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File: 126 KB, 1280x720, re4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10396743 No.10396743 [Reply] [Original]

>NOOO, the x port of it is bad, it doesn't count and your opinion doesn't count either
>but, but the trees!
If some flaws induced by porting it make it a bad game, then it was never good to begin with. Name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal

>> No.10396752

nobody has ever said that RE4 was suddenly bad just because of a bad port. they only told you that you played the shit version and you took it really personally for some reason. you're whining about a non-existant scenario.

>> No.10396753

>Name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal
Final Fight Amiga.

>> No.10396761

>name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal
Virtua Fighter 2... on the Genesis

>> No.10396765

Fuck you, the game was awesome for the Mega Drive.

>> No.10396770

SMB3, All-Stars

>> No.10396773

The soundtrack was great tho.

>> No.10396776

Exxcept people do this all time
>list good games for console
>"HAHAHA, is this the shit version?"

>> No.10396780
File: 130 KB, 1280x720, smb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If some visual changes make it bad then it was always bad. You just admitted SMB3 is shit

>> No.10396790

All subsequent ports are based on the ps2 version because it had all the content.

>> No.10396802

I refuse to believe the newest PC port uses those PS2 trees and textures. Prove me wrong though

>> No.10396831

Define newest. The RE4 port for years didn't even have proper lighting that the ps2 version had.

>> No.10396832

metal gear on nes

>> No.10396842

do they all have the shit sound quality? no one ever talks about how bad the ps2 port sounds

>> No.10396843

Shoddy ports/remasters do ruin a lot of experiences. Sonic games have a lot of examples for it, Sonic Adventure on GCN had worse collision and physics, as well as worse lighting, making the game intent significantly worse. Or shitty Sonic 1 ports where the game chugs heavily. This is why people point out port differences because something like worse performance on a worse console or bad port j9b makes things feel sluggish or unfair, when the controls aren't the issue but the delay is. Nobody calls Sonic 1 a irredeemable game, but they call the GBA port and irredeemable port. You should always aim to get the best experience possible, especially when it comes to how much freedom of choice people have nowadays. Before it was just incessant console war faggotry but remove that and just play the games as close to properly as it can.

>> No.10396880

alright grandpa whatever you say

>> No.10396896

The first RE4 PC port made RE4 shit.

Keyboard controls only including for aiming, QTEs would flash PS2 button symbols instead of the keys it actually uses.
The game was barely playable.

>> No.10396936

>you took it really personally for some reason
maybe because people keep saying stuff like "didn't beat the game" just because you didn't play it the very same way they did

>> No.10396939
File: 12 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QTEs would flash PS2 button symbols instead of the keys it actually uses.
not even that, it would show NUMBERS WHAT DO THEY MEAN

>> No.10396942

That's not a port but a different game that shares the same name as the original

>> No.10396947

not a port

>> No.10396964

I’m not reading this schizo OP.

>> No.10396968

op is a fag


>> No.10396971

God damn that grass looks like an HD texture pack meme. I didn't realize they fucked it up this badly

>> No.10397006

soul soulless

>> No.10397014

was always shit.

>> No.10397029

The opening village chapters are the most graphically intense parts of the game, but once night comes and especially once you enter the castle, the PS2 version has a lot of visual parity with the GameCube version

>> No.10397035

>I refuse to believe the newest PC port uses those PS2 trees and textures.
It doesn't. That HURR THEY ALL USE THE PS2 VERSION anon is retarded and probably a shill for that awful fan texture pack

>> No.10397080

There's a room early in the game that has water in all versions besides the PS2 and 2007 pc version. I think that's proof the Wii and beyond versions used the GameCube version as a basis and only added Separate Ways.

>> No.10397093

>the PS2 version has a lot of visual parity with the GameCube version

>> No.10397102
File: 107 KB, 474x680, 74695--ecco-the-dolphin-defender-of-the-future.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody has ever said that RE4 was suddenly bad just because of a bad port
Literally every Segafag says this about every shitty Sega game, especially if you point out the low review scores of newer versions, be it Crazy Taxi, Sonic 2 Battle or picrel. When the truth is they were never very good

>> No.10397117

You have to remember that retro consoles weren't uniform at the time like now
Lighting, textures and audio are usually the main culprits of issues

>> No.10397134

Difference is you can prove all the non-original ports are worse. In most other cases, it's pretty much placebo.

>> No.10397137

Better in every way.

>> No.10397150
File: 26 KB, 953x322, re4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it really is quite competitive in the latter half of the game. The opening village section is a major downgrade on PS2 but the rest of the game generally looks fine

>> No.10397154


>> No.10397163

Fuck off idiot

>> No.10397173

>it's just as good

>> No.10397174

It's ok, it's like playing on low settings.

>> No.10397186

Which significant visual drawbacks do you see in the attached screenshot?

>> No.10397189

Dude, the windows don't even look like they have definition in the PS2 version

>> No.10397203

>The opening village section is a major downgrade on PS2
Shame that's the only genuinely great and memorable part of RE4

>> No.10397204

most people played RE4 on the PS2
no one gives a fuck about the obsolete Shitcube version with the least amount of content

>> No.10397214
File: 142 KB, 545x524, 5q2Epjy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

surely you didn't just use RE4 to deny the existence of bad ports. surely you didn't. the zeebo version is very kino, especially if you're BR, but a good port it is not


>> No.10397375

>deny the existence of bad ports.
The point is that a bad port doesn't make a great game bad or irrelevant

>> No.10397404


Please jump off the nearest bridge.

>> No.10397434

Tell that to all the segatrannies

>> No.10397443

>Name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal
there's lots of bad doom ports

>> No.10397458

>>Please jump off the nearest bridge.


>> No.10397463

This isn’t a bad port considering the game was designed for the GameCube and the PS2 version came out less than a year later. This >>10396939 is a bad port.

>> No.10397491

>Name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal
Sonic 1 GBA
Most doom ports
Not retro but Shadow of Mordor on PS3

>> No.10397598

>If some flaws induced by porting it make it a bad game, then it was never good to begin with.
What the fuck does this even mean? If a game had a bad port that somehow makes the original bad too?

>> No.10397752

>to begin with

>> No.10397756

This. They're based on the GC version + PS2 content

>> No.10397757

Work by Shogo Sakai who would then make the OST of Mother 3

>> No.10397758

PS2 port pretty much saved the overall sales for RE4.

>> No.10397763

Every time RE4 gets a port, something new is broken

GC –> Wii — Lower polygon count inventory items from PS2 port

GC –> Wii –> Xbox 360 — Broken and missing effects, bad mapping conversion for ALL the models of the game, missing sound reverb effect.

GC –> Wii –> Xbox 360 –> UHD — Animation and sound issues, black pickup screen, bad optimization with lots of performance issues in some computers

The PS4 version is just copy-paste of the “HD textures option” from PC Ultimate HD. Only a few extra character textures were improved for PS4/Xone.

Also some enemies behavior issues if I’m not mistaken. But I’m not sure in which port…

Still aside of resolution the GC/Wii and UHD with HD Project are the best versions. It has the best color palette and lightning and have bloom to the fire effects.

Resident Evil 4 HD Project removes terrible looking PS2 version assets.


>WEAPONS and other item MODELS: The models used for all post-Gamecube versions have less polygons than the original Gamecube version. It seems they kept (perhaps by accident?) the low-poly versions from the PS2 port of the game. I restored and even improved all of these models. There is a limitation with these models that crashes the game if the file size of certain files are larger than the original, but I found that there is some dispensable data that can be removed from the .bin files (the 3D models), and even entire .bin files that are unused in-game

>> No.10397793

So I you're saying, port differences aren't severe enough to make a good game bad, and if it's a bad game it's because it already was?
Okay I guess, but I don't agree. A bad enough port could absolutely make a good game terrible. Some worse graphics aren't gonna do that though, just make it less good overall.

>> No.10397796

Capcoms deal with Nintendo expired around 2013 that's how they were able to restore the models in the HD port. Capcom found a loophole around their exclusivity deal that let them use a different build for the PS2 and subsequent ports there after, that's why the PS2 port looked like shit.

>> No.10398078

Official PC version uses GameCube textures and assets. Stop lying and shilling or post proof

>> No.10398121

Why would the models of all things be the deciding loophole? This crap reminds me of rumours on GameFAQ's in the 2000's

>> No.10398125
File: 59 KB, 640x631, ffadga0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you ports that dub the gameplay down so much they render any gameplay decision meaningless

>> No.10398128

>Nooo the you have to treat the baseless claim in my op as fact
All of the all stars ports are shit, the originals are great

>> No.10398140

This happens to all nes re-releases that aren't just emulated

>> No.10398143

The Wii version is the best thanks to the pointer controls

>> No.10398162
File: 226 KB, 552x497, SF2_GB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on if the hardware is capable enough to do the original game justice
E.g. Street Fighter 2 for the GameBoy is a mess
Also Game Gear ports in general, screen cropped Master system games that suddenly play like shit since you can't see properly

Or Race Drivin' on the snes that runs at 1 or 2 FPS (even the Gameboy version runs better https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HFahywkFKqM )

However in the case of RE4 the PS2 port plays just fine

>> No.10398169

>baseless claim
It's literally just logic. SMB3 isn't a good game if different visuals (better visuals according to most people) make it a bad game

>> No.10398190

It completely changes the game since you don't have to plan around Leon's Parkinson's

>> No.10398297

>Name one good game that's suddenly shit because the port isn't ideal
Saints Row 2 PC port
>b-but it's not retr-
There is never a more prime example than this one.

>> No.10398312

This nigga likes the (((new))) little mermaid

>> No.10398314

Why do you care?

>> No.10398371

Well that's not a bad port that's a broken ass port

>> No.10398519

>that's a broken ass port
in other words, a bad port.

>> No.10398538

Wasn't the ps2 more powerful than the GC? Why did RE4 look and run so ass on it anyway?

>> No.10398540

RE4 on PS2 is more of a miracle than RE2 on N64.
>looks 99% the same (just fewer twigs)
>has additional content
>removes ugly green on everything
>has 480p
>has more content
>you save a dog in the first 5 minutes
>uses the PS2 controller
>runs at the same resolution
>didnt come out 4 years later
>helped ruin the genre
>only came out like 4 weeks later
>made shinji mikami make the real resident evil 4: god hand
>spoiled nintendo printing the exclusive badge on their game cover
>had to settle for a spike vga award in the reissue
>became the most ported game of all time
>improved changes they would have shipped if gamecube had internet but it didn't because nintendo didnt believe the internet would take off
>same framerate
>same ugly grafix
lets face it.
it's a miracle port.
No two ways about it.

>> No.10398547
File: 3.92 MB, 570x342, PS2 graphics lol.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks 99% the same (just fewer twigs)

>> No.10398551

infinite sharpness. Just proving the point, miracle port. More miraculous than the n64 which ran re2 at worse settings despite being 8 times weaker than the PS1.

>> No.10398556
File: 938 KB, 1206x818, RE4 graphics comp 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Playstation called, it wanted its texture resolution back.

>> No.10398557

for street fighter 2 on gb the game redraws the background on the fly with the fight that's why the frame rate sucks

>> No.10398559

6th gen was autistic with each console being good at one thing. ps2 could use a lot of transparent textures without chugging, xbox could do cool lighting and shaders, gc had a handle

>> No.10398560

PS2s far more dramatic lighting shows it is not only a miracle, but a superior port. Leon being all full bright looking cpma ass

>> No.10398562
File: 747 KB, 1023x655, RE4 Textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>far more dramatic lighting

>> No.10398564

g0d cube games look so shit, the lighting, lack of effects, horrible. it's like the hardware was designed for bing bing wahoo cartroony graphics.

>> No.10398567
File: 302 KB, 610x690, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this jaggy ass on the cube, psh what is this? a ps2 game with all those jaggies? but the ps2 version now that looks miraculous....

>> No.10398569

No, you're wrong. That was a good remake and how they're supposed to be

Keep it the same and just make it look newer with the textures

>> No.10398571

>according to most people
Not to NES gamers.

>> No.10398572
File: 2.14 MB, 2184x900, RE4 family texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sony fanboys will literally defend anything.

>> No.10398574

>stock texture straight from google images
>soulful artistic creation
cubefags are chinks of consolefags

>> No.10398579

>gc had a handle
Odd that it was better than N64 yet no one truly likes it. If it weren't for smash tendies would 100% abandon their shitcubes.

>> No.10398580

Looks the same but without the green hue compression artifact

>> No.10398583
File: 779 KB, 2042x320, RE4 texture downgrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The colors were made sepia or greyscale. How weak was the PS2 that it needed to downgrade texture colors of all things?

>> No.10398584

didnt you just get exposed as being a massive liar? still around?

>> No.10398589

N64 is like a pug, weird, fucked up but cute. Shitcube is just a castrated chihuahua in comparison

>> No.10398590
File: 3.85 MB, 568x338, RE4 PS2 water room pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recall you coping and seething less than 24 hours ago over being exposed so hard.

>> No.10398592

a chihuahua better off serving me my taco bell lmfao

>> No.10398593

It's called stylistic choice, but tendies don't understand such concepts

>> No.10398594
File: 3.88 MB, 566x340, RE4 water room GCN pro.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398596

yeah ps2 is clearly a grindhouse game, making it all green like some wizard of oz looking ass shit is such a wrong move, guess gamecube cant do real colors

>> No.10398601
File: 2.95 MB, 572x338, RE4 PS2 enemies.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was the downgraded enemy AI also part of the grand vision for the Sony (pbuh) port?

>> No.10398603
File: 176 KB, 600x740, ballmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dynamic difficulty proving it was a bad thing for all games, frictionless my ass lmfao

>> No.10398608
File: 2.83 MB, 890x500, RE4 PS2 headcount 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No dynamic difficulty on professional. And that wouldn't effect the enemy AI in this way, the problem is the AI activation ranges or something is messed up. Those enemies should never be idling in that hallway.

>> No.10398610
File: 2.90 MB, 860x500, RE4 GCN headcount 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398616

all made up btw

>> No.10398620
File: 2.95 MB, 908x500, RE4 GCN enemy count.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play the game yourself and find out.

>> No.10398623
File: 2.92 MB, 882x500, RE4 PS2 enemy count.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10398624

looks so boring tho

>> No.10398626

Is the higher enemy count on Gamecube only in the American version?

>> No.10398630

That section has a total of 13 enemies spawn from those boxes. On normal in all versions you only fight 5 at a time, on professional in all versions but the PS2 and 2007 PC port you fight 10 at once.

>> No.10398639

Yes but is that 13 only in the American version? The American version of the Gamecube game had some tweaks to make it more challenging than the JP/EU version, which haven't carried over to any other release

>> No.10398641

is that 10*

>> No.10398645

All versions have the harder enemy spawns except the PS2 and 2007 PC version. Across all regions and platforms.

>> No.10398654

So you don't know and are just guessing

>> No.10398667

Go ahead and look it up. I haven't played the PS3 port myself but it took 5 seconds to find this.

>> No.10398671

Wait that isn't the PS3 version. Well if you can find a video of the PS3 version I'm sure it's the same.

>> No.10398737

>I haven't played
rest my case
lmfao this guy is a joke no wonder

>> No.10398748

I've only played the GCN, Wii, PS2, 2007 PC, 2014 PC and 360 ports.

>> No.10398765

i just downloaded the wii version since the pc version doesnt run very well in certain areas (yes my pc is shit, is actually a laptop) too bad it took me more than 2 hours to get to the part that runs bad and now i cant get my money back, whatever who crares

>> No.10398776

I always remember the fountain/mass battle area and lava room looking insanely good on GameCube, then when playing the PS2 version nearly all the good effects were gone. I think it was something about the port too, because I remember seeing those effects in other PS2 games. Maybe it was too much graphic intensity or it was just a bad port.

>> No.10399004

I remember playing that shit. Man, being a PC-only kid during the 6th gen era was fuckin embarassing. Console ports are one of the few things that i feel objectively got better in the 7th gen. It's amazing Capcom bounced back from shit like this, Onimusha and DMC3 PC and actually made some great ports for RE5, DMC4 and Ultra Street Fighter IV.

>> No.10400156

Thats Cool, because I recently got this game on xbox one in the MICROSOFT store as a bundle with 5 and 6 for about £13.50 on offer, and I noticed that the item models looked like the PS2 version (that is to say they looked like pieces of shit). I expected better on this supposedly HD port.

We do get separate ways but it mostly looks like a muddy mess, especially in the bulldozer tunnel section. I also noticed the fixed camera angle was weirdly high ; or maybe it was always like that. It was annoying having to constantly press down on the right stick to even get a decent field view.

>> No.10400171

>Wasn't the ps2 more powerful than the GC

>> No.10400175

>(just fewer twigs)
This alone is a huge deal given how important the forest is for atmosphere and buildup

>> No.10400180

All the PS1 fanboys who hate on N64 textures probably love this, though

>> No.10400190


>> No.10400207

>uses the ps2 controller
Whether you prefer the controller physically is a matter of taste, personally I hate the PlayStation controller, but the GC controller had better QTEs because A and B are bright colours. The ps2 prompts all look too similar and it makes it less easy to do the QTEs.
>looks the same
Nah, it really doesn't. The ps2 version often looks like an N64 or PS1 game. It really is that bad.
>additional content
It has Separate Ways and i think a couple of extra costumes and maybe a gun for second and third play throughs. Separate Ways is cool, but it's not really that amazing: repurposed areas from the main game mostly, and the new areas look like absolute shit (that bulldozer tunnel is a dumpster fire graphically).
SW is cool though. The fact they got all that on one disc and less on the GC 2 discs is impressive
>removes ugly green
What? I never noticed this
>exclusive badge
Never had this in Europe even at launch on Gamecube. Some GC exclusives didn't have the badge (pretty sure Rogue Squadon 2 didn't have it.)
>save a dog
You do this in all versions.
>became most ported game ever
I think there's reasons for that that aren't what you're suggesting they are.
I don't know what that's got to do with it. The new features on the PS2 version are more to do with getting another 6 months to make it, put it what maybe got cut for various reasons, and maybe just to convince customers they weren't getting ripped off buying the same thing they'd already released.

There's no two ways about it that the GC game looks better but the port is also good. If you can over the fact that it looks like shit.

GC had the best graphics and PS2 the worst. Hands down. Nothing on PS2 approaching Metroid Prime or Rogue Squadron. Noticeable in multi plat titles like Soul Calibur 2. Xbox had good graphics but the very peaks of 6th gen graphically were on GC.
Conker Reloaded is impressive on Xbox, though.

>> No.10400228

What is actually wrong with these people? I get that you're trying desperately to convince your 13 year old self that you were cool to be playing San Andrea's, but you are seriously trying to say the port looks good? And that the Gamecube is bad? What the fuck dude. Its just a game console. Chill out. The gamecube brought more joy into the world than you ever will . Ponder on that.

>> No.10400343

cube got nothing but ugly ass specular lighting on every surface, games look like unfinished prototype builds like a pc port on low settings. but keep coping and pretending how metroid pride isn't mogged by quake 2

>> No.10400347

Dude, we know you're trolling, just relax. Metroid Prime looks better than Quake 2. Calm down. Take your meds.

>> No.10400361

Any game can be ruined by a shit port retard.

>> No.10400458

>this thread
damn, snoys really defend everything

>> No.10401350
File: 1001 KB, 998x562, 25ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early specular lighting is dope.

>> No.10401410

They are the worst. Nintendonuts are gay as hell but they're like a crazy old tramp in the corner muttering to themselves. Strange, yes. But annoying, no not really. He will just sit there being weird by himself. If you go over to him and get involved, yeah sure you might experience something strange and unpleasant, but you did choose to engage.

However, Sonyggers are more like those ultra annoying charity muggers (chuggers) who accost you in the street and start getting up in your grill, shrieking about some crap you don't give a shit about. Or Jehovas Witnesses. It's the way they confront you, accost you, shriek, bellow and even spittle into your face. It is anti social behaviour. It is unacceptable.

Fuck these people. Damn them all to hell.

>> No.10401415

>Xbox had good graphics but the very peaks of 6th gen graphically were on GC.
is this really what tendies believe in and not just bad bait?

>> No.10401456

>entire thread of Gaystation faggots legitimatey saying RE4 port looks better than the GCN original
Is this what nyggers actually believe im and not just bad bait?

>> No.10401463

>delusional snoys justify my tendies delusion
so it's actual mental illness

>> No.10401497

>Seething PS2fag has godawful opinions
Every time.

>> No.10401563
File: 199 KB, 616x1023, 5900372010_2e934fe80a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not just visuals and I doubt most real people think it's better. But movie remasters are another good example, true. If any of these versions of the movie make the movie itself SHIT, then the movie was never good anyway

>> No.10402229

Imagine NDS port

>> No.10402230

Surprise this get definitive GameCube port, considering dev kit codename.