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10387642 No.10387642 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of the conclusion to the Raccoon City/Umbrella storyline in RE3?

>All major questions? Answered
>All major plot points? Resolved
>Satisfactory Ending

>> No.10387647

RE3 is good but in terms of story it doesn't really move anything aside from the city getting nuked. It's probably a good thing it was modest storywise though since RE2 was absolutely retarded

>> No.10387656

Pretty solid, although games like Code Veronica and Dead Aim were good at illustrating the decline of Umbrella afterwards. The intro to RE4 makes more sense than people think, it doesn't feel as abrupt if you've played any post-RE3 game.

>> No.10387716

Since when has it become acceptable to pretend 3 isn't trash?

>> No.10387781
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It's been great since release day, only cackhands who were filtered by Nemesis chasedowns disagree.

>> No.10387848

>that retarded clunky parry system
>infinite ammo
>puzzles in random buildings, Capcom no longer giving a shit to explain anything
>awful Nemesis fights
>no suspense or spooky atmosphere
>a lot of damage impossible to avoid on a blind playthrough
>shitty characters
>female protag
>no content compared to 2
>more of the same

>> No.10387882

RE3 is 28 weeks later to RE2's 28 days later. Nowhere near as iconic and atmospheric, just a rehash on a bigger scale with bigger stakes. The whole city being nuked is retarded af.

>> No.10387935

3 is good, code veronica is the one people pretend to like.

>> No.10387943
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>tfw I liked Code: Veronica
Why would I lie about something like this?

>> No.10388168

Only Seglets

>> No.10388269

they never answered how the monsters get heavier and grow tentacles defying the law of conservation of mass

>> No.10388273
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3's story is great, it's a sequel to both RE1 and RE2 at the same time and it's the Aliens to Alien that RE2 wasn't.

The franchise shat itself after 3 and anyone who still cared about "canon" after 3 has several screws loose.

I'll admit though, Carlos isn't that interesting. The sidekicks in 1 and 2 were far from interesting, aside for Sherry who can go in the sewers get vomited on by a horde of zombies for all I care, only pedos like her.

>> No.10388286

>no content compared to 2

This is how I know you only played/looked at the game on a surface level.
3 has as much content if not more than 2, it's just laid out differently. In 1 and 3 you can get alternate scenarios all happening depending on what the player does (or chosen semi randomly), like a real adventure game would. Instead RE2 has 4 static scenarios which are all 90% identical which makes it "look" like there is more when there isn't; and having the differences be triggered by player interactivity like in 1 and 3 will always be the superior option.

If you want to talk content, 3 has more backgrounds than 2. Also I haven't done the count but I'm pretty sure it has more enemy types (it definitely has more zombie types for one thing)and more weapon and ammo types too.

>> No.10389039

Re3 also has more puzzles and they are better than the absolute braindead stuff of 2.
I like re2 but mostly because theres claire,the game is made for retards or young children.

>> No.10389067
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>female protag
>Complaining about women in Resident Evil
>In fucking survival horror, a genre heavily inspired by slashers, traditonally dominated by female protagonists
Kill yourself.

>> No.10389921

I put off Code Veronica for YEARS since so many people trashed it, but I finally played it in 2018 on my PS2 and loved it since it still has that old-school RE vibe (maybe since it was developed for the Dreamcast in the very late 90s) but with a few "modern" twists (like dynamic camera movement, etc.) compared to the PS1 titles. I would say it is a much better game than Resident Evil Zero, at the very least.

>> No.10389954

oh shit i just beat that game like 20 minutes ago, i forgot how fucking hard the bosses in this game are (except for pic related)

>> No.10389964

>parry system
its a dodge you dumb fucking retard and yes it is bad but thats the only bad thing about the game

>> No.10389968

it took both Outbreak games for us to get a better picture of the extent of all these different organizations' involvement in Raccoon City

>> No.10389992

>I would say it is a much better game than Resident Evil Zero,
Zero is one of the worst RE so not a high bar.

>> No.10390289

I do want STARS, give them to me!

>> No.10390621

since it came out, zoomie faggot

>> No.10390625 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10390654

It's not that retarded. Go look at a map of all the places that have been nuked. Tons of small towns and islands have been absolutely obliterated by ussr/USAilitary and just pushed under a rug. Really, if the us gov was involved with umbrella, it's business as usual.

>> No.10390701

Carlos was a million times better than rebecca, and slightly better than Ada. He is no Barry but he stands on his own as pretty great.
I do wish the other characters were more fleshed out though, you barely get anything for mikhail or any of the other UBCS guys when they were a really neat concept. That and the lack of Kendo hurt the story side of the game but the rest of it is solid enough.

>> No.10392668

Do tell

>> No.10392929
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I just finished playing RE3 last night. I must've beat this game dozens of times as a kid and last night I just discovered that you can change targets by tapping L1, same goes for RE2. Also, picrel has to be my favourite handgun in the entire series, too bad it doesn't use the enhanced handgun ammo.

>> No.10392932

It's probably some bullshit about the virus causing uncontrollable cellular growth, most RE final bosses are essentially just cancerous tumors.

>> No.10392942

This is a young man's board now.

>> No.10393164

yeah, but why do they get heavier? is it the air they inhale and turn it into cancer-muscle?

>> No.10393284

>mass increases
>why does it get heavier
/vr/ should have IQ captchas for posting.

>> No.10393415

But where's it coming from? You can't create mass from nothing.

>> No.10393437

>the virus causing uncontrollable cellular growth
Nemesis eats apart the Tyrant before becoming an amorphous blob.

>> No.10395046

what did WIlliam Birkin ate?
also, nemesis eating 20lbs from a rotten Tyrant carcass and makes him grow 100lbs?

>> No.10395061

R2 will aim for the destructible objects like barrels, firehoses etc

By the way I agree, STI is the most useful weapon

>> No.10395081

Since contrarian retards like >>10387647
flooded the board.

>> No.10395084

>female protag
This is a good thing you manchild.

>> No.10395089

You must hate 99% of video games.

>> No.10395098

I just dislike the direction the series took with anime action and ridiculous tentacle monsters, that's all.

The series was at its best when they still tried to be survival horror games.

>> No.10396749

>what did WIlliam Birkin ate?
Did you follow Birkin through the entirety of the game? We only see him mutate halfway through a battle (G3 to G4) and even that change is mostly in form, not mass. You're just being a pedantic little shit for being called a retard (which you are).

>> No.10396771

Do you know how much does a bodybuilder eat?
Even if he ate shit before he couldn't store all that muscle in his stomach as Birkin to grow an eye the size of his head on his shoulder. Not mentioning his his other transformations.
It's just stupid

>> No.10397136

what was the point of this epilogue?

>> No.10397162

>>the virus causing uncontrollable cellular growth
Cells need food to grow and divide. Fast dividing cells need a ton. This is why fasting has shown some promise in slowing down cancer growth.

>> No.10397181

Mass mutation is real, similar to spontaneous human combination. Sometimes the factors are ideal for unthinkable mutations. The g and t viruses create that variable in every cell.

>> No.10397198

Body growth is controlled by DNA not how much food you eat.
Cancerous cells can replicate forever with oxygen and a bit of glutamine. Besides, things like elephantiasis exist, and a virus designed to do those things is possible.