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File: 91 KB, 307x420, vectorm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10387708 No.10387708 [Reply] [Original]

Good game overall, some issues though. Namely the camera being too zoomed in which isn't much of a problem during levels, but is a bit annoying in boss fights where you're shooting shit not on the screen.

More minor nitpicks are that power ups are all cool but rarely useful, and the time limit is not very forgiving which discourages the exploration to find the hidden health extensions.

>> No.10387872

It's a short game with no save feature. The time limit shouldn't be a problem upon replaying and getting familiar with the stage layouts.

>> No.10387893

>It's a short game with no save feature.
Why would it have a save feature if it’s a short game?

lol don’t play the sequel.

>> No.10387947

I heard the sequel isn't so bad once you get passed the first stage, which I never did as a child

Time limit isn't horrible in terms of not having enough time to beat the stage, in fact that aspect can add a bit more intensity. My only issue with the time is that like I said, there are secrets and upgrades in the game to be found but you really don't get time to dick around and find them unless you already have the knowledge prior

>> No.10388196
File: 1.36 MB, 1551x685, vectorman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed this game. It was simple, but had good sound design, music and amazing graphics for the time. It just needed to flesh out some more fun game-play aspects.

>> No.10388202
File: 1.73 MB, 540x540, 77fL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly surprised that this game hasn't men remastered or remade, or given a proper sequel. I would love to see a modern Vectorman 2d platformer with sick insane modern graphics.

>> No.10388228

I still prefer this game over Clockwork Knight. Fantastic use of pre-rendered 3D, solid soundtrack, great gameplay.

>> No.10388254

>Honestly surprised that this game hasn't men remastered or remade
I remember loving this game as a kid but I also remember that barely anyone else cared about it.

>> No.10388256

It was one of the last good Genesis games. Woulda been neat on Sega Saturn.

>> No.10388873

>Namely the camera being too zoomed in
Is there a reason why more games in the past didn't have it so the camera zooms in/out? Was it too difficult on the hardware back then or something?

>> No.10388901

Could have changed how triggers functioned as they would start moving when they came into view, so needing two view points to account for would be more trouble than what it's worth, or just having everything being static until you hit the original views barrier which would look awkward.

>> No.10389154

This is the first time I've seen the box art without the "Play to Win" sticker in the bottom left corner.

>> No.10389337

Sprite scaling was impossible on that hardware, 32x could do it but I'm not sure if it could handle the whole scene.

>> No.10389580

>Sprite scaling
Was wondering what the name for this was. We didn't ever see this much from games but some definitely did have it. Don't know if this counts but those top view levels from Contra 3 have it so that it slowly spins and zooms in to the level before you start. The first of these levels has that spider mech thingy also give the impression that it gets dropped down into the level. You also had Bowser from Yoshi's Island but again not sure if you would say this counts.

Something where you can hold or tap a button to zoom the camera out would have made countless games back then a whole lot easier. Any example of a game doing this? I'm drawing blanks atm.

>> No.10390116

In the PS2 era they were going to revamp it as a generic third person shooter, kinda glad that didn't happen, it's not the spirit

>> No.10391284

i actually played the sequel first and i was really surprised when i played the original and it had a different vibe. i thought the whole thing behind vectorman was that he just fought giant bugs, like a hardcore exterminator

>> No.10392962

The music is really good, I don't even like club music but it really transports you to that mid 90s feel