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10398323 No.10398323 [Reply] [Original]

everdrive64 x7 and mega everdrive pro?

>> No.10398429

I can only think of the Mega Drive ones, because of the Mega CD functions.

>> No.10398476

get a chink 64 drive, x7 is a joke

mega ed pro, turbo ed pro seem to be the only everdrives without chink clones

>> No.10398483

Whatever you can afford and if you want to support krikzz

>> No.10398513

Are the chink NES carts any good? I've bought official krikzz stuff for all my other flashcarts, but paying almost 200 dollars for some "pro" model with a bunch of shit I don't need seems a bridge too far

>> No.10398524
File: 215 KB, 770x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're on sale right now from a few sellers, I got the sd2snes chink clone and it's been good so I imagine these are too, I'd buy one if I had an fc/nes to use it with but I'm giving time to other consoles first. krikrikrirkz didn't really do any meaningful protection on these. Check reviews and you'll get the idea if they're shit or a hit.

>> No.10398605

EDN8 Pro is radical if you're a hardcore Famicomfag.
Despite the new shell design I think these are still clones of the original EDN8, probably with some new mapper support hacked in. I had one before I bought my Pro and it worked perfectly for me for 3-4 years. They used to be $70+ for the clones but they're into "why not" territory now.

>> No.10398698

I wish I would have bought an actual sd2snes instead of an super everdrive. I even knew what I was doing back then but well, it is how it is.

>> No.10398706

Everdrives have terrible qc.
Good luck getting yours to work.

>> No.10398724

I can safely say I’ve never had a problem

>> No.10398731

I've owned a handful of "real" ones and Chinese clones and literally all of them worked perfectly.

>> No.10398745

>slow ass board where threads last months and it takes days for replies to come in
>tell the truth about everdrive in any given thread at any hour
>everdrive employees monitoring the threads come out to save face everytime
Kek those things must not sell alot if yhey gonna damage control on here

>> No.10398756

I literally buy chinese clones whenever possible and am relaying my own experience. 4chan has a watchlist, I'm just replying to a thread I posted in bro

>> No.10398773

I literally only buy chink clones and never had any issues. They have less features, but if you only care about playing the games it doesn't matter.

>> No.10398791

>sd2snes chink clone
A shame I can't find one of those for less than 100€ nowadays.

>> No.10398814

I’ve been looking at these lately, and with no understanding of how difficult it is to support extra functions the price differences between them seems random.

>> No.10398827

These newer models have newer / more capable FPGAs which allows for more features. TED Pro can play CD-ROM2 games, and the N8 Pro can use save states, for example.

>> No.10398838

Any insight into why the GBA cart is cheaper than the GBC? Is it just because the GBC seems to have several additional mappers?
It’s childish logic to think, “newer console hard and more expensive,” but I am that child right now.

>> No.10398860

I think the GBA is just easier/cheaper to make a flashcart for, so the opposite of what you might assume. Like with DS flash carts, those are like $7 because it's just a modified SD card protocol.

>> No.10398863
File: 1.15 MB, 900x1200, 1468603724030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still need a neo geo mvs flashcart but terraonion is always out of stock

>> No.10398928

do these play fds expanded audio? i have a chinese everdrive nes clone but it doesn't support it.

>> No.10398939
File: 332 KB, 800x800, everdrive-gba-x5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current GBA everdrive is a X5 type. Krikzz was planning to make an GBA X7 but it didn't work out so he dropped it. A $200+ GBA everdrive would be a hard sell anyway since he has strong competition from EZ Flash.

>> No.10399206

All of the knock offs are gonna have some sort of compromise, it’s just how big of a deal breaker that compromise is for you. Watch out for some of the shills on here though that will tell you the N64 clone and EZ Flash Omega DE are better, when one requires you to hold the reset button down to save anything, and the other still deletes your saves if you shut the game off too soon after it finishes saving.
As for specifically which ones are better to spend the money on, Mega Everdrive is a good choice, so is Turbo Everdrive pro. These two give you access to the CD addons without actually having them.

>> No.10399226

>when one requires you to hold the reset button down to save anything
how horrible

>> No.10399230

Someone hacked the latest 161-in-1 V3 neo geo flashcart and was able to load up all the games from the neo geo library.
I want to buy an MVS myself, but a lot of the Jamma pin connectors seem very worn out.

>> No.10399285

I was thinking of throwing my ed gba x5 or whatever in the trash and going to for ex flash Omega. The everydrive has absolutely no features and the battery life on my gba seems unlimited at the moment

>> No.10399368

this is so stupidly involved im skilled with soldering and electronics but dont have a fucking fpga programmer just lying around

i'd rather buy a flashcart

>> No.10399373

The issue with this is that you've got to either desolder a bunch of chips from the cheapest most fragile of Chinese crap without destroying it to reprogram them or you've got to pay an autist five times the price of parts to do it for you.

>> No.10399383

If I had money I'd pay krikzz, but those french fuckers at terraonion are insufferable

>> No.10399387

worse, they're spaniards

>> No.10399394

desolder SOP chips like that is easy, you don't use a gun, it's literally just hot air until it lifts off

the issue is the fpga development programmer and the adaper for those specific chips, its too much of a hassle to buy that shit for some shitty chinese bootleg cart

>> No.10399397

>paying extra for a flashcart because of the onboard emulator

>> No.10399426

>EZ Flash Omega DE deletes save games
As much as I still think it's still better than the everdrive because of compatibility, I can confirm it does this shit, even when it appears to be done saving. Gotta give it extra time just to be safe.
>N64 clone needs reset
Only does it because that's how the everdrives used to work, I think up through the X5
Even for the ones that can save without reset, krikzz is a clown for using fucking button batteries in current year

>> No.10399598

True, but I feel this proof of concept is important and that a final product solution would make a product that is still 1/5 the price of the drm terraonion mvs flashcart.

>> No.10399639

I pre-ordered a MegaSD from those french fries like 8 months ago and they still do not have an ETA on when they’ll be shipped out.

Worst part is I can’t refund.
No wonder why everyone hates them.

>> No.10399715

Still a compromise. Everdrive doesn’t require it. Whether the extra money is worth it depends on the person.

>> No.10399717

>troll with no argument
Go for it anon, I’m sure someone will believe
Keep at the non argument too

>> No.10399720

>Everdrive doesn’t require it
Everdrive X7 doesn't require it
X5 does, which is still for sale and is $80 cheaper
Getting tired of people just forgetting the problems of the previous everdrives being sold at full price for years just because a new one that costs almost twice as much came out

>> No.10399797

>im skilled with soldering and electronics
>dont have a fucking fpga programmer just lying around
Seems legit
>The issue with this is that i don't understand it and can't do it
Skill issue
Skill issue
Exactly. It's a POC. Now that all the mildly difficult work has been done you're free to use the information to do whatever you want however you want. You can just reprogram the chips to have the games you want, reprogram the chips on two carts to have all the games, or go as far down the rabbit hole as you want to get all the games onto a single board. If you're an electronicslet you can wait a few months and buy one on aliexpress.

>> No.10399798

>Skill issue

>Not having equipment is a skill issue


>> No.10399806

we wuz guns germs n steel n shit

>> No.10400163

If the Chinese sellers who designed the thing had wanted to sell a better multicart they would have made it that way in the first place.

>> No.10400192

>>People who came up with the reprogramming method describe it as impractically difficult and involved
>>S-s-s-skill issue!

>> No.10400497

get the new super sd system for pce

lets you play supergrafx games on a standard pce

>> No.10400512

>199 USD
>For a flashcart

>> No.10400515

>All games in 1 cart
I mean with the cost of individual games its a steal
No one asked.

>> No.10400521

They used to be $15 for DS or 3DS. It only costs $200 because idiots like you are willing to pay that much

>> No.10400523

DS carts still are $15 you retarded mong, they also dont require FPGA devices and other electronics. Go be an idiot somewhere else.

>> No.10400556

If you buy the AliExpress models the prices are much closer to the DS flashcart end of the spectrum.

>> No.10400564

Krikzz version of everything if you care about quality.
Anything else if you're poor, they're all the same and they're all shit.
Anyone who disagrees is just coping.

>> No.10400639

genesis or nes are the most fun

tough to choose a best

>> No.10400854

>i eat my food off the floor like a dog because im too retarded to buy tableware and cutlery
>not a skill issue
>no-skill zoomie came up with things the voices in its head said because it couldn't understand some tweets
>not a skill issue
Sure thing kiddos

>> No.10400886

What would the X7 have been?

>> No.10400907

Tweets? I read the fucking original thread on arcade projects forum you larper.

>> No.10400918

I have a gb and gg standard and I want the x7 because they use ram so it won't wear and quicker loading times. In game saving is good because a lot of games use passwords and really your not going to be able to write them down if you out.

There are 2 ways to look at it, you get the higher end cart because you will eventually want to upgrade anyway or you get the cheaper one because you expect a better cart to came out eventually.

I have most of krikkz stuff and terraonions stuff so know how it goes.

I got the sd2snes, I actually thought it would be better but there is probably about 5 special chip games that you'd really want it would actually be cheaper to get the games. I sort of expected there would be a lot fx chip hacks but there is not really and the overclock function of the fx chip was highly exagerated, its only about a %10 difference. Recently there have been some sa1 slowdown reduction hacks which are probably the best thing for it. It can play gb games but the framerate is not in sync with the console just like real hardware.

They are usually clones of older versions, if you want the top version they usually don't do it

I've had chinese gba carts and they are annoying. With the gba x5 you just put the roms on an sd and it just works, no problems, no 10 year old weird menus no weird types of memory.

Maybe I got lucky but I've had no problems with their stuff. The overclock of the mega sd asic did allows some slight but noticeable speed improvements and the av out of the super sd is real nice.

>> No.10400957

GB X7 and that's it. EZ Flash Junior sucks shit

>> No.10400964

Krikzz never elaborated on features, only that he was working on it and the X5 Mini (now GBA Mini) is what it ended up as. If I had to guess it would have cheat menus and save states for sure at least.

>> No.10401093

It's a retarded troll, ignore and stop giving it (you)'s

>> No.10401223

I got a N64 for my birthday. Which flashcart do I get?

>> No.10401283

Everdrive 64 X7

>> No.10401290

i also got an n64 for my birthday but i am poor. which flashcart do i get?

>> No.10401341

>$235 for DRM shit just to emulate 6 games

>> No.10401402

Everdrive 64 X5

>> No.10401406

So where did the "People who came up with the reprogramming method" describe it that way in that thread?

>> No.10401417

Whatever one makes you stfu

>> No.10401469

Probably a light sensor, rumble pack and gyro
But it was probably too much for the form factor

>> No.10401489

The SD2SNES isn’t technically a clone because the schematics are open source
Also I want an N8 pro for the improved audio circuit but I’m not sure if those Chinese ones use it so I’ll wait for Black Friday I think

>> No.10401501

I found your sister's rumble back in her dresser