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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10415327 No.10415327 [Reply] [Original]

And the title of the best 3D shmup goes to...

>> No.10415332

>is shit compared to over shmups so he has to call it a 3D shmup even though the gameplay is 2D

>> No.10415338 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10415345 [DELETED] 


>> No.10415348

>3D shmup
A 3D shmup would be something like Space Harrier, Galaxy Force, or Star Fox
The games you posted have 3D graphics but no 3D gameplay

>> No.10415353 [DELETED] 

Until someone starts posting 3D Shmups and not 2D Shmups with 3D graphics, it keeps the title.

>> No.10415356

Einhänder and it isn’t even a question. Better presentation, better music, better graphics, and more unique gameplay even though radiant silvergun is also pretty unique.

>> No.10415359

Let's not pretend Radiant Silvergun's graphics and music aren't spectacular either.

>> No.10415369

Yeah I can’t disagree, but Einhänder is platinum to RS’s gold.

>> No.10415371

>and it isn’t even a question
That's true, the question doesn't even make sense since it's 2D gameplay, and the game isn't even good but a typical Square graphics wank

>> No.10415383
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...R-Type Delta.

>> No.10415416
File: 3.38 MB, 640x480, PS1 Einhander.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10415423
File: 3.58 MB, 640x480, r_type delta.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better comparison.

>> No.10415430


Best shoot ‘em up I’ve ever played in my life.

>> No.10415451

Both games are shit. Try a little harder, zoomie.

>> No.10415467

I feel like you’re the same dip-shit that says the same post on every thread. Go fuck yourself, cock sucker.

>> No.10415473


>> No.10415501
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Ikaruga, bitches

>> No.10415519

Unfathomably based. Was just playing conquest mode on this masterpiece about an hour ago. I'm trying to get down the proper chain for 3-1. I know an easier chain for that part, but I'm leaving so many points on the table that it was bugging. My chains through levels 1 and 2 are very solid but 3 and 4 are a bitch

>> No.10415575

border down unironically

>> No.10415612
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>> No.10415638
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Vertical Force for the Virtual Boy

>> No.10415661
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that’s a good one anon.

>> No.10415683

The only thing I hate about Einhander is how only the first level looks cool and the rest is very run of the mill

>> No.10415697

You again.

>> No.10415701

it has it's moments, fighting a mech while pursuing a giant rocket about to take off is one of the game's highlights (fuck the spaceport tho)
>the rest is very run of the mill
how so? the only game that looks similar is rtype

>> No.10415704

I tried my best to make Einhander gfcore, and I'll be honest, she enjoyed playing it for a while, also enjoyed the music... but eventually she kept losing all the time and I was the one making any advance in the game.
RSG? forget it lol, that's not gfcore at all, too hard for girls.

>> No.10415709

incel website, scram

>> No.10416224
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>> No.10416227

this shit looks retarded

>> No.10416363


>> No.10416384

This game is insanely good and plays like god while sounding like heaven. Not into rtype at all but delta oozes game design chops and feels amazing to play

>> No.10417184
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Every time I think of Einhänder, I think of that one fujoshi artist who drew male Sonic characters gets raped.

>> No.10417230
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>> No.10417239


>> No.10417256
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>> No.10417276


>> No.10417279
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>> No.10417487

I'm interested.

>> No.10417508

Dezaemon 3D

>> No.10417658
File: 3.17 MB, 520x390, tumblr_220ab57b45a67b7141e63b50ff8562a6_0a73ba89_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the correct answer. Either that or something like Border Down or Chaos Field. But to satisfy OP I'll just say Einhander, didn't get the hype surrounding Silvergun (or Saturn shmups in general) when I actually tried it

>> No.10417660

I still need to play this but from what I've seen it looks like a better Silvergun than Silvergun. Also need to check out Bangai-O and Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth at some point... Really regret playing only Saturn shmups and not more N64 and PS1 shmups

>> No.10417698

Einhander had a great soundtrack haven’t seen anyone bring this up yet. Ikaruga only had two or so good songs. Just joining the thread.

>> No.10417710

Einhander has the best overall sound design of any PS1 shmup. Everything just felt so large, mechanical and cinematic.

>> No.10417759

yup the bosses were pretty varied
it also made me subconsciously hate krauts

so good they still include it in some recent FF/KH titles

>> No.10418045

>gigafishcock G Darius chad power drills into the chat


>> No.10418641

Sounds like SoR3 and by that I mean it sounds shit

>> No.10418697
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>> No.10418752
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To pic related

>> No.10418758

I've seen Anons starting to say SoR3 has the best OST in the series. Dunno if it's just pure contrarianism because everyone always agreed that SoR3 has the worst music in the series BY FAR
SoR2's OST is god tier then you get fucking SoR3. I'd rather play SoR1 even if it feels almost a gen older

>> No.10418875
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Step aside for the 32 bit goat. https://youtu.be/QSShngXBSIs

>> No.10418895
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Border down

>> No.10418897
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is this a troll thread??????

>> No.10418906
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>> No.10418942


>> No.10418943


>> No.10419007

How rent free do Zoomers live in your head that when anyone says an opinion you disagree with all you can do is use a meaningless word. At least provide an argument for why the games are shit.

>> No.10419124

Thunder Force IV is better imo

>> No.10419158
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Blocks your path. The bullet hell sub genre is a gimmick that only appeals to massive autists.

>> No.10419259

This is overdesigned slop

>> No.10419626

Ikaruga is so fucking hard. I just can't handle it.

>> No.10419691

I would tell you to “just get good” but then again I took 2 Adderalls just to beat it on normal mode last year.

>> No.10419746

not my problem, it runs perfectly on mednafen

>> No.10419830

I was on Adderall XR too and still couldn't do it. Complete ball-buster of a game. Radiant Silvergun is zen by comparison.

>> No.10419846

Does ikaruga have any DEEP LORE? The ship design is bizarre

>> No.10419869

Its either getting or already got a release on PS4.

>> No.10419909

The term is "background story".

>> No.10420226

My favorite is thunderforce 4. Cool music and the energy sword is a pretty badass power up.

>> No.10420242
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>> No.10420428
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>> No.10420825


>> No.10420856

not out yet
but good lookin anon
i might be picking up a copy
even though i hate limited releases
one of my all time favorite shmups

nebulas ray is forever a deepcut
which is a shame

>> No.10420859

Get good games instead of this autistic garbage? Absolutely.

>> No.10420863

cave gets all the hate because they're the best

>> No.10420897
File: 286 KB, 420x315, Chaos_Field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the DC's demise, I was pissed every time they announced another shmup rather than different types of games. Only now can I appreciate what gifts Chaos Field, Border Down, and Under Defeat were. Under Defeat is probably my favorite, Border Down is incredible, but tough as nails. Chaos Field's music can carry the game on its own:

>> No.10421007

radiant silvergun is so fucking good, I really recommend it

>> No.10421049

I love how Einhander basically made Irem step the fuck up and make R-Type Delta stylish. And of course all of that went away with R-Type Final.

>> No.10421053
File: 94 KB, 640x480, sonic-3d-saturn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After playing probably over a dozen shmups on Saturn, Border Down, Chaos Field, and Ikaruga were like a breath of fresh air to me. Finally an actual step up from 16-bit

>> No.10421843

4 frame lag on mednafen AND original hardware
very poor optimization

>> No.10421990

Are webms not allowed sound on /vr/ or something? Just curious.

>> No.10421995

3 frames on real hardware.

>> No.10422051

This is the correct answer. Radiant Silvergun is second. I’d say Border Down is third. Then Einhander which is also great. I couldn’t really get into Ikaruga, but haven’t tried all that much. Layer Section 2 is ok but not as good as the first one.

Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth on the N64 is not in the same league as any of these games. That said, I always see it get shit on hard when its actually decent. Like its easy and relatively simple but theres nothing wrong with it.

>> No.10422079
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>> No.10422082

the only board I know of that allows webms with sound is /wsg/

>> No.10422091

I love the overall atmosphere and sound design of this one a lot.

>> No.10422137

2 too many
All PSX games have 1-2 frames of delay, saturn was shit for lag management because of clunky 2 cpu architecture

>> No.10422139

that’s so gay

>> No.10422140

only ever got to stage 4 with my gf.
of course I've beaten it playing alone.

>> No.10422371
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>> No.10422602

It got nothing to do with the dual CPU, it's all input reading microcontrollers fault in how it buffers inputs.

>> No.10422676

>Muh not true three dee!

>> No.10424424

Holy shit not even close my guy.

>> No.10424676

this is a very patrician choice. both raystorm and raycrisis fucking rule. I do wish they had scoring extends like rayforce but getting good is always an option

>> No.10424689

>my guy
Back to twitter, retard.
Also Silvergun sucks.

>> No.10424707

How's the PC port?

>> No.10425034

same as mednafen/x360, 4 frames
theoretically if you have a REALLY good CPU, you can runahead 1 frame

>> No.10425841

How they should be calculating lag is: whatever original hardware is should be set to baseline zero, and any other ports should be how many additional frames of lag they have (e.g., +1 frame, +2 frame) That's a more useful metric.
If the original hardware of any game had input lag, I assume the developers controlled the design and difficulty for it. The reason input lag is so annoying is that muscle memory doesn't work when newer ports have more lag than the original.

>> No.10427589

Nice covers. It's like looking back into another time, when life was better. I think I need to be alone for a bit now...

>> No.10427606
File: 2.02 MB, 3481x2488, Espgaluda_InstructionCard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shmup thread
>all normie youtuber recs aside from a couple actually good games

\vr\ sucks now

>> No.10427831

Einhander is easier to get into, Silvergun is more complex takes a bit getting used to but overall way better

>> No.10427834

>muh youtubers
Excuses and boogeymen.

>> No.10429265

>everything is bad except cave
kill all scoringfags, burn them alive

>> No.10430557
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>kill all scoringfags, burn them alive

>> No.10430568


>> No.10430585

Anyone got tips for me? When I play shmups I lose track of where I am. It's like when the screen starts getting covered with enemies/bullets my eyes kind of glaze over and I don't really know where to look. It's the one thing holding me back with this genre.

>> No.10431003

G Darius is better than both

>> No.10431013

>heh muh cave shooters aren't normie tier
They are literally the most normie tier scroll shooters. More zoomers have played them than Gradius

>> No.10431036

RS is an absolute masterpiece. Einhander is a good PS1 Shmup, but it's not even in the same league as RS. Einhander is a game like Earthbound that has been bolstered by redditors beyond how good the game actually is.

>> No.10431079

@ :43 Holy shit!