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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.89 MB, 839x1169, Mega Man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10401154 No.10401154 [Reply] [Original]

What emotion is this trying to convey?

>> No.10401158


>> No.10401163


>> No.10401170


>> No.10401190

violent constipation

>> No.10401194


Gun safety & weapon training dos and donts

>> No.10401197
File: 33 KB, 500x574, s-l1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10401246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10401259
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>> No.10401624


They really wanted to make that a thing huh. Some jackass was like "GAME PAK, THATS THE TERM"

>> No.10401630

It was the official term by Nintendo and thus was used in most manuals, in Nintendo Power, and probably other magazines


>> No.10401637

You know that feeling you get when you fart and it was a little too warm?

>> No.10401659

The exaggerated swagger of a robot teen

>> No.10401794

Deciding if he should play pachislot next or just go armed robbery after losing a pile of cash in a Las-Vegas casino

>> No.10401896


>> No.10402024

robocop + dredd judge

>> No.10402217
File: 78 KB, 888x941, Dorcelessness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10403156


>> No.10403190

They were calling them anything but 'video games' so retailers would sell them. Calling anything a video game was retail poison at the time.

>> No.10403237

Arthritic knees
An intense need to evacuate the bowels
Prostate stimulation via an anally inserted electrode and/or vibrator

>> No.10403439

>It was the official term by Nintendo and thus was used in most manuals, in Nintendo Power, and probably other magazines
Yeah and absolutely nobody called them that. They just called them "games" and some nerds called them "carts" if they wanted to sound technical, nobody said "game pak" despite them trying to push the term which is the point. If you say anybody ever used the term, you are in fact a zoomer LARPer.

>> No.10403664


>> No.10403676
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>> No.10403779
File: 852 KB, 1023x1336, tVjI5eW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was there, and no child, parent, or journalist ever once referred to them as anything other than "Nintendo Entertainment System® Game Paks." It's an indivisible phrase that was said in full every time.

If you see a purported magazine scan that talks about "Nintendo games," it's obviously been manipulated using Adobe® Photoshop® software.


>> No.10403795
File: 3.24 MB, 498x368, self-destruct-pokemon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Analy inserted electrode

>> No.10404605

>bitch at boomers about Copyright
>boomers do it anyways
lmao at best generation

>> No.10404620

>it was those damn 90s boomers!

>> No.10406065

Hey, look at me! I'm hip, I'm cool. Check me out!

>> No.10406081
File: 204 KB, 1071x748, 12CE709A-9755-4C6B-90C0-623C86DAC81B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what emotion is this trying to convey

>> No.10406096

old crusty video games that haven't dated very well

>> No.10406112

>Nintendo is not a noun
Nintendo is literally a noun, what the fuck were they thinking

>> No.10406176
File: 108 KB, 272x204, full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10407128

>Nintendo knew that American kids wouldn't like Anime style since it would make it look like a baby game
>now adults want games to look anime

>> No.10407151

it was supposed to be for younger kids, but it would be too difficult for American kids.

>> No.10407334

It always amazes me how people can't grasp this idea that anime wasn't hugely popular with kids or seen as massively profitable in the US until like the late 90s. Before that you had an odd thing become notable here or there sure and it was out there, but it was somewhat niche compared to other things, had the rep of being "cheap garbage", and probably the most successful market anime had in the US before Pokemon and Toonami was edgy OVA shit targeting adults, not kids.

The box art is still garbage by any standard, but still.


>> No.10407626

Except for all the wildly popular cartoons targeted directly at kids, of course.

>> No.10407771

>Except for all the wildly popular cartoons targeted directly at kids, of course.
Such as? Robotech and Voltron did not end up having the popularity of Transformers and basically died with the 80s. Astro Boy and Speed Racer were relics. Then there is Sailor Moon, really the only thing that made a dent in the 90s pre Pokemon and Toonami.

>> No.10408420
File: 79 KB, 760x1088, Mega-Man-EU-Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10408494


>> No.10408503

Fight for valor

>> No.10408539

we're talking mega man, the de-animefied box art covers were being done in the 80s when robotech/voltron/transformers were relevant.

kids knew what anime shit was in the early 90s as well, they weren't going to go "EW BIG EYED CHINESE CARTOONS GET THIS SHIT AWAY FROM ME THIS IS TOO FOREIGN FOR ME AIEEEEE" when being exposed to samurai pizza cats or that dragon quest cartoon or whatever the fuck aired on saturday mornings. sure they weren't big but they certainly weren't esoteric and obscure enough to justify scaring off pencil pushers calling the shots.

or maybe it does make sense. who knows, that decrepit jew Haim Saban was sure to scrub out any jap influence back in the day

>> No.10408580


>> No.10408583

Mario! Wherever you are— HYEEEEEELP

>> No.10409125

take it to /vp/ you sick fucks

>> No.10409126
File: 124 KB, 540x540, OI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's anal insertion

>> No.10409151


>> No.10409169

Imagine being a weeb without the internet.

>> No.10409546

>we're talking mega man, the de-animefied box art covers were being done in the 80s when robotech/voltron/transformers were relevant.
Transformers is not considered anime, outsourced labor in the animation department from Japan doesn't make it so. Neither is Jem or G.I. Joe or Wuzzles or any other cartoon that was doing that to save money JS.

I certainly wouldn't call Samurai Pizza Cats "wildly popular" dude lmao, certainly on the more obscure side of nostalgia. My point was simply that there wasn't a ton of kids anime before the explosion in the late 90s, I named the five biggest ones from the span of like the 1960s to the 90s, and that is five out of hundreds of more popular Western kids series. Anime was around, but it wasn't the gigantic money maker you'd hedge any bets on until Pokemon.

And there is another thing to consider too when it comes to Mega Man, it's cute chibi shit, and "cute and for boys" was not exactly the biggest thing in the 80s and 90s. Boy branded things tended to ooze "cool and tough" if not "edgy and badass", so what they did to Mega Man makes sense, they were probably trying to sell this to kids who liked Robocop

Better times T B H

>> No.10410280

The pose is just right too

>> No.10410775
File: 131 KB, 640x877, mega_man3_box_eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you know what wily looks like being violated

>> No.10411581

Art brut retro futurism.

>> No.10411663
File: 1.53 MB, 2919x2106, PakMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Except they didn't stop using "Pak" even well after the era where retailers would be weary of videogames due to the crash.

>> No.10412120

he's literally melting as he silently begs for a quick painless death as 80s neontechno-Morocco explodes around him.

>> No.10414187

Only way to avoid genericization until the parents learned the hard way that a Sega is not a Nintendo.

>> No.10414198

Doing things badly on purpose was a subtle way of taking the piss out of the publisher. Thing is, the executive types never get that and just push it anyways. They have no idea what's good and what isn't.

>> No.10414216

It is now a masterpiece give this man a medal.

>> No.10414275
File: 2 KB, 117x142, Protector.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty sure it has something todo with pak protectors.

>> No.10414280

epic reddit gold

>> No.10414359

I realize they were trying to avoid a whole Kleenex situation where they basically lose their tradmark but outside the UK who fucking had anything other then a NES or an Atari? I don't know anybody generalized NIntendo to mean Atari and once 89 hit and the Genesis hit the market Sega made it clear its was called Genesis. There was no confusion.

>> No.10414372
File: 69 KB, 298x334, 29e04cf7efff90d3a62765f2a4f121f4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10414581


This is certainly the reason. Literally everything Nintendo did back then was part of their general effort to maximize their chances of finally landing a licensing agreement with Larry Niven. This is also why the company's direction changed so strongly in 1996 (when The Ringworld Throne came out and Minoru Arakawa made the mistake of reading it).