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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10396763 No.10396763 [Reply] [Original]

>no great mouse detective stage
shame, shame

>> No.10396775

The gameplay and controls always force me to drop this game 2 hours in. Feels like it was in development for Dreamcast

>> No.10396893

And that's a good thing

>> No.10396925

>traverse town is now stuck on loop in your head

>> No.10397031
File: 188 KB, 1075x1066, cringedom harts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing this above the age of 16 means something is wrong with you, reminder

>> No.10397060

>still liking childhood things means something is le wrong with you
Why are you even here then, the vast majority of retro games are designed specifically for children and are about purely escapist nonsense. Why don't you just go listen to your mature Oasis records, watch your mature Seinfeld episodes, listen to your mature NPR radio or whatever other boring shit broski

>> No.10397124

The real mistake was removing Bahamut as a summon option. Shame you wouldn't be able to use him against Sephiroth because it's a solo fight.

>> No.10397128

It's not just childhood things, it's cringe childhood things.
This whole franchise is a literal deviantart fanfic with a budget, are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.10397130

>literal deviantart fanfic with a budget
Sounds fun.

>> No.10397135

I played KH1 (an original copy with a PS2 and CRT) for the first time in college and it was fantastic. Honestly Action RPGs don't get much better.

>> No.10397141 [DELETED] 

Baby brained game for cringe ass man children with shameless Disney marketing.

Mario is far more respectable than this baby shit that simultaneously tries to take itself seriously.

The KHKuck reveals his final form

>> No.10397147

Kingdom Hearts makes autistic channers who take themselves too seriously seethe, so therefore I like it.
Also Traverse Town is comfy.

>> No.10397164
File: 221 KB, 1900x1069, 01100014-e1490900522602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kingdom Hearts has great mechanics, great music and comfy visuals and the story plays on broken trust very nicely. If they could have just toned down the cringe and had fewer characters it would be great schizokino

>> No.10397170

>anti disney, pro mario
Ah, you're a cringe weeaboo.

>This whole franchise is a literal deviantart fanfic with a budget
So is everything else. Only not always with a budget. You think anybody seriously into horror thinks Castlevania isn't a load of bastardizing bullshit? Or that Zelda isn't a slap in the face to anybody actually into fantasy? Get real.

>> No.10397171

Cringe is inherent to the identity of Disney meets Final Fantasy

It’s peak faggot shit

>> No.10397178

It's a fun game no need to hold such contrived masculinity

>> No.10397180

>no Final Fantasy stage
>no Chrono Trigger stage
>no Parasite Eve stage
>no Einhander stage
>no 3D World Runner stage

The "Disney meets Final Fantasy" idea always felt half baked since the Final Fantasy characters were so different and minor they were basically OCs in all but name, and I don't give any shits about the Disney dreck the rest of the game is busy jerking off.

>> No.10397184

Donald Duck nibble on your foreskin too hard or something?

>> No.10397190

Whenever I hear someone say this, I think they're so cool and I wanna suck their dick, they're such badasses uwu

>> No.10397194

>So is everything else
>Putting KH on the same level as Ultima
Holy fucking cope

>> No.10397201

Bro I didn't play computer games growing up, I've had sex. Computers were just for porn and chatrooms.

>> No.10397202

>there's nothing wrong with him
>and he's here

>> No.10397205


>> No.10397212

>Fanfics his own life

>> No.10397289 [DELETED] 

Mario is based, stomps goombas, and stars in whimsical RPG’s when suited.

This Sony movieshit gets mogged by Mario in every way

>DUDE imagine Rodney Rat…. BUT LE DARK and he can only be saved…. BY LE FRIENDSHIP
>Linkin Park starts playing

>muh toxic masculinity

That KHKuck reveals xers true form

This shit is cringe to women too, hence it’s only enjoyed by hot topic browsing manchildren

It’s not a square Enix showcase, it’s a Disney nostalgia bait with a veneer of FF cringe.

The KHKuck reveals its final form

>> No.10397291

Yes, but it has good sluts like Selphie, Yuffie, Jasmine etc... this game heavily contributed to my hentai addiction lol.

>> No.10397294 [DELETED] 

You're that one kid who always thinks he's funny

>> No.10397296 [DELETED] 

>DUDE… what if Walter Weasel… LISTENED TO THE OFFSPRING?

>>>/Hot Topic in 2008/

You HAVE to go back

>> No.10397325

Man it's just a great ARPG with a whimsical familiar world nobody is jerking off to this shit. It's fun to glide around whacking dark creatures with an oversized key and shooting lightning bolts and solving simple puzzles it's ludo plain and simple

>> No.10397552

Ultima, the literal isekai where you play some chosen one destined to preach the great good virtues and unite the world while getting help from the author's literal self insert character? That Ultima?

>> No.10397559

I don't think people think that way about Castlevania or Zelda. Not for those reasons at least.

>> No.10397570
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It's briefly shared with Peter Pan's London stage, the characters are just too small to notice.

>> No.10397683
File: 81 KB, 480x477, cattle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. It COULD have been good and had potential but Square had to ruin it with their homo obsession, adding all those Final Fantasy characters, going insane with the wannabe deep story and taking itself too seriously

Only 1 is decent. 2 is where things turned to shit. Mickey Mouse isn't even an edgelord with cringe clothes in 1 but just the Mickey Mouse we know. Also Tarzan

>> No.10397953

You're like those kids that finally upgrade from happy meals to normal meals and suddenly think they're way cooler than the kids that still get happy meals.

>> No.10398081

Second poster literally complains about KH becoming edgier and more 'mature'

>> No.10398113

I'll never understand why people can't approach the story of these games from a distance and simply enjoy the absurdity of it while engaging in the fun gameplay. You're such a pissant that you'd rather complain that it's too cringe or too homosexual. I'm glad I'll never have to be that insufferable and joyless.

>> No.10398124


LOL not bad you fucking kike

>> No.10398235

This game turned my friend gay

>> No.10398265

>fun gameplay
you run around the same rooms over and over again wondering wtf you're supposed to do you're spammed with piss-easy enemy encounters during which you mostly fight the enemies off-camera 'cuz of how garbage the camera is

>> No.10398274

Is your friend hot?

>> No.10398278

He never used the word mature and edginess is not a mature style or concept. My point is an adult who goes out of his way to seethe about a silly video game being too edgy and "wannabe deep" is even more embarrassing than people who sincerely enjoy the cringe. It comes off as a young shit trying too hard to sound more "mature" than a game series clearly aimed at teenagers.

>> No.10398361

Controls better than 2 IMO

>> No.10398364

you’re insecure

>> No.10398392

You're me faggot

>> No.10398398

Kingdom hearts is about disneyland not disney

>> No.10399134
File: 429 KB, 582x850, Uzucake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my 2 year old nephew doesn't even cry this much. who the fuck hurt you so bad

>> No.10399547
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best way to play this game is Final Mix, otherwise why bother?

Also, I've come to realize 1 is better than 2. 2 is a better game, but 1 doesn't have the weird storyline. Too bad 1 still suffers from being corny cutesy shit.

>> No.10399602 [DELETED] 

I'm trans btw

>> No.10399721

>corny! corny! corny!
I'm sorry you grew up watching Big Mammas House instead of Aladdin and The Lion King

>> No.10399736

Anon, Kingdom Hearts was a fun game in my youth but it's essentially for babies. That's not a bad thing, just the way it is.

>> No.10399754

You're this:

>> No.10399763

Disney (prior to the 00s) is kind of a thing understood to be of a quality, both parents and kids liked it, it was something of a timeless tradition in more cultured households who had an appreciation for animation back when it wasn't just CG crap. I understand when you were growing up the Wayans Brothers were probably entertainment heroes of yours, but that's a different world, gotta understand this one day bro.

>> No.10399780
File: 45 KB, 480x360, hardcoregamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10399784

I was born in '91, and have grown up to despise the Renaissance era films. They are garbage and pozzed propaganda hiding under a vein of wholesomeness. I can understand why you'd like them if you are 80 IQ, though, probably where that projection of liking black media comes from lol.

>> No.10399786

You're me, and I'm gay

>> No.10399792

I think 2 had the better Disney stages, but overall, I prefer 1, for not being Bleach with Disney characters.

>> No.10399795

You sound like the kind of, eh, piggish individual, I believe "pleb" is also applicable, who liked Shrek for its fart jokes, pro wrestling shout outs, bad music soundtrack, and smarmy NYC talk show writer deconstruction of fantasy because "we 2 cool 4 dat corny shiz".

>> No.10399803

Another swing and a miss. Gotta love the projection, keep it coming lmao.

>> No.10399870

suck m'y dick if you please

>> No.10399902
File: 117 KB, 1000x667, KingdomKii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10399909
File: 525 KB, 2337x1742, FUsOVGyX0AAGyVV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Traverse Town. Home.

>> No.10400052

I know what you mean, it has the chunky feel of a Dreamcast game, but it definitely was planned as a PS2 game from the start.

>> No.10401431

It's like Zelda but with better magic and more heavy hitting fighting

>> No.10401457

The Little Mermaid and Beauty & The Beast are good, but everything after that feels too formulaic. The Lion King has a lot of good but also a lot of bad.

>> No.10401491

Is there ever a reference to Atlantis: The Lost Empire in these games?

>> No.10401768

>anti-drug game

>> No.10401782

Ngl I always thought Zelda was boring too, but I still managed to play through the original, OoT, and played the cartoon one with the boat up until the triforce hunt. With KH I couldn't be bothered to even finish the Tarzan level.

>> No.10403138

What is bad about Lion King other than Timone and Pumba

>> No.10403443

Disney really hates that movie and wanted it to bomb hard because Pixar's 3D stuff was getting uppity (Disney didn't own Pixar at that time) and they wanted to move into 3D as well
Treasure Planet shared the same fate, but at least that one had a slim chance of getting into KH DDD as a world before being scrapped

>> No.10404586
File: 26 KB, 400x354, Ratigan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you ain't rattin' around

>> No.10404664

>you have to buy a ticket to get on a dope ass train to get to the fun part of the game

>> No.10406087

But it's so good

>> No.10406673

Disney hate good

>> No.10406734
File: 1.45 MB, 1067x1423, giorgio_cavazzano_basil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no great mouse detective stage
>no rescuers stage
>no robin hood stage
Did Square hate anthros or something? Disney clearly doesn't since they made zootopia just to pander to furries

>> No.10406745

>gameplay: 10/10
>story: 0/10
that's my impression of kingdom hearts replaying it as an adult, makes me wish there was a modern game with the exact same control scheme as kh1 but minus the retarded story

>> No.10406762

Oh, come on. Everyone goes through this "I am an adult, I swear!" phase, some don't get out of it through their entire lives. However, I'm sure there's a good reason for being so bitter and resentful. May they find their peace, I say.

>> No.10406772

Rescuers > The Great Mouse Detective

>> No.10406852
File: 101 KB, 736x665, rescuers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rescuers > Down under
Rescuers and Basil are all mouse kino though

>> No.10406860

Post more mouse kino

>> No.10406929

>Halloween Town
>Hollow Bastion

>> No.10407189

All the minigame bullshit is what stops me from trying to play these games again. What was with SE in the PS2 era? Between FFX and KH, the minigames were not just numerous, but awful without exception.

>> No.10407193

Name 10

>> No.10407274

Not just PS2. FF7 has a ton of incredibly crappy minigames in it for example.