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1040249 No.1040249[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /vr/ looking for a working rom of Resident Evil 2, I tried one for a N64 emulator but was buggy as hell. Apparently this is a common issue and I was wondering if it is better to simply get a PS1 emulator and find one for that?

>> No.1040269

OP here, I am quite new to using roms and emulators, I currently have PJ 64.

>> No.1040323

Get the PS1 emulator. I've been using ePSXe and it's quite easy to use.

Was there RE2 on N64?

>> No.1040353
File: 16 KB, 333x231, Resident_Evil_2_%28N64%29_%28NA%29[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1040434

For N64, you need Project 64 1.6.1, plus the Glide64 plugin to fix the graphics and play the FMV.

The voice acting will still be garbled, though. There's a plugin which supposedly fixes that, but I've never gotten it working.

>> No.1043340
File: 1.87 MB, 1944x1994, Emugen shadowmask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



1. Stop trying to play RE2 on N64. It is heavily compressed and not worth it. N64 emulation is also a total mess.
2. Use Mednafen. Either standalone or RetroArch port. Whichever you find easier to use (should be RA version). It's native resolution emulator and perfect for games that mix 3D and 2D.
4. Play on real hardware on a CRT tv for best visual results, as it will play on a big screen at native resolution. Otherwise, play on a CRT monitor at 240p or 480p. The reason is taht the backgrounds are little 240p images on the PS1 version and scale like shit. You want as little scaling as possible. You can also use a converter box or downscaler for connecting a computer to a CRT TV.
5. Dreamcast version is overall the best. 480p resolution and backgrounds.
6. If Mednafen is too difficult to set up, then try GPUbladesoft plugin for PCSX-R. Mednafen lacks a GUI and runs via drag/drop .cue files. RA has Phoenix and RGUI, but is also very rough around the edges.

More info:

>> No.1043445


lol wut

>> No.1043501


We had a huge shitstorm thread on /v/ yesterday about RE2 on N64 vs PS1.

What I got out of it is that both version have their pros and cons, with the N64 version being better unless you count the dual shock version of RE2 on ps1, then it's more or less a tie.

>> No.1043502

Dude, as a fellow regular of emugen: dumping so much information upon someone who is so ignorant (no offense, OP) about emulation that he's looking for a "working ROM" to fix his issues will only overwhelm him.

>> No.1044438

>with the N64 version being better unless you count the dual shock version of RE2 on ps1, then it's more or less a tie.

Audio/visual are the big cons for N64 version. Not worth it. Only play it for the special new features.


Nigger has to learn somewhere.

>> No.1044463

N64 emulation is shit. I wanted to emulate the N64 version of RE2 to unlock and play the exclusive item randomizer mode but no matter what emu i'd try it either would be very buggy, OR even if it did "work" (while still being buggy) it would crash in the lab at the end.

Your best luck is to get the real console, unless you fnid someone who's actually BEAT the game (without the crash at the end) on emulation and you ask him how he did, but good luck with that

>> No.1044484


Yep. RE2 I think does work but only with specific plugins and settings. Nothing straightforward and easy.

>> No.1046806


still saying it's good

>> No.1049026

>no clue if OP solved his problems.

>> No.1049045

>then it's more or less a tie.
That is not what happened in that thread. N64 is the 2nd worst version beating out the original PS1 version, which was replaced with the Dual Shock version. It came down to this link.
11. Comparison of Versions

>> No.1049161

As someone who valiantly waged on that thread, the thread consisted of people sticking their fingers in their ears and yelling to avoid discussing the good aspects of the N64 port.

>> No.1049180

I wanted to try the N64 version of RE2 just for curiosity and nope PJ64 does a bad job at emulating it with any plugin i tried.So i guess your only choices is to play the PC versions or the Dreamcast one (i heard NullDc doesn't work with it but i might be wrong).Or just play the PS1 which is fine anyway.

>> No.1049190

N64 emulation is not for the faint of heart. If you don't know what a depth buffer is, you're screwed.

IMO, the PS1 version is the easiest to get working, besides the obvious "wobbly PS1 3D" problem.

>> No.1049213

That's also true. Someone kept mentioning that N64 has Subjective Controls.

If you don't mind Japanese text, SourceNext Biohazard2 is the best you're gonna get unless you own an actual console + disc for the sake of convenience. English RE2 on PC works, too, but RE2 on PC has it's share of issues that you might have to iron out (like pausing an audio/video file in the background so the game runs at the correct FPS).

>> No.1049221

Where's that pic that compares the different versions of RE2?

>> No.1049279

that's because the only "good" aspect of the N64 version is the item randomizer mode.

Everything else is rubbish (green blood and "subjective" controls are not improvements). and in other threads defenders of the N64 version kept pretending the sound quality was better than in any other version. Considering how bad ANYTHING sounds on N64 that's just fanboyism.

>> No.1051335

>besides the obvious "wobbly PS1 3D" problem.

Running the games at native resolution fixes that.

>> No.1053361


/r/ too

>> No.1053394

Well, not really. The problem is still there as an inherent limitation of the PS1 hardware. However, it is much less obvious and pronounced at native resolution, yes.

>> No.1056214



>> No.1056230

nah, i can still clearly see that, and I hated it even back in the PS1 days...

>> No.1058191



>> No.1058376

Polygons clearly still wobble, yes, but run a game with a software plugin or through an accurate emulator like Xebra on Mednafen, then run it using one of Pete's OpenGL plugins. The wobbling is insane then.

>> No.1058527

If you know what to look for, yea, the wobbling is pretty obvious, even at native resolutions. (For example, MGS on PSP at native resolution still looks pretty wobbly.) Some games used rendering methods which helped prevent it, though.

>> No.1058530

It's not just the polygons. The PS1 also has the problem of textures which stutter when the camera is rotated, unless there's some sort of mip-mapping system being used.

>> No.1058565

Not OP, but I've had the same issues, but with RE:3 Nemesis.

Anyone know of any good working roms for RE:3?

>> No.1060683


>working roms"

It's the emulator doofus.

Just use mednafen. See;>>1043340

>> No.1060705

There is a PC version for RE2.

>> No.1060712


It's all in Wing wong ping chong though.

>> No.1060720

There's an English version, too. Same for RE3. It's not hard to find since they have different names.

>> No.1060732

>There's an English version, too.

An ancient version that doesn't work in modern systems.

The Source Next ports are great, but are wing pong-ese

>> No.1060736

>An ancient version that doesn't work in modern systems.
Works fine for me on Windows 7 x64.

>> No.1060746

Same for me on Windows 8.

>> No.1060776

>What I got out of it is that both version have their pros and cons, with the N64 version being better

People were saying the N64 version has better music. I wouldn't take anything said in that thread very seriously.

>> No.1060785


>/v/ is clueless

what a shock.

>> No.1061127

People base the music claim on the N64's superior music sample rates compared to PS1. The whole soundtrack was redone by Factor 5's engineers, AFAIK.

Only an audiophile could tell for certain, I guess.

As for the graphics - emulators have shit-tier texture mapping accuracy. So it's difficult to evaluate the quality of the prerendered backgrounds on N64. However, the game does run at 640x480 on native hardware - most of the time.

>> No.1061275

Only when there's not a lot of enemies on-screen.

I'll see about trying to take a screenshot of the N64 version using angrylion's software rasterizer.

>> No.1061371
File: 145 KB, 1280x960, re2n64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best shot I could take. Some artifacts at the sides, and I'm not sure how accurate the centering is, but this is basically as accurate as I can get to the real hardware.

>> No.1061376
File: 85 KB, 1280x960, retroarch 2013-09-10 05-44-24-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as close as I can get except for the fact that it's blown up four times. I couldn't get a shot of it at 480i because Project64 sucks and it won't load with the expansion pack enabled.

Anyway, here's the PS1 version for comparison.

>> No.1061424

I'm emulating the Gamecube version on Dolphin right now and it runs great.

>> No.1061468

this is b8

>> No.1061650

the "ancient" version do work fine. there are tutorials around to make them work.

i've also heard there is tranlsation patch of the Sourcenext rereleases

>> No.1061656

This all sound comparaison discussion to me feels like it's people talking from things they read on the internet rather than actually having tried every version of RE2; that or those people have poor hearing which is possible as well.

Not only I have tried every version of RE2 (including the game.com version which I own), but I'm also a musician who has done the mixing of his band's EP.

I can tell you as far as sound quality is concerned PC versions > PS1 versions > N64 version. I don't remember about the Dreamcast version because it's the one i've played the least. Gamecube version should be about the same as the PS1 version, and not on par with the general sound quality of gamecube game (it was a cheap lazy port based on the PS1 version).

>> No.1061675

Sample rates don't really matter when you're dealing with compressed audio files on a cartridge versus a CD.

I think the N64 version is fine, but the audio is just not as good.

Next someone's gonna say THPS3 has better audio on the N64.

>> No.1062753

>Sample rates don't really matter when you're dealing with compressed audio files on a cartridge versus a CD.
>I think the N64 version is fine, but the audio is just not as good.
>Next someone's gonna say THPS3 has better audio on the N64.
RE2's case is a bit different, because THPS3 was attempting to convert normal songs to sequenced loops using a 16MB cartridge. RE2's music on PS1 was already sequenced, but in a format which wasn't very useful for the N64 - so the music was redone using Factor 5's custom music engine.

The problem is that I can't find an N64 ripped OST to compare side-by-side. And while I have found tracks which are allegedly from the N64 version, I can't be certain that they were recorded properly, for example.

Save Room - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53aDI5K49F4
Save Room N64 (Allegedly) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GpnNx-Hw1M

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmViSPAxLpM - A side-by-side graphics comparision video.

IMO, the N64 version looks better graphically. But I am somewhat biased because I tend to prefer softer textures to sharp textures. This is often a bone of contention with any PS1 > N64 port. The N64's bilinear filtering is responsible for slight blurring on the backgrounds - this makes it challenging to determine whether the N64 backgrounds are in fact "more compressed", or they're just filtered, unlike the PS1.

>> No.1062756

And as people have probably mentioned, the N64 version supported Dolby Surround Sound.

>> No.1063927

>All these plebs comparing N64 and PS1 versions

The superior version is the 2 Windows ports and the Dreamcast version.

>> No.1063949

It's like Snatcher. Some people have different ideas about what constitutes a better version. The Dreamcast as a console was notorious for sluggish load times, but it had a decent port of RE2... which can't be emulated.

The PC versions don't always work correctly.

>> No.1063953

>playing re2 on pc

>> No.1063976

RE2 is a fascinating example of a console war which refuses to die. There is no definitive version because each version has its own quirks. Perhaps the closest to perfect version would be the Gamecube version.

But others might argue that feature Y from version X is so much better.

>> No.1063978
File: 74 KB, 800x800, pc-bh2oni3gyakusai3_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

niggas dont know bout SourceNext versions

>> No.1063980

I was aware they existed, but I was also aware all the ingame text is in Japanese.

>> No.1064030

There's a fan translation available for 2, but not 3 as far as I'm aware. I couldn't even get the SourceNext version to start up so settled for the Platinum edition for my most recent playthrough.

>> No.1064240

Even if you did find a rip it wouldn't be good for technical comparaison, unless it's a rip which doesn't hinder soundquality but good luck with that.

Doesn't the sourcenext version also have surround sound?

It's also a good example of people like this
and also this
>The PC versions don't always work correctly.

Which after all this time will still refuse to play a PC port even when that PC port is clearly the definite version of the game, either not acknowledging it or spreading baseless lies such as "it doesn't work correctly".

>> No.1064982

The original PC version of RE2 has problems with modern operating systems. There are workarounds, but some are rather fiddly.


So it's important to keep this in mind when talking about the best version.

>> No.1065031

There's a difference between saying, "The PC version doesn't always work correctly", which is irrefutable fact, and saying "The PC version doesn't work correctly."

It depends on your PC hardware, your OS, your drivers, etc. I'm a PC gamer, but I'm not gonna pretend a PC versions compatibility problems aren't relevant. Rayman 2 PC's original version has problems on PC, and the Dreamcast version is better looking. So I rank them as DC > N64 > PC. Unless you get the GOG version, in which case the PC version comes in ahead of the N64 version.

>> No.1066284

>It's like Snatcher. Some people have different ideas about what constitutes a better version.

It's mostly because the little kiddies grew up with the ps1 or n64 versions so that'swhat they talk about.

>> No.1066286

>Perhaps the closest to perfect version would be the Gamecube version.

It's mostly a straight PS1 port though. Very lame.

>> No.1066541

So which version do you consider superior and why?

If you mentioned it above, you can just link to it.

>> No.1066542


DC and Windows versions. 480p, uncompressed videos (sourceport windows only), all the extras, enhanced character models.

>> No.1066550

Only problem is the DC version is unemulatable, and the early PC versions require a bit of tweaking to run on modern OSes. Other than that, I'd agree that they're excellent.

>> No.1066570

>Only problem is the DC version is unemulatable,

Tough shit poorfags.

>> No.1067476


JP only.

>> No.1067681

Did op ever come back and read this month old thread?

>> No.1067734

>month old

>> No.1067738


>people disolve into nothing after a month

You learn something new every day!

>> No.1068148

It's relevant because the OP is clearly trying to emulate the game. This kinda makes the DC version worthless for the time being.

>> No.1069037


As I said:

>Tough shit poorfags

>> No.1070768



>> No.1072559


yellow cover is ugly

>> No.1073813

>DC and Windows versions. 480p,

Are the backgrounds true 480p or are they upscaled?

>> No.1073851

this past bump limit?

>> No.1074049

They seem tru 480p to me. Doesn't seem upscaled at all. Can't tell for fact though.

>> No.1074060


Any images to compare?

>> No.1076113


They're upscaled

>> No.1076189

So, unrelated story. I got RE2 on PS1 but my claire disc is just scratched enough to never be able to get past the first CGI without freezing. My buddy who I ran into last night has just a working Claire disc so we swapped copies to finally play through our second scenarios. happy day

>> No.1079007


Download sourcenext. best version out there.

>> No.1081054



>> No.1081082

What are the major differences?

Also, anyone know what the rarest version of RE2 is? I've only ever seen the GC one once.

>> No.1081826

PC versions, especially CIB, are the rarest. GC versions can be found anywhere.

>> No.1084140


>pc version
>download it easily at the pirate bay

>> No.1086350


not including piracy

>> No.1086961

and i bet you dont think secret of mana for snes is expencive either because "hurrr rom sites"

>> No.1086968

Actually, even including piracy the PC versions (especially Sourcenext) are the hardest to find.

>> No.1089943
File: 906 KB, 1326x2388, Resident Evil 2 Guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1091846



>> No.1093265


Is there one for RE1 and RE3?

>> No.1093309

For RE3 it's easy. The best versions are Dreamcast and PC.

For the PC versions you can skip doors too and there is NO split second loading times between camera angles, it's very smooth.

However the sourcenext version there IS a half-a-second loading time between camera angles which there wasn't in the original PC release so it's not as smooth. Also the jap version of RE3 (and sourcenext is only jap) is easier than the western releases (you have mroe hp and bosses have less hp). So, for these 2 reasons I recommend the original PC version over the sourcenext release even though it has even better graphics.

>> No.1093316


For RE1 it's a matter of taste. There is no definitve version.
- you have the director's cut version which has the original game as well as the "director's cut" mode in which key item placement and enemy placement is different so it's going through the game in another way. however there is auto aim and you can't turn it off, even when playing the original game; even though there was no auto aim in the original game.
- you have the PC version which has much better 2D and 3D graphics but ONLY if you have the right memory card from the mid 90's. Also, playing it on a modern OS and chances are that it will play at 150% speed.... But if you have a PC from the mid late 90's then this is the version for you. It also has a couple of bonus costumes and weapons but they are shit. You can skip doors too. Also there is a really good mod made for it which lets you play as Barry.
- My favourite version is the Saturn version. No auto aim like in the original first PSX release. Better 2D graphics than on PSX but blockier 3D. There is a FANTASTIC exclusive Battle mini game mode. Also 2 type of monsters have new skins when you meet for the 2nd time each and they are really good, there is also 2 exclusive costumes one of which is the very best RE1 costume (Chris' costume). I think it also has better sound quality than on PSX.

>> No.1093334

and finally you have the DS version of RE1. This one is almost an entirely different game. Every 3D model has been remade from scratch and they look much more detailed. The characters have move much smoother and also have new moves : you can do a 180° backflip like in RE3 and onwards and you can also use the knife at ANY times without having to go through the inventory menu (and it doesn't take inventory space); just like in RE4. To compensate for that, Zombies have a new AI and are much harder to dodge too. So you can play the original like that but there is also a DS touchscreen mode in which key item palcement, enemy placement, and item palcement is different. It's like another Director's Cut. Some puzzles are different too but they are gimmicky touchscreen shit, they are worthless. From times to times when you enter a room you'll also be forced to play a First Person knife fight against some monsters. Those are shit too because spam in diagonal=auto-win and also break they break the flow and atmosphere of the game by being action oriented and forced fights, don't make sense because why would i suddenly want to fight when i'd rather dodge and why would i fight with the knife when i have ammo for other stuff.
Also in the DS version you can skip doors AND custcenes. Only version in which you can skip cutscenes.

So in conclusion, if you want the most content go for the Saturn or Director's Cut version. If you're a graphics whore, and have the proper computer, play the PC version. If you want a more modern experience (more modern controls and action) go for the DS. My fav is Saturn.

I forgot to mention that the NTSC versions (but not PAL) of Director's Cut and the Dualshock re-release of RE1 have a different soundtrack. It's good for novelty on a first playthrough but it's mostly a shitty soundtrack which is so bad it's almost funny, very inferior to the original. Also in director's cut some camera angles are different (some for the better, some for the worse).

>> No.1093338

also the DS version has an exclusive battle mode but which can only played in multiplayer.

a RE1 version comparaison picture would be very complicated.

>> No.1093339

What about REmake for the GameCube?

>> No.1093345

It's a pile of shit that misses the point of Resident Evil as comedy horror. It's brown and grey, pacing is fucked up, and Mikami himself hates it.

Pre-rendered 3D backgrounds are stellar, though, and graphics whores freaking love REmake for that.

In any case, it's a different game.

>> No.1093432


Hahah oh wow. The only game in the series that really classified as comedy borrow is RE1, and it happens to be worse than CV.

It is the only real survival horror game besides 0. It has an amazing number of difficulty settings, a full game playable with two characters (unlike RE2 which is half a game playable with 2 characters) and has the 2nd best atmosphere of any RE game.

Nostalgiafags hate it because it "dethroned" RE2 (a game that should have never been rated so high.

>> No.1093467

Whole different game.

>comedy horror

No. RE1 was never meant to be comedy. It was meant to be scary, gore and disturbing.
The "comedy" you're talking about is because of the VA. That kind of VA was all over the first generation of japanese video game voice acting, regardless of genre of theme, because that's how Japs saw the English language back then. RE1 was always serious.

>Mikami himself hates it.
Highly doubtful. Of course you have source on that claim...

>It is the only real survival horror game besides 0.
what the fuck... this board is really turning into /v/ 2.0. I guess i'll stop bothering making such long posts like earlier

>> No.1093483

>Mikami himself hates it
What? Source?

>> No.1093527

>I guess i'll stop bothering making such long posts like earlier
Please don't. Your posts were very informative and great to read.

>> No.1093545

>- you have the PC version which has much better 2D and 3D graphics but ONLY if you have the right memory card from the mid 90's. Also, playing it on a modern OS and chances are that it will play at 150% speed.... But if you have a PC from the mid late 90's then this is the version for you. It also has a couple of bonus costumes and weapons but they are shit. You can skip doors too. Also there is a really good mod made for it which lets you play as Barry.

Has anyone patched ti to work on modern systems?

>> No.1093561

>I can't handle opinions!

I should have included RE3 as well. But RE2 is a joke and isn't scary or survival at all.

>> No.1093581

Sure, genre defining isn't factual and ends up being down to opinion, but only as far as loose ends are concerned. You can't just claim that something of the horror genre belongs to a very opposite genre and say it's fine because "lol opinion"

>> No.1093591

It might have something to do with the fact that this is among the last third party games released when Yamauchi was still CEO of Nintendo.

>> No.1093602

and finally, because something doesn't scare you doesn't mean it's not horror.
First, because horror and scaryness aren't synonym. Something can be horrifying without being scary.
Secondly, because as far as genre defining is concerned, it's not whether or not you got scared that defines if it belongs to the horror genre, because that's down to every one's personality and experience. What matters is that it TRIED to scare you and that the whole thing, the majority of theme or at least a great part of it, is INTENDED to be horror (whether it succeeds or not).

You shouldn't say that RE2 isn't survival horror because it doesn't scare you. You should say that it's bad horror.

As far as gameplay not being survival... it has inventory management, puzzles everywhere, has you look for semi hidden and fully hiden health and ammo items, backtracking, closed off narrow level design, etc.
It's not the ammount of ammo that matters, it's the way you get that ammo. You have enough ammo in RE1 to kill every monster (if you don't count the glitch with the infinite respawning zombie room)

>> No.1095754

Well that's not a source at all.

Without a source, I'm calling bullshit on >>1093345 's claim that Mikami "hates" REmake.

>> No.1095763


>It's brown and grey

It's dark and moody you stupid cunt, and that brown and gray looks miles better then the mansion in the original game which appeared to be decorated by a paranoid schizophrenic with too many paintbrushes and an aversion to furniture

>> No.1098752



>> No.1098817


It's just as "action" as RE3. It's less survival because I have well over 50 grenade rounds plus a full stun gun among other things. The game is a joke. It did not know how to balance progression with survival. They were too afraid to restrict ammo because you might fuck yourself and have to start over.

Not to mention the game has literally 3 bosses.

I'm talking about real surivival horror.

>> No.1098967
File: 227 KB, 464x550, G-adult.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that RE2 has puzzles everywhere, but compared with RE1's puzzles they really don't count for much. Where RE2 was really lacking was puzzles being threatening for getting them wrong. Statue pushing puzzles releasing the gas if not done right in RE1, mixing V-JOLT incorrectly, etc). There are also multiple times that the game basically has you do very simple fetch quests too, like making you get a fuse for the lab. They could easily have added some kind of puzzle in the cold room where you have to make the fuse correctly (this would also have been good pacing, as it would have been in a quiet moment before you see enemies in the lab in the A scenario). If I'm honest, it feels like even though the game was remade from the ground up and delayed for so long, they cut corners in some places, which just felt incomplete. The factory is a series of corridors with zombies in it, as an example.

RE1 had this atmosphere where it wasn't just the bio-engineered monstrosities trying to kill you, it felt like the mansion, or whatever other environment you were in, was also your enemy and designed to harm you through those traps and puzzles. I thought that was missing from RE2, which wears its Hollywood action blockbuster inspirations on its sleeve very prominently. I guess it's still technically survival horror, since quite a few things are hidden and ammo and health are still limited, but I thought they really watered down those survival aspect to the point where it fits itself into action-horror far more comfortably.

You're not wrong about the horror though. What with mutating enemies, chest-bursters and crashing through windows/walls/ceilings, that aspect is very well catered for.

>> No.1099680

I disagree with that. RE3 is a lot more action oriented than 2. You don't have a single down time in 3, it's constant actions with big waves of enemy everywhere (and as a consequence there is more ammo too). Everything explodes in RE3, from the barrel you can explode yourself, to all the explosions in the cinematics. Even the damn window of the press office explodes if you jump through it to avoid Nemesis (wtf ?!)

I agree with that. I was saying it has puzzles everywhere, not saying they were the best puzzles. I actually consider 2 to be the worst of the first trilogy, but saying it's not survival horror because there is too much ammo is not right. Like I said it's not the ammount of ammo which matters, but how you can find it and how you can use it. In the first 3 Silent Hill games I always finish the game with over 200 handgun bullets left and tons of healing too, on the hardest difficulty.

>> No.1100651

there is a PC version, dummy

>> No.1102613



>> No.1104535

I legit wonder what happened to OP. Did he/she solve their problem?

>> No.1107258



>> No.1107640

I play on real hardware so im out on a limb here but saying that n64 has better audio must be bs. One of the facts with cartridge consoles is that they doesnt nearly have the same space as a cd (ps1), therefor im almost certain that the n64 version has inferior audio (more compressed). Another thing, the n64 version lacks alot of the cutscenes due to the same above reasons.

Just get the ps1 version.