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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 387 KB, 900x1200, 665444444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10416006 No.10416006 [Reply] [Original]

>Over 1 million sold in Japan
Yeah but in Japan they had the easy babby mode version of this game not the sadistic "fukka u gaijin" torture test we got.

>> No.10416030
File: 147 KB, 480x360, Japanesekid1985.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby mode
It's still one of the hardest SHMUPs on the system and you haven't beaten it.

How many times are am I going to have to post these videos?

Because it is a dead genre with few players today, people assume players were always bad at these games because they see the world with modern logic. Because of this it is understated how HUGE SHMUPs were in the 80's, and a lot of kids were good at them.

>> No.10416034
File: 75 KB, 480x360, Japanesekidsin1987.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10416035

The worst thing to happen to gaming was westerners inventing genre names.

>> No.10416039
File: 500 KB, 480x360, hudson2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arrigato Takahashi Meijin

>> No.10416150

>he has a turbo controller
of course he does. why wouldn't he?

>and you haven't beaten it.
technically it has no ending and just loops at a certain point.

>> No.10416181

Love this game and love these mechanized asteroids.
Incredible how an old simple game still has such good art direction and atmosphere.
I played this and Exerion a lot but I liked Star Force more

>> No.10416187

oh and many of these games actually weren't that difficult on hardware+CRT, they only became an issue on emulators and laggy flat panels

>> No.10416197

i had this game as a kid and it made me despise shooters for like two decades.

>> No.10416203

The Japanese port was outsourced to Hudson who took several liberties with the source material, and it's also quite buggy. Overseas versions were handled by Tecmo themselves and are closer to the arcade original which is very brutal difficulty-wise. I wouldn't call the Jap version "easy babby mode", it's still difficult.

>> No.10416237

>he has a turbo controller

are you retarded?

input lag hasn't been an issue for years if you know what you're doing

>> No.10416268

i have no idea why people think Silver Surfer is hard when games like this and Starship Hector exist

>> No.10416298

The Mexican Runner took over 9 hours to beat SF but a little under 3 for SSH. Yeah SF is not nice.

>> No.10416304

The original came out in '85 when they didn't have mappers yet while the US release was later and they had better hardware to do the game with.

>> No.10416373

One reason SF is a PITA is that a lot of the game has those white and gray background tiles and sprites blend in with it and become hard to see.

>> No.10416403

It only took me 3 hours to beat Silver Surfer. Hector took me many tries however, probably closer to something like 7-8 hours; you really need to learn every enemy placement and proper positionning in that one and you're all pattern can easily get fucked if you fall slightly behind.

I never played much Star Force but I probably will play both versions at some point, pre 87 SHMUPs are harder to get into due to the presentation

>> No.10416434

Section Z is also a bitch. At least if you play the US release where you can't save your game.

>> No.10416496

I was going to play through all the fami/nes shooters, but immediately got curb stomped by Star Force.

Isnt the key to success memorizing the repeating enemy spawn patterns or something?

>> No.10416523


There's a total of 109 licensed shmups in the library. Some like SF and Section Z also have differences in the US and Japanese releases.

>> No.10416582

Sounds like a based entreprise. Contrary to me who was trying to play as many RPGs as I could which was silly when you don't speak Japanese.

I haven't played SF much so I can't help you other than saying, move on to the next games for now and come back to it later. There are a couple of RPGs I only beat that way.

>> No.10416587

I find it weird that Chrontendo didn't mention the US release of Star Force, he only discussed the Famicom game. Odd and sloppy omission on his part.

>> No.10416594

Shmups were more common in the early days of the Famicom when they didn't have the ROM or mapper capacity to do more complicated genres.

>> No.10416608

SHMUPs were more common in the early days of the Famicom because it had already been the number 1 video game genre in the arcade for years. JRPGs and platformers took the throne later on.

>> No.10416616

>SHMUPs were more common in the early days of the Famicom because it had already been the number 1 video game genre in the arcade for years. JRPGs and platformers took the throne later on
I mean, you're not going to do Dragon Quest 3 on an NROM cart with 40k of ROM and no way to save your progress. Only very simple arcade games were possible.

>> No.10416664

>serious shmup player
pick one

>> No.10416914

>watch TMR's Starship Hector video
>he mentions emulator lag about 5 minutes in

>> No.10417640

The bosses at least are pretty much of a joke and the levels are short while in Silver Surfer...not so much.

>> No.10417648

I just love the famicom and the shmups on it, don’t have anything more to add to the discussion

>> No.10417670

take a SNES shmup like Flying Hero and it's like they were trying too hard to make a tech demo or go "whee, look at these cool Mode 7 effects we can do!" they don't have that spartan minimalism of NES shmups. for genres like RPGs the SNES was much much better but i wouldn't take its shmups over NES ones.

>> No.10417725

I've only really played Galaga and Section Z and the latter completely kicked my ass, so...

>> No.10417851

>How many times are am I going to have to post these videos?
Enough that you get tired coping about it?

>> No.10417880
File: 21 KB, 387x461, 1691656062880752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the guy who keeps saying that turbo controllers are cheating and that mashing a button 36,000 times every hour is an important part of SHMUPs?

>> No.10417893

Goddamn it you summoned him, this thread is marked for ruin now. Delete this comment to restore the weave of fate, or persist in this doomed thread.

>> No.10418217

>if you know what you're
This is why I don't give a shit about emulation. I just want to play a game, not tweek a fucking computer program to do what a chunk of plastic and circuits with less processing power than my watch could do with the flick of a switch.

>> No.10418236

Neat list. I was just going to go off of memory/Wikipedia.

>> No.10418469

western releases were usually revisions based on feedback from the japanese market, so a lot of games got either easier or harder

>> No.10418627

No, that was the guy responding to me
Like, read the fucking thread

But since you insist on bringing up that discussion:
with that said, if a game doesn't have autofire, then obviously a turbo controller is a cheat. The definition of a cheat is something NOT part of the game's rules.

The videos I posted clearly show that kids, even aged 8 to 12, had no trouble having a consistent 10 to 16 shot per second when SHMUPs were relevant. As the genre decreased in popularity the knowledge of that skill decreased and autofire became more and more standard. And I've seen people coping real hard about this saying some mid 80's Famicom games were "designed to sell turbo controllers", even for games released BEFORE the first turbo controller even existed on that system.

And now (You), list most people on the subject of cheating in games, probably think I'm saying all this because I'm trying to sound like a hardcore gamer etc but again that's just how (You) feel because deep down you're not comfortable with the cheats you use so you don't want to admit they're really cheats.

In reality I'm just listing the facts and I have no trouble listing a cheat and a cheat and admitting when I use one and as a matter of fact I do play NES SHMUPs with turbo on. In my case it's mostly because I broke my right hand so it became physically impossible for me to keep up without hurting real bad. Still doesn't make it not a cheat though.

>> No.10418638

>As the genre decreased in popularity the knowledge of that skill
Stopped reading there. Mashing doesn’t require reacting or thinking. It’s not a skill

>> No.10419572
File: 220 KB, 1096x1390, shooting-gallery-at-the-amusement-park-coney-island-new-york-usa-early-DDYPXR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can it, you weeb bastard. When an English person hears 'shooting game', this is what we see:

>> No.10420504

I thought the US NES version of Star Force was cancelled shortly before its planned release to store shelves?

>> No.10420508

That's called a shooting gallery, Jethro

>> No.10420643

no that was Super Star Force

>> No.10421523

Actually they think of Call of Duty.

>> No.10422393

Well, what do the Japanese call the genre? And don't pretend that they don't recognize it as a genre or have lack the concept of "genre".

>> No.10422610

They call it "Shooting Game".

>> No.10423820

the original Famicom game was a 16k NROM game and the US release got changed to 64k CNROM

>> No.10423876

Every show I've seen they call it "yoko/tate scroll shooting game" as in "horizontally/vertically scrolling shooter", as in exactly what the fuck we call it. So scroll shooters or scrolling shooter, that's pretty much universal. Here you go on wikipedia

>> No.10423882

I guess they added more graphics? You would be able to have eight different background and sprite sets with that setup.

>> No.10423894

it's CNROM so usually some of the CHR ROM is reserved to hold level data. the game blanks the PPU, switches in the level data, reads it, then switches the graphics back in and turns the video back on.

>> No.10423942

Not retro (yet), but semi on-topic subject suggestion, check out Retro Game Challenge on DS if you haven't already for Star Prince, a cool NES/Fami throwback shooter.

>> No.10423968
File: 32 KB, 220x314, Unlimited_Saga_cover (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, Japanese just LOVED pic related

>> No.10423976
File: 128 KB, 1440x1080, japanese shmup brown kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kid looks like he's feeling the cocaine he rubbed in his teeth earlier. that game must be loads of fun!

>> No.10424939

No cocaine happening in Japan.

>> No.10424943

I already know that, it's still not a fucking butchery like "shmup".

>> No.10426276

>not the sadistic "fukka u gaijin" torture test we got.
lol never knew that. Had the game as a boy and loved it even though I never got very far. Same thing today. Some things never change. :)

>> No.10426282

Also that poster and artwork in general sure takes me back. What artistry back then.

>> No.10427421

They made meth a reality, though.

>> No.10427429

It's still a problem, they just don't talk about it