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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10389123 No.10389123 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been getting into point and click games recently and i wonder if this one is any good ? Also point and click recommendation welcomed

>> No.10389158

what have you played? i recommend the following.
>monkey island 1 and 2
>gabriel knight 1 and 2
>the last express
>sam and max
>discworld noir

>> No.10389164

Never played that one, but I do know that day/return of the tentacle and fate of Atlantis are good. I also like it came from the desert, but it's got a variety of gameplay elements.

>> No.10389202

I played
>beneath a steel sky
>i have no mouth and i must scream
>dark seed
Dont know if it counts but i count it as its basically a 3d point and click where you can move freely
>Azrael's tear

>> No.10389206

TLJ is considered to be Top Tier but it's pretty simple in terms of puzzles, 3D character models and animation in it suck, voice acting for the most part is subpar, and the biggest issue is the game (i.e. the plot) slacks here and there.

Some locations/backgrounds and the game's OST are mesmerizing though.

>> No.10389223


>> No.10389279

garage bad dream adventure

>> No.10389419

in terms of serious ones, it’s in a league of its own. most puzzles are not wacky with one or two exceptions. it’s moody and the music is great. story and central conflict are good if a bit simplistic. dialogue is sometimes cliched or stilted and the voice acting is mixed but it’s generally well-written and emotionally investing. has interesting, non-conventional twists. the game can be taken by itself but it has two sequels, the second game is good, the third one is not but it at least answers most of the remaining questions. tljh never

>> No.10389480

>dialogue is sometimes cliched
Talking of dialogues in adventure games, probably the only one I hardly skipped a line in was Grim Fandango.

>> No.10389891

thanks im probably gonna try it,some of the games i played i had to use a guide most notably dark seed,that game was bullshit trial and error so if the puzzles make sense i should be fine.

>> No.10389909

riven & myst. No thanks, friends don't let friends play hypercard games.

>> No.10389915

Space Quest 5. Rarely gets recommended because it somehow fell through the cracks but at the time everyone loved it

>> No.10389928
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I recently replayed Broken Sword and It's fucking good, it should be mentioned way more in these threads. Very well written story, super fun dialogues and beautiful art (but please avoid the "director's cut" version at all costs)

other retro favorites of mine are
Monkey Island trilogy
The Last Express

>> No.10390013

This except Riven which is an ugly boredom simulator and without Meme Island

>> No.10390028

quest for glory 1 and 4 are also great. sierra never gets mentioned these days. laura bow games too.

>> No.10390035
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Fuck yeah, The Last Express is an awesome period piece game. I got it bundled with something else when i was a kid.

>> No.10390056
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I was just about to post Laura Bow when I this thread.

>> No.10390063

*when I saw

>> No.10390224

The Longest Journey is one of the best, but my personal favorite is Gabriel Knight 2.

>> No.10390237

Colonels bequest

>> No.10390793
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The Journeyman Project is pretty kino, as is the sequel but I haven't played 3 yet so I can't speak on it yet.

Drowned God is not amazing but pretty fun.

Eastern Minds is insane and fairly nonsensical but interesting and worth a play, you can also throw Dementia/Armed and Delirious in with that.

I remember Sanitarium and Harvester being fun but kinda shit, haven't played them in almost 15 years though so maybe I am wrong on them.

There's also meme games like mystery of the druids or total distortion that are atleast worth playing to see how shit/funny they are

>> No.10390915

I stopped playing TLJ two months ago. I should get back to it.

>> No.10390945

why 2?

>> No.10391070

The Feeble Files

>> No.10391324

It's the best directed FMV game ever made and I loved the Bavarian setting, werewolf theme, King Ludwig and Richard Wagner mythology, ect. The entire series is kino though, including GK3.

>> No.10393464

oh yea i played drowned God too but forgot to put it on the list as the game bugged and i couldnt finish it.

>> No.10394440

thanks, one of these days I will finally check it out

>> No.10395259

God yes I love that game so much.
The sequels are okayish but the original is awesome. There's also an hd upscale mod of it now somewhere around.

>> No.10395262

Only puzzle you'll probably want to take a egg beater to your balls is the one with the pizza in a trash can iirc.

>> No.10395294

Gabriel Knight 3 has the most infamously retarded puzzle in any adventure game.

>> No.10395326

At least it works. In TLJ you can fuck up in one of the very first puzzles, i.e. the inflatable duck issue (the only way out would be re-loading).
I checked out the GoG version several years ago, the puzzle wasn't fixed; I guess it will never be fixed.

>> No.10395570

You would love The Dig

>> No.10395656

I've tried to get into this game like 3 times in my life with years between each attempt and I never last long. Always quit right after the first transport. Mostly end up falling asleep during that incredibly long pointless conversation with the lesbian landlord. And I'm not a person who routinely uses "boring" as an argument, I generally like slow-paced atmospheric experiences, but this is just.. god, what's the point

>> No.10395781

it's nothing like darkseed, so don't worry. also, i meant to rewrite part of my post, the second game is good inasmuch as the story continuation, mood, characters for the most part but as a game it's pretty bad, there's not much thinking involved with the puzzles and there's a lot of 2000s half-baked combat segments

>> No.10395882

>cat hair mustache puzzle
I actually liked that puzzle. It's a fairly early puzzle too so it's not that difficult, you get plenty of hints when you use the thinking action. Right from the start you know it's going to be a retarded puzzle since if all Gabriel cared about was traveling around town he'd settled for the vespa. Instead you're just trying to second-guess Gabriel's concocted stupid solution to this (nonexistent) problem. And then it delivers gloriously.

>> No.10395957

i will check it out,added it to my wishlist on GoG.

>> No.10395961
File: 1.43 MB, 1536x889, Screenshot from 2023-11-09 13-03-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not!Retro but anything published by Wadjet Eye is in a range from above average to amazing. I feel like they fix so much of the fucked up design early P&C games had. I've never been baffled by a completely illogical puzzle or sequence in Wadjet Eye games.

>> No.10395967

do these games run well on cheap hardware ?
one of the reason im mostly doing retro gaming is because i am on a cheap laptop from a couple years ago so i can only play old games on it.

>> No.10395971
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Yeah they run on a toaster. This is the recommended specs from Technobabylon (2015)

>> No.10396142

>Windows ME
Holy based

>> No.10396174

Broken Sword 1 and 2
the original Black Mirror from 2003
Full Throttle

>> No.10396670

i was considering getting in Broken sword franchise
why is director's cut bad?

>> No.10396673

Tried playing this game once but the retarded puzzles put me off. At one point you have to dip candy into a sewer right in front off a guy and then give it to him so he runs off, so stupid and completely breaks the feel of it being an actual world were logic applies.
I like the idea behind the point and click genre, but from what I understand almost none of them have logical, immersive puzzles, and instead it's all "moon logic" shit as they call it.

>> No.10396981
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you might want to try phantasmagoria,the downside is that every puzzle are really easy but they all make sense.

>> No.10396994

I wanted to into point and clicks but I'm too retarded to even play Grim Fandango

>> No.10397015
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Grim Fandango is kind of fucky even if it isn't super difficult. Some of the early puzzles can be filters.

The game that got me into the genre was Primordia, and yes I shill Wadjet Eye for free because they meant everything to me discovering this genre and becoming familiar with them after having a similar experience. Many P&C games make you feel outright retarded when you just don't know the extremely specific sequence of events the writers had intended or pixel-perfect hidden item that older games often have.

>> No.10397025

Grim Fandango is hard. Why not start with something simple but beloved like Pajama Sam 1&2?

>> No.10397028
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That's fucking cruel, anon. Pajama Sam games are outright insulting. You could at least offer him something with a little edge like the SpyFox trilogy.

>> No.10397045
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Monkey Penny looks like she fucks human men.

>> No.10397245

play this >>10396981
like i said the puzzles make sense and they are very easy,the hardest part of the game is the qte kind of section at the end.

>> No.10397298

i think primordia, gemini rue, and especially resonance are all really good. primordia has stunningly well thought out lore, i actually uncharacteristically took notes on the world while i was playing and was dumbfounded how well everything fit together and felt real. gemini rue is super derivative of like blade runner/steel sky but it gets the mood right, is well told, and the network where you can look shit up has a lot of fun optional bits to discover. resonance, people have told me they saw the twist(s) coming but honestly my… mind was blown. and i think it’s intelligent. “and for your information, that is not the definition of irony” is one of my favorite p&c humor moments

i really like serious p&cs where there’s some element of being hunted, even if there’s no actual gameplay-related danger. tlj, grim fandango, and syberia scratched this itch for me and wadjet eye games have a lot of this, though i found technobabylon and shardlight underwhelming and either haven’t been able to finish or haven’t wanted to play any of them since

>> No.10397301

is it a bug or you can softlock yourself ?

>> No.10397316

also, seconding runaway, at least the first two games. in a way they’re kind of like broken sword but with extra eurojank but i got invested and i don’t remember the puzzles being bullshit. actually i remember very little about the games aside from liking them so i guess it’s time to replay. they also made hollywood monsters/the next big thing which are super abstract and borderline utter nonsense but somehow playable

>> No.10397336

runaway: a road adventure ori its just runaway and that is something else ?
if its that it looks cool the graphics are like a cartoon ill add it to my GoG wishlist.

>> No.10397343

yeah, a road adventure. it’s cartoonish but has some intrigue, it’s kind of like indiana jones if it starred bimbos. it won’t be your absolute favorite but it deserves to be talked about a bit more than it is

>> No.10397915

well after playing the longest journey for a bit during a dialogue the game crashed and made my PC (windows 10) reboot,im gonna try running the game through scummvm to see if it fixes it.

>> No.10398243

Even though TLJ is linear and you can't die in it, it's strongly advised to save your progression at least once in 10-15 minutes because the game may crash.

Both. Testers missed a bug but the game still lets you play, it's just that you can't proceed to the next scene.

>> No.10398251

how to prevent the bug with the inflatable duck ? or how to proceed,im at that part.

>> No.10398415

The only proper sequence is
>Click on the RUBBER DUCK and choose "mouth" to blow up the deflated duck. Combine it with the CLAMPS-CLOTHESLINE into a new item. Immediately use the combined items on the KEY down the track.
Any other combination will get you stuck.

>> No.10398425

>windows ME or higher

I fucking kneel wadjet

>> No.10399747

Technobabylon was one of the less memorable Wadjet Eye games I played, with Primordia and Gemini Rue as my favorites. You should check out Unavowed, it's really fantastic and my favorite since the aforementioned ones. I also enjoyed The Blackwell Deception series, and one of their earlier titles The Shivah is the only game I know where you can play a Rabbi and have literal pilpul dialog options.

>> No.10400036
File: 719 KB, 1080x1090, originalanddirectors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adding new stages controlling another character, they are badly written, have horrible puzzles (sliders and shit) and fucks up the original pace of the game
>incredibly iconic opening from the original game gets butchered, modified and worsened because of the first point (Director's Cuts beggining is now one of these new stages created in 2009)
>tons of stuff erased for seemingly no reason. There's animations missing, music from some scenes missing. Even your cursor animations don't loop correctly.
>violence is censored. Blood erased from some scenes. One ridiculous example is one guy that in the original game gets his throat pierced with a knife. In Director's Cut the scene is badly edited to make him get shot, the assailant has been badly edited to have a little hand and gun as he walks.
>Director's Cut has a horrible new artstyle, pic related. The image shows original game intro on the left, Director's Cut on the right. Original intro was beautifully animated by hand by a professional animator. Director's Cut adds those inanimated images to the scene for no reason.
>Game now has close-ups from the characters when you talk to them following this new style, most of them are pretty bad and don't look like the original character on-screen. I also included a little chess puzzle that gets changed for the worse as you can see (they also deleted the music). Again, for no reason.

These are the first things that come to mind. Actually, you know what? I know why Director's Cut is butchered, It's probably because it was originally made for the Nintendo DS and Wii, so I guess they had to cut and change lots of things to fit the game on those consoles, and didn't bothered to fix them on PC later.
I fou want to but the game legally Gog has the original version, Steam too as DLC.

>> No.10400996

im really liking the atmosphere of this game so far.

>> No.10401309

I dont know why it isnt more popular

>> No.10401784

I played Barrow Hill, following a recommendation from an anon around here. It plays like Myst, without intricate puzzles so far, and cool spooky atmosphere. The Steam version works on win10.

>> No.10401946

I've been looking into getting this one for a while. are there any others that in the same Myst like gameplay?

>> No.10401989

i'll give unavowed another shot, i think i played the intro. played a bit of the first blackwell too and the entire vibe of how you progress felt sort of "off" to me somehow compared to other p&cs but i didn't hate it

>> No.10402016

Dracula 3: Path of the dragon has some retardedly difficult puzzles

>> No.10402552

Scratches, Shivers I & II, Dark Fall I & II look similar but haven't played them yet.

I can also recommend the Tex Murphy series, played Pandora Directive and Under a Killing Moon. It's sci-fi noir with a humourus tone.

>> No.10402871
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>Point and click
Here is a very obscure series of games that nobody else knows about, it is called LAUNCH CD Magazine and you can talk to dead 90's celebrities and listen to their music.

>The Journeyman Project
Seconding this, it's great.

I really liked the Blackwell series and Technobabylon as well although that is not retro. I actually dropped Gemini Rue, I'll have to give it another try sometime.

>> No.10402982

>Armed and Delirious
Eceleb that I watch on JewTube made a review on it and it sure looks like absolute trash of a game. Why do you even recommend that? Some puzzles look borderline insane, story makes no sense, and official playthrough is wrong.

>> No.10403552

There's actually logic to it. If you're trying to impersonate someone else who you don't resemble very well to someone who doesn't know them very well, you create distinguishing characteristics that you can imitate. That knowledge is a bit esoteric though.
I'm trying to think of games I know that are easy yet are fun. Yeah, there are the Humongous Entertainment games, but if you don't have nostalgia for them you might not be the right fit. I think Leisure Suit Larry 5 and Gadget: Past as Future are both good, but it has been a while since I played them.
He was recommending it as a weird game. Supposedly, the story makes more sense in it's original Hebrew, and assuming you watched Ross Scott play it, he is known for being absolutely dogshit at games.

>> No.10403645
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You are correct that it is not a good game, however it's so batshit insane that it's still entertaining, much like the aforementioned Eastern Minds. They are worth playing purely to see the insanity unfold not for some profound insight or even to experience a good story.
Assuming you watched Ross play it he didn't even show half of the game (it's also much easier to run than he implies). There's a lot of point and click games that are like this, they are not good but they are just odd or interesting, eXperience 112 comes to mind although that's not really a point and click but it also sort of is, french people are weird.

>> No.10405903

longest journey got some of the best dialogues i've seen in a vg, good memories. And i played it in 2016. Sequels are not worth it though, imo

>> No.10405910


>> No.10408086

>eXperience 112
i looked it up and it does seems weird,is it a kind of five night at freddy before that was a thing ? theres apparently a camera surveillance system in the game.

>> No.10408383
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Best way I can describe it is an interactive movie you can watch at multiple angles with some puzzles thrown in.
It's not like fnaf but I get the comparison. If anything it's closer to Lifeline for the PS2, except you can actually play this one. You control the main character through the security system with lights and shit, not directly which is where it is kind of like a point and click. Most of the puzzles come from broken or messed cameras and navigating around that. The story is decent enough but definitely not the main draw of the game. The main draw for me was that it is an extremely immersive game and if you can get it running it's worth a playthrough just for that. Just don't go in expecting a hidden gem, it's quite cliche and won't be a super head scratcher but the presentation is stellar and the rest of the game is good enough to hold that together.

>> No.10408424


>> No.10408979

I'd recommend Amerzone and Syberia 1 and 2, though they have their gameplay issues such as somewhat easy puzzles and abrupt endings. On the pros, they feature wonderful art direction, lovely soundtrack and a decent emotional story.

>> No.10410109

>a decent emotional story
I disliked Kate Walker very much, her talks with mother (or was it her best friend?), her banal troubles with her fiance (who sounds like your typical "I'm-gonna-cheat-on-you-asap" prick from a love drama). Seriously, sometimes I felt like the game was made solely for women.

>> No.10410184

Pretty atmospheric game. Only interesting game my country ever made. Not the best game ever, but at least it was allright and had some cool ideas. Didnt like the sequel but some people did. Havent tried the third game, I think it was episodic lame telltale stuff.

If you run out of decent point and click, there are tons of text based puzzle games to check out as well, some are even good.

>> No.10410425

Like what? Beyond knowing a little about Zork and some other Infocom games like Cutthroats what would be a good one to get into?

>> No.10410465

Scott Adams would get my vote. Simplistic text, but you never have to guess what it is you have to interact with. Just don't play his licensed games, those were quite mediocre.
There was something called the Infocom Universe Bootleg around a while back, which among other things, listed the difficulty of the Infocom games.

>> No.10410532

Thanks. I will check out and see what I can find.

>> No.10410605

Besides Infocom and Scott Adams mentioned, you could check out games by Magnetic Scrolls and Legend Entertainment. They have graphics too so might be easier to segue into.

Then there's the slew of hobby "interactive fiction" games starting in the 90s and with people still making new games today.
Have a look at https://ifdb.org/
You can search the lists and polls for beginner friendly ones or just list the highest voted ones, a lot of them really good.

>> No.10410653

Play KQ 6 Heir today gone tomorrow. Something about the environments and early childhood exposure to the game makes me very happy. And do buy the hint book, nobody has time to waste on an adventure game these days

>> No.10410882
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>It's an entirely different Scott Adams and not the dilbert guy
Very weird.

>> No.10411404

Thanks for the suggestions

>> No.10411538 [SPOILER] 
File: 18 KB, 474x259, gurgling noise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game with a passion. The point-and-click Sierra humor is a nice contrast to the grisly murders and the tension as the danger escalates.

>> No.10411543
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What do you think of the upcoming sequel NineZyme's working on?

>> No.10412659

Personally the first puzzle filtered me.

>> No.10412938
File: 263 KB, 640x480, qfg5-market-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this lil niggy like you wouldn't believe. Very biased because I grew up with it, but I really like how it tries to blend classic point & click with RPG features. I know fans of the series were very 50/50 on it.

Any other point and clicks with gameplay and choices?

>> No.10412961

you could play septerra core. it's more of an rpg with p&c elements than the other way around but it's always stuck in my head for that

>> No.10412964

I always thought that the stupidly banal nature of the conversations were the point? Sort of the fuzz of modernity contrasted with the amazing adventure she's on.

>> No.10413134
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surprised nobody has mentioned this yet

>> No.10413289

Yeah, I loved the quest for glory series, but 5 just rubbed me the wrong way. Could be the story, the 3d, the characters, or a little bit of everything, but I just didn't care much for it.

>> No.10413758

You DID marry the bestgirl Erana in the end...right?

>> No.10413929

>neural network upscaled backgrounds and sprites, redrawn user interface and a lot of other small improvements thanks to ResidualVM
no thanks.

>> No.10414016

I married Nawar if only because the game won't let me marry Budar

>> No.10414294

Aw shit, now I have to play it and the sequels.

>> No.10414625
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Dark Fall
Dark Fall 3 is also good

>> No.10415993

it's cool that people are still thinking about the game but even though tlj is one of my top 3 games ever in any genre, it's not really a game where i'd get that excited over improvement mods. i mean it's a little ugly especially through modern eyes, but at the risk of speaking for every other p&c-head out there i'd guess most of us aren't really the type to be bothered by it

>> No.10417528


>> No.10418028

has anyone played Gothos and have any thoughts about it?

>> No.10419331

I have only seen a review of it and it looked like a normal fmv game but no experience playing it

>> No.10419385
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GOAT coming thru

>> No.10419612

Woah, that was very informative
Thank you very much anon, truth is, i do have a DS and was thinking of playing it there, but now i will probably opt for the full pc experience
DS not having good adventure games is really sad

>> No.10419632

Yeah, I'm playing it right now, and I'm liking it a lot, but Kate is a damp rag of a character.
>that part where she's like "gross, I can't pick up a wet oar", and you have to fetch the special child to pick it up for her
What were they thinking? That does not endear me to the character.

>> No.10421126

Was it any good? Never even knew they had a pink panther game

>> No.10421189

i have dark fall:lost souls,in my steam library is it good ?

>> No.10421246
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Better than you'd think.

>> No.10422940

is it based on the movie or its just ace ventura in adventure ?

>> No.10422945

in a new adventure*

>> No.10422985

I wouldnt recomend it to someone who hasn't played DF1 as part of the charm is going back to the hotel in it's dilapidated state, Didn't enjoy it as much as one but the spooky atmosphere is still there but the puzzles are a bit meh

>> No.10423036
File: 74 KB, 639x800, 6852662-elroy-goes-bugzerk-macintosh-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i post these every so often on here and have only ever gotten one like, "oh yeah i played that" and not much else.

in the one in the picture you and your dog (who is the narrator/only the player can hear him) get sent to your uncle's farm right when you need to prepare for an insect competition. you have to capture a cybernetic bug called the "technoloptera" and spend the game wandering around learning weird bug facts and just interacting with bizarre shit. most things are dead ends or game overs but the game is short and you can continue from certain points and it doesn't ruin the experience.

in the sequel the dog gets kidnapped by mobsters and you have to rescue him and take them down. it's an urban setting this time but it's the exact same sort of adventure. it has less of a focus on weird facts and strange americana and more on intrigue, making sensible decisions, and logic.

headbone was basically like humongous if they were a teeny bit cracked out. they're kids games but they're really intelligent without having an adult edge or anything. they had two other games that were just freeform goofing around (pantsylvania and alphabonk farm) but they were both also very creative and fun. the other games kind of sucked, the headbone wikipedia article says the rumored third elroy jungle game saw a "limited release" but i'm almost sure it never got developed, and if by some chance it did i'd probably give my left nut for it

>> No.10423037

oh ok,apparently the first one doesnt run on windows 10 :/

>> No.10423357
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It's a new case. It would be a sequel to the movies, and based on the animated series.

>> No.10423550

Don't give up, even though some dialogues can be a bit long it's one of the best adventure games out there. Personally I think together with Fate of Atlantis it's the pinnacle of the whole genre.

>> No.10423563

It works surprisingly well since the whole game is pre-rendered anyway.

>> No.10424165


>> No.10424536

for a game with absurd deaths everywhere, the puzzles are otherwise good, it's remarkably funny, atmospheric, the voice acting is great, and the music is top-notch.

>> No.10424573

I had never heard of these but thanks I will check them out.

>> No.10424870

>dissing Pajama Sam

Eat a WHOLE BAG of dicks, and then get fucked by them.

>> No.10425108

i remembered wrong,looks like the GoG version of all 3 dark fall will run on windows 10,i will try the first one after im done with the longest journey.

>> No.10425446

It's unusual for GOG to sell an older game that doesn't work on modern Windows. Steam will though.

>> No.10425831

it happens tho,sometimes they work on windows 7 for example but not on 10 so you have to wait for them to update them.

>> No.10425838

It's a GREAT game. Some of the puzzles are a bit... out there / obscure as fuck - but it's a good game.
Keep in mind: It does not have an actual ending - you will also have to play Dreamfall - not a point a click per definition - but a great game, great story - easy puzzles.
However: Dreamfall is ALSO not finished, so you will have to play the sub-par Dreamfall Chapters as well, which was released during the height of Telltale style adventure games, and it shows.

>> No.10425842

Not a point and click
>Gabriel Knight 1+2 but not 3
>The last literal who
>Sam and Max
Good taste
>Discworld Noir
Too obscure.

>> No.10426046

This sounds like a troll post.

>> No.10426254
File: 184 KB, 760x1282, adventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the first point and click type game i played was on a tandy in a computer shop as a 7yo Back in 1993, living books aesops fables the tortoise and the hare, this was all new stuff, being able to click on things and it animates and plays sound clips, prob what got me into them

next one i playedi was a demo of Normality back in the mid 90's, i picked it up years later and finished it, good game, also has a gog release, the next was a demo of grim fandango back when it came out, i picked it up years later but still havent finished it yet, i also played thru broken sword 1/2 on playstation using the official mouse, ive played thru them at least twice, i thought about the directors cut but some anon implied they're not all that.

next one i played was monkey island 3 on pc i liked the cartoon graphics and the voice acting, there were even parts that made me laugh, really liked it, after i picked up monkey island 4 on ps2, i wasnt sure about the the shift to 3d, it was still a good game with the og cast, also they seem to change the look with every game.

another game i played was sort of a point and click/ interactive cd rom, trailblazers devils canyon a dinamation adventure, you find a mechanical raptor, an under ground base, i think there was time travel, you basically have minigames and videos about dinosaurs and archaeology, i played it as a kid, if anyone knows where i can find and english iso, direct me, only one i can find is italian.

another game i've wanted to play is, mystery/secret of the nautilus, saw it on tv back in 2001, and wanted to play it since,
i grew up watching films like time machine, journey to the centre of the earth, mysterious island, first men in the moon, so anything based off of them is comfy kino, but this fucking game keeps crashing, seems its only playable on amds not intel and i dont do amd

fyi this is my list so far, what am i missing

>> No.10426269

Gold Rush
Leisure Suit Larry
Call of Cthulhu Prisoner of Ice

>> No.10426286

Came to say prisoners of icenalso it came from the desert>>10426269

>> No.10426296

None of the Myst sequels? Riddle of the Sphinx 1 but not 2? Is there a reason for those?
I would suggest the Dragon Lore duology, Day of the Tentacle, Sanitarium, Physcicus (or however it's spelled), Bioscopia and Return to Mysterious Island.
If you like hard games, KGB and the Horrorsoft titles, Elvira, Waxworks and Personal Nightmare. Be warned, hard isn't underselling these.

>> No.10426523

Wasn’t Elvira more an rpg though?

>> No.10426527

It's a mix, like Quest for Glory. It kind of has more adventure DNA in it, but either way it's unique.

>> No.10426542

Thanks. Will check it out

>> No.10427176
File: 197 KB, 1440x810, House Of Da Vinci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive got leisure suit larry 1-3 but dos, need gog, dragonsphere looks good, thats one i'd missed, i also like lovecraft but only have the later cthulhu games, the earlier ones are on my list.

>it came from the desert
i need this also, even more so after seeing the movie.

>Is there a reason for those
its just what ive found so far, mainly on archive, some im after are just hard to find, then i find alot have had a gog release.

i dont mind hard games but i prefer something that doesnt require too much brain power, trying to apply logic to puzzles that defy logic by being completely nonsensical.

one game i finished recently was house of da vinci, i really enjoyed it, alot of the puzzles are mechanical box type that involved either rotating or sliding something to open something and reveal a key an so on. a lot of thought has clearly gone into the puzzles, some make you think but they're not difficult to figure out, except for the last one, even after giving up and reading a guide, i still couldnt get it right, lol, it was fun enough to keep me playing till the end, even with my short attention span.

>> No.10427538

My nigga. The robots gave me nightmares as a kid. Which area was your favorite? I liked the China one because of the over dub bit with the henchmen and P.P. doing martial arts stuff.

>> No.10427868

was just playing Personal Nightmare today. I like the mix of parser and point and click.

>> No.10428590

4 is good too? Loved 1, tried 2 and 3 and those were awful.

>> No.10428770
File: 109 KB, 664x800, 9653550-the-lost-files-of-sherlock-holmes-case-of-the-rose-tattoo-dos-fr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite fond of this

>> No.10428875
File: 493 KB, 640x480, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad I helped, you'll really do the right choice playing the original version, hope you like it a lot.

>> No.10429782

what about it do you enjoy so much?

>> No.10429974

>sierra never gets mentioned these days

it does

just not in these weaboo fag parts

>> No.10431051

Speaking of weeb. Did the Japanese do any adventures that were not rip offs of Sierra games?

>> No.10431740
File: 17 KB, 256x192, dreamweb_dos_en_1_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it has a bad interface (bird-eye view). the game screen is too small, it's hard to spot small objects. i wish they don't show the main character at the left side, they could make the game screen bigger. i need to play the cd version, it has voice acting.

>> No.10432332

could they have made a more gross-looking character

>> No.10432338

I tried getting into this and the Syberia games but found them pretty slow and boring compared to LucasArts’ best.

>> No.10432503
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume you have Space Quest somewhere on your list? In terms of relatively unknown Adventure games, Drascula, Litil Divil, Les Manley, Rex Nebular, Timequest, and Inherit the Earth are worth a look.

>> No.10432510

Which reminds me, I need to figure out how to play Bloodnet one day.

>> No.10432518

Bloodnet wasn't designed to be played, it was designed to be experienced.

>> No.10432550

When I read about it in a game magazine, I though it was my wet dream came true. Vampire main character in RPG with virtual reality thing. The gameplay was awful, lots of useless skills (taking these skills actually gimp your gameplay because you can take other usefull skills). Excellent idea, poor execution. I never finish the game because of frustration.

>> No.10432647


>> No.10432819

space diners are my happy place

>> No.10432836
File: 182 KB, 1016x862, image_6483441 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joking aside, yes these are the best atmospheres.

>> No.10433457
File: 71 KB, 678x381, space quest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funnily enough i was just looking at space quest just before i saw ur post, it is on my list tho i only ever knew it from this screenshot, i forgot the name and though it was part of the space ace series, timequest sounds familiar but the others not so sure, ill have to check them out thanks

>> No.10434145

Is it worth playing?

>> No.10434639

Only if you like the story. Game play is awful. Main character might be a schizo.

>> No.10434683

>beneath a steel sky
>i have no mouth and i must scream
Patrician taste. I also recommend:
>Sam and Max Hit the Road
>Full Throttle
>The Dig
>Flight of the Amazon Queen
>Discworld 2 and Noir (1 is still worth playing, I just don't recommend it as highly)
>Any of the Monkey Islands, and anything by Lucas Arts really. Some are better than others. Telltale Games not so much.

>> No.10435316

thanks for the recommendation.
and yea i never got any interest in the telltale games anyway so i wouldnt have played them anyway.

>> No.10435343

Got it. Looked at some gameplay yesterday and it didn’t look to bad.
Beneath a steel sky is the only one I had not played on that list. Is it really that good?

>> No.10435626

My unpopular opinion is that Hit the Road is shit, one of the worst games LucasArts made. Flight of the Amazon Queen was so boring and unfunny too.

Discworld Noir is a masterpiece.

>> No.10435872

i wouldn't call it "shit" but a lot of the games that lead way too hard into being a cartoon are kind of meh. when you mix it with the very nature of p&cs it just ends up that the puzzles and humor are both kind of abstruse

>> No.10435992

It's possible to figure it out? One doesn't play Bloodnet as much as enjoy the incredible world-building of it.

>> No.10436005
File: 69 KB, 684x576, Baboon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, maybe shit is too much of a harsh word, the art is fantastic and there's some great jokes, shit games don't even have that.
The rest is very bad, the plot is practically nonexistent, you have absolutely no hook or directions more than "go find things". Sam & Max are the only real characters, the rest are just joke-dispensers since as I said there's barely a plot to follow or be invested in.
And most important: the puzzles are fucking bad, no logic at all. The people who made this game just focused on writing funny jokes and didn't care to design a good game at all. And no, "it's a cartoon world" It's not a excuse. Day of the Tentacle exists. Toonstruck exists. Monkey Island 3 exists. Having a cartoon setting is no excuse to not work in good puzzle design.
And it's boring, It's just boring. And slow. Jesus, each time you have to go to that restaurant in the giant yarn ball It's a slog. Sorry I wrote so much.

>> No.10436042

yeah, i'd like to be able to say something else nice about it but i honestly can't. day of the tentacle pushes the envelope a bit (not as much as its predecessor) and i guess on some level they felt like they could get away with it more after that

>> No.10436067
File: 756 KB, 1583x2048, F1QP4IdakAEvM_e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I don't think that's the reason. Day of the Tentacle and Hit the Road were made by different people, Dave Grossman and Tim Schafer are just better adventure game designers than Sean Clark and Mike Stemmle (Grossman specially, Grossman is very good making these games imho)

>> No.10436079

ah, i didn't realize it was a B team thing

>> No.10436457

>The Space Bar

>> No.10436767

Loveing the prerendered graphics, the areas have a lot of detail to them, A hude detailed map of London, and it feels like a Holmesian story your taknig part of as oppsed to these modern puzzle games

>> No.10437116

I got lost pretty easy in sam and max.

>> No.10437120

What do you mean? I thought the game rated low with /vr/

>> No.10437324
