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10375347 No.10375347 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people complain so much about the baby crying in Yoshi's Island, as far as even making ROM hacks that remove the sound?
It never really bothered me, and I think that even if was annoying, that would actually be a good thing, since it encourages you to play well and avoid taking damage in an otherwise easy platformer.

>> No.10375349

Because they suck at video games and get hit a LOT.

>> No.10375350

autism making high pitched annoying sounds infinitely more high pitched and annoying
though i never had a problem with it

>> No.10375362

>autism making high pitched annoying sounds infinitely more high pitched and annoying

>> No.10375365

Miyamoto wanted to copy Sonics ring system and this is what he came up with lol

>> No.10375372

>even if was annoying, that would actually be a good thing,

I think this is reaching too far... punishing the player so directly and viscerally just seems bullying. It's mild enough, even for people who hate it (short of the very most freakishly sensitive I suppose), that it can be easily tolerated even if it's bothersome. So it doesn't really add much difficulty, and what difficulty it does add is simple and uninteresting. I think that if it really bothers the player then it should be toned down, and any efforts to make the game harder should take other forms.

But yeah, I have doubts about whether it really does bother the player, in most cases. It doesn't bother me. But I don't suck at games, so who knows. Obviously it bothers somebody, but maybe just a small minority.

>> No.10375423

>punishing the player so directly and viscerally just seems bullying
Good. More games should do it.

>> No.10375458

>even making ROM hacks that remove the sound?
There are a thousands of Mario romhacks, even the most niche complaint probably has a hack to resolve it

>> No.10375493

Trust me bro

>> No.10375515

well it's annoying for one thing and that sucks when the music is dope so you're gonna have the volume up
also stupid that yoshi can't just die without baby mario because then if you make a mistake on a boss you usually have to mute the game because you can't use items
ig it is also easy to get stunlocked on some stages (or even separated on secret 2) if you don't know the game well enough but that can be fixed by playing it

>> No.10375614

I think people just get picky to shit on a game. "baby is… le bad" is a retard's knee jerk take. the real issue with YI is by far bigger—it's simply a very slow game, and the main mechanic is just so-so. it's still good as it is, I 100%ed it as a kid on GBA and loved it, but even then I knew replaying it would be a huge slog.

>> No.10375659

It's no different from the low health alarms in other games. I don't see why it upsets people so. Maybe they just find babies annoying, which I totally get.

>> No.10375675

I don't get it either but then people have had divorces over the PS3 beep to the point the PS5 has an option to disable it so who am I to say what annoys me?

>> No.10375681

A baby crying is meant to evoke a sense of urgency. That's the whole point. It is annoying because it's something we are programmed to want to stop by helping the child. You will do ANYTHING to get that baby back and keep him safe and sound. It makes you play more recklessly and selflessly when you fuck up. In this way, it's a parent simulator.

>> No.10375709

It hits a little too close to home

>> No.10375771

I love this game a lot, but I do think the crying is annoying. I used to use a code to turn it off and it made the game 10 times more enjoyable for me. Been a while since I played it, but next time I do I'm using that patch you mentioned.
Fuck all this pretentious bs about how I'm supposed to enjoy the game with it, it's the one complaint I have with the game.

>> No.10375773

>everytime i play this game my wifes tits squirt milk everywhere because of the crying baby noises

>> No.10375795

Can't imagine being so contrarian to enjoy the baby noise in Yoshi's Island.

>> No.10375807

you barely ever hear it if you aren't a complete shitter getting hit every 5 seconds. It never bothered me, not like the insane constant gabbering they added to Super Mario Advance

>> No.10375819

It makes me want to stomp on the baby until it's quiet, not help it

see also: pig-squeals when scared or in pain

>> No.10375835

i have never heard anyone complain about literally MARIO ever in my life
even once

this board is autstic

>> No.10375841

It reminds me of playing Yoshi's Island as a kid and my dad making fun of me every time that sound played, which really added to the stress.

>> No.10375897

it IS an annoying sound effect but it IS effective, that's the whole point. Don't get hit.
It fucks with human's inherent panic mode they get when they hear a baby crying.

>> No.10375905

Only problem is thenoe the crying sound and little sound effect are burned into my brain like pavlovs dong in my ass

>> No.10375919

It’s different. Baby cry’s are a signal for humans.

>> No.10375928

i never get hit since you need to have all stars for 100% so i never had this issue

>> No.10375950

I’ve never had a problem with it. He’s a baby, I would expect him to cry if he got launched off Yoshi's back and put in a bubble. Like others have mentioned, it motivates you as the player to get him as quick as possible and to play better so you don’t hear it constantly. In other words, git gud.

>> No.10375982

>It's no different from the low health alarms in other games. I don't see why it upsets people so
Tendies don't play games outside of Nintendo made games so they aren't used to it.

Personally I find the low heart beeping in Zelda games way more annoying than baby Mario crying

>> No.10376061

kek what the FUCK

>> No.10376073 [DELETED] 

It's just mildly annoying, but it's kinda needed as an indicator because sometimes the bubble is has fucked off far enough
Otherwise, as a kid, I once did a new game and didn't get hit once until the first level of the last world where I accidentally fell in a pit of those skeleton birds. I was like "Wait, wtf, the new tutorial this late?" meaning I really haven't gotten hit once

>> No.10376079

It's just mildly annoying, but it's kinda needed as an indicator because, sometimes, the bubble has fucked off far enough and is hard to notice right away
Otherwise, as a kid, I once did a new game and didn't get hit until the first level of the last world, where I accidentally fell in a pit of those skeleton birds. I was like "Wait, wtf, the hit tutorial this late?" meaning I really haven't gotten hit once

>> No.10376087


>> No.10376121

The game is already challenging as it is and there are moments where you literally can't avoid getting hit. The answer isn't to "not suck" and if it is, that's indicative of bad game design.

>> No.10376310

It doesn't matter if there's a rom hack that removes the crying. The game still sucks and plays nothing like SMW. They should have kept Mario as an adult & the main guy to play as. All the fun stuff I loved about SMW, is absent in Yoshi's Island & has no right to be called Super Mario World 2.

>> No.10376328

Have you ever had to deal with a baby crying? It's meant to illicit the same reaction. As a father of a 2 year old it's become even more jarring since when I play this.

>> No.10376338

>is… le bad
Go back to /v/

>> No.10376354
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I've played more nintendo games with low hp alarms than non-nintendo games with low hp alarms

>> No.10376429

That's why there's no SMW3. Punishing the player causes him not to buy this game. At least that was the case when I rented this piece of shit. The game realky does suck and will never be as fun as SMW1.

>> No.10376487

>That's why there's no SMW3.
there's no super mario 3 because the n64 console launched a year after yoshi's island came out

>> No.10376517

It sure is annoying to be in the same room as someone else playing this game. My parents did not share my enthusiasm for Yoshi's Island.

>> No.10376583

Well, you are on 4chan, so I assume you're not particularly fond of children. My logic only applies to neurotypicals.

>> No.10376616

People shitpost about Sonic being easy because there's no limit on how many times you can get hit, yet this literal baby game's only punishment for getting hit is needing to touch a large slow moving nearby object within 10-30 seconds while a slightly annoying low quality noise plays. You're so much more likely to fall into a pit or a spike or lava than fail the timer that I'm not sure they needed to bother with this mechanic in the first place. You may as well just play the crying effect once when you get hit and keep going, since that's the only real deterrent. I guess it was to make 100%ing even easier, since instead of playing a level without getting hit to win, you just need to not get hit in certain spots and situations.

>> No.10376661

Worst time for any game to come out on the SNES when the N64 is available, thus insuring the failure of Yoshi's Island. Vectorman 2 suffered the same fate.

>> No.10376765

why did they fuck up the low health beep after metroid 2, it was subtle in that one but then they went back to 1's blaring siren until samus returns

>> No.10376774

You mentioned there is a rom hack. But there didn't use to be and people love repeating stuff. They will do it even when the situations have changed.

>> No.10376870

don't get hit and catch it quickly when you do, a normal person can pick it in less than the time it takes to cry, if you can't you are really bad at games.
the baby cry aside from being part of the thematic it's a unconscious way to make people be effective at catching the baby, thus improving at the game and making it the seamless, no fumbles experience that the game was meant to be with the counter, which encourages calm enjoyement with an interesting side of mastery for the people replaying the game.
aside from that the baby noise isn't that annoying, it's just that you most likely have cute aggression by most likely a lack of good care in your childhood by emotional abuse or mutilation, it isn't normal but the overreacting of the need of help by remembering traumas which your parents caused by most likely throwing you off as trash and not taking care of you.

>> No.10376875

or directly hurting you physically by ignorance or by being evil.

>> No.10376912

You go back to /v/, fucking asshole.

>> No.10377221

Just don't get hit lol

>> No.10377235

Selling 4 million copies isn't exactly a failure.

>> No.10377237

complaining about Baby Mario crying was just a meme that people over time began to take too seriously and now use it as an actual main complaint even though you don't actually hear it all that much if you are remotely competent.

>> No.10377241

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.10377245

i mean what else is there to complain about? the game's real good

>> No.10377717

run into the enemies on purpose

>> No.10377724

Whoever seriously loves Yoshi Island I gotta rec the new Yoshi on Switch. Insanely soulful music and visuals and, while levels are much simpler as in YI, every level actually feels unique and.....no crying Mario

It gets overlooked because people don't know GoodFeel consists of former key Goemon/Castlevania and Disgaea devs

>> No.10378201

There's nothing cute about a baby crying. It's like a cat hissing and screaming. If you hear it it because something's horribly wrong and you need to fix it. I don't consider getting hit in a video game to be worth that kind of reaction. Therefore I will play the superior mid-90s Nintendo platformer, Wario Land.

>> No.10378217


>> No.10378231

You overestimate the skill of the average "retro gamer". Most complains probably come from modern nintendo fanboys who decided to check out the "retro" titles because it's trendy to do so and so they can become "real nintendo fans". Yoshi's Island is an easy game, but compared to modern gaming, they probably get hit every 10 seconds and manage to lose the baby in the first level.
Then they patch it in the "QOL romhacks" and use savestates to fix the antiquated bad game design.

>> No.10378661

"He he, just what I needed!"
>lands on lava
"Oh! Mama mia!"

>> No.10378670

It's a great game but this rings true and is lulzy

>> No.10379130
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>> No.10379571

it isn't cute, that's the point anon.
you go there to solve the issue which the game encourages and stop the noise, you don't get angry at the noise and try to remove it by a lack of action and understanding of the effect (normally exacerbated by not just seeing the noise as an alarm but as a trigger for anger which is where my point of cute agression comes from).

>> No.10380008

It reminds them how bad they are at games, it basically mocks them

>> No.10380838

Mixed with this
That's it, that's the reason

>> No.10381726

i think it's funny honestly.
when i was a kid the sound would legit make me panic though, kind of like sonic drowning music.

>> No.10381760

It's just genetic dead-ends with undiagnosed mental illness.
The low health warning is exacerbated by their biological clocks, it doesn't bother people who aren't losers.

>> No.10383486

It's supposed to be annoying, because you're not supposed to get hit. More than that, taking a hit is an emergency in YI -- any time it happens, you get put on a countdown to the fail state. Your top priority is getting Baby Mario back on board, so the game punishes your eardrums until you do by invoking your instinctive human response. tl;dr: git gud.

also this, autists get set off by certain visuals/sounds because they have crossed wires in their defective brains.

>Personally I find the low heart beeping in Zelda games way more annoying than baby Mario crying
ppl complain about that, but the beeps in aLttP never really bothered me. my brain kinda tunes it out, and it's usually not hard to find health anyway.

>It's a great game but this rings true and is lulzy
pun intended?

>> No.10385178

>why does the sound of a baby crying bother anti-social degenerates
It's a mystery.

>> No.10385209

Cute aggression and/or spiteful mutations
Is this true? Autistic people like very treble-heavy music like breakcore, power metal, trance, etc

>> No.10385214

>never played yoshi's island
miyamoto doesn't even know what the time of day is unless he hears the employee cuck bell rings to remind them of when lunch is and when they can go home.
> autism is a stereotype of 4chan memes
amazing board.

>> No.10385376

Realest post itt

>> No.10385380

like you enjoy babies crying on a plane or at some government building or whatever. retarded to want to hurt them over it but it's not cute unless it's your baby.

>> No.10385381

it's annoying as all fuck. Imagine a sound in a game tapping into our evolutionary response to a fucking baby crying. I dropped the game just because of it.