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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10402790 No.10402790 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10402807

Kusoge thread?

>> No.10402820

>not knowing Butoden 2 is a beloved game still today

>> No.10402854

In your own head maybe

>> No.10402859

You're the one guy saying this.

>> No.10402919

The dbz kusoges (that people still like for nostalgia) are Ultimate Battle 22 and Final Bout.
All the 4th gen games are actually decent and fun to play, Super Butouden 2 and Hyper Dimension being the most cherished ones.
I personally prefer any of the 2D fighting games over the 6th gen slop dbz entries (even if Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is alright fue to the rosters)

>> No.10402938

I’m a huge DB and fighting game fan with an insane old school bias. Pretending the Super Famicom games are better than the Budokai or BT games is lunacy.

>> No.10403016

I just said my personal preference. In a lot of ways TB3 is sort of like 3D super butouden with the split screen.
If you're a DBZ fan you know Super Butouden 2 is a fan favorite, even if you personally don't like it.

>> No.10403184

I unironically think UB22 and FB are better than any of SFC fighters (Hyper Dimension included, it may look nice but there's fuckall in it, none of the fighting game story modes before the PS2 games were any good).

>> No.10403260

>> Pretending the Super Famicom games are better than
they are
>BTW no fun Dragon Ball RPGs been released since Super Saiya Densetsu for SNES

>> No.10403281

oh hey its butodenfag again

>> No.10403289

Wasn't the DS one pretty good? I like the GBA ones, Buu's Fury and the Cell game, but I don't know if I'd call them the same kind of RPG as Super Saiya Densetsu.

>> No.10403293

>Super Saiya Densetsu
biggest meme ever.
Both Gokuden games for SNES and the Wonderswan RPG are miles better than it.

>> No.10403302

I personally like the gbc/nes RPGs with cards n shit, the translations are servicable and they get addicting

>> No.10403371

Only hyper dimesion is relatively cherished.

>> No.10403381

>Hyper Dimension included, it may look nice but there's fuckall in it
Compared to UB22 and FB? This must be bait.

>> No.10403401

>What's attack of the Saiyans?

>> No.10403409

It's really not, I've put the time into HD and other than a quick spin on the VS mode there's not much to do. There's a Story mode with some choice changes depending on whether you win or lose, but for the last 10 battles you're stuck looking at the same field background (this isn't a problem exclusive to HD, DBZ games prior to sixth gen had pretty awful stage backgrounds). That said, none of those DBZ fighting games are particularly good, but I still choose to play UB22 and FB over them.

>> No.10403421

I will actually say this in defence of Final Bout, with full awareness of its non-existent balancing and bad input delay, there is a weird rhyme and reason to playing it if you know some of the mechanics. I've gotten some satisfaction over input cancelling to actually combo opponents, which will stagger them, meaning you can more successfully launch Meteor Smash attacks. The Counter system is pretty imbalanced and broken, but you can play around with it a bit more through the above method, and you can goad aggressive AI opponents into depleting their energy through it.

>> No.10403449

You're supposed to play matches with your friends dude, not play solo with the CPU.

>> No.10403463

Yeah I did that in school.

>> No.10403513

You can do that more often with fightcade.

>> No.10403521


>> No.10405028

>I unironically think UB22 and FB are better than any of SFC fighters
fine just be aware you have a very unpopular taste

>> No.10405046

I also think GT is better than Z.

>> No.10406308
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>FB and UB22 better than the SFC games
nu /vr/ keeps getting more and more bizarre by the day