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10375505 No.10375505 [Reply] [Original]

Why did the xbox brand fail in japan?

>> No.10375517

No jarpigs

>> No.10375521 [DELETED] 

>wait, you mean the rest of the world also makes video games now?
>hahaha they sure took a long time to catch up this oughta be shit

Is probably what 99% of the self-centered nationalist population thought when saying this

>> No.10375526
File: 188 KB, 1024x1280, 1685175547011929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they couldn't wrap their tiny asian hands around the big black controller

>> No.10375543

hambaga, ekkusubokkusu

>> No.10375554

They're better at math, so instead of turning 360 degrees and walking away, they turned 180.

>> No.10375612
File: 177 KB, 738x1092, xbox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we don't think of this much, but all the biggest consoles gen 3-5 were Japanese after all. NES, SNES, PS1, PS2 etc. were "theirs". needless to say, Japan has strong preference for their national stuff. xbox was going against the current pretty much. of course, Japanese devs also favored Japanese consoles, and probably had established relations with Ninty / Sony. as a result, the console had less Japan-oriented games.
but not only that. xbox was the halo machine. this is not an exaggeration, see picrel: Halo 2 and 1 were the biggest sellers by far and nothing came close. and Japan didn't care about FPS at all. Goldeneye / PD weren't very popular there, and Metroid Prime pretty much flopped. beyond that, XB only had Fable, a WRPG, and mostly dudebro games.
so xbox was doomed from the start.

>> No.10375625
File: 21 KB, 321x405, 1697778682993253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Burger King game
>third highest selling game on console

>> No.10375824

prime isn't an fps

>> No.10375825

the msx era and hosing their devs/customers
you cant repeatedly rape your consumer base and expect to win the war

>> No.10375828

japs are xenophobic assholes, janny'll ban me but it's the true answer so i don't care.

>> No.10375832

this is a revisionist take though
msx sold quite well in moonruneland

>> No.10375845


>> No.10375847

msx would never have taken off if there weren't some symbolic yamato damashi paint slapped onto it, you really underestimate how autistic japs are about buying shit from outside their irrelevant country

>> No.10375856

A few reasons:
1) games
2) they were completing against established brands who had better games
3) when Japanese devs gave them a chance (360 era) their consoles were literally garbage and committed suicide, so the few customers who tried the console quickly went back to the other brands and word spread. Then Japanese devs gave up on them as a result.

>> No.10375857

yeah you shoot in first person but that's just how you play, it's an adventure game
callin it an fps is like callin sotn an action platformer because you sidescroll and jump

>> No.10375869

This, not to mention ipod and apple products sold like crazy there

>> No.10375875

This. Japanese people love American brands.

>> No.10375937

Montezuma's Return is a first-person adventure game. Metroid Prime is an FPS.
Prime is in first person (barring some minor morph balling) and shooting is the core mechanic. It's featured in nearly every room, it's the focus of all the bosses, and it's even how you open doors to travel between areas.
The game has its design quirks like more interconnected levels, backtracking, and platforming, than is usual for the genre, but it's not enough to break out of its FPS grouping because of the combat emphasis.
Japan wasn't fooled by the Nintendo PR spin that tried to make it sound like the game was some kind of snowflake, and it's sad that you were.

>> No.10376002

It didn't. The sales numbers are all lies. Sony realized that the it's not about creating content, it's about creating context. People buy the console on top of the sales charts not realizing the charts are made up.

>> No.10376056

Nobody in Japan cares about PlayStation anymore. People care about games and the PlayStation has none. Back in the /vr/ days Japanese people cared about the PlayStation because it actually had games (and a lot of them)

>> No.10376398

Same why playstation brand failed in japan. Japanese customers dont buy westaboo goyslop.

>> No.10376447

Too American.

>> No.10376471
File: 392 KB, 1080x1920, 1690268345074623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it really feels like only tecmo and mysteriously japanese shmup developers took to the Xbox

>> No.10376481

Arcade games moved from dedicated boards to just being windows PC's with DRM, so it was extremely easy to port stuff like mushihime to the Xbox. That's why the 360 was seen as the "serious gamer console" in Japan.

>> No.10376489

They were sold for very cheap and IIRC, people said it was the best of the bunch at the time

>> No.10376490

but x360 used PowerPC though, right?

>> No.10376501
File: 553 KB, 1224x1742, 1672511382766376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, no idea what that guy is talking about
i do believe it was still seen as the console for online gaming in japan though, yeah. lot of cod, ran multiplats better.

>> No.10376560

The point of the original Xbox was to give you some semblance of the big-budget expensive PC gaming experience in a console form. Japanese players have not really been into that kind of shit until relatively recently and the ones who were just owned gaming PCs.

People (especially zoomers) forget that PC gaming wasn't some accessible shit you got into with just $800. When the Xbox came out, a comparable PC setup probably would have run you somewhere in the ballpark of $1500-$2000 even at entry-level.

>> No.10376569

While the 360 used PowerPC, it was still much easier to port games to it from PC than the PS3 so he's not entirely wrong.

>> No.10376668
File: 618 KB, 657x1352, Screenshot 2023-11-03 at 14-59-58 _vr_ - Retro Games - Search xbox fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you not get the answer the liked the other 25 times you've made this exact thread?

>> No.10376682

what's more tiresome, "why xbox failed in japan" threads or "could the saturn succeed any other way" threads?

>> No.10376701

>N64 hidden gems/recs?

>> No.10376707

Racism, already established local brands, the games didn't appeal to the Japanese market, their tiny hands legitimately couldn't hold the Duke controller properly. Xbox really fucked up. Should have advertised the Xbox with a more Japanese spin with more Japanese people. A Jap sees Bill Gates and only sees the devil.

>> No.10376907

Yeah, fucking Japanese racists with their Windows PCs and their iPhones. Western products can never succeed in such a xenophobic country.

>> No.10376923

These are pretty sad numbers, even when jammed with western slop. Had no idea Xbox was this dire.

>> No.10376927

As an U.S. American, I want it to be known that "the Duke" controller fit snuggly in my rectum.

>> No.10376932

To be fair it was really good.

>> No.10376934

because of this ad

>> No.10376947
File: 170 KB, 400x581, happychief.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this AI generated or did someone actually build this? Because it looks fucking ace.

>> No.10376962
File: 102 KB, 1024x576, sneak_king_screen-2-797005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was an actual good game and it was also a very early release so for a while it was among the best exclusives on the system.

>> No.10376967

The Burger King games were very late releases that also worked on the 360.

>> No.10376969

... I was about to point out that at least he is not making another "Saturn can/could" thread.

>> No.10377009

It failed because the console was larger than some Tokyo apartments. In the same space that the Xbox takes, you could fit a PS2, a Dreamcast, and two Gamecubes.
360 was a better attempt especially with the optional region coding and shitload of japanese shmups, but the console was still huge, plus it red ringed a lot, and the only game the japs wanted to play on launch (DOA4) was delayed. There were even hentai doujins where Kasumi or Ayane end up raped as punishment for missing the launch (I think it was either by Nekoi Mie or Hellabunna). Oh and Nintendo was steamrolling everything with the Wii at the time.

Japs see the xbox as a chinese knockoff to something that their country has been #1 at since the 1980s, so even IF it was a smaller console, IF it was focused on games and not grafix whoring, and IF they had every available jap developer making games for it, it still wouldn't sell in Japan.

>> No.10377023

It didn't fail.

>> No.10377041

Why did the Dreamcast fail?
Why did the Gamecube fail?
Why did it fail, anon?

>> No.10377047

>t. "The list goes on" whiner

>> No.10377058

Fair points but wild that fast food chain holds top 3 spot

>> No.10377063

How could it succeed when their idea of a region-appropriate ad was to make Bill Gates hold a hamburger in one hand and the Xbox controller in the other? Imagine how stupid it would be if Nintendo used the same "strategy" in America, if they made posters with Miyamoto holding sushi in one hand and the NES controller in the other when they wanted to enter the US market. I'll guarantee you that Atari would still be no. 1 console and game producer in America if they did that.

>> No.10377073

>their tiny hands legitimately couldn't hold the Duke controller properly
That's why Japanese consoles came with the Controller S.

>> No.10377079

It's not the same because NES came with Mario and Tetris while Atari still couldn't do a decent enough pacman clone. And if Nintendo made an ad in 2003 with Samurai Miyamoto eating sushi, the weebs would've lapped it up, while Japs are naturally averse to anything not made in japan. Apple gadgets are like an exception to the rule and note how all the ipods and iphones popular in japan are really fucking tiny.

>> No.10377083

>while Japs are naturally averse to anything not made in japan.
That's not even remotely true.

>> No.10377208

I mean, think about it. The Burger King mascot was already a meme at that point IIRC
Download games on console were still new-ish at that time, so they opted for discs. The games were freaking $3.99, a fraction of the cost of a normal game (59.99?). The console was also only a year old at this point, and I don't think there were too many instances of this happening, can't think of any others. And then, consider that one of them especially was really good, so word of mouth probably got around really really quick
I don't think it selling a lot is that crazy, but it definitively was a weird perfect storm of circumstances that lead to it

>> No.10377218

>western slop
As opposed to what, japslop?

>> No.10377224

Gaijin Console

>> No.10377289

>A Jap sees Bill Gates and only sees the devil.
as should everyone

>> No.10377326

Sounds like they need to be taught a lesson

>> No.10377341

The Switch is the de facto weeb console now. Sony essentially dumped all their weeb games onto the Vita while making the PS4 and 5 very western-oriented.

>> No.10377352

In Japan, anon. Reading comprehension.

>> No.10377356

The Dreamcast definitively did not fail because of piracy. Only ESLs from shithole countries that pirate everything think that’s true.

>> No.10377380

Sony didn't dump the games onto the vita. Third party developers put their games on the Vita because it was popular, and then Sony dumped the vita into the trash because it didn't do well in America. And in doing so, they told the entire Japanese market that they don't care about them anymore. It's the exact same situation that happened in the 90s when the Saturn was doing well in Japan and Sega dumped the Saturn because it didn't do well in America - Japanese fans did not jump for Dreamcasts like Americans did and the console only sold 2 million units in Japan as a result.

The reason why the Switch is the "weeb console" is because it's popular in Japan so Japanese developers want to make games for it.

Sony was the king of the Japanese market for years, and now the PlayStation name is tarnished in Japan. Thankfully Nintendo actually cares about Japanese customers.

>> No.10377412

Because they already had two perfectly good consoles. Why bother with another? The only reason Americans gave a shit was "muh american company".

>> No.10377420

It's not AI generated but it's a 3D render

>> No.10377426

The N64 and GameCube both underperformed in Japan. They were both mainly propped up by North America.

>> No.10377435

Japs couldn't handle the fact that a console based on a literal low end laptop made in the country that nuked them twice architecture outperformed their "state of the art" ten no hika bonzai emperor #1 shit technology machines.

>> No.10377486

When I see this image I imagine Bill from that time going and say this in slightly butchered Japanese:
>Greetings, people of Japan. I have come to give you my company's intel powered game console called the XBOX, I offer you Western food in my other hand, a cheeseburger with tomatoes.

>> No.10377490

>Both of these are pretty delicious
>Final answer?
What a fucking dumb ad

>> No.10377503

Why are you stalking this man?

>> No.10377513

You sure that the first line of text in that ad says what can be best rendered as "pretty delicious"?

>> No.10377530

Tastiness (の) being put as the subject (は)
Casual of どちら stating between two items given (as the question is affirmative and not questioning)
Indicating emphasis on ones answer that was initially asking for a more informed opinion (as opposed to かも)

Remember this language doesn't exactly have 1:1 intonation. It's literally just whatever meaning is the best suited for scenarios

>> No.10377532

The Xbox was released almost two years after the PS2 in Japan. Final Fantasy X had already been out for half a year, and Kingdom Hearts was a month away.

>> No.10377587

It was called "Xbox", which in Japan stands for "Don't Want Box". They should have called it the Zbox. It was also American. Japanese prefer Japanese consoles.

>> No.10377594

How Japs Coped that the First Xbox was more Powerful than their PS2 Gamecube and Dreamcast?

>> No.10377596

Mmmmm baiga

>> No.10377598

>it was really good.
Now if only their food was just as good

>> No.10377605

Westsbooism was at an all time low at the time.
Maybe if they had exclusive ResiEvil releases there, it might have pushed consoles.

>> No.10377609

Only their chicken and fries are shit

>> No.10377615

>just heat it up in the oven brah it's just cold za