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10394973 No.10394973 [Reply] [Original]

The darkest and arguably best Zelda

I love Zelda 3 so god damn much

I even used to dream about it

>> No.10394985

I love the gameplay in all Zeldas, but dislike the plot. Boy with sword, good vs evil, flavor of the month magic girl… It's all so stupidly generic and naive, I never get how people have "dreams" about those games. This is saturday morning cartoon tier plot.

>> No.10394995

The plot is pretty kino and dark though.

>sacred realm with a divine triforce that everyone tried to find, and some thief actually does it and turns into a monstrosity and the sacred realm into the dark realm
>he was sealed away but an evil magician hijacke the kingdom and tries to free him

It's pretty dark. Literally every knight tries to kill you.

>> No.10394998

It got mogged by Link's Awakening.

>> No.10395000

What I meant is, it's not THAT generic. The concept with 2 worlds is pretty unique.

>> No.10395001

Oh no how terrible they used ancient motifs that have been used in story telling for millennia.

>> No.10395005

Worst zelda game i have ever played. Oh wait, majoras mask is the worst and then this one.

>> No.10395007

The best part of Link to the Past is comparing it to that Nintendo 64 Zelda game and being right about it. That never gets old.

>> No.10395009

the dark realm is an interesting twist and mechanic. but the rest you said is just "bad guy found 7 dragonballs / emeralds / whatever and gets sealed but comes back". this is as generic as it gets, Ganon is just cliche bad evil guy who gets power.
these are the most cliched overused "motifs" imaginable. something for Disney movie maybe.

>> No.10395026

You don't get it. Ganon is a metaphysical, primal evil. Not just some bad guy.

>> No.10395035 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10395036

see? you take some generic cliche fantasy story trope again and treat it as high art.
this is why I hate zeldafags, though I like every major Zelda. it's like you people have never played a game with a story.

>> No.10395042

>t. Played only 2 Zelda games in my life
Not OP... It is one of the top for many people in a decent size series. Play more of them and you're guaranteed to find more you prefer less

>> No.10395053

Zelda IS Nintendo's game of the Disney movie as far as I'm concerned. Young audience, tries for mass appeal, tries to avoid offending anyone almost to a fault. Surprised there isn't much singing, really.

>> No.10395054

Easily my least favourite Zelda. I never got the hype.

>> No.10395056

You ever notice the master sword gets shorter when you swing it on stairs? I never realized it but I think that was done intentionally to give the impression of foreshortening when you swing the sword upwards.

>> No.10395058

Well Zelda is gameplay and atmosphere focused. During the 90s classic action-adventure and RPG franchises started going for something more 'complex' (DQV being one of the prime examples of this) but Zelda stuck to tradition. It changed in Skyward Sword, around that time the timeline was also released, and it just became worse. In the latest games for the Switch the story is just fucking cringe instead of being simple which was the case during the /vr/ days. With the exception of Majora's Mask though, it has a JRPG plot and is surprisingly not bad

>> No.10395060

way to instantly derail the thread with your grievance about the story, which the OP didn't even mention

>> No.10395072

There are many philosophical and metaphysical implications and nuances.

Ganon represents the Demiurge and materialism. That's why he appears as an animal and everyone is turned into animals in the dark realm. Link and even more the maidens you need to save represent the higher spiritual plane. You don't just save a kingdom. You actually purify the spiritual plane from impurities. It's similar to buddhist cosmology. It's interesting that the triforce was found by the most evil guy and not a good guy. This could allude to Nietzsche and the will to power, which is beyond good and evil. It's also interesting that the all knights are evil. This could represent the inherent corruption within all worldly institutions, especially political structures. And whom do the knights serve? The demiurge aka Ganon. Even though not directly, by via Aghanim aka Abraxas (the eye of the demiurge).

While the story is simple and is a classic hero tale like odysseus or heracles, there is far more behind it that you can only grasp if you read more books and get better educated.

>> No.10395076

Unfortunately it's a bad sequel, so I can't give it more than a 5/10.

>> No.10395085
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>When food is scarce, hedgehogs retreat into underground dens for long periods, to re-emerge only in times of abundance. The Egyptians associated this behavior with rebirth and thus wore amulets in the form of hedgehogs or left figures such as this one in tombs.
Deepest lore in my video games

>> No.10395086

I'll give you a clue. When the game released in 1991, games were still considered children's toys. Children played Link to the Past, and that's the age when people are most impressionable. That's why they dreamt about it.

Well, it's clear as day you weren't alive at that time. Because you're judging the game using today's standards rather than the state of the world at its release.

>generic cliche fantasy story
There are generic RPGs on the SNES that do have generic fantasy stories. If your opinion was true then their stories would have been more popular than Link to the Past, which they weren't.

>> No.10395094

It has miles more story than Zelda 1 and even houses and NPCs. I have no idea what he is crying about.

I would rather have a simple, elegant story instead of some convulated mess where it turns out the evil guy is your brother and controlled by aliens (FF4 lol) or some shit.

You can never fuck up with a simple story.

>> No.10395095

I like Zelda's story and themes in theory but not in practice.

For one thing, it's pure fantasy. It's flanderized Euro fantasy by a different culture, but it's trying to be the thing. One thing that fucking annoys the shit out of me with Japanese RPGs, some of which I like much more than Zelda just as games, is the incessant need Japanese developers had to shoehorn science fiction into the latter half of medieval based high fantasy games. And I'm sick of people saying
>but its unique
No, it'd be unique if one game did it, so many of them do this.

What I dislike about Zelda though is just that it all feels a little bland, like the art style and the characters are all too cartoony and cute and chipper. A somewhat shitty Disney movie, The Black Cauldron, has some good imagery something like Zelda should have had.

>> No.10395102

>and even NPCs
There were NPC's in Zelda 1.

>> No.10395114

I've played 8 and finished 4. I still have my copy of alttp.

>> No.10395116

In caves lol

>> No.10395118

And? You said there weren't any NPC's. You were incorrect.
I didn't mention houses or caves.

>> No.10395119

see, I'm fine with it being simple. I just hate when the game or the community pretend it's some genius plot or deep story. so I agree with >>10395058 , keeping the story simple works when they treat it as such.

>> No.10395127

Shut the fuck up. You sound like a little kid.

>> No.10395132
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>Shut the fuck up.
>You sound like a little kid.
Pot, kettle, black.

>> No.10395134

cringe youtube essay. this is exactly the worst kind of pretentious wankery that seems to surround Nintendo games. I like Nintendo as much as the next guy, I just don't pretend Zelda is deep social commentary.
so you just confirm that you think the story is great only because you played it as a kid?
and btw, if it "aged" poorly, then it has never been great to begin with. saying "it was great at the time" is just admitting you have nostalgia goggles.

>> No.10395151
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They were dicks

>> No.10395154


>> No.10395156
File: 127 KB, 768x672, Legend of Zelda, The - A Link to the Past (U) [!]002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's one of the few true 10/10s

>> No.10395157

Jesus fuck I'm not trying to argue with you, just saying. This is a hostile thread

>> No.10395159
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>It got mogged by Link's Awakening.
Nah, LA feels too gamey and less like an epic adventure. Weaker worldbuilding, too many inorganic obstacles that make you feel "eh, I could just climb over that irl". Also more flawed. It's a bit like what MM is to OoT

IF you really need a lot of puzzles and compact gameplay, then yeah

>> No.10395161

>Just saying
If you don't have a reason to post, why post?

>> No.10395167
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If Nintendo didn't need 10 years to make Zelda games I'd want them to make a 3D ALTTP remake in the style of BotW. It's begging for it. Imagine BotW but with an actually huge mountain looming over the entire land

>> No.10395169

>in the style of BotW
Hard pass.

>> No.10395170

As in just using the engine and fundamentals

>> No.10395171

Be sure to play a Link between Worlds on 3ds, the official remake/remaster, it's also great

>> No.10395176

I said "hard pass". I don't need a stamina wheel.

>> No.10395178

>A Link Between Worlds
>official remake/remaster
It's a new game.

>> No.10395179
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Because I'm a poster

>> No.10395183

Nothing more satisfying than scaling a mountain with only a silver left. Aso the only way to add suspense to it anyway

>> No.10395184

The hardest of passes, bro.

>> No.10395187

Literally no one cares what you play or don't play

>> No.10395189

You seem to. You certainly keep replying to me.

>> No.10395190

You replied to me first. Then I used your post to specify what I mean. Now I'm telling you again that no one cares about you or what you play

>> No.10395191
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Yeah, it sounds like you don't care.

>> No.10395194

We exhausted this convo, but it's funny you're mad enough to post a reaction pic and text wall I won't read a syllable of

>> No.10395197

Sure you didn't.

>> No.10395198
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>This is saturday morning cartoon tier plot.
in what fairy tale world do u have saturday morning cartoons as wholesome, honest and basic as zelda or early dragon quest and ghibli?

>> No.10395203
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>> No.10395204

Zelda literally had a Saturday morning cartoon.

>> No.10395215

Which was nothing like the games and still went over people's heads

>> No.10395217

>and still went over people's heads
In what way?

>> No.10395228

Go play GTA5 then, you can be a nigger all day long.

>> No.10395239

Too good

>> No.10395252

An underrated aspect of this game is the great sound design. All the sounds are distinct with a nice zest and add to the overall mysterious vibe.

>> No.10395260

This reminds me of the warp pipe in mario that sends you back...

Nintendo are master trolls.

>> No.10395263

I want a ALTTP, but 10x bigger.

Just imagine it. Never-ending 2D exploration.

>> No.10395264

You don't know what "going over someone's head" means, do you?

>> No.10395269

If you make LttP 10 times bigger it wouldn't be "never ending".

>> No.10395271

Exactly. I like the sound you make when you dash between bushes. Every sound is very satisfying.

>> No.10395273

It would if every new game was randomly generated. Not everything though like key events and dungeons and towns.

>> No.10395274

Then it wouldn't be LttP. If you want a game like that, there's millions of them on steam. Just look for roguelites.

>> No.10395284

Oh please. The extremely complex event of finding a rod in a cave can't be generated? The combat is far more significant.

>> No.10395289

>The combat is far more significant
I don't think so, the combat is my least favourite part of Zelda.

>> No.10395308

Anyway, Zelda Classic exists so technically a zelda with never-ending exploration already exists. There's thousands of them.

>> No.10395310

>Zelda Classic
That's the good shit right there.

>> No.10395384

Do you prefer 2D or 3D Zeldas?

>> No.10395395

It's called ALTTP2 so yeah, it's a continuation.
The statement is true however. If you love ALTTP you'll love ALBTW

>> No.10395398

>This is saturday morning cartoon tier plot.
fortunately the game was designed for children who watch said cartoons so it makes sense

>> No.10395407

>not any indie "deconstruction" ever

>> No.10395421

2D. Also every time I see a thread where someone brings up Zelda Classic, I always drop some quest recommendations. So here I go:

>Link and Zelda: Panoply of Calatia
>Zelda's Butt
>Link's Quest for the Hookshot 2
>In the Lost Kingdom of the Banana Blood God
>The Slipstream
>Mike's Funhouse
>The Depths of Malice
>A Link to the Shadows

>> No.10395469

Not really. Usually in cartoons the villains appear frequently. Why do you need to be contrarian just for the sake of it?

>> No.10395483

But yes, it barely has a plot, because the focus is the fucking DUNGEONS.

Does Mario have a plot? Nintendo always regarded itself as a toy maker, not a storyteller. Unlike Square for example.

>> No.10395495

Depends on the cartoon, really. You just made up a fake critique to debase a true statement? You have a dipshit quality that is only surpassed by the amount of oot-aid you have consumed. I advise you to stop being a shit for brains retard and use logic instead of disingenuous tactics because you got triggered by the truth. But what am I saying, we both know that's impossible for you to do..

>> No.10395510

You are mentally ill. What is cartoonish about ALTTP?

In cartoons there is a new villain in every episode OR the old one appears again. Do you encounter Ganon several times? I debunked your shit tier "critique", keep seething.

>> No.10395514

Cartoonish would fit much better for Final Fantasy 6 where you constantly encounter and fight Kefka.

>> No.10395517

ok name some games with better stories in your opinion instead of just being contrarian and shitting on one of the most beloved retro games

>> No.10395567

You're actually very right here.

Still, LttP's ending is very silly in itself and makes the preceding events less weighty.

>> No.10395568

>cliches are bad
Go back to tvtropes

>> No.10395581

The darkest? Nigga you serious? LTTP was like The Sound of Music compared to the horror show that was OoT and MM

>> No.10395602

Postmodern faggot, neck yourself.

>> No.10395672

>concept with 2 worlds is pretty unique
Is it though, wasn't the "you've beaten LIGHT WORLD now beat DARK WORLD" already a trope at that point? The switching between them is unique I guess

>> No.10395680

See >>10395568

>> No.10395698

Hipster contrarian who can't think for himself detected

>> No.10395708

I didn't say they're bad, but if it's a cliche it's hardly "unique" is it

>> No.10395712

Nobody hypes the plot you retard. All video games have garbage stories. Nobody plays games for the story.

You just like to argue abut stupid shit.

>> No.10395715

dude, we're talking a story like "chosen hero of light should slay the embodiment of darkness and save the princess". you don't have to be a postmodern hipster to think this is generic
can you read? why can't you people take criticism for a PART of a game? I said the plot was basic. not bad, but basic. I already said I enjoyed ALTTP, I just never took its plot too seriously. especially when the latter half boils down to "find 8 crystals, the end".
as for examples, pretty much every classic RPG made past 1990 runs circles around ALTTP / OOT plot. FF7, CT, Xenogears, you name it. hell, I think Mother 3 has better plot than this. Mega Man Zero too.

>> No.10395719

Yeah if you want a good story read a book. I don't understand how you can even like classic video games and care about plot. 99% are about saving some chick who got kidnapped

>> No.10395720

>Nobody hypes the plot you retard.
…OP did literally this. we're back to square 1.

>> No.10395723

The game is still great by todays standards. All games can be shit on using your petty grade school level logic. It's not hard to do.

You can't stand that a game you hate for goofy reasons gets more hype than whatever shitty game you think is good. Zoomer logic.

>> No.10395725

>darkest zelda
>not the one where literally everyone fucking dies if you take too long

>> No.10395732

So one retard who thinks Link to the Past is "dark" means people in general hype up Zelda plots? Please show me these threads of people gushing about how deep Zelda's plot is, I'd like to see them

>> No.10395735

Let me guess. Link's Awakening faggot right? You people are so predicable. These threads always play out exactly the same.

>> No.10395747

Something about the art style and perspective puts me off, so I never liked the game. What's odd is that I like the original a lot.

>> No.10395756

dude I was arguing with OP, exactly that 1 dude who was hyping it. but some people do hype up zelda plot like it's deep. over years I've seen a few posts of people saying they had "dreams" about Zelda plots, I guess Zelda attracts autists much like Sonic.
how many times I need to repeat? ALTTP is a good game. it's the plot that is simply basic. it's not bad, it's just not some """dark""" deep plot a few people in this thread claim it is.

>> No.10395762

I don't care for the art style either, but I think it's similar enough to the original that if you can get past the visuals you should love it. It's literally just Zelda 1 but with more content. And it's not like the art style is bad, just not as good as it should have been.

>> No.10395793

can you? I was responding to
>it's like you people have never played a game with a story.
what games?

>> No.10395801

>what games?
see :
pretty much every classic RPG made past 1990 runs circles around ALTTP / OOT plot. FF7, CT, Xenogears, you name it. hell, I think Mother 3 has better plot than this. Mega Man Zero too.

>> No.10395820

I'm starting to think this is a game that could benefit with a re-skin or other hack, for me anyway. Otherwise I can't get past how goofy it looks.

>> No.10395825

>A link to the past
>He doesn't go to the past

>> No.10395830

The real link to the past is that Mario 64 land is ancient Hyrule. Really.

>> No.10395836

>The last sane knight in Hyrule

>> No.10395838

It's called that because it's a prequel to Zelda 1 and 2

>> No.10395842

Official canon=festering toilet.
My own canon=makes perfect sense.

>> No.10396081

I also thought Link to the Past was definitely the darkest Zelda game by far. My mother even commented on how dark it was at the time. But then i realized that all i had to do was turn the brightness up on the TV and then it wasn't dark at all, it was just like any other game really

>> No.10396093


>> No.10396402

OoT is the darkest lore wise

>> No.10396512

I feel your pain anon. Every Zelda thread seems to go south.
Also it is odd that, for a game with few npcs there were more than a couple of these guys. Early days for the genre, eh?

>> No.10396570

This is even more soul than the dying soldier in oot

>> No.10396785

Still the most epic and atmospheric Master Sword sequence. Also the game literally just starting and not wasting your time with a lot of bullshit (I'm just playing Xenosaga, fuck me)


>> No.10396794
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>> No.10396806

It has been posted, now the real thread can begin/continue, the cycle of /vr/ in its eternal beauty

>> No.10396826

>Still the most epic and atmospheric Master Sword sequence.


>> No.10396840

It wasn't common in gaming whatsoever at the time. It was copied very hard for several generations however, so I can see some exhaustion in that regard. But I've also never agreed to disregard something that's a trope solely because it can be a good or bad thing depending on how much artistic experience an individual has. The notion of a story being bad because someone read too many stories is just very goofy to me. On it's own merit lttp uses the concept extremely thoroughly, which a lot of it's successors don't usually bother doing besides just having motifs for the story without actually affecting the theme or gameplay. So when something is derivative for the wrong reasons, its very easy to tell because they don't have a lot to say taken completely by itself.

>> No.10397016

>cringe youtube essay. this is exactly the worst kind of pretentious wankery
It was actually a joke lol.

If I want a deep story I play Metal Gear Solid or whatever. If I play ALTTP I play to calm down and relax my brain, doing something that doesn't demand a lot of mental activity. That's sometimes important too.

>> No.10397039
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Super comfy beginning.

I love how the game throws you into action immediately and makes you rescue a princess in the first 10 minutes of the game.

>> No.10397052

Alttp is comfy, but LoZ is NOT. Oot is comfy, MM is FUCKING NOT. WW is comfy, TP, is also comfy, skyward sword is a good game, fight me irl, pansie

>> No.10397087
File: 162 KB, 338x293, Better take a sippy quickly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't bask in the comfort of the isolation of Zelda 1
>He doesn't soak in the dread of MM and appreciate the moments of respite and comfort
You have much to learn.

>> No.10397231

Every of the older Zelda games is a masterpiece. I will replay them until the day I die.

>> No.10397252

But you are correct, there is a lot of comfiness in games with dread and darkness, because the dread exemplifies the moments of comfiness and comfort.

I also find Silent Hill comfy, I'm fucking weird.

>> No.10397304

>Every of the older Zelda games is a masterpiece
I'd say Zelda only had one bad decade starting in 2006. TP, WW spinoffs, OoT and MM remakes, SS, WW HD with the horrible bloom, Hyrule Warriors. Only good game in that decade was Link Between Worlds.

>> No.10397321

I never noticed that

>> No.10397329

>no u

>> No.10397331

excuuuuuuse me princess

>> No.10397352

Which was really just a rip-off of Moonlighting set in the then-only-two-game Zelda setting.

>> No.10397442

Ducktales is pretty wholesome unironically

Not all morning cartoons are jewish garbage

>> No.10397473

its always so vague though. theres just enough plot to give you purpose and direction, but any level of scrutiny wrecks everything and reveals how nonsensical it really is. its fine for setting the framework of a self contained videogame. if you want something deep, read a book.

>> No.10397527

>le darkestxD
don't tempt me into posting a 'jakkie

>> No.10397863

I like the birds eye view 2d Zeldas. AOL and CDI (not played) need their own category.

Did you at least have a look at Zelda's butt before recommending it?

>> No.10397881
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>He doesn't soak in the dread of MM

>> No.10398130
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I have some and don't care for its tone. It's mechanics are great but there too many times when NPCs feel the need to spout off some unfunny modern Nintendo humor. They're just too chatty, leading to having to skip three or four boxes of dialogue if you have to replay a part.

And so being able to select items makes it feel more like Link's Awakening and I don't know if I really care for that. It's intuitive in LA but sort of tacked on here.

I want to like it and it is nostalgic, but too often it feels like a chore to play and that makes me sad.

>> No.10398147

>the game literally just starting
It doesn't even wait until morning. Get your ass up Link my name is Zelda and it's time to go on an adventure.

>> No.10398151

>Did you at least have a look at Zelda's butt before recommending it?
Of course. A very thorough inspection
It's genuinely a great custom quest with custom art made by the dev, it's kinda amateurish but it makes it even more charming, plus some of the areas are pretty.

Why you looking at stupid youtube nonsense, you ladyboy? What are you, some kinda milksop that looks at youtube for opinions?

>> No.10398240

The sound and music is next level

>> No.10398254

Honestly questionable shit starts as early as Majora's Mask. Come to think of it, the first five games really are amazing but then there are the aforementioned game, Oracles, Wind Waker, etc. They are still good games though

>> No.10400415

>be lorefag (me)
>love to overanalyze Majora's mask
>STILL hate the youtubers that talk about it
I'm a walking contradiction

>> No.10400430

How dare you. How dare you sir, insinuate that those youtubers are not deserving of the ire they continue to instigate just by existing.

>> No.10400440

Really good. Very interesting. Very popular.

>> No.10400629

This game deserve a MM-like sequel.

>> No.10400656

>What are you, some kinda milksop that looks at youtube for opinions?
I think Majora's Mask is a poorly designed game and I cannot name a single YouTube reviewer who isn't avgn, irate gamer or the gaming rapist. There was another reviewer on the run from the law for stalking but I've forgotten his name.

>> No.10400681

I was specifically bullying that Anon because he posted some lameo screencaps from some shitty youtuber essayists that are trying to do reviews on the game in a way that makes them look smart.
and I think it's a pretty well designed game, they wanted to make a smaller Zelda game with a focus on time management, and they succeeded.

>> No.10401082

You can throw a chicken

>> No.10401213

You can kill bees too

>> No.10401217

moron LA is the MM-like sequel to LTTP

>> No.10401230

They play nothing alike retard

>> No.10401249

>and I think it's a pretty well designed game
No one who played new Zeldas would post that.

>> No.10401258

I played them and I dislike them both. They are also not retro and fit for discussion here.

>> No.10401305

My auto correct changed nes to new. I'm now laughing at you for playing modern Zelda games.

>> No.10401316

Played those too, and I actually consider Zelda 1 to have done a lot of things right compared to every other entry in the series. Fucking love Zelda 1. I've played every Zelda game at this point.

>> No.10401323

I recently got back into Zelda after a buddy of mine came over and had me play Windwaker which I never had the chance to before, and for some reason it really got me wondering: why aren't we told what some of these temples were used for? Who used Turtle Rock dungeon, the Ice Palace or the Tower of Hera etc and for what?

>> No.10401381

The way the music changes to the iconic theme after you pick it up is just so kino

>> No.10402558

The Ancient hylians dumbass

Hylians are literally a divine race

>> No.10402969
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>> No.10404542

No, I get that, but why a fucking hollowed out rock in the crude shape of a turtle on top of a massive mountain or a palace made mostly of ice? It's perfectly fine if it's left to ambiguity, I just wasn't sure if that was lore that was ever explained.

>> No.10404689

>Link goes out in the world to train
>ends up sleeping on the job anyway
>other dimension crossing heroes have to save Hyrule in The Legend of Zelda: Ancient Stone Tablets

>> No.10405248

That's a mystery.

>> No.10405345
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>The darkest zelda
>literally babby tier 'dark' elements
why even bring this up

>> No.10405486

Stop pretending Zelda games are great.

>> No.10405558

You're not a real gamer if you don't like zelda 1.

>> No.10405628

Aghanim is a jew