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10374339 No.10374339 [Reply] [Original]

Playing this for the first time and it's actually neat

What's the best way to play Game and Watch stuff and what's the best version? This is Game and Watch Gallery on GB

>> No.10374343

the gameboy games are neat
there is a "not for resale" ds collection as well
my favorite is still on the gameboy camera "ball"
but the gimmick is you can add your selfie to it

>> No.10374346
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>> No.10374356

what other easter eggs reference G&W shit?
i never knew these guys were in WW anon..

the only deepcut i know of is the "rerelease"
mini keychain game & watch systems that looked like tiny gameboy pockets

>> No.10374384

MAME. Has every single Game&Watch game ever made plus either the majority of, or all the Tiger Electronics games. It's the only way to play most of these games without owning the real deal.

>> No.10374413
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>> No.10374414

I've loved the G&W games since I played Gallery 3 as a kid. I really like the Gallery series because the Modern versions both look really nice and change the gameplay without losing that super-simple super-tight arcadey design that makes the games so good (also the 1st one has unexpectedly amazing music, definitely one of the most slept on Nintendo OSTs).
Still the original games do lose a bit of their clean look in the small aspect ratio of the GB/GBA, and the multi screen games, while still playable, suffer terribly in particular. If accuracy is what you want they're all on mame, and if you want to go a bit extra you can get the artwork that goes along with them as well.

>> No.10374459
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>> No.10374463
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In terms of content the GBA (Gallery 4) seems to be the best, I'd say. Even the only one that has boxing, which is great

The onlyt hing that confuses me is that the cover says it has only 6 games

>> No.10374475

how come these gallery games have such low metacritic scores. do they break anything about the original?

>> No.10374479

Working Dough in Rhythm Heaven Fever

>> No.10374505

>actually has like 20 games, just have to unlock them first
>say you only have 6 games on boxart
Worst marketing ever

>> No.10374509

I was 9 years old in '83 through '84.
Played Donkey Kong at the arcade, then at school the G&Ws were everywhere at lunchtime. You had to see that craze to believe it. Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong II, Donkey Kong Jr, Mario's Cement Factory. The name Nintendo was burned into our brains. BTW, their branding (e.g. the logo) and subjective "quality" was streets ahead of the market even then and apparent even to us kids. They deserved to win in the long run.
That was the same time that Thriller was such a big phenomenon that the school assembled us and we all watched the 14 minute video on VHS, Game and Watches in pocket.

>> No.10374512

that's cool, how did you react when you heard nintendo was making their own console?

>> No.10374521

We didn't "hear" things like that. Whatever the Japanese were cooking up might as well have been in another universe.
I stayed with the arcade through the 80s, not as a "gamer" but just as a kid who occasionally dropped in a few coins. Again, "gamers" really didn't exist. I ignored the NES because I was a home computer nut. That's what smart kids did in the 80s in Australia at least, rather than playing consoles. In as much as I was even aware of the NES - and I was probably literally unaware of it - it was something for young kids, not smart high schoolers.
Later I got casually into the 16 bit consoles, only to the extent of hiring them occasionally or playing at a friend's place. The arcade was still where all the best gaming experiences were all the way through to the early 90s, with the exception of the more complex home computer games.

>> No.10374536
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i was born in 88'
but still fondly remember the arcades
watching them slowly fade away sucked
i still remember how it felt seeing my hangout spot shut down ;_;

i remember seeing a loose DKjr cabinet (had some issues)
& wanting it so badly as a 6yr old
my pops obv wasn't going to buy a full size arcade cab from the flea market kek
the original 1982 bezel arrived in the mail this week
i have the pcb and plan on refurbing it like i did my pacman midway board

modern arcades are ticketfarms now & it sucks
even dave&busters near me here is shit

>> No.10374559
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Is this the best official collection? Does someone know?

>> No.10374582

As much nostalgia I have for 3 and how much I like 1’s OST, this is definitely the best package. It has the most games by far (6 at the start with remakes, 5 unlockable with remakes, 9 unlockable without remakes), and if you don’t have any of the previous ones it has a lot of overlap with them (6 with remakes, 2 without)

>> No.10374806

Actual soul

>> No.10375345

I remember getting Donkey Kong in 82 I think it was, when I was 10. I liked LCD games but something about that double screen blew my sperg mind. I still have it.

>> No.10375406

You are right, something about those clamshells was just incredible at the time. Cutting edge tech and design, and the gameplay though limited was good enough that it didn't matter.

>> No.10375453

i wanted to collect G&W in highschool
they were expensive even back then (2006)
i will still try to get the zelda one CiB but the rest will only live as a pipe dream sadly

i had the dkjr keychain
probably got stolen at school though

>> No.10375465
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underrated core

>> No.10377325

Yep shit is still fun

>> No.10377349

I'm not sure who's rating them, but I guess as a kid in the 90s, I probably would've been disappointed to get a GB collection of G&W games (even accounting for the upgraded remake versions). Even now I don't find them to be all that appealing.

>> No.10377397

>I probably would've been disappointed to get a GB collection of G&W games

And I'd guess journos just give them bad scores because of lack of content and rehashing

>> No.10377430

I never owned a GW as a kid, but I wasn't particularly intrigued by minigame ordeals and was more interested in platformers and action games. Not sure if I ever played any of those Tiger handhelds that I got for more than maybe a few hours, and sure most of those have worse designs than GWs, I probably would've viewed a GW compilation as just more of that kind of thing, at an age when I viewed Link's Awakening, Kirby's Dreamland 2, Super Mario Land 2, and Wario Land as the height of portable gaming.

>> No.10377528

This is a SUPER deepcut:

VS Pinball for the Nintendo VS arcade system, basically NES Pinball redesign to take quarters. The marquee for it uses an image of a real pinball table, except, if you look close at the bumpers in the picture, they have Game&Watch lcd "sprites" on them. Donkey Kong Jr and i want to say Stanley from Greenhouse also.

>> No.10377541

Its criminal that Squish never got on any of these despite being possibly the best pick up n play, addictive G&W and re releasing the same games across multiple iterations of the Gallery series.

>> No.10377564

>Its criminal that Squish never got on any of these
>any of these
What you mean

>> No.10377614

Sorry, I meant the Game&Watch Gallery series since people were discussing it and any of the other G&W collections. There are a couple that Nintendo has never re released beyond their original LCD games. Off the top of my head, Squish, Pinball, Gold Cliff, Balloon Fight, Blackjack, Crab Grab, Donkey kong Hockey, most of the tabletop/panorama games like Donkey Kong Circus and anything with a licensed character, except Snoopy Tennis on a Nintendo Mini Classic and Mickey Mouse reskinned as Egg which showed up in Gallery. Super Mario Bros was never in a Gallery or Collection which is also weird, but it had a Mini Classics re release.

>> No.10377703


>> No.10377734

Wasn’t Mario Bros available as an unlockable in GW4? Or was that Ice Climbers or Zelda? Those three kinda played similar. I’m more surprised they haven’t remade these games in 3D for the Switch. Like 60 games in one. Certainly cannot be harder to make than a Mario Party mini game.

>> No.10377751

All those were available on G&WG4 as unlockables, but SUPER Mario Bros wasn't. That's its own game. It seems like a pretty ambitious one, but I haven't played it myself.
Also I agree on wanting a modern Gallery game. Problem is that while I want Nintendo to make me a bunch of fancy calculator games, I don't want them to charge me 60 dollars for fancy calculator games

>> No.10377762

Kinda surprised Nintendo didn't keep producing new models of their modern G&W units, guess i assumed they all sold well.

>> No.10377763

Mario Bros has been in atleast 2 of the Gallery entries, including 4 with a modern and original versions. Its different then arcade Mario Bros, in that its a game of managing packages on a conveyor belt.

SUPER Mario Bros, has never been re released in any collection. It tried to adapt the actual NES game into a LCD game format and uses dodging obstacle elements of Squish and Bomb Sweeper and has multiple game screens and levels. It first had a Crystal Screen release which was a neat gimmick where the LCD screen was actually see through, as in you could look out through the device like a window. This version also featured a more G&W character looking art for Mario. This later got re released as a normal wide screen G&W, an exclusive Japan competition award version that looked like a proto GameBoy and in the Nintendo Mini Classics line in the late 90s. These versions had new sprites closer to the SMB official art of the 80s.

Zelda and Climber (doesn't contain the actual ice climbers and is instead a new character) are both unlockable in Gallery 4 in only original modes. Zelda is the final game you unlock.

>> No.10377765

Its beyond retarded they haven't used the new devices to do a G&W collection. Hell, i wish they did them yearly for different ips, like a Fire Emblem one with the Famicom games, Metroid and Mother.

>> No.10379532
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For dual screen games like donkey kong a DS is the best way to play and a DS plays all the g&w gallery's too. I recommend g&wg2, it's got the best version of non dual screen donkey Kong. I also think it has the best aesthetics of all the g&w games, it's color palette is comfy and.

>> No.10379791
File: 50 KB, 506x600, CGL-GalaxyInvader10000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still amazed at the hours I would put into these simple handheld games, I had a few LCD games and a few like pic, which I still have. I would play them until I could clock the score without dying.