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10407672 No.10407672 [Reply] [Original]

I used to boot up Ocarina of Time 3D, warp to Desert Colossus and snipe crows with the bow. I fantasised that because we don't see Link eating in the game he hunted the fowl, and it was just plain satisfying to shoot the endlessly respawning crows. And in Kakariko village I used to hookshot to the roofs of the different houses around and around, trying to do it as quick as possible.

>> No.10407690

Let the gil countdown finish without skipping it
Never use potions in Pokemon. Always heal at a center. Also never ever used TMs
Had to Z-target for every action that it was available
Not in game, but I would walk around my neighborhood while it was snowing and I would imagine I was Ryo walking in Yokosuka. I would even try to mimic his walking animation and head movements while in free look

>> No.10407695

>I used to boot up Ocarina of Time 3D
Yeah, that does sound pretty autistic.

>> No.10407697

I used to do game breaking shit like in getsu fuma den you can basically break the game by glitching a certain enemy I think on level 2 or 3. Did a lot of glitching into models on 64 and PS1, basically normal ocd/ADHD secret searching. Clicking a on everything and every tile. It's funny to see how people still do it, like mountain horse glitching in Skyrim.

>> No.10407729

>I would even try to mimic his walking animation and head movements
I actually did something similar too. I would mimic Max's pinnochio-looking ass running animation from Dark Cloud 2

But is it really autistic if you're just a kid?

>> No.10407758

I used to play those "Roleplaying" Starcraft custom maps, where you and up to seven other people maximum, would hang out in-game for over an hour, building up little settlements and pretending this or that scenario like you do in a tabletop RPG, no concrete goals, no game of any sort.

>> No.10407759

In Ages of Empire and similar games like Star Wars Empire at war I'd make it a point to destroy every enemy structure even though it was completely unnecessary

>> No.10407762

i used to drive like a normal person and pretend i was an NPC in san andreas. later i did the girlfriend missions that got you the cop outfit and i would wait for gang members to start fighting eachother and then kill them all.

>> No.10407824
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That's literally just normal role playing and immersion stuff literally all of us did as kids or when we still felt like we had unlimited time (that's when video games were actually fun)

>> No.10407832

Well I was 14 so...yeah kinda

>> No.10407841

i wasn't a kid but I used to drive around L.A. in L.A. Noire for hours on the 360 while stoned

>> No.10407846

extreme item hoarding in every rpg

>> No.10407973

Listed out the different faces guards in goldeneye had and made up a name for each face.

>> No.10408139

I played and enjoyed SNES SimEarth.

>> No.10408213

This too. But the liberation I feel now using items willy nilly is exhilarating

>> No.10408231
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In the multiplayer battle mode of Mario Kart 64 I built fortresses with bananas. In the beach world I built banana farms.

>> No.10408325

In paper mario you can put on bump attack in front of the infinite spawning cannons in the final dungeon to spawn 999 coins before the final boss fight. No use for the coins I just like the idea that Mario has a retirement fund ready after the credits.

>> No.10408337

>I used to do game breaking shit like in getsu fuma den you can basically break the game by glitching a certain enemy I think on level 2 or 3.

Interesting, I found a sequence breaking glitch in that game: you can go through locked doors and reach later areas early on, without keys, by standing next to them and walking in their direction as you come out of the start menu. Also the level with the invisible platform, you're supposed to have an item that makes the platform appear but you don't really need it, you can just jump on the invisible platform. Most people probably got that one without even realizing.

>> No.10408346
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I used to do a random map in Tiberian Sun with no enemies and a city on the map generation and hijack the civilian cars with the Nod hijacker and drive them around. I also used to make farms of the mutants by walling off an area of tiberian and running soldiers through to try breed stronger mutants.

I also used to explore the maps in Warcraft 3 a lot since the developers usually put strange secrets in there. Also it ended up paying off when I played World of Warcraft and noticed how much places like Goldshire in WoW drew direct inspiration from the multiplayer maps from WC3.

>> No.10408368
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I used to jump on cars in Sonic Adventure DX and ride around.

And tried to grab Cream with Tails when she appears. In SA2, I've spent a significant amount of time to find a level where you can actually get close to Big and (sort of) interact with him.

>> No.10408371

In Alundra, every time that I slept in the village, after waking up I went south. There's a beach to the south, a little spot of sand where you washed up at the start of the game. Every day then, I'd go there and do a few swimming laps before going on with the game.

>> No.10408393


>> No.10408419

Spent hours in the training mode of Smash 64/Melee/Brawl making up stories about why the characters were fighting, complete with dialogue and my own SFX. Had the slow-mo turned on so I could narrate 'nothing personnel' style sequences. Also used the slow down items on the CPU and the speed up items on whatever character I was to pretend that I had powered up and was too fast for the enemy to follow.

>> No.10408596

I always liked role playing as a knight in OoT with the red tunic, silver shield and big sword looking for scum to kill and keeping the kingdom clean

>> No.10408613

The only thing I can recall is desperately trying to get behind a closed door in a cavern in Lego Island and being sure that there is some grand secret I've yet to figure out that would allow me to explore it. Turns out devs run out of time to add more shit and there's nothing there, you can no-clip through it and witness a whole bunch of nothing. I had dreams of opening that door, kek.

>> No.10408625

most autistic thing i did was probably never managing to finish any games and just trying the same shit over and over and not getting anywhere. I got a SMS when i was about 7 but i don't think i ever finished a game until when i got a SNES with mario world when i was about 12

>> No.10408640

Im also an autistic hoarder, but not only in RPGs, but in every genre I can think of. I take a type of purist approach to beating games where Ill try to only use the absolute minimum and strictly necessary resources. This means leaving most chests unopened, ground drops untouched, wasting as little ammo as possible, and extends to trying to get hit or dying as little as possible.

>> No.10408657

>leaving most chests unopened
>ground drops untouched
You have no soul.

>> No.10408970

I tried to find waluigi when I was a kid in super Mario 64 ds

>> No.10408983

Same, except I started doing that in GTA3 and instead of just being some NPC I had an entire story for my guy and was sort of acting out my own story inside of the game, without any missions or anything, most things happened in my head really

>> No.10409189

God, I remember when weekend felt endless. What sucked is that I didn't have cable TV so there was mostly nothing to watch, a decent movie on TV once in a blue moon and fucking around in games you already had

>> No.10409204

When I played rise of the triad as a kid at the end of every level I would mag dump my pistols all over the last room to make the triad think there was a massive gun battle that took place

>> No.10409227

I had this thing in mgs1 where I would go to basement 1 (weapons storage) in the first building, grab a famas, and practice doing fpv guided long distance shots to kill guards without triggering an alarm. You get a rudimentary fpv aiming system if you equip thermal vision

>> No.10409235

I always would do that. Goldeneye 64 with proximity mines was also very fun for this

>> No.10409532

Pokemon Red: thought I HAD to fill my party to 6 as soon as possible, so before Brock my party was alwats starter, Pidgey, Rattata, Nidoran, Pikachu, and something else I forget. I finished the game several times and my endgame party was ALWAYS starter, Pidgeot, Nidoking, Raticate, Raichu and Vaporeon. Also didn't like pokemon that didn't evolve

Pokemon Gold: HAD to use "important" pokemon (those that had overworld sprites at some point), like Sudowoodo and the legendaries

Mega Man X: had to empty all subweapon ammos before going throught the boss door (in stages I had already beat)

Tomb Raider: had to kill myself before quitting the game

Goldeneye 64: had to destroy all destructibles (with infinite ammo)

Mario 64: die in every way possible

Ocarina of Time: the C-buttons always had to be left-Hookshot, middle-Bow and right-Ocarina

Fallout 1: trying to "waste" as little in-game time as possible after getting the bad end twice (this had an impact on later games)

Golden Sun: gave all djinn of each element to the corresponding adept (earth to Isaac, Water to Mia...)

GTA SA: walked around on the street while doing CJ's animations

Beetle Adventure Racing: imagined myself playing with the police car and chasing my friends at the time in multiplayer if they didn't drive correctly (this never happened, and never will...)

>> No.10409564

Kek, did that too.

>> No.10409610
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>fire up melee
>termina bay
>pick some character like link, samus, usually a projectile character and pretend the turtle was a boss and I was hurtin him
>training mode
>vs ice climbers
>I would always set the cpu to avoid/walk and just focus on beating the absolute SHIT out of nana

>> No.10409727

>game has a bed you can sleep in
>cannot shut the game off unless I sleep in it first

>> No.10409743
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Age 9:
>play dragon warrior monsters 2
>got almost every monster besides darkdrium
>sequentially drew each one as a yugioh card with unique atk/def, effects, etc
>colored them with markers
And gave it away to a beautiful jewish girl as a way to impress her.
She wasn't impressed.
Age 11:
>play dragon quest viii
>pick a region with new encounters
>set a timer and grind for 1 hour
>write the results down
>repeat 4 times before moving on
I had a huge notebook with a spreadsheet of experience and gold rate data.
Age 13 to 27:
>play final fantasy xii
>grind dustia to 99 early
>collect 99 of some weapons and armor
>got 6 zodiac spears and danjuro even
But then a few years ago I discovered perfect HP/MP and realized my save files were USELESS. RNG determines HP/MP and I never did it so my party was suboptimal and I gave up trying to be perfect. I still replay the game every year.
Age 26 to now:
>play vanilla wow
>all on private servers
>pretend my night elf is the pretty mexican teen girl who molested me when i was 6
>have full conversations with her about my favorite anime and western cartoons while we go on adventures
>when i die from overpulling elites or in a dungeon, i log out and cry when i remember she's gone and will never be my girlfriend again
Oh Maria how I love you... I was born too late...

>> No.10411149


>> No.10411180

Holy based

>> No.10411187

this is like minor OCD tendency
playing thousands of hours of league of legends has taught me that you don't need to take all of the inhibs to push to the nexus

>> No.10411189

MM would actually have been better for that since you can actually stop Sakon from stealing the old lady's bag or even commit judicial homicide by shooting an arrow at the bag and making it explode, killing him. And since you can go back in time you can do it as many times as you want

>> No.10411331

Back when I was a kid with no Cable TV, internet or ps2 memory card weekends would get so boring due to a lack of decent programming that I would willingly watch commercial channels for stuff like the George Foreman Grill, drills and juice blenders. Channel Polishop, a chain store here in Brazil, was the owner of the channel, and I never actually bought any of their products.

>> No.10411487

basically all of these
i'll add one more
>drive around in racing games like need for speed III between locations like it was an open world game

>> No.10411585

i still do this, i played wind waker the other night and left it off with link crouching on his bed at home

>> No.10411643

I would play games and erase my save half way through and start from scratch, over and over. I don't know why but I liked restarting games a lot.

>> No.10413505

I used to do this in GTA and shoot peoole

>> No.10414894

In Sonic 1 and Sonic 3, when I went into debug mode, I'd act like I was "remixing" certain parts of levels with platforms and enemies and act like I was game developing. Also, I'd sometimes build "houses" for Sonic and/or Tails and pretend they lived there, doing some mental role-playing. (In HydroCity Zone, I'd build "submarines" and pretend Sonic and Tails were adventuring through watery depths.) I think younger me would have loved the shit out of the ability to do ROM hacks and edit whole games, and the sprite comics of the early 2000s. Sadly though, those only came after I turned 20 and had already lost interest in such things.

>> No.10414902

jesus christ anon

>> No.10415449

>Any RTS with a level editor
Build massive mazes, have to send a team through to the end fighting different encounters. Tried to figure out which unit compositions were best but not too powerful
>Any RTS
Build set piece bases (everyone did this of course), set little patrols of guys to run through "occupied" cities and vehicle convoys to patrol roadways, corral civilians/unarmed units in protective camps to keep them safe
>Megaman Legends
Spend inordinate amounts of time jumping on top of buildings and riding cars around. First it was to try and find secrets but there was never anything actually interesting to find but it was still fun
>Any FPS
Save every single ally possible, even if it takes hours of reloading saves. Part of this is cause I feel bad when they die, the other part is that it presents a unique challenge. Bonus points getting them to follow you for as long as possible. Still do this sometimes. Once pulled off saving every marine at the end of 343 Guilty Spark on heroic and I liked to imagine Foehammer got to pick them up just after Spark takes you to the library

>> No.10415572

as a 11 years old I had around 100 different mons at level 100 in Pokémon Blue. This meant that I had pre-final evolution brought to level 100 as well like Charmander, Charmeleon, Charizard to lvl 100. The fastest way was to beat the Elite4 over and over, I checked and even with the 15 mins of credits, it was still the fastest way to get exp. Of course I had the clocked maxed out to 255:55 in both Blue and Yellow. I beat the E4 so many times the hall of fame was glitched.

Every time I mention this someone goes
>hurr durr this has nothing to do with it it's missingno that glitches the hall of fame + there are disassemblies of the game
so in b4 my usually answer is: did YOU beat the elite4 hundreds if not thousands of times? Didn't think so. And disassemblies don't magically make glitches appear, you still have to search for them.

>> No.10416743

I'd do that, but before destroying the final building I'd kill all war units and make nothing but villagers, then clear every single tree/whatever on the map.

>> No.10417129

I was a Mario fan as a kid and I used to pick characters in Mario Kart and LARP as them with my friends. (If I picked Daisy I’d make my friend pick Luigi and we’d roleplay a shipping scenario) I miss my autistic Mario days desu and I’m jealous of adult Mario fans. They seem to be having fun

>> No.10417160

I did the same thing

>> No.10417163

well glad to know i wasnt the only one doing dumb stuff like that at 14

>> No.10417167

i would always warp to the desert colossus as young link and try to make my way back to the gerudo fortress, i was never able to do it, is it even possible?

>> No.10417181
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in spider man 2 (gamecube) i used to pretend spider man was a normal person and i would have him walking slowly on the side of the road and go inside stores and prettend spiderman was buying coffe in the morning and other dumb shit like that.

also in the original smash bros i would play training mode and spam pokeballs, for some reason that was very fun to me

>> No.10417193
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Hold B + Down to increase my chances of catching Pokémon

>> No.10417196

i still do stuff like that even when i have a job, i just take my time exploring, fucking around etc, what i've noticed however is that in some modern games you have nothing to do aside from the main mission plus in some games you have some cunt telling you to hurry up, not all games do that of course but it is true that there is nothing to mess around with in a lot of them.

>> No.10417208

As a child, this stuff wasn't just a side activity, it was often my main motivation for playing the game. I spent more time riding the koopa shell around bob-omb battlefield and trying to pull off jumps and stunts than I did playing the rest of the game. For some reason I was also obsessed with temporary items in Banjo-Kazooie, I would do shit like grab the gorilla's orange in Mumbo's Mountain and then just walk near him so Banjo would pull it out and I could taunt the gorilla with it. It made me feel like it was "my" orange. I did the same thing with captain blubber and and his gold. Ocarina of Time had a million things like this too: I would go to Lake Hylia and just try to shoot guays from as far away as possible to see how well I could lead a target, or climb up on things in Hyrule Field and pretend to "camp" there overnight so the stalchildren couldn't get me.

>> No.10417227

Unfathomably based ese

>> No.10417337
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When I was a kid I used to walk around Castelia City in Black 1 for hours, going into buildings and roleplaying like I had an office job, then leaving to go get coffee at the cafe after "work".

I also always paid the extra amount to get Hena to go fishing with me in twilight princess and pretend we were on a date.

I never understand why boomers say that vidya "kills kids' imagination", I think I was honestly as imaginative while roleplaying in video games as I was during the rest of the time.

>> No.10417343

oh also I relate to what other people said about copying character walkcycles irl, I was always doing Sora's stupid ass run from KH1 in public parks and shit. Every stick I ever picked up was the keyblade.

>> No.10417721
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>> No.10417752
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My brother and I basically the same thing in those games as this (especially N64), picking characters and narrating their voices to make up our own stories and battles (like we did for "silent" cartoons like Tom & Jerry). I hope expansive imagination isn't lost for kids and their fancy-schmancy, newfangled grafix and instant info-finding, nowadays.

>> No.10417769

Which is why Roblox and Minecraft are still super popular kids games, they just go wild in them, making up random scenarios left and right. It’s like a toy box full of toys to them

>> No.10417771
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>> No.10418126
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To be perfectly honest, Dungeon Master 2 isn't a great or even very good game. But it's a guilty pleasure I have. I have this one game where I went with a singleton, renaming Torham Zed as "The Procuror"

I gathered up every single non-respawning or infinitely saleable item in the game. Every last one, down to the branches that spawn when you hack trees apart. Then I piled them all together in the starting fort, with one pile for magic melee weapons, another for regular melee weapons, one for magic ranged weapons, magic armor, etc.

I don't know why I did it, and I keep a copy of that save and move it when I get a new computer, one of the first things I do with any new machine. Now be right back, I need to go root around in my virtual loot piles.

>> No.10418186

Using degenerator traps to level down in FFTactics and then level back up to 99 as Ninja, Monk, Wizard or Mime, then back down, then up again until PA and MA are 99 and HP is 999

>> No.10418382

In Pokemon or other RPGs where you can save anywhere, I refused to turn off the game in an outdoor area because it felt like I was leaving my guy standing out in the cold. I didn't literally think the game characters had feelings or anything, it was just an intrusive thought I liked to avoid.

>> No.10418389

Me and my friend used to play Ocarina of Time for hours just dicking around Hyryle Field pretending we were at "war" with the Peahats and Stallkids

Then decades later Breath of the Wild came out and it was the exact game that kid me was pretending Ocarina was. I wish I knew how it would have felt to have that game back when my imagination was still good

>> No.10418396
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I restarted my entire save file because I missed one of the optional emails you can get in the game.

Just to be clear this doesn't affect any of the actual gameplay or give you any sort of advantage, it's just a string of text in a list of in-game emails that you have no reason to even look through after you've read them once.

I hate myself for being this way.

>> No.10418408

Me and my sister invented our own game on block fort where the goal was to build a maze on your personal block with bananas and fake item blocks, then you'd drive over to the other person's block and try to get through the maze.

I'm still waiting for someone to make an actual multiplayer game with this concept. Metal Gear Solid 5 was almost it but then they cut most of the base customization features.

>> No.10418419

I refuse to use fast travel in any game unless absolutely necessary. It just feels more satisfying to take the actual in-game roads between places even if it's objectively just a timesink.

The only exception is games like Morrowind where the fast travel is in-universe and limited (for example boats you can pay to take you to neighboring harbors)

>> No.10418428
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in pokemon i always preplanned the team on bulbapedia down to the last minute detail, well maybe not that far since i didn't care about ivs and natures but moves being spread out perfectly and not using tms and useful abilities? absolutely. and i only ever used six and fought every trainer because i stupidly thought it would waste exp even though you can refight trainers in the gba games, and even if you couldn't who cares man the grass exists. also in jrpgs more generally i liked to get every item from chests and npcs,

honestly that probably affected me not liking the series as much as other jrpgs. earlier this year i played through pokemon platinum relatively normally (still didn't wanna waste tms but if i could get them back i'd use em) and it was a lot of fun. didn't know the game as well so it was tricky at times too as i switched my team up so i was underleveled. maybe i'll replay emerald like that, love that one.

>> No.10418462

>I'd make it a point to destroy every enemy structure even though it was completely unnecessary
no such thing as a victory unless we go scorched earth anon, you are doing gods work

>> No.10418474
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>When I was a kid
>Pokemon Black
>Release Date: March 2011

>> No.10418565

>dodging obstacles
>not jumping on said obstacles

Goddamn you suck at imaginary platforming

>> No.10418629

All the more autistic when you're a kid

>> No.10418640

I used to do this kinda stuff on OOT also. I would roleplay and think of random scenarios in my head.
I did this on Bowser's Inside Story too, roleplaying as Bowser and he was "invading" the Mushroom Kingdom.

>> No.10418650

>Mega Man X: had to empty all subweapon ammos before going throught the boss door (in stages I had already beat)
oh my

>> No.10418660

I got up and ran around the room to celebrate goals

>> No.10418672


Ah I went further than that... I don't feel like writing it all up though.

>> No.10418686

I still do the “press A over and over again” tech whenever I replay older games

>> No.10419009

>(If I picked Daisy I’d make my friend pick Luigi and we’d roleplay a shipping scenario)

>> No.10419273
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Lol I did this too, used to imagine he'd use the blue eco jump pads from Jak n Daxter to get over especially high obstacles

>> No.10419280

I had a ritual where I must beat Eyerock every day in Super Mario 64 to please the Egyptian gods.
I made up autistic lore that every day a new Eyerock would be birthed from the shadows of the sands.

>> No.10419413

>Mario 64: die in every way possible

Is there anything besides the animation for drowning and dying normally anyway?