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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10406827 No.10406827 [Reply] [Original]

where did all the nice 2D games go

>> No.10406829

Why did we trade beautiful sprite work for shitty polygons?.

>> No.10406831


See: everything else we're doing in the name of progress

>> No.10406840

Zoomers will never know what it felt like to play a 3D game for the first time after years of 2D

>> No.10406846


>> No.10406847

Street Fighter 3 proved that excellent spritework won't pay dividends.

>> No.10406850

I was there. And only a few years later it already became grayed out "cinematic" shit and lost all art style.

>> No.10406864

It does
Capcom made more money through it's rereleases than it's initial arcade release. I'm sure it paid it's dividends then.

>> No.10406865

I wish this great sprite work and animation wasn't tied to a genre thats an utter chore to start playing and a total bore to play alone

>> No.10406880

People stuck with 2 and tekken

>> No.10406882

Companies don't look at profits from down the road via a theoretical rerelease. They look at the immediate bottom line.

>> No.10406892

cashflow isnt a subjective metric. cps3 was a failure project that lost the company an absurd amount of money with little return.

>> No.10406897

2D = Retro Style in peoples minds so bigger developers avoid it like the plague unless they are Japanese

>> No.10406901 [DELETED] 

tel me ura zoomer without telling me

>> No.10406908

Well now we have beautiful polygons. Look at current gen fighting game characters.

3D just has a higher potential. It's literally an extra dimension.

>> No.10406921
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They won't age as gracefully though

>> No.10406926

Oh yeah? Then why is 3D more boring and most games are going back to 2D now besides AAA? is bettr

>> No.10406945

CPS3's failure was more of a testament to CPS2's greatness.

>> No.10406954

They are more boring TO YOU. They are more exciting to the vast majority of human beings which is why they voted with their wallets for polygons. And the people "going back to 2D" are indiefags who literally do not have the ability to make good 3D art. They cannot even make good 2D art and 3D is more demanding. You can tell 3D is more demanding because the artists themself will charge more for 3D.

Sorry that the world doesn't revolve around your favorite thing but dealing with that is part of growing up. The toy store doesn't have what you want. Tough shit.

>> No.10406961

I wish we still had shitty polygons.

>> No.10406968

Just play new games and put the settings to the lowest.

>> No.10406975

Because it's easier. Model a character, then rig it and you can animate it in which ever way you want and get it from any angle compared to 2D sprites.

>> No.10406986
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we now have the technology to animate 3d as 2d sprites with all the accuracy required but times and scope have changed so much that going back to 2D for IPs that have now enjoyed much bigger aims visually is arguably a suicide decision for a company.

all these people asking for a 2D sprite game for something like Street Fighter are forgetting the absolute masses that would look at it and get bored within the week because theres no SP battlepass campaign and because there are no planned balance changes because of how fucked that would be for even traditionally 2d sprite based gameplay

>> No.10407006

Cuphead, Shantai

You can sell good 2D art to the masses. The thing is indie-fags cannot do good 2D; thats why they are indie instead of making a real company like Way Forward did or partnering with a real company (as the cuphead team did with Microsoft).

>> No.10407009

Cel-shaded 3D modeling made to look like 2D like with the most recent Guilty Gear game is cheaper and quicker to produce then fully 2D animated sprites. It's just not worth the effort anymore when there's easier options.

>> No.10407013

except polygons were at their most beautiful in the early 2000s

>> No.10407028

Beauty is subjective. And the majority do not think what you said at all. If they did they would have told them "Hey go back." and the companies would be happy to cut the budget of the people doing the polygons.

If you want to know what the vast majority of humans think is beautiful 3D look at any 3D animated. That's what they want.

>> No.10407031

>play new games
Now why would I do that?

>> No.10407038

You were the one whining about games not having shitty polygons. That's new games. If you actually meant what you said than I've given you the solution. Lower the settings. But it sounds like you just wanted to whine for the saking of whining

>> No.10407039

DC had a way with the gons

>> No.10407050

>If you want to know what the vast majority of humans think is beautiful 3D look at any 3D animated. That's what they want.

It's not "what they want" it's what's been presented to them on a mass scale by a trusted American entertainment company. They have been dialing in their aesthetic since toystory and the populous is used to it. They would accept other things if they had the same amount of advertising. Look at alita battle angel, it was gaining traction, until it got quietly shut down by marvel and it's ilk, to keep competition at bay. It's actually gross AF how they're conditioning the masses.

>> No.10407059

Cuphead was the sole project of a long winded indie group. it can be done but that sort of commitment to concept isnt going to fly with an impatient giant dev, which sucks because the wealth of talented pixel artists on par with Metal Slug is at an all time high due to sheer passage of time and growth of the field.

instead of being fuckign kooky and quirky and drawing 4 pixels with long legs for their game there are plenty of random who's thatd make GOTYAY on art alone that arent particularly interested in making a game solo

>> No.10407080

What you are saying is you need people to actually bring the hardest thing (money) since no one is going to work on Metal Slug for free. That's the place for kickstarter and medium size companies. There are plenty of good 2D games by medium size companies they just don't make them to the gameplay that most of us like. Partially because game design is actually hard partly because hardcore gamers are a small audience.

There have been tons of unusual products that have gotten high advertising or word of mouth advertising. And if the companies could really "program" the masses they wouldn't release flops or even go out of bussiness from people not buying their stuff (because they are not programmed). We are getting what the lowest common denominator wants. Maybe they are a few years behind figuring out the new trends, etc. But in general this is what people want. Most people are born casual, it's in their DNA.

>> No.10407090

>Look at current gen fighting game characters.

>> No.10407094

>It's not "what they want" it's what's been presented to them

That isn't true. 2D games were being developed well into the late 90s, and despite them being pretty and have aged beautifully today, nobody wanted to play them when they came out.

Several noteworthy Japanese developers kept on with their sprite-based efforts well into the 3D era and they ended up unpopular with most people.

>> No.10407097

>The toy store doesn't have what you want. Tough shit.
It literally does though. The majority of games coming out are 2D by quantity.

>> No.10407108

These niggas mad for no reason

>> No.10407140

My whole point was for 3d, other types of 3d art styles not being popular. 2d is still accepted by the masses for movies only, a great animated movie or anime gets love. The only reason nobody is hyping 2d games is because it's all pixel shit indie tier, if some company hired a Korean animation studio to design their character animations it would be a whole different story. I'm not talking pixel art or 3d art, in talking about using actual handrawn animation frames from skilled animators with water colored backgrounds. Smooth 24fps animation mixed with great art design. Nobody wants to put money into that in fear of making a mistake, but if was done right it would be amazing

>> No.10407176

Puppet riggin on sprites is the most cancerous thing ever because they wanted to hide how they couldnt animatr traditionaly.

>> No.10407180

The biggest benefit of 3D over 2D with devs is that once you model something you can animated it practically any way you want to rather than re-drawing frames for everthing

>> No.10407183


Everyone can exit the premises now.

>> No.10407209
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>Beauty is subjective

>> No.10407234

The PS1 has lot of cool 2D games, it really is the SNES 2 in that regard.

>> No.10407271

They're still right there waiting for you anon. Welcome to /vr/

>> No.10407289

2D fags needs to kys themselves.

>> No.10407307

What's it like having shit taste?

>> No.10407348

To our hearts :3

>> No.10407367
File: 3.59 MB, 400x300, king of kings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407369

Then it's a CPS3 problem, not a Street Fighter III spritework problem. Also, by the time the game released the fighting game bubble crashed hard, and Capcom ran the franchise into the ground with it's endless Street Fighter 2 re-releases and other spin-offs.

>> No.10407445

There's something very fragmented about the discussions on this board.

It's clear that from '70s to 85 every type of game that could be developed from polygons to vector to just pixels were available

The direction the console makers made that's just something distinctly different.

But you didn't see high art and high animation like that until what was it what 91.

Like it's it's a shock of the hour why Nintendo would make a council that completely alienated all side scrollers

Even PS1 had strider a very unsung but very great game not the best of course but still.

Can't answer your question you'd have to talk to the game scholar and that's probably going to happen check New York times best seller list I guess huh

>> No.10407449

>Like it's it's a shock of the hour why Nintendo would make a council that completely alienated all side scrollers
>and that's probably going to happen check New York times best seller list I guess huh

>> No.10407450

AI train with Capcom sprites and see what it ejects back.

>> No.10407467

There's something very fragmented here alright

>> No.10407490

No it was a Street Fighter 3 problem, since it failed to move CPS3 units in the first place. I'd imagine they envisioned it to be the flagship game for the platform and it just failed miserably.

The only other games were a niche anime fighter and an experimental fighting game with a single player focus. I doubt both did much to turn the sinking cps3 ship, or Capcom's arcade division for that matter.

>> No.10407498

ESL + drugs = /vr/ poetry

>> No.10407513 [DELETED] 

Eat a dick smart ass

>> No.10407523

As I said, Capcom made the mistake of hoping that the fighting game bubble wouldn't burst, and when it did, they were left with a game that was no longer appealing to most people and an expensive arcade cabinet to boot. Doesn't change the fact that the game itself is a work of art when it comes to sprite-based games and animation.

>> No.10407563 [DELETED] 

FUCK you assclown

>> No.10407892


>> No.10407894

hell, the arcade stadium litteraly has a bunch of old games intergrated to their multigame program

>> No.10407898

Not necessarily. If you're going for the same amount of detail as Street Fighter III, perhaps, but you can craft a gorgeous vista with sprite art a lot easier than you can with polygons. It's essentially the same as drawing a picture with paper and pencil.

>> No.10407914

>It's essentially the same as drawing a picture with paper and pencil.
It's not, it's very different. You can see the difference

>> No.10408157

Buddy what the fuck is this "lower the settings" nonsense, I'm playing on a PS1 and PS2.

>> No.10410210

Less cost effective.

>> No.10410229

They will know what it feels like to play a proper VR game after years of flat screens or experience some other groundbreaking technological change in games.
>b-b-but it’s not the same…
So? They wouldn’t know it anyways.

>> No.10410232

Because playing nothing but the same 3 genres over and over again got old. 3D opened up new genres, that's why people moved over. There's only so many platformers, side scrollers and fighting games I want to play.
Anything but, back in the day making good 3D was extremely hard, there were no easy tools.

>> No.10410257

…toss it in a game engine, place a few light sources, toss a few shaders on top of it and add various other post-processing effects. WOAH HOLY SHIT THIS FAN-MADE UNREAL 5 MARIO ”GAME” LOOKS SOO MUCH BETTER NINTENDO HIRE THIS GUY RIGHT NOW!


>> No.10410260

>back in the day
This in regards of what OP asked
>where did all the nice 2D games go
Which what I got from that is where are the highly detailed 2D games these days. 3D is simply easier.