalpost, nintendrone.

>> No.10417023

the best banjovania on the snes

>> No.10417026

Both of those games are insanely boring to actually play. Ultima in particular is a walking and reading sim.

>> No.10417028

I never liked it, or Earthbound. A lot of the big Nintendo classic games are trash. Mario and F-Zero are good.

>> No.10417032

Did it ever occur to you that there are a lot of people who like sims? like I said, you’re a nintdrone living in a bubble. You only perceive gameplay from a lense of Nintendo ip’s.

>> No.10417039

>Did it ever occur to you that there are a lot of people who like sims?
People can like games with objectively boring gameplay. The gameplay will still be boring. Most people don't care about the size and scope of an incredibly dull playing game.

>> No.10417046

Funny enough, I'd like a Metroid 1 remake on SNES.
I believe Metroid 1 could run on MD, but could it run on Master System? What about Super Metroid running on MD?
I really find these ports pretty cool. I believe for MD we can program using C + ASM thanks to good libraries, I may give it a try trying to port SM to it.

>> No.10417048

tell us how they are mechanically dry and boring to play. you realize that gameplay is more involving than wahoo im moving in the movement. can you actually parse what gameplay is? or are you just full of shit.

>> No.10417052

>Better than weeaboovania
Are there any on GBA?
It feels like Metroidvania got bigger during the indie scene (way after GBA times) than before it.

>> No.10417058

You think it’s boring, while others think backtracking in super Metroid is boring and it is boring. I like sim stuff, I like flying around planets in frontier then drifting near a space freighter in orbit looking at the different angles and how tiny my ship is in comparison. It’s not the same as Metroid, their gameplay aspects shouldn’t be compared. My whole point was that super Metroid isn’t the largest scoped game of the time, then you tried to move the goalpost, but all you can say is buzzwords without any real position on why these games are boring, thus rendering you the loser on two fronts.

>> No.10417062
File: 3.62 MB, 532x300, Heartpounding excitement.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the game looks and plays like this, no amount of scope will make it interesting.

>> No.10417064

the systemic gameplay opportunities of ultima 5 and 7 are unrivaled. there is much more to our understanding of gameplay than simply that moment-to-moment notion. integrated depth is what matters. tourists dont care about any of this and opt to cry if the movement animation isnt to their liking.

>> No.10417068

>Mario and F-Zero are good
No, Metroid is good. Mario is fruity, Sonic is better and for cooler kids.

>> No.10417070

>integrated depth is what matters
Actually having good gameplay is what matters. Not branching text dialogs or randomly generated planets.

>> No.10417075

It's on Twitter. A Genesis Metroid remake demo only

>> No.10417080

>the animation needs to be pretty or i dont like it
Lol of course as I write "if the movement animation isnt to their liking" this is literally what they mean. thats all it comes down to folks. not gameplay. they have no understanding or definition of what that means. an arbitrary bubble.

>> No.10417083

How about the game needs good gameplay for me to like it. I don't care about the nonstop stupid dialog or whatever is supposed to redeem this game.

>> No.10417091

How about it needs to be made by someone with some sense and not think every main character/ protagonist needs to be a cartoon girl. Makes me want to throw up. Not everything has to be a cartoon animal or some ridiculous Japanese knockoff

>> No.10417102

I didn't care for it.

>> No.10417105

I don't know why you'd even bring up such games to compare then. When it comes to computer games vs. console games, it's like so dumb because it's just a different category. The only people playing such shit were like nerdy dads and uber nerdy rich kids in Beverly Hills. Average gamers were playing at arcades or on home console, the computer gaming world is its own thing most people never experienced, people heavily into computers experienced it and computers weren't even a thing all people had until around the 00s

>> No.10417116

Can you send me a link for that tweet?

>> No.10417124

>thing is not worth my time because i wasnt marketed to
why even make this post. its 2023. if you dont have knowledge of classic computer games like ultima or doom you shouldnt even be on the board.

>> No.10417132

Nothing in this post implies "console only games".

>> No.10417137

Ultima is boring as shit and nobody played it for that reason. Everyone has played Doom because it has some of the best gameplay of all time.

>> No.10417154
File: 78 KB, 256x224, newsimage2631a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a great demo for the better, longer, more challenging games that ROM hackers have made out of the engine.

>> No.10417158

I heartily recommend replaying it with the MSU1 hack and the Super Metroid orchestral arrangement. Feels like a SNES CD game.

>> No.10417176

>gen z with 00s nostalgia

>> No.10417249

You're incoherent.

>> No.10417285

>doom was made in response to ultima underworld
you are one retarded motherfucker who keeps embarrassing yourself.

>> No.10417716

It's the equivalent of hearing the "near boss room" monster roaring sound in Zelda 1 for the first time.

>> No.10417720

>SotN has good combat and challenging fights.

It honestly has everything except those.

>> No.10417728

This board is almost entirely tendies. Reddit has better retro forums but because you can't say nigger there anons tell themselves this is better.

Super Metroid is overrated. It has some fun moments but in general it's bland and far too easy. People who claim it's the greatest of all time are just repeating what their ecelebs told them. Earthworm Jim is the better sci fi platformer.

>> No.10417729

What are you doing here, then?

>> No.10417739

>literally outs himself as a redditard


>> No.10417740

Read the first sentence in the OP. You stupid shit stained penis wrinkle.

>> No.10417741

it's 32 megabits so it should be pretty fucking ginormous

>> No.10417743

Go back to the codex, amigger.

>> No.10417745 [DELETED] 

Permanently mogged and buck broken by yuropoor micros

>> No.10417753

4chan literally stole all its good content from reddit. You're too young to remember /fatpeoplehate so I don't blame you really.
Discussing super Metroid.

>> No.10417757

I'd say you're less discussing it and more trying to convince others it's inferior to Earthworm Jim.

>> No.10417760
File: 3.48 MB, 250x227, Rob_Carmilla_Laura_Drain_Kiss(Laura).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4chan literally stole all its good content from reddit

reddit didn't even exist when 4chan was good.

>> No.10417776

its all from gamefaqs and somethingawful.

>> No.10417778
File: 17 KB, 271x366, Alien3_game_cover_art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is inferior. There's a lot of superior sci fi platformers.

>> No.10417779

So then you're less discussing Super Metroid and more focusing on other games that cater to your own preferences.

>> No.10417780
File: 44 KB, 480x360, 6232C107-CBC3-4EF7-B569-6F5BAAF4E37A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you’re trying to hard, kiddo.

>> No.10417784

Best sci fi platformer is super street fighter 2010: the final fight, followed by super Star Wars return of the Jedi.

>> No.10417796

>cater to your own preference
>preferring games with better music, graphics, pacing, difficulty, basically everything

>> No.10417797

Yes, your own preferences.

>> No.10417798
File: 10 KB, 320x256, flashback_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Discussing why Metroid is underwhelming is still discussing Metroid.
Pic related is a vastly better environmentally ambient sci-fi game.

>> No.10417806

What do you bring to this thread? Nothing. Get lost.

>> No.10417807

flashback is a molasses game. you do understand what separates these two....right anon?

>> No.10417815

I will not. I would rather talk about Super Metroid. I love the granular control over my run speed, and how I can accelarate a little and use that to jump extra high. If you use that in conjunction with wall jumps you can go damn near anywhere you want.

I don't care much for bomb jumping though, I'm dogshit at timing the inputs and the bomb fuse feels like it takes too long. Some ROM hacks dramatically shorten the fuse to the point where bomb jumping is effortless, and I think that's taking it too far. Though I do like it when some ROM hacks add a function where holding down and pressing fire will place a bomb that immediately detonates, it makes checking for secrets and going through tunnels a very smooth process.

>> No.10417816

While I agree that flashback has a nice atmosphere and aesthetic, it’s not as engaging as metroid can be. I say can be, because the amount of backtracking makes resident evil look like paperboy. My point is, Metroid has a certain it’s own cool things going on too. It’s a pretty unique alien idea and Samus’s suit make Batman jealous and it’s got some kind platforming areas.

>> No.10417820

Certain grittiness* kino platforming*

>> No.10417823

Can we all just admit that Metroid is mega man + resident evil

>> No.10417824

But Resident Evil didn't exist back then.

>> No.10417830

Ok faggot then resident evil = metroid -megaman

>> No.10417835

You think we'll see X-Fusion next year?

>> No.10417859

>you can go anywhere you want
Removing all difficulty. There's a few jumps I enjoy like this section but youre given infinite attempts as theres no punushment for failing. Overall the entire games a cake walk.

>> No.10417863

>removing all difficulty
Not quite. There are some areas designed with having stronger armor and more energy tanks. Going through those areas can be notably more difficult.

>> No.10417868

Earthworm Jim is shit. You're not even a real Sega fan, fuck off and stop claiming MY console you uber autistic. You and the Ultima/Zelda retard are two of the biggest autists here along with Tekken 3 tard.

I own Flashback, it's literally nobodies favorite game ever and no kid ever played through it all the way.

Cinematic platformers are stupid.

>> No.10417872

I like Flashback and I think it has the best combat of any of the cinematic platformers. It just sucks it doesn't get enough time to shine other than the death/cyber tower level. Fighting the aliens in the final level sucks too as they're like the only enemy that deals contact damage, they have a shitload of i-frames and are generally a fucking nuisance.
Comparing it to any of the Metroid games is a nonsensical take though.

>> No.10417884


>> No.10417887

>Explore unknown and hostile alien world
>Find the item you were looking for amidst the chaotic fighting and brief moments of reprieve
>Whoops now you gotta go all the way back instead of moving forwards with your adventure and discovering new things
Why? It just feels like busywork. It's like I'm clocking in on my shift to fight the same enemies on the same locations over and over. Castlevania didn't need to do this.

>> No.10417890

Flashback is a dog turd. Real Sega fans like Shinobi and Sonic, not fucking gay shovelware only autistics pretend to like.

>> No.10417897

I don't care much for the Sonic games. Shinobi's good, Kid Chameleon is good, Mega Turrican is pretty good.
You know, come to think of it, one game I think that has some of the same DNA as Super Metroid would be Phantom 2040. Any of you fuckers play that? It's pretty cool though I feel like the story beats kinda interfere with exploring and blowing shit up.

>> No.10417901

yeah i'm sick of the faggots here who pretend shitty games are good because they don't have a personality, literally hipsters who pretend bad music is good, pure cancer

if you don't like super metroid, you don't like games period, just posing

>> No.10417912

The anti-Metroid retard is transparent. He will always defend Genesis, but also Playstation. It doesn't make sense and you're right it is posing, because if you like 16 bit games....you like 16 bit games. It isn't real taste to only like 16 bit games by one company, then all the sudden prefer Playstation games as well. He's lying about his taste.

>> No.10417947
File: 8 KB, 256x224, images (12).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to post the area i was talking about. Anon those areas are only difficult if you attempt them in base suit which is purely an autistic players style.

>> No.10417951

Having low energy tanks still applies.

>> No.10417953 [DELETED] 

in the last year or so, there has been a giant influx of ps1/ps2 related shitposting/circle jerking as well as n64 and gamecube too. its born between '87-00 newfags ruining this board, i wish there was real age limit.

>> No.10417960

in the last year or so, there has been a giant influx of ps1/ps2 related shitposting/circle jerking as well as n64 and gamecube too. its born between '97-'00 newfags ruining this board, i wish there was real age limit.

>> No.10417989

he means platformers, dipshit. not overhead games or rpgs

apart from phantom 2040 and eternal city (the pc engine game thats like a metroid version of thexder), there aren't any other 16-bit games that are similar in scope

>> No.10417992
File: 2.99 MB, 2173x2526, 20231116_144817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really doesn't as you can just about always farm health.
>Earthworm Jim is shit.
Apart from the less than perfect controls what about it is shit? Hardmode use your own opinion. And it's nuts how you label anyone anti Metroid if they don't agree with your ecelebs.

>> No.10418010
File: 2.96 MB, 2240x2573, 20231116_145535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cinematic platformers are stupid
I mean it's obvious you have bad taste when you bash ewj but yeah you are wrong about cinematic platformers, as usual.

>> No.10418016

please kill yourself

>> No.10418017

EWJ is style over substance, like most games with toon styles, animation takes precedent over gameplay.

Once again you out yourself as a phony with fake taste, you bitch about how Super Metroids combat isn't hard enough all thread only to prop up games like Flashback. You're full of shit, and I highly doubt you beat any real intensive action games with demanding combat.

>> No.10418031

You really shouldn't engage with that guy, he does this in nearly every Super Metroid game. You're better off just talking about some ROM hacks for Super Metroid.

>> No.10418040
File: 38 KB, 634x360, R (9).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>animation takes precedent over gameplay.
You need good animation to make a game great. NES Battletoads has great gameplay and its cartoony graphics push it into legendary status.
>Once again you out yourself as a phony with fake taste, you bitch about how Super Metroids combat isn't hard enough all thread only to prop up games like Flashback. You're full of shit, and I highly doubt you beat any real intensive action games with demanding combat.
I've never played Flashback but all the other games I've discussed so far I have played to death.

>> No.10418060

>I'm playing Classicvania games that actually can be a little hard and actually aren't ripping off another franchise
They're ripping off GnG.

>> No.10418182

Battletoads is shit. Streets of Rage 2 is better.

>> No.10418228

They're two different types of games.

>> No.10418237

A lot closer to being the same kind of game than Metroid and Earthworm Jim, retard. And it's funny you have this narrative of Metroid being some game held up only by reputation and not quality, when that's literally all Battleturds is. A shitty fucking game that's only "LOL DUDE IT WAS CHEAP, AND IT RIPPED OFF TMNT LOL" and nobody really cares or thinks it's great otherwise. There is not one person on Earth who lists Battleturds as their favorite game regardless of what label you want to put on it. It's not an all time great.

>> No.10418239

>32 megabits
Actually, it was 24 megabits.

>> No.10418261

Metroid > Zelda
Metroid > Castlevania

>> No.10418287

>he thinks Battletoads is a beat em up

>> No.10418324

Something you'll never be, sperg.

>> No.10418342

If you don't think Super Metroid is a good game you're mentally retarded.

>> No.10418375

true but like with mario world that's what romhacks are for.
i mean the combat is good, loads of variety and frankly i'd say it's technically better than any troid not named dread, the only issue is the game doesn't really give you a reason to engage with it beyond having fun. the real questionable term is "wandering empty hallways with braindead enemies" like lol.
getting around in the 2d games is a lot faster (you can even run manually in super) and there's nothing like the artifact hunt in em either, try it out mang.
aria of sorrow is really fucking good. i haven't played the other two but apparently they're the weakest of the bunch compared to sotn and the ds trilogy and that steam game.

>> No.10418413

There is a hack that is trying to do this. I don't know if it is possible or not

>> No.10418486

I will beat the fuck out of you auster. Name a time and place and we will fight it out, in Minecraft.

>> No.10418502

World trade center, september 11 2001

>> No.10418615

Zoomer humor isn't funny, and you don't belong here. Go back.

>> No.10418719

>Reddit was launched in 2005
So 4chan was good for only 2 years.

>> No.10419224

Encountering the phantoon scared the shit out of me when I was six (1996), playing it on my own back then.

>> No.10419789

I've always hated one eyed monsters the most

>> No.10421267

If I describe it as an "open world 2D game" you will immediately think less of it while being unable to refute the label.

>> No.10421295

Empty and drab as fuck. And then the credits roll.

>> No.10421374

Yeah the whole metroid genre is shit

>> No.10421387

ah yes all those open world games where you famously... go get items in one area and then come back to another area.

>> No.10421437

>admitting you're a zoomer publicly
There's nothing wrong with games being open and empty. Have you forgotten the greatest game of all time Oot?

>> No.10421450

These threads are pointless. Zoomers weren't there. Their parents hadn't even met or fucked yet. The people that were there already know how good the game is. The zoomers that weren't there will criticize it because they are retards don't know shit. They will never understand how good this game is. They use relative comparisons (dread is better etc) but they are faggots and its akin to saying spears are shit because we have guns now. Goddamn I hate zoomer faggots.

>> No.10421493

>already know how good the game is
I got it for Christmas in 94 and constantly trash it. If you've played it to death you would know it's not even close to being a 10/10 when it's weapons are convoluted, bosses are all far too easy and the exploration side of the game boils down to using the xray scope in every single room you've ever been to.

>> No.10421512

Gonna cry?

>> No.10421529

How are the weapons convoluted?

>> No.10421537

Bro, you're a LARPer and you defend trash like Ultima, SOTN and Zelda. Fuck outta here baby gamer.

>> No.10421540

yeah the faggot ITT keeps talking about "hard games" but doesn't even play action games in the first place. it's a cancerous zelda homo who also hates jrpgs because he's a baby mush brained tard.

>> No.10421545

It's also a Zoomer who's obsessed with "late 90s nostalgia" and pretends to be a Millennial.

>> No.10421556

This game is better than any Zelda game.

>> No.10421834

The scope is well below WRPGs released at the same time.

>> No.10421858

Why do you try so hard to not have friends?

>> No.10421881

Most people won't even figure out how to use half of samus' abilities.
I trash Alttp and oot/mm as well. And I do hate most jrpg's. Not sure where you got the idea I dislike hard action games.

>> No.10421886

My question stands: How are the weapons convoluted?

>> No.10421895

You tendies need to play more games for fucks sake. "Bigger scope than any other game at the time" like Jesus, you always have to go for the most moronic hyperbolic statements. Fucking Ultima VII existed back then.

>> No.10421920

I answered you. I will repeat, the fact 99% of players failed to figure them out.

>> No.10421923

>Fucking Ultima VII existed back then.
That barely even counts as a game given how shit it plays

>> No.10421929

That's not answering how the weapons are convoluted, you're just making a vague statement about Samus' moveset. Her weapons are pretty goddamn simple seeing as you just press the fire button to make things dead, and hold it to make things deader when you get the charge beam.

>> No.10421931
File: 6 KB, 256x224, images (13).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fall into the 99% I'm talking about.

>> No.10421934

I know about the extra charge attacks with the power bombs, and the crystal flash. But those aren't necessary to complete the game.

>> No.10421946

>But those aren't necessary
Nothing is necessary outside of morph ball. What you're doing is defending Mortal Kombat style fatality inputs being used for her attacks but since the game is so easy you just brush it off.

>> No.10421949

You crouch and hold a charge shot with a power bomb equipped and a single beam. The crystal flash isn't an attack so I don't care about that here. I want to focus on her weapons specifically. So the most convoluted input is holding the fire button while crouched.

>> No.10421958

>You crouch and hold a charge shot with a power bomb equipped and a single beam.
You say this as if it were a simple thing everyone could figure out instantly despite it never being explained in game. Her shoulder tackle and bomb jumping are also overly difficult.
>The crystal flash isn't an attack so I don't care about that here.
>it's not needed
>plus it's not an attack
It's not an attack but you can't even admit it's overly complicated. How is anyone suppose to figure this shit out outside of randomly mashing.

>> No.10421963
File: 182 KB, 680x510, 8a3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bomb jumping is bullshit, I'm not going to argue that. The fuse is too long. I'm only arguing about the inputs required for triggering the charge combos. As for actually discovering them, yeah, it's some playground shit that one kid would make up. Same thing with the crystal flash. I've said all I wanted about the inputs of the weapons.
As for the input for the crystal flash, yeah that's bullshit too. You can see Samus perform the flash during one of the title screen demos, and I haven't a clue how a kid is going to find out how to pull that shit off.

I don't think performing a diagonal shinespark is particularly troublesome, seeing as you can just hold R and fire it off by pressing jump. I still find horizontal sparks troublesome at times, seeing as the shinespark gets armed the moment you press jump with no other inputs.

>> No.10422016

Yeah you always have an excuse as to why non-Nintendo games can't be trailblazers

>> No.10422753

It always amazes me that despite the MetroidVania genre being so popular with indies, the games that were the founding fathers to the genre have never got to sell as well as they should have. Super Metroid really was a humongous leap in quality compared to everything that came before it. It is so far above practically all action platformers of the time that to compare it in DBZ terms it would be like matching up Buu against Saiyan saga era power levels. Its just not fair of a comparison because Super Metroid is far superior.

>> No.10423869


>> No.10424105

>hOw wAs I sUpPoSeD tO kNoW-
Disregarded. I view anyone who makes this complaint as less than a fleck of shit. Total zoomer mindset. Why would I ever respect someone that gets frustrated like this?

>> No.10424618
File: 73 KB, 564x1002, m2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I preferred 2's approach. Keep advancing through a tunnel, with each side chamber being an open area to explore non-linearly.

>> No.10424629

GOAT adventure game of the 16 bit era. The Zelda games feel like a cheap saturday morning cartoon from the 80s by comparison.

>> No.10424634

You never played the game reddit boy.

>> No.10424784

wtf are you talking about?
metroidvanias/willy-likes are very popular right now.

>> No.10424792


Or Dracula's laughter in Castlevania 3 password screen. Or "Blades of Steel!" The NES was capable of playing samples and nobody realized it.

>> No.10424804

i only play samus.link

i've never played super metroid on its own

>> No.10424967

Difficulty in games isn't about how much a game can beat up a beginner player, because if that was the case, Mega Man X3 would be the hardest Mega Man game (despite being one of the easiest once you know what you're doing). Getting good at a Metroid game is usually harder than quite a few other games, even if still nothing too difficult, and some fights can be legitimately challenging if you don't just tank them with energy tanks (like Phantoon, Ridley and the first phase of Mother Brain)

>> No.10425204

why do people never shut the fuck up about how good this is? played it on snes9x for a bit, i dont get the appeal
doom 2 and x-com came out the same year as this

>> No.10426386

Yeah I got this for xmas 94 and finished the game in the late spring of 95. The atmosphere is insane.

>> No.10426391


getting stuck in the game and being forced into searching for secret passages was a highlight. what an adventure

>> No.10426501

>getting stuck
Go play the GBA games then, us 90s kids could navigate a game that doesn't hold your hand though. We didn't have adhd from being stir crazy and terminally online.

Stick to fortnite and roblox.

>> No.10426593


I got stuck in the game when I played it in late 94. I think I got stuck in Brinstar for the first time.

>> No.10426795

like super mario bros 1 it's a game where the premise is fully realized in the way it plays. In mario you do actually feel an athlete carefully controlling your momentum, in super metroid you do feel like you're piloting around in a full fleged powersuit in a strange alien place.

>> No.10426807

>us 90s kids could navigate a game that doesn't hold your hand though.
super absolutely holds your hand even if it has a few tricky spots like maridia. very few games in the 90s didn't streamline the hell out of navigation.

>> No.10428324

>Stick to fortnite and roblox.
since when did i imply im a lobotomized toddler?

>> No.10428623

>nonsense shitpost because he lost a meaningless internet slapfight
Continue getting unreasonably upset at video games.