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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10403095 No.10403095 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite retro 3rd party controller?

>> No.10403102
File: 379 KB, 1936x1936, 9p2539x3jm051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play RPGs one-handed, use the other hand to map out dungeons

>> No.10403103

snes ascii pad

>> No.10403110
File: 211 KB, 382x400, $_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me

>> No.10403120
File: 167 KB, 500x500, 416HZRZR91L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These wireless logitech controllers for OG Xbox were the fucking tits.

>> No.10403140
File: 159 KB, 1200x1600, fishing_rod.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even fish bro?

>> No.10403159
File: 328 KB, 1000x547, DSCF8196 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do

>> No.10403217

For a console that got so few games it's kind of weird that there's so many fishing ones.

>> No.10403225

Has as many games as the GameCube. They're both "small," but it's not like Neo Geo or N64 small. You can still manage a lot of variety.

>> No.10403342
File: 227 KB, 1280x887, Ascii_Pad__10367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10403373

The one that works best for the game I'm playing.
The garbage you posted is never that.

>> No.10403380
File: 114 KB, 1164x398, jerkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro I need one of these

>> No.10403413

It's a fighting game pad, best used for six button fighters.

>> No.10403447

B-brother ...?

>> No.10403479

Based and bass pilled.

>Reel Fishing DC
>Sega Marine Fishing
Possibly best casual fishing games out there, for real.

PS. I also think that the Dreamcast rod is actually better than both the official ASCII rods for the PSX and PS2, even though they're decent. And fishing on Wii is really "meh" with no good rod accessories, I was proper disappointed.

>> No.10403510

I bought one of those and my brother thought it was a Wii Nunchuck ripoff.

>> No.10403542

Sega Marine is SO good, man! Get hyped just thinking about it

>> No.10403596

It's a garbage game pad. Best used for posting in garbage controller threads.

>> No.10404652

>garbage game pad
You probably have weird hands like that dude from Scary Movie 2

>> No.10404717

I’m trying to post it but I can’t even find a picture of it it’s so obscure.

Around the time Megaman X6 came out, gaming magazines advertised a teeny tiny folding controller on a keychain for PS1. It was black with blue buttons. It was seriously tiny. I bought it the same day I bought Megaman X6.

It’s an extremely obscure controller and honestly it’s horrible to use (it was sharp and tiny), but it was my favorite for how odd it was.

Anyone have any idea what I’m taking about?

>> No.10404760

first of all

>what region
>roughly what magazine can you remember reading

>> No.10404762

I had a subscription to Tips N Tricks, Expert Gamer and EGM in 2001, but I think it was EGM.

>> No.10405154

Nah. I'm just a gainfully employed grownup who mops the floor with kiddos at fight games, even if they're too poor to afford decent controllers.

>> No.10405170

>grown ass man plays with kids for easy wins

>> No.10405181

Name a better PS1 fightpad than Fighting Commander.

>> No.10405639

>i suck at fightan games. i am a kiddo. therefore all kiddos suck at fightan games.
Both your propositions are correct. But your conclusion is retarded. Because you also suck and logic. And are also retarded.
>name a better poopoo than kaka
lmao. You quite the retro gamer casuals are hilarious.

>> No.10405658

If you need an optional, specialized controller to play a game, you're disabled.

>> No.10405683

> That missing bottom button is irritating the fuck out of my mind's pattern recognition.

>> No.10405689

Not really when those
> fightan games
Are set up to be played in a specific way with either a controller/gamepad or a fight stick that utilizes the way the buttons are placed, it makes more sense to have a specialized controller for it as having a shit controller will ruin your ability to press the inputs accurately.

>> No.10405713

You're incapable of using the general-purpose tool provided and require specific catering to.
You're disabled.

>> No.10405716

> Everyone must have the specific same opinion as me, you must be disabled.
You have autism and a very bad case of OCD.

>> No.10405719

Also consider this: Some controllers can't be used to press all buttons at once just like some keyboards so a dedicated controller is better.

>> No.10405723

>> Everyone must have the specific same opinion as me, you must be disabled.
The specific opinion in question is being able to utilize the default option.
Meanwhile, >>10405639 showcases exactly the kind if reasoning you claim to find so objectionable.

>> No.10405745
File: 204 KB, 804x502, 4362346432624363246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Certain controllers are objectively better for other styles of gameplay, you can't tell me otherwise, just play with what you are comfortable with.

For example most pros use either Fight Pads or Fight Sticks depending on their preference.

>> No.10405748

increases APM, my mind is fucking with me today.

>> No.10405765

Most paraplegics use wheelchairs because they increase MPH when compared to dragging themselves across the pavement.
It's a choice they employ because they're incapable of using the default option. They're disabled.

>> No.10405772

So every Pro is disabled because they use optimal designs? Hahaha.

>> No.10405781

Only if they're incapable of using a standard controller. Brolylegs, for example, is disabled.
(not every pro uses a stick btw)

>> No.10405796
File: 226 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually better than the official light gun

>> No.10405808

I said Gamepad or a Fightstick, you are disabled since you are illiterate.

>> No.10405816
File: 35 KB, 640x640, IMG_9672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad Catz made the only lightgun for Xbox as far as I know and it was the best lightgun I ever used.
House of the Dead 3 was so fucking fun. Did Xbox even have another lightgun game?

>> No.10405831

>a fightpad is the standard controller
Stop proving me right.

>> No.10405839

In the context for a pro.

>> No.10405893
File: 432 KB, 2500x1875, 1675210341018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You a both fucking retarded. Anon who plays on a default controller, if you meet someone with the same skill level as yours but with a better controller you will get your ass kicked. Especially when it's statistically proven that no matter how good you are you'll still be getting occasional skipped diagonals on a standard dualshock because of shit design. And don't tell me that you have a 100% win rate regardless of a controller, there's always someone better than you. Otherwise you'd be getting pro checks instead of wasting time with the rest of us on /vr/.
And another anon who swears by pros, are you one? Pros do this, pros do that. What a fucking retarded argument in every thread about something that requires skill. Who fucking cares what pros use? You're not on the pro message board discussing best gear with other pros and speaking from your own pro experience.

>> No.10405898

At least one pro uses a standard PlayStation controller.
If you don't have anything to add, why post? Are you disabled?

>> No.10405916

I did add, learn to read. Unless you're disabled.

>> No.10407186

If you need to cope and strawman, you're disabled
Sauce? Why are low-skill zoomies obsessed with projecting their inadequacies as cope?
>grownup: I drive a Porsche
>poorchild: If you can't drive around the culdesac in a bigwheet ur disabled
>voices in the childs head: ha. got em