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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10379003 No.10379003 [Reply] [Original]

Which one had the better game library?

>> No.10379005

The PS1 library feels more quirky and experimental. The PS2 library feels safer if that makes sense.

>> No.10379017

PS2. Sorry "muh experimentalism" fellas, I'd rather play good games than experimental ones.

>> No.10379038

>PS1 vs PS2
>Which one had the better game library?
Dumbest question on /vr/ to this date

>> No.10379042

They needed the experimentalism and quirkiness to find out what was best

Plus ps1 has plenty of great games, just not as many as ps2

>> No.10379047


>> No.10379061

I get that, but imo Sony’s first party offerings during the sixth gen were kind of weak with Ratchet & Clank being probably the best new franchise.

>> No.10379076

Soul vs soulless


>> No.10379092

PS2 because it includes the entire PS1 library.

>> No.10379094

Obligatory pointless post.

>> No.10379095

This about software, not the hardware

>> No.10379096

ps1 booms ps2 its not even close. you could only choose ps2 if you are a truly uneducated buffoon who consumes slop. ps2 codified everything shit in gaming now and the westoids took over the console space.

>> No.10379103


>> No.10379104

It's like asking which had the better library NES or SNES. Both were great, but SNES had games that weren't possible on the NES. PS2 definitely.

>> No.10379105

Eh… the sixth gen was still very Japanese-oriented, with some good western titles rounding out the game libraries. The seventh gen was when consoles became increasingly western focused and weeb games largely moved to handhelds.

>> No.10379107

I don't care. There is no reason to own a ps1 when i already have a ps2

>> No.10379108

That’s nice, anon. Completely irrelevant to the thread though.

>> No.10379112

>Sony’s first party offerings during the sixth gen were kind of weak
Wut no they were top of their game

>> No.10379118

To be fair I’m murrican so Gran Turismo does nothing for me. The PS2 era God of War games were decent and I loved R&C. I never particularly liked the Jak series.

>> No.10379160

Just in what universe is the PS1 "experimental"? It's a system that is known for basic fighting games, racing games, RPG's, and platformers. Very established and normal trends that had already existed for years. The games that were truly groundbreaking and fresh in this period of time were on PC, where we were inventing new genres like FPS, RTS, management, online games, stealth, immersive sim, etc and creating new standards in sophistication of gameplay and design. When you say "PS1 is experimental" I'm really just seeing that as "the system has some quirky Jap games".

>> No.10379165
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>When you say "PS1 is experimental" I'm really just seeing that as "the system has some quirky Jap games".

Well, yeah. Back then Sony was willing to localize a lot of weirdo Japanese games in the west that would probably never see the light of day over here now. Pic related comes to mind.

>> No.10379178

I'm not him, but non of this was established. 5th generation was entirely experimental.

>> No.10379185

>The games that were truly groundbreaking and fresh in this period of time were on PC, where we were inventing new genres like FPS, RTS, management, online games, stealth, immersive sim, etc and creating new standards in sophistication of gameplay and design.

Yes, yes. We all know that PC gaming is autistic.

>> No.10379201

You can't connect an action replay to a PS2 and make unbearable sequences in otherwise great games, like Xenogears on PS1, much better by enabling a few cheeky HEX codes to disable random battles, speed up text etc etc. Ps1 + action replay = gaming nirvana.

>> No.10379206

they were dogshit slop. they went from publishing pure kino like tomba, alundra and um jammer to brown socom. the only good game series they kept up was ape escape.

>> No.10379298

You didn't beat the game

>> No.10379306

You clearly spent a bit too much time playing PC games and nothing else it seems

>> No.10379310

Several such turbo autists on this board.

>> No.10379312

I don't know how you can really compare systems that are a generation apart, not to be mention are technologically separate.

>> No.10379320

In terms of exclusives, I think Sony was very Japanese focused for the PS1 - 3. The PS4 was when they started catering mainly to the west.

>> No.10379360
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>> No.10379376

Mogs ps2 in RPGs and Racing games
>Playstation 2
Beats original Playstation in every other category


>> No.10379382

PS1 any day, it has a colorful vibrant diverse library of games

PS2 may be excellent too, but feels like there isn't the same variety nor randomness. Every other genre leveled to a similar openness and manage-istic component which yeah, makes the games more robust in themselves, but takes a toll in the library as a whole

>> No.10379394

ps2 has more variety than ps1. What "colorful" or "diverse" games does the ps1 have that ps2 doesnt?

>> No.10379404

NTA, but I agree with this guy >>10379206. SOCOM is such a generic, boring series and is now completely irrelevant.

>> No.10379413

>tomba, alundra, um jammer lammy
ps2 had Katamari, stretch panic, under the skin, mister mosquito, Chulip, etc...

>> No.10379429

Considering that the PS1 is objectively the greatest videogame platform that ever existed i'd have to go with that, the PS2 is very good too but it happened when the industry was already getting worse, for example OSTs in just one generation became much worse and western games were becoming a lot more popular too, sure the PS1 had slow running turds like Tomb Raider or Twisted Metal getting a lot of attention but nothing compared to the PS2 that had GTA games, shitty EA sport games or random FPS as the top selling games.

>> No.10379431

video game*

>> No.10379434
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PS1 games are more outdated today because of controls and limitations
PS2 games, if you want to compare them again'st today's zeitgeist, have superior ports for almost every game

Not easy to say. Back then I would say PS2 though

>> No.10379442

Console controls weren’t standardized yet in the sixth gen. Look at Rockstar’s bizarre control schemes that still persist today.

>> No.10379448

>PS1 games are more outdated today because of controls and limitations

The best PS1 games don't have any "limitations" or issues with controls, in fact they have much more style, much better music and more gameplay than any top game of any platform that followed. Obviously if you are only looking at westslop that ran at 10 FPS while trying their best to be realistic/cinematic that's your issue. Also what i consider to be the best PS2 games didn't get many ports and some of them are remasters of dubious quality.

>> No.10379475

Katamari Damacy
Gitaroo Man

oh wait

>> No.10379485

I can find more color and variety in music/artstyle/genres in the first 15 minutes of this video than the entirety of the PS2 catalog of western games

>> No.10379487

Obviating the fact that PS2 can play PS1 games, I prefer PS1's catalogue. 6th gen is when gaming started to go wrong for me.

>> No.10379493

The PS1 was born out of the bright, colorful Japanese-dominated console and arcade era. The sixth gen was when western devs started moving over from PC.

>> No.10379540

>Spaniards whining games aren't on their ass-backwards language.
Just learn English.

>> No.10379583

>Obviating the fact that PS2 can play PS1 games
Is not about the hardware, is about software

>> No.10379584

PS1 easily. The absolute best JRPGs, SOTN, Jumping Flash, Megaman X4

PS2 had Nocturne, horror games and a pretty awesome Japanese Wizardry sequel, but the RPGs overall weren't as good and there's a bunch of westshit

Both systems had good arcade ports of shmups and 2d fighters

>> No.10379606

>Wahh PS2 didn't have Super Mech Fighter Jap STG 27 like the Turbogaysex69 it only has GTA!!!
Weebs are so pathetic.

>> No.10379608

Most of the ones that had success were already there, Rockstar, EA and Activision to name a few, they found much more success in the following gen because a bazillion of casuals flooded in
Go back to playing brown and bloom shooters faggit

>> No.10379621

Dang this place has even more weebs than /a/. Hey kids, your mind's gonna explode when you ask JRPG devs what inspired them.

>> No.10379626

Literally this. I still have the feel that the PS1 was somewhat of a mistake. I hated the PS1/N64 era. The graphics were fucking horrible, and developers still didn't know how to make functional 3D games.

The PS2 wins, by an extremely large margin. The PS2 is one of the best consoles ever

>> No.10379639

Not my fault if retro games were good because they were japanese, if it was for western devs most people would have stopped playing a long time ago
See, this is what i want to avoid seeing, god knows what this guy played but i assume his first console was a PS2

>> No.10379745
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Everyone knows by now that America laid the foundation for most of Japan's geek culture. We basically invented hot anime girls; Tinker Bell was a bombshell back when Lum was in tiger-print training bras.
You don't have to have a mystic worship for Japan to love their games. Nobody rational thinks a game is better just because it was made in 日の本の国.

Japan made a lot of interesting, unique, beautiful, or simply just fun games. That's it. You don't need a better reason than that. Doubly so for PSX. Just flipping through the Japanese boxart for that console makes me feel like a kid in a candy store.

>> No.10379778

The PS1 was almost the perfect console. If there was an option to expand the RAM like the Saturn or N64 it would have been perfect. The PS2 was underpowered and gimmicky.

>> No.10379794

>i assume his first console was a PS2
It wasn't. My first console was the SNES, and I got to play the NES before I played the PS1. I still think the PS1 era was _somewhat_ of a mistake (not a full mistake bc it gave us some legends, but the technology was still very, very crude)

>> No.10379804

JRPGs were simply MONSTRUOUS in the PS1 era. For some mysterious reason, they got absurdly hyperdimensioned during that time. They were so, so, SO fucking huge it was unbelievable.

>> No.10379809

PS2. The 3D games in the PS1 era were mostly not good.

>> No.10379813

I genuinely don’t understand your complaint. Your understanding of how technology progresses is baffling. Fifth gen console technology was anything but crude at the time.

>> No.10379816

I don't really know what warrants calling the PS2 "gimmicky". Just because it has a DVD-drive and backwards capability, when none of the other systems did? Those are very good things. I honestly wish they could've done a better job with the netplay thing. It was completely possible that generation (hell, it could've been possible in the PS1 days) but it wasn't pushed nearly enough.

>> No.10379824
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>this is what i want to avoid seeing
You wanted to avoid seeing, and ended up seething

It progresses very slow, and this is why I still think it was way too crude. Sometimes I think it would've been better to have another 2D generation before jumping into 3D

>> No.10379831

>it progresses very slow

It doesn’t. Resident Evil 1 came out in 1996 and the GameCube remake was 2002. That’s six short years and a massive leap in graphics technology.

>> No.10379842

I think you might need to play more of their games, all the incognito inc. ones (war of the monsters, downhill domination, twisted metal black), frequency and amplitude, the japan only sequel to fantavision, sky odyssey, sky gunner, boku no natsayasumi, siren 1 and 2, flipnic, okage, they made some really interesting stuff once you look into it.

>> No.10379848

The graphics still look like shitty ass, though. There's a reason the REmake is so heavily favored

>> No.10379850

Forgot about Twisted Metal Black. Very fun multiplayer, but unfairly difficult single player from what I recall.

>> No.10379856

Yes, anon. That’s how technological progression works. We wouldn’t have had such major 3D advancement in the sixth gen if the fifth gen hadn’t tested the waters. What the hell are you even talking about?

>> No.10379860

And this example shows how bad these graphics have aged, save some exceptions

>> No.10379864

That’s entirely different from claiming that the whole fifth gen was a "mistake". Explain your reasoning here.

>> No.10379871

I have already explained it. You're just mad because you can't accept someone made this critique lmao and I made it very clear that it was _somewhat_ of a mistake, but not a real mistake. Because in the end it was worth it. I sometimes still feel that it would've been better to have another 2D generation, though.

PS2 was when 3D really began to show its prowess

>> No.10379872

The PS1 had better 2D games than many 2D platforms but of course you didn't play those
And its still magical how the PS1 also had better 3D games than the PS2, its like graphics barely matter nad things like artstyles/music/gameplay matters a million times more

>> No.10379875

>The PS1 had better 2D games than many 2D platforms but of course you didn't play those
Further proving my point

>> No.10379878

What you actually mean to say is you feel that fifth gen 3D graphics haven’t aged well. Not the same thing as being a mistake. Next time word your posts better.

>> No.10379886

>And its still magical how the PS1 also had better 3D games than the PS2
This nigger high as a kite.

>> No.10379887

No, I'm saying they really didn't have the best idea how to make 3D games work. RE is just an example where the shitty mechanics aren't really shitty because they're and intentional gameplay element that adds to the game's proposal

>> No.10379891

He's blinded by his opinions lmao

>> No.10379894

I’m going to disagree hard here. Compare Resident Evil to the original Alone in the Dark. It’s a massive leap in graphics and mechanics from what came before.

>> No.10379917

Its the truth though, nearly every PS2 "classic" is just an inferior version of a PS1 game, next you'll list twenty pages of westernslop that no one should ever gives a shit about or some moviegame like Ico or SotC.

>> No.10379929

Devil May Cry 3

>> No.10379937

People forget just how crude pre-fifth gen 3D games looked. They all basically looked like SNES Star Fox. Blocky, abstract looking with basically no textures.

Fifth gen 3D was a huge leap if you were around at the time to clearly remember it.

>> No.10379946

completely agree on both points. ps1 has more 2d games than most consoles. do not be gaslit by the slopeaters here who only play the same 5 games over and over.

>> No.10379990

What is the PS1's Katamari Damacy?
What is the PS1's Okami?
What is the PS1's Resident Evil 4?
What is the PS1's GTA3?
What is the PS1's Devil May Cry?
What is the PS1's Burnout 3?
What is the PS1's Timesplitters 2?
What is the PS1's Metal Gear Solid 3?

>but those are le not good!!!
Fine, PS1 is not good compared to SNES. Now what?

>> No.10379998

Not really related, but I’ve tried to get into Okami and it seems like one of those games I like the idea of more than I enjoy actually playing it. I recently got it for sale on Switch for dirt cheap, so I’ll give it one more shot.

>> No.10380002

Okami and GTA 3 fucking suck, maybe put up a better list and i might actually reply seriously.

>> No.10380029

Both systems have their legendary AAA titles which really shouldn't even be compared with each other.
Where it gets interesting is the budget games. Simple series, Midas/Phoenix, Agetec, 505 Games and so forth
I'd say PS1 takes the win here. Its budget titles include a lot of experimental and simpler games that end up being quite good even if they're also short and lacking in features.
Meanwhile the PS2 has over a hundred titles from Phoenix alone of which like 3 are good. Just so much garbage where it's clear there was absolutely no effort made beyond the required minimum to get past Sony certifications.

>> No.10380059

PS2 has no dithering to fix the banding on Tomb Raider and Silent Hill.

>> No.10380081

The question is kind of pointless because every PS2 can run PS1 games well.

>> No.10380103

>PS2 was when 3D really began to show its prowess
Which wouldn't have happened without PS1's experimentation

>> No.10380110

He's talking about the games, not the consoles

>> No.10380142 [DELETED] 

Kys weeb faggots.
Actual sane people.

>> No.10380143

I can think of a lot of good answers to these
granstream saga, alundra 2, threads of fate, brave prove, mega man legends 1 and 2
duke time to kill, gungage, love and destroy
driver 2, germs, urban chaos
rising zan, trag, blade arts
road rash 3d, roadrash jailbreak
medal of honor, medal of honor underground

PS2 and PS1 both have huge coverage of basically all genres, the interesting thing is how they differ between the consoles. 6th gen became a bit more homogenized and also refined, lots of genres found who they really were and that's great. Others became pale endlessly cloned and now derivative and dated like resident evil 4 and gta 3. So Okami might be this beautiful highly produced whimsical game but it's got these annoying unskippable text drawls like a zelda game whereas in mega man legends 1 and 2 you can skip all that shit and focus on the meat of the game.

PS1 is less refined and primitive and lends itself better to pick up and play, PS2 is a long play console. I think the biggest divide is in RPGs. PS1 RPGs completely destroy PS2 ones. I know some may disagree but in 2 hours of FF7 I'll have seen more, done more, enjoyed more than I would in 2 hours of one of the 7 fucking dot hack games that nobody can explain what makes them worth playing but my fucking god there is 7 of them for some unholy reason.

>> No.10380150 [DELETED] 

Are you actually attempting to deny that Japan dominated the console market for the entirety of the 90s?

>> No.10380153

>ps2 codified everything shit in
I agree. When I was young I would have chosen PS2 hands down because of the graphical fidelity and frankly larger , denser, higher budget games but the next 2 generations relentlessly beating the rotting corpse of gen-6 gaming conventions, gen 5 feels like putting on a jazz record after 10 years of landfill indie defecating in your eardrums

>> No.10380262

Pressure sensitive buttons.

>> No.10380859

Ps2 library is ruined by too much cinematic sloppa and games have lots of shitty post processing effects making them blurry

>> No.10380860

completely and utterly based.
PS2 may have had some genuinely good stuff, but it was the beginning of the end.

>> No.10380890

>comparing the most significant RPG on the PS1 to some D-tier shit that was only noteworthy for its anime tie-in gimmick
.hack is an episodic release rather than really 4 games besides, although it wasn't really priced in a reasonable way for that unless you explicitly wanted the OVA DVDs as well.

>> No.10380914

The PS has more real games

>> No.10381027

PS1's JRPGs destroy SNES. Basically id you are a JRPG fan then PS1 IS the best console of all time.

>> No.10381319 [DELETED] 

The PS1 is a trans icon. The PS2 is for chuds.

>> No.10381324

>What is the PS1's Katamari Damacy?
kula world, mr domino, devil dice and the list goes on with incredible crisis or power diggz
>What is the PS1's Okami?
Kingsley or overboard
>What is the PS1's Resident Evil 4?
Really? Parasite eve, dino crisis 2, ,resident evil 3, galerians and the list goes on
>What is the PS1's GTA3?
Driver 1, driver 2, world most dangerous cars (late 2001 game about police), gta 2, vanishing point
>What is the PS1's Devil May Cry?
silent bomber, klonoa, tombi 2, einhander
>What is the PS1's Burnout 3?
destruction derby raw and demoliton racer, aslo star wars demoliton
>What is the PS1's Timesplitters 2?
medal of honor underground, the world is not enought, quake 2
>What is the PS1's Metal Gear Solid 3?
metal gears solid special missions, medievil, kouldenka, vangrat story

>> No.10381329

No one cares.

>> No.10381331

The thread is nothing but shitposting generation war fodder. All any of you tools want to do is fight about shit and not actually play the games.

>> No.10381337

>Klonoa = DMC
>Vagrant Story = MGS3
Genuinely impressive levels of insanity on display here.

>> No.10381419

This man just put all the gymnasts on Earth to shame with his stretching

>> No.10381472
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>PS1's Okami?
>PS1's Devil May Cry?
>silent bomber, klonoa, tombi 2, einhander
pls stop, ESLfag

>> No.10381475

For me, it's the PS1.

>> No.10381920

I think ps1 is more consistently good, ps2 has more shovelware, lov em both tho

>> No.10381942

He obviously means that the fun factor of those PS1 games is the same of the PS2's, not that the games are exactly alike

>> No.10381953

PS1 has tons of shovelware. Possibly even more than PS2 just because it was much cheaper to put out shovelware for it.

>> No.10381973

the dot hack problem also exists in other games, like xenosaga.

>> No.10381979

PS2 because it has all the PS2 games AND PS1 games

>> No.10381985
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>Possibly even more than PS2 just because it was much cheaper to put out shovelware for it
I'm gonna need a source on that
The guy behind Midas founded an entire dedicated company on the basis that publishing literally anything on a PS2 disc was profitable, and he was right

>> No.10381986

Nah, the PS2 shovelware was usually western and it shows, there are literally zero things that are memorable about that stuff
The PS1 games were made to run on a PS1 and sold for an audience interested in the PS1, that's why they were that good, the PS2 audience average standards were lower

>> No.10381993

Hard to compare two different generations. PS1 has a pretty good library but if you're into JRPGs then the library gets a lot more thin. There is a good amount of titles that are from different genres, but the console loses a lot of value if you're not into JRPGs

>> No.10382010

Is not about the consoles dude

>> No.10382017

PS1 by a mile.
Resident Evil
Tomb Raider
Tony Hawk
Medal of Honor
Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis
Legacy of Kain
Syphon Filter
Brave Fencer Musashi
SoulCalibur 3
The best sports games of that generation
Nothing else really of note since the console was overrun with shitty children's platformers and mountains of japcrap. Xbox was simply a better quality system since you had the best multiplats and console exclusives

>> No.10382020

You play a console for the japanese games, if you want western trash there is always a computer. And holy shit imagine thinking Xbox consoles have any value.

>> No.10382025

It has Halo man...

>> No.10382029

>best multiplats
Not entirely true as all dreamcast ports were worse.

>> No.10382031

If you want a mediocre FPS the PC library is full of them

>> No.10382045

Xbox was the better console. More powerful and more durable. The PS2 was the console of choice for gross brown South Americans, britbong chavs and other unsavory soccer countries. That and disgusting weebs.

>> No.10382048

The Xbox had no games and you should only buy a console, you know, for the fucking games, if you already owned a computer there was literally zero reason to buy a Microsoft console.

>> No.10382053

Patently untrue. PC didn’t fully reach multiplatform parity with consoles until Gen 8. Many sixth and seventh gen console games never came to PC and vice versa.

>> No.10382059

sitting in a basement watching cartoons isn't a personality
I already have a Dreamcast to play those. I don't even know what games you're thinking of anyway. The only DC port off the top of my head is Shenmue 2. Xbox got a bunch of DC continuations

>> No.10382067

Elaborate on the "fun factor" between Okami and Overboard that makes them worth mentioning together

>> No.10382068

Neither is playing sport videogames instead of playing sports in real life, amerifat.

>> No.10382072

That’s rich coming from someone that lives in FIFA Land.

>> No.10382073

I do both. Try having friends and you could too.

>> No.10382076

Europeans at least weren't dumb enough to buy a console for (shitty) computer games and sport titles

>> No.10382079

No, instead you all continue to buy PlayStation almost solely for FIFA and Gran Turismo despite diminishing returns for the past decade.

>> No.10382083
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>> No.10382084

>Xbox was the better console apart from everywhere but America

>> No.10382086

Not retro faggot, the highest sold games of the Xbox are some embarassingly bad shit aside from Ninja Gaiden, the library in general couldn't compete with any console of that generation and it wasn't even close.

>> No.10382087


>> No.10382091

Xbox + GameCube was the superior sixth gen console combo. What did you truly miss out on by skipping the PS2? Only a small handful of must-play games really.

>> No.10382104

literally no one played this or knows it exists

>> No.10382159
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>nobody played this
>12 years of ports from release

>> No.10382173

Ps2 got the best games first plus it could play dvds straight away without a stupid remote.

>> No.10382175

By that metric the most popular game of all time must be James Pond 2 Robocod

>> No.10382176

And no one played any version besides the Arcade or Dreamcast

>> No.10382181

Sure, PS2 was the best all-rounder if you could only get one console. I think all things considered, Xbox + GameCube covered more bases if you could get two.

>> No.10382220

I have played both mvc2 and James pond so when posts are made that literally nobody knows about such games it is nonsense.
My original post was about it being a crummy port. Have you played these games before? People still bought 360 and ps3 versions for online play.

>> No.10382280

I like Dark Souls. I also like Payday 2. But I'm not responding to people asking "What are some games like Dark Souls" with "Payday 2".

>> No.10382287

I consider the gamecube entirely skippable because of the low quality of GC games. PS2 however covers too much and should never be skipped in favor of an odd combination.

>> No.10382302

>because of the low quality of GC games.

See, this is what I take issue with. Even if you consider Sunshine and Wind Waker inferior to the N64 games, you still got great follow-ups to:

Smash Bros
Paper Mario
Wave Race
1080 Snowboarding
F Zero
All the Mario sports games

>> No.10382318

A couple fantastic Star Wars exclusives as well.

>> No.10382326

Smash is the only good game you posted. Outrun 2 is a better racer than anything in your list, Quake Arena is a better fps than Metroid prime and so on. Gc waverace was barely a new game.

>> No.10382329

Quake Arena is in no way comparable to Metroid Prime, but I think you know that. At any rate, N64 fans that hate on the GameCube are being straight up dishonest.

>> No.10382345

I get it, but I don't for a second feel those games are remotely must plays. I know fans of the series basically worship every entry over all other games in existence, but at that point you've made your choice well in advance. I do not see the trade-off for all the great capcom exclusives, konami exclusives, square games, etc.

I know some people see the zone of the enders and devil may cry and refuse to play them for whatever reason, but having played dmc when it was a brand new game it was titles like that which were not experiences recreated anywhere else. I think especially if you had an n64, you got many of those games approximated already, and despite their uniqueness to their contemporaries, snowboarding and jet ski games were available on other platforms and titles like SSX are widely considered definitive while many forget 1080 had a sequel.

>All the Mario sports games
The claphanz games were all better.

>> No.10382356

What Capcom/Konami exclusives did you REALLY miss out on by skipping the PS2 and going Xbox + GameCube though? Off the top of my head:

Lament of Innocence
Silent Hill 3
Metal Gear Solid 3

I’m missing some, but it’s not a long list.

>> No.10382368

>The claphanz games were all better.

I don’t for a second think you actually believe this lol.

>> No.10382442

Devil May Cry
God Hand
Monster Hunter
Sengoku Basara
Haunting Ground
Yes, Capcom is really pulling Konami's weight here.
And that's only counting Capcom and Konami.

>> No.10382454

Well, my point is that Xbox ended up getting a good portion of the PS2’s hit games, which is why I think Xbox + GameCube is overall the better combo. Doubly so if you’re not a JRPG fan.

>> No.10382463

You have the typical surface level appreciation of games that makes nintendo perfect for you, why even enter this thread?

xbox got a small sampling. It got no Tekkens, no Ace Combats, no Klonoa games, only one Onimusha, only one silent hill, no devil may cry. If you even enjoy light gun games the PS2 is the only viable platform for you.

>> No.10382472

I accuse you of being dishonest. Clap Hanz almost solely makes golf games. They have no equivalent to Mario Kart, Tennis or Soccer.

>> No.10382491

Correction: Xbox also got Silent Hill 4.

>> No.10382504
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Ps2 easily

>> No.10382505

Pictured: Not a PS2 exclusive

>> No.10382508

I never got into PS2 or pretty much any other Sony console. PS1 however is phenomenal.

>> No.10382518

Don't care. Played it on there plus its my favorite system.

>> No.10382520
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>If you even enjoy light gun games the PS2 is the only viable platform for you.

>> No.10382531
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>no Ace Combats,

>> No.10382535

The ps2 literally got hot shots tennis by claphanz.

How about time crisis? Dino stalker? Virtua cop rebirth? Vampire night?

>> No.10382537

Yes, and it’s inferior to Mario Tennis. Clap Hanz is not comparable at all to Nintendo’s first party sports devs.

>> No.10382545

Camelot makes those sports games and they were never very good. You should try more games. Claphanz even put out a golf game on switch for you to play, and it scored 15 points higher than the last Camelot mario golf game

>> No.10382548

Clap Hanz is still not a valid comparison since they only make golf games now. They have no ongoing equivalents to Nintendo’s other sports titles.

>> No.10382550

PS2 had a stupidly big library but the problem was, same as the wii, 80% of it was shovelware not worth playing. In terms of quality PSOne had the better library but what does it matter? PS2 plays PSOne games and even upscales them

>> No.10382572

They did on the PS2, which is satisfactory for the thread. Anyway you can stop pretending you play either of them now, the new mario sports games are reprehensible and the old ones are mediocre at best.

>> No.10382575

>same as the wii, 80% of it was shovelware
you know fuck-all about videogames, kid.

>> No.10382580

Clap Hanz did not make a kart racer or a soccer game, both of which Nintendo had on the GameCube. Referring back to >>10382472, I find you guilty of trying to fudge the truth.

>> No.10382583

It's easier to pretend to be above it all with a smug aura of elitism than to actually do the legwork in playing games.

No one claimed they made kart or soccer games, to which I'd rather play Sega's attempts at both.

>> No.10382591

Not so fast. That’s not what you said here >>10382345:

>All the Mario sports games
The claphanz games were all better

Explain yourself.

>> No.10382593

>The claphanz games were all better
>Explain yourself.
I don't consider kart racing a sport, I consider it a distinct genre.

>> No.10382598

Uh huh. Clap Hanz did not make equivalents to ALL the Mario sports games, now did they? You are guilty as charged of dishonest posting.

>> No.10382602

OK. I meant golf and tennis, which should be easy to deduce considering that's all they made. Nintendo's Mario sports titles were horrible and downgrades from the n64 era, and couldn't compete with contemporaries. I also consider Ape Escape 3 better than any Mario game, and Sunshine a genuinely terrible game, further removing reason to own a gamecube.

>> No.10382614

>I also consider Ape Escape 3 better than any Mario game

lmao peak /vr/

>> No.10382624

>Muh maring
Lol peek /vr/.

>> No.10382639

No Ape Escape game has ever risen above a 7/10. Ratchet & Clank is the best PlayStation exclusive platforming series by a huge margin.

>> No.10382647

This but Nintendo games. We get it, slavish devotion to a brand, it's old hat at this point. You don't need to raid other threads have have nothing to do with Nintendo.

>> No.10382652

>This but Nintendo games

Except you know that’s not really true. Ape Escape 3 on the other hand is firmly a 7/10.

>> No.10382664

It's closer to a 10, although it's light difficulty might put it closer to a 9. Mario on the other hand? Well, sunshine never breaks a 6/10 and actively seems to want to lower it.

>> No.10382669

>It’s closer to a 10

It isn’t.

>> No.10382693 [DELETED] 

Starting to suspect that you may not be from the United States.

>> No.10382730

Y'all would play GTA 2 over Vice city?

>> No.10382768

Your original post was saying Xbox ports of Dreamcast games were all shit. This was a retarded post because there's there's maybe 3-4 ports to begin with, and the biggest one (Shenmue 2) is objectively a better game on the Xbox.
You then posted a single game, which isnt even a DC port, but an arcade game port, that absolutely no one played on the Xbox or associates it in any way whatsoever with it because it came out 4 years after everyone had already played the game on the DC when it was a big mainstream title and selling point of the console. Stop trying to save face for your stupid original post.

>> No.10382887

That's why i honestly don't even consider the PS2 or any 6th gen console "retro". I have shown games like Gungrave, Budokai Tenkaichi 3, Metal Gear Solid 2, and Black to zoomies and casuals, and they still think these games are fucking intense. I feel nobody who didn't outright grow up with the PS1 would get the same impression from RE3, Zweihander or Bushido Blade.

Pretty weird that this exists considering there was never an official Xbox lightgun.

>> No.10382906

If you're going to say that for Xenosaga then PS1 has Arc the Lad retard.

>> No.10383229
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There were a couple light-guns specifically for the OG Xbox, maybe not made by Microsoft but I'm sure they were officially-licensed. The thing is there were only a few games that even had lightgun compatibility.

>> No.10383237

But the ps2 had all of ps1's library and more

>> No.10383245

This thread isn’t about the PS2’s backward compatibility. It’s about comparing and contrasting the two libraries.

>> No.10383638
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>there's only 3-4 ports, Shenmue 2
Mvc2 is pretty much a dreamcast port because it's a Naomi board game. It's why dreamcast games run so smooth compared to other 6th gen consoles but you want to cope with every excuse under the sun bringing up sales. Xbox Shenmue 2 lacks the ability to bring over your vmu save file, looks worse and it's dubbed which I am sure you complain about in your animes but conveniently ignore here. Xbox Phantasy star online cannot even be played offline.
>Stop trying to save face for your stupid original post.
You're the so called expert who can't even answer if they've played these games or not.

>> No.10383771

hard image

>> No.10384935
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>Pretty weird that this exists considering there was never an official Xbox lightgun.
The original arcade machine is based on an Xbox
Virtua Cop 3, Outrun 2 and Crazy Taxi 3 also ran on the same hardware

>> No.10385469

both are great and originality games so both of them play key roles in their consoles library.

>> No.10387529
