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10408042 No.10408042 [Reply] [Original]

>Sonic 1
>Sonic 2
>Sonic CD
>Sonic 3&K
from a gameplay perspective, which had the best level design?

>> No.10408054

Sonic 2 and it's not close.

>> No.10408067
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Oh 3&K easily. It was a refinement of all their years of making classic Sonic. You can play through it again and again. 2 follows close, and 1 was an interesting experiment in adding physics to the platforming formula. Romhacks have made one a LOT better and it’s probably my favorite one to just explore.

CD I just am not a fan of. The “flow” of the levels just don’t feel good, but I need to force myself to beat it to really form an opinion on it. Oh! And also, 3 refined the whole “super” sonic thing. In 2 he’s more of a novelty and can even be a detriment, but in 3 you absolutely blast through levels as hyper sonic.

I also need to play superstars at some point as, after reading the reviews, I’m sure a good 80% of the people who reviewed it played it completely wrong as they almost always do every sonic game.

>> No.10408068

Whelp… looks like we gotta fight now.

>> No.10408110

>from a gameplay perspective, which had the best level design?
All pretty garbage

>> No.10408142

Sonic 2 is where everything just came together perfectly, aside from Metropolis Zone which was too long.

>> No.10408164
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Sonic 3
Sonic and Knuckles
Are complete games in their own right, were released on two (full priced) separate carts with two separate release dates and should be ranked/evaluated on their own.

>> No.10408265

Do nostalgiafags actually believe Sonic games were anything but mediocre? There is no good platforming to be found in them and the going fast meme is essentially cinematic shit

>> No.10408273
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Sonic 3&K>Sonic 1
Sonic 2 has shit level design, final boss is unforgivable + so many slogs in that game

>> No.10408308

Sonic 3&K obviously

>> No.10408404

honestly I was never big on sonic games but Spinball was awesome

>> No.10408461
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1 and CD have a different school of design from 2 and 3K. People always compare 2 and CD for obvious reasons, but really CD is closer to 1. So compared to 1, I prefer CD.

As for 2 and 3K, I tend to gravitate towards 2, but the Sonic 3 half of 3K does a lot of really cool things with the way it uses Sonic's speed, mostly in Hydrocity Zone. I just wish Sonic 2 and 3K saved the faster levels for later in the game the way Sonic 1 and CD did.

>> No.10408478

Sonic 2. 3&K feels like SA2 corridor design in 2D, a lot of running through hallways.

>> No.10409116

This. It's not even a question. Anyone saying 2 really needs to play both games back to back to completion.

>> No.10409120

Holy reddit

>> No.10409969

That's because sonic is basically a pinball game trying to be a platformer. It would have been better that way, but they had to compete with mario.

I can see why they did it from a business sense too. People were moving away from pure score attack games so something like pinball or Nights into Dreams, which is a refinement of the sonic formula, would have tanked even harder back then.

>> No.10409976

>they should've done this thing
>but here's the exact reasoning laid out as to why that's stupid, why they didn't, and why they shouldn't

>> No.10410016


1 was okay but a bit difficult at times, and 2 simply has more content.
3 was buggy shit
K was okay, but it only shined if you had 2 or 3 already.
3&K was TWO GAMES required to beat 2.
CD was sonic 1.5, it felt too dated and had the worst bosses of all the games.

>> No.10410264

Sonic 1 has nice level design, but the levels fall in two camps of fast (Green hill) and technical (Marble) leading to some whiplash.
Sonic 2 is pretty consistent throughout
Sonic CD is the same as 1 in a way, but the levels are a bit more bloated and confusing
3&K is like Sonic 2, though a few painful parts, but is overall better than 2
3&K wins

>> No.10410346



As far as 3 goes at least.

>> No.10410594

Gonna agree with the second poster 3&K really does seem to be the culmination peak for the Genesis era games. While 2 still does have great fun levels to run through 3&K truly feels like they had mastered their craft by that point. 3&K should have been one full game rather than split into two parts. Its undoubtedly the best Sonic game of the era.

>> No.10410601

Based sensible anon.

>> No.10411340

Literally just beat sonic 2 tonight. Haven't played the other games so can't comment on those but I hate tails.