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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 185 KB, 482x361, Umihara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1037302 No.1037302[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You know what? Before I get flooded with incoherent shitposting, let me solve the problem in the past threads.
Let's discuss Japan-only games that are easy to import and play.
And I mean games like Sin and Punishment, as well as Umihara Kawase.

>> No.1037306

What is this game about? I see it pop up a lot but I know nothing about it.

>> No.1037307

Wow making the same thread four times in an hour. You're soooo cool OP. Nobody wants to talk about this shit.

Why don't you play games in your own language? They're cheaper. Or do you hate resellers and you've just come here to bitch about that again?

>> No.1037308

It's basically Bionic Commando sans guns and Nazis, with 100% more giant fish

>> No.1037309

Isn't that game the one where you have a grappling hook or something? I vaguely reall having seen a video of it

>> No.1037317

And I've never said they cost less.
Learn to read the OP

>> No.1037312

I hope you know that after taxes and shipping it costs more than buying locally. Take your cumguzzling circlejerk somewhere else. Games cost money, get over it.

>> No.1037313

This has nothing to do with western resellers, Anon.
We're just discussing Japanese games that US players can understand, thus making your shitposting moot point.

>> No.1037318

Huh. Sounds neat, I'll check it out.

>> No.1037323 [DELETED] 

Strategically throwing a fishing line around a upward maze, using it to travel around, while avoiding enemies and if necessary, taking the fishing line and scooping said fish, snails, eels, etc., into your backpack. Sounds simple or simple, but it's an awesomely fun challenge.

>> No.1037329


One thing you should know is that there's a time limit - once you spend a certain time playing the game (30 minutes? I can't remember), the next time you exit a level, the credits will roll. If you don't know about that, it could lead you to believe the game is only that short.

>> No.1037324


The hook physics are really, really good. However, the game knows this and the puzzles become quite difficult later.

Check out the Game Centre CX episode.

>> No.1037326

Yes you did, in the last three fucking threads you made. Take recurring threads to /vg/ and stop shitting up our board jackass.

>> No.1037338
File: 44 KB, 300x530, doreme fantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is pretty fun.

>> No.1037337

Oh really.
So basically, you're saying people can't have fun doing things you don't like.
The OP said earlier that this is a different subject.
This isn't about cheaper alternatives. It's about more variety.

>> No.1037339

>So basically, you're saying people can't have fun doing things you don't like.
>Citing a random Ebay auction instead of looking in the right place.
Fucking pleb. Stop samefagging OP.

>> No.1037340 [DELETED] 

saged and reported for shitposting

>> No.1037345 [DELETED] 

Sage for recurring spam/meme thread.

>> No.1037350

1. This thread is not intended to be part of those
2. You're the reason I have to keep starting over
And now you're pulling the samefag card

>> No.1037347

>This desperate


>> No.1037352 [DELETED] 

I just reported YOUR shitposting. Try adding to the topic dumbass.

>> No.1037351

Just report the shitposting and don't reply.

>> No.1037357

He saged because it was off topic.
Anyway, Devil World comes to mind

>> No.1037359

It's also expensive as all shit.

>> No.1037360
File: 40 KB, 320x276, Magical Pop'n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A simple favorite: Magical Pop'n

>> No.1037363 [DELETED] 

Reported for being a flaming faggot .

>> No.1037364

>easy to import and play.
You do know that Umihara Kawase is one of the most expensive SNES games right? Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.1037368

Ooh, that looks promising

>> No.1037365
File: 236 KB, 252x448, New_Mobile_Report_Gundam_Wing_-_Endless_Duel_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gundam Wing Endless duel is a pretty sweet fighting game with some of the best graphics to come out of a SNES.

>> No.1037373

Stop replying and contribute. That's exactly why I've had to "repost the same exact thread 4 times in a row", or some shit

>> No.1037372 [DELETED] 

Reported for racism. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.1037379


I got it, in good condition, with everything for around $40. Just keep an eye open.

>> No.1037376

That has some of the best SNES music on it.



>> No.1037380

Some of the SFC DBZ games come to mind, like Hyper Dimension

>> No.1037381

>had to

No, you didn't "have' to.

>> No.1037383

I can dig this

>> No.1037387

Your posts led to everyone going from discussion to shitflinging.
Now shut up and discuss.

>> No.1037385
File: 114 KB, 680x680, Bomberman_94_PCE_A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the best multiplayer game that exists for the PC Engine. Also got a port on the Genesis(Mega Bomberman) and a remix version on the SNES.(Super Bomberman 3)

>> No.1037386 [DELETED] 

>had to
The mods did not delete your threads.
YOU deleted your threads.
Stop shitposting on /vr/. Your kind belongs on /v/

>> No.1037389


I bet you think you're being edgy by using spoiler text. Careful, you might hurt someone with those edges.

>> No.1037393 [DELETED] 

I hope you know that on a forum you do not OWN a thread and you are no better than anyone else. Get over yourself.

>> No.1037394

Mario & Wario is a great example, though the real price is determined by whether or not you have a mouse, or if you can find one for cheap

>> No.1037396


Also, when a mod deletes your thread 4 times you should probably take the hint that you're an idiot.

>> No.1037406
File: 16 KB, 512x448, 23972.jpg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sapphire is one of the best looking PC Engine games and a pretty good shooter too, but insanely expensive. Is worth it to emulate.

>> No.1037409

If you can find it for cheap, Mega Man and Bass is pretty good

>> No.1037418

Oh I thought that was a horrible transliteration of "Starfighter"

>> No.1037419

This is actually one of the best Platformers on the Snes.

>> No.1037427
File: 16 KB, 256x239, rondo13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo was once one of the most notorious Japan-only titles, but has since been released on the PSP and Virtual Console. The original PCE disc still goes for over $100 however.

>> No.1037428

That's safuaia learn to read.

>> No.1037430

Don't all the Puyo Puyo games fall under this?

>> No.1037442 [DELETED] 

>Being this mad.

>> No.1037446
File: 25 KB, 380x240, puyos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not all of them. There's Kirby's Avalanche, Mean Bean Machine and a bunch of later releases I can't remember.

Also, Tetris Battle Gaiden, Super Picross, Gussun Oyoyo, and the Magical Drop games are pretty awesome as far as puzzlers go.

>> No.1037445

ファ is fa
フア is fua
in case you haven't learned that yet
and then there's crazy things like イェ being ye

>> No.1037447

No, it says squiggles.
In case you haven't learned that yet, this is an English board.

>> No.1037449

And other languages exist. Stop being such a jackass.

>> No.1037448

oh right sorry I thought this was one of my 2ch tabs for a minute

>> No.1037451

Why is /vr/ so hostile today?

>> No.1037452

That game is really good.

>> No.1037457

I didnt realize there were so many reseller jerks on /vr/.

>> No.1037458

I think someone from /v/ got tired of shitposting a shitpost board and decided to go to the best board

>> No.1037467

Most likely

>> No.1037473

I want to go back to the other topic, but it'll only end up getting flooded by the same guy that shitposts for kicks

>> No.1037475

>best board
I hope you know you sound like those autists on /v/ who complain about competition from /b/ and /pol/

>> No.1037486

I've been here since the beginning, 4chan has always been hostile too its just more noticeable in some threads. I can't believe anonymous shitposting bothers people so much, some person with no name or face makes fun of what you like and you cry about it. You're a thin skinned bitch >>1037449 <--- like that

>> No.1037487

/vr/ is the real containment board. People on /v/ can at least criticize popular games without getting shouted down by butthurt fanboys.

>> No.1037489

How much does Ys IV: Dawn of Ys go for on PC Engine CD these days?

>> No.1037491

>Not searching himself

>> No.1037493

It's not a matter of it being hurtful.
It gets annoying when it ends up taking up 90% of the thread, actively blocking discussion

>> No.1037495

ITT: Meta shit

>> No.1037503

Umahara Kawacy is a great game. I've 1cc'd it many times over.

>> No.1037508

>I didnt realize there were so many reseller jerks on /vr/.
Resellers and the free market are the reason why you can still buy these games jackass.

>> No.1037513
File: 28 KB, 300x300, tengai-makyou-ii-manji-maru-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty cheap, as Ys is very popular in Japan. You can burn a disc with a translation though.

The PC Engine Far East of Eden games are really good, but unfortunately haven't received any translations yet. They are also incredibly cheap to get, around 5 bucks each. Definitely check them out of you can read moonrunes.

>> No.1037517

>And I mean games like Sin and Punishment

Made sure to get that from the VC as soon as I got my Wii U. I don't know how well the game is emulated, (probably really well, because this is first-party emulation from a company who's been doing it for a while) but I'm left with the feeling that the game utilized the N64 hardware far better than most games to ever come out for the system. I was certainly not surprised to hear that Treasure collaborated with one of Nintendo's top development teams in order to make this great game.

>> No.1037520

Wii U and VC are not retro.

>> No.1037525

I always wondered why they never released it in the west, as almost all translation work was already done.

>> No.1037530


>1999 was 14 years ago ;_;

>> No.1037534

if the percentage is that high maybe its your threads that are flamebait? Like I just imagine some people getting pissed off over the Japanese shit because weebs are always trying to jam it down their throats. It just sounds fucking pretentious when you brag about your imports in circle jerk threads like this. I didnt have a problem with this I'm just saying thats what it seems like the case is,

>> No.1037538

>free market
What kind of fucked up faity tale world do you live in?

>> No.1037546

I just wanted to make a thread about saving money via Japanese versions of US games.
Then some random fuck decides to shit it up with all this "MUH WESTERN ECONOMY" bullshit.
It's actually really confusing me.

>> No.1037547

Okay yeah I see where you are coming from, WHAT DOES THE ECONOMY HAVE TO DO WITH THIS? Shitposter care to explain?

>> No.1037553

Good thing the game itself is.

>> No.1037556

Tell that to ignorant guy complaining about 'squiggles'. Totally asked for it.

>> No.1037554

He said it had to do with me not supporting western resellers who jack up prices for games.
My original thread was about how most games are rising, and he pretty much called me an entitled fuck.
I then made a thread about games that have cheaper Japanese versions.
He bitched about the same shit, and I had to restart twice in vain hope that he'd give up

>> No.1037570

Probably because it has the word "Sin" in the title. I know Nintendo was trying to chip away at their "kiddie" reputation by that point, but anything related to religion tends to be a far touchier subject in the US than sex or violence. It may not seem like that big of a deal these days, but S&P came out before too many people tried pushing the religion envelope over here, so I'm not surprised Nintendo played that one safe. I kind of wish they tried releasing it over here under a different name, just to make sure it avoids unwanted attention from churchgoers and soccer moms.

>> No.1037568

What? Try starting a thread on /v/ and say something positive or negative about Skyrim or Dark Souls.
You'll be able to count the number of decent posts on one hand.

>> No.1037587

They could, 'y know, change the title if they were so concerned about that.

Still, the Wii sequel managed to get released without any changes, which just shwos that wasn't much of a problem.

>> No.1037593

this is true, try and say anything bad about yoshis island in here and you have the tears flowing through your monitor

>> No.1037660

Hes the douche that was crying about free market? Seems like more of a fascist, the type to make a law banning imports. What a fuckin goof

>> No.1037674

I recently got Disney Magical quest 3 and Megaman and Bass for the SNES.

Both nice platformers, so not too much text, but not sure if they really count since their GBA ports did get localized.

>> No.1037678

Not a problem these days, because many other have pushed the envelope well past "far enough" for S&P2 to get by with without any problems. And thank god for that, because I also made sure to pick that game up as I bought my Wii U.

Shit looks really good when upscaled to HD, by the way. The Wii U seems to be really good with that, especially for retro titles.

>> No.1037930

Dragon ball Z Super Butouden 1, 2 and 3 are awesome and can be bought for like $25.

>> No.1037940

My favorite game of all time. It was also ported by fans as a PC exe, and along with other ways of getting it, it's pretty easy to find a way to play it.

>> No.1038009

>muh buzzwords
>failing at history

>> No.1038113

That 16-bit rendition of Rhythm Emotion is so delicious. I can't help but sing along every time I play my copy.

>> No.1038923
File: 30 KB, 400x300, TrowaClown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always loved Gundam Wing as a kid. I'm kind of afraid to rewatch it though, because I always hear people say the plot is incredibly stupid if you watch it as an adult. When I was a kid I wasn't even really aware of the plot, I just watched random episodes because it was a show about hot guys blowing stuff up.

>> No.1039203

I saw it recently and I wouldn't say its incredibly stupid, definitely not a bad as G.

Also people who take anime plots seriously are terrible people.

>> No.1039216

The only way to enjoy it is with nostalgia, it's a gigantic piece of junk.

>> No.1039267

You, sir, have excellent taste.

>> No.1039273

I knew someone who used to play Castlevania for the story. I swear, anime makes people dumber.

>> No.1039292

It's an absolute chore to watch, and full of the most boring characters possible.

G Gundam is pure, cheesy fun, go watch that instead.

>> No.1039301

0079 is the best

>> No.1039303

>I swear, anime makes people dumber.

Yes, the great majority of anime is quite infantile and continued viewing of said shitty cartoons has proven empirically that it causes arrested development of mature taste in other forms of media, along with a general lack of self awareness (wearing shitty clothes, hanging out at the manga section of most bookstores, saying stupid japanese phrases and eating pocky, not showering, smelling like popcorn shrimp and dirty asshole, etc.). All of this combined with a heavily flawed and skewed delusion of knowing a modicum of information on Japan and its culture. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVDDnDzpoHM

>> No.1039784
File: 432 KB, 630x794, DSC07619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today i bought along with MKII this game (below)

Super Fire Pro Wrestling

Does anyone knows if it's any decent, the music does sound really good.

>> No.1039805


>> No.1039874

All the Fire Pro Wrestling games are pretty good. Though there's a bunch of them and some were really unforgiving and hard to master the move system.

>> No.1039945

Ok so where do we stand right now? This thread is basically one guy trying to discuss some fun Japanese games we can buy on eBay and play on our western systems to a bunch of people saging and shit posting.

I am genuinely interested in what OP is asking about. Whether it's because a game is more expensive for the English version or there are Japanese only versions of games that are amazing. I would love to have some Shmups or some Platformers that are fun and unique and don't require me to study Japanese (I know some basics from highscool) .

The only japanese games I have are copies of games I already own like SMRPG and Seiken Densetsu 2 so I can't really recommend anything right now.

What are some good:


>> No.1040482


Its not bad, but its stupid and animu as fuck.

The designs are pretty great.

>> No.1040567

>Let's talk about some good Japanese games that are accessible to non-Japanese speakers
This is a good thread

>Let's talk about games that are less expensive in Japanese and still playable by non-Japanese speakers
This is a shit thread

Even if OP manages to start his thread on the right topic, if his real purpose is the latter it's going to go straight to shit.

OP just needs to buy big import lots and find out for himself.

>> No.1043359

OP here
I started with the latter, but decided to move to the former due to the lack of discussion.

>> No.1044032

Yeah, no. I was subscribing to Nintendo Power right at the end of the N64 and beginning of the Gamecube years, and it had nothing to do with "ERMARGERD CENSORSHIP" it got previewed in NP and by all accounts was supposed to get released here, it was merely a victim of poor timing when Nintendo was quickly dropping N64 support in favor of getting NGC titles ready to launch, that's all.

>> No.1044070


Take your metashit to /q/ and stop derailing the thread.

>> No.1044120
File: 68 KB, 640x480, mario_paint_goemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are all game I personally own that I can vouch for their quality. All are worth looking into, either pull up some info on Google or check out some videos on Youtube. All of them are playable with little to no Japanese knowledge, and all of the are Japanese exclusives (With the exception of Whirlo, which got an extremely limited release in Europe)
SD The Great Battle 1/2/3/4/5
Magical Pop'n
DoReMi Fantasy
Ganbare Goemon 2
Ganbare Goemon 4
Rockman and Forte / Megaman and Bass
Kishin Dōji Zenki Battle Raiden
Ganbare Daiku no Gensan
Go Go Ackman 1/2/3
Violinist of Hamelin
Psycho Dream
Super Ninja-Kun
Xandra no Daibouken / Whirlo
Umihara Kawase
Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventure
Godzilla: Monster War / Godzilla Destroy All Monsters
Undercover Cops (beat-em-up)
Pop'n Twinbee
Parodius Da!
Gokujō Parodius!
Jikkyō Oshaberi Parodius
Marching Adventure Cotton 100%
Super Dezaemon
Cosmo Gang The Video
Edono Kiba (Action-shooter hybrid)
Melfand Stories (Adventure and beat-em-up)
Super Gussun Oyoyo (puzzle)
Mario & Wario (Super NES mouse controlled puzzle platformer, no Japanese in the game at all.)

>> No.1044870

That's not Zeta.

>> No.1047397
File: 139 KB, 400x254, SDGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to save this thread?

Compati Hero / The Great Battle series on the Super Famicom are awesome action games starring different super deformed iterations of Ultraman, Gundam and Masked Rider. All of them are dirt cheap except for five, which mixes Wild Guns style gameplay with platforming. And because the games are aimed at young Japanese boys still in grade school, there's next to no Japanese text to wade through.

>> No.1048521


Thanks for actually contributing, I will be looking into a lot of these games

>> No.1048539

I want an FM-Towns.
Most of the games are just ports of American games though.

>> No.1048551

any one play Alcahest?
I haven't completed it, but I remember it being enjoyable despite being rarely discussed.

>> No.1048638

Woah this looks pretty fucken awesome dude. Except it has quite a bit of Japanese text, I only watched the first 5 minutes of the video but it seems a little self explanatory but I don't wanna jump into anything that could be hard to understand later on.

Is it worth getting the english rom?