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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 56 KB, 576x480, 1698739927389510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10372284 No.10372284 [Reply] [Original]

I would clock Super Mario Bros around or just under the 6 minute mark at ten years old without internet (have proof) I also beat Metal Slug 3 3 times back to back deathless.

>> No.10372304

>I would clock Super Mario Bros around or just under the 6 minute mark
Speedrunning is mental illness. If you know a game so well you could even consider speedrunning it, it's time to move on and do something worthwhile
>but but it's fun
No it's not. Watch any speedrunner playing and see the misery in his face

>> No.10372330

>watch any speed runner
None existed in the early 90s. I would also play Super Punch Out and talk to friends about their clear times on certain fights. Getting quick knockouts was fun that added a lot of replay value. Not sure why you consider that a mental illness.

>> No.10372394
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>have proof

>> No.10372408

Okay that's not what the thread was about please go fuck off.

>> No.10372418

Super Mario Bros is not particularly hard...tf are you on about?

>> No.10372420
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I had OP pic related (RtZ) back on release and could never get past the Witch. Recently watched a playthrough for shits and giggles and it's INSANELY obtuse. Wonder if anyone legitimately beat it.

>> No.10372427

I think speedrunning is gay too (double gay if it's somehow mandatory like in Crash Bandicoot).
But I can't say i haven't seen worse attempts at giving an old game replayability.
No damage runs, default weapon run (both are famous in Mega Man community), no subweapons, no skips, people are basically forcing themselves into despair to get some more love out of their favorite game. Fascinating how human mind works.

>> No.10372431

Alright you got me I lied about metal slug but I can still clear Mario quickly. It's just on my laptop which is in my car so you'll have to take my word for now.

>> No.10372441

whoa whoa whoa, you can't just go from SMB1 which is fairly easy to warp though and finish quickly to MS3 on a single life, bro. There's a fucking GULF there and I'll never believe that. Any other MS maybe.

>> No.10372451

>so you'll have to take my word for now
I'll do no such thing.

>> No.10372459

megaman 8

>> No.10372472
File: 994 KB, 800x450, Genuinely good fucking game.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had someone awhile back throw a big pisser-fit over this area in Castlevania 3, so I proceeded to go through it with Grant and then Trevor to show him it's not that bad.
It's the room below this that's fucking awful between the goddamn crows and running water.
Fuck, I want to replay CV3 again.

>> No.10372474
File: 895 KB, 800x450, Now I'm just having fun.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10372484

I was thinking "no way a 10 years old can clear metal slug 3 deathless 3 times in a row"

>> No.10372486

Like I said its in my car. I have a busy day tomorrow but if this thread is still alive in 24 hours I will try post it. Why is it so hard to believe a non speed runner can clear super mario bros quickly?

>> No.10372491

I'm more interested in how you prove it was you, and prove also that you were 10 years old.

>> No.10372496 [DELETED] 

>No it's not. Watch any speedrunner playing and see the misery in his face
>assuming a troonrunner's gender

White supremacist doublenigger chud

>> No.10372640

Jak 2. Sure its trial and error at times but /vr/ seems to have collective ptsd from it

>> No.10372681

>hmm i wanna replay X game but now that i already know it it'd be a cinch
>i know let's do a challenge run
not that complicated

>> No.10373730

>Watch any speedrunner playing and see the misery in his face
I often watch the TAS guy and he seems to be having a blast at every game so far. Sadly he never shows his face.

>> No.10373974
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>I often watch

>> No.10373982
File: 2.40 MB, 640x360, Dracula2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10373987
File: 2.78 MB, 768x672, getgoodthird.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10373990
File: 2.75 MB, 512x480, BridgeGetGood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10373998
File: 2.76 MB, 512x480, CV3getgood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10374003
File: 2.83 MB, 512x480, toohard.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10374005
File: 1.79 MB, 512x480, MI_walkway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10374007
File: 2.79 MB, 512x480, Adventure_Island_8_4_start.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now THIS was actually hard

>> No.10374012
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>> No.10374013

Being so obsessed with something that you instantly think about it even when nobody brought it up is a mental illness too, I think.

>> No.10374020

Original Tetris on original game boy

Around 170 lines

Scorched earth on original Mario kart.

Dunno exact times but they were no joke.

Probably nothing by today's standards but not bad for 94 to 96

>> No.10374036
File: 90 KB, 560x800, Contra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played this recently because I remembered it being really hard as a kid, but I beat it over an afternoon and only lost one life on my final run. I'm pretty ass at games in general so I was pretty shocked when I was through with it so quick. Still it was crazy fun.

>> No.10374041

People often mention Super Star Wars as hard. I could beat it as a kid, and I suck. It is tedious more than really hard. The sequels are much harder.

>> No.10374885

I couldn't beat any of them. Dagobah was such a filter level.

>> No.10376051

Mario Sunshine. It honestly blows my mind that people think it's hard to control.

>> No.10376069

Contra is weird. I had a similar situation as you, only took a couple hours to beat. Is it actually a "hard" game? Well if it took you a couple hours, that's a lot of game overs, the game's really short. But once you know the game, it is really easy.
I think it still counts as a hard game, it's just very fair and easy to learn. But definitely not a gigachad "wow this is fucked up" kind of hard game.

>> No.10376071

Megaman in general is one of those things I'm decent at that I'm amazed more people aren't. Among the Classic series only MM&B gave me a hard time.

>> No.10376086
File: 116 KB, 1179x660, IMG_3547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i beat mario
uhhh anon i...
honestly normies will be impressed by that
i was at a small party, they had a nes and crt
i smoked a little weed, steamrolled the game using the warps in front of them
got lucky on bowsers castle and didnt take damage
set the controller down & playfully asked "what else ya got?"
>"wait wtf, i have had this cart my whole life and have never seen this screen wtf?!"

>> No.10376115

same. mm&b is pretty hard. i haven't beaten it yet just because i'll have to get myself in the right headspace to play a game that punishing. (i also don't like the music.)

i occasionally hear the mmx games are quite hard. the games i tend to struggle with are arcade shmups and some beat em ups. i'm sure there are user friendly shmups out there but the aesthetics of battle garegga are just too enticing.

>> No.10376125

I love how that enemy does a facepalm every time he gets defeated.
>Fuck! No! I can't believe Richter got the best over me again!

>> No.10376145

i wouldnt exactly call it easy but i found the xbox ninja gaiden to be perfectly manageable. they give you lots of items and you can pause to heal so healing doesnt really play into the combat meta. the nintendo games are much harder.

>> No.10376165

kek can't unsee

>> No.10376347

The train mission in SA where everyone got filtered by not driving far enough away for Smoke to be able to target the enemies. Realized his bullets were hitting the train and corrected course, passed it first try.

>> No.10376370

>I would clock Super Mario Bros around or just under the 6 minute mark at ten years old
congrats, you used warp zones, you didn't ACTUALLY beat Super Mario Bros, you "beat" easy mode.

>> No.10378315

Are you going to claim not killing every enemy invalidates my run next? There are Mario games that warp you backwards potentially making the game harder. My run was freakin valid.

>> No.10379403

Had an anon on here trying to convince me that Super Mario Bros. The Lost Levels was harder than Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.10379409

*pulls out Battletoads*

>> No.10379598

Let's see you beat Super Empire Strikes Back on Jedi.

>> No.10380823

>Like I said its in my car. I have a busy day tomorrow but if this thread is still alive in 24 hours I will try post it. Why is it so hard to believe a non speed runner can clear super mario bros quickly?
Is that a fact?

>> No.10382281

Been watching my roommate play it and he will wordlessly force through these bits and then bitch about having to drive a sweetass hovercar across the city

>> No.10382294

My laptop won't power on. I will look for a charger tomorrow and then I can upload the footage. I wish you guys would just take my word for it.

>> No.10382338

Get off of your fat ass.

>> No.10383568

Ugh! I've finally gotten a charger, but guess what? A hurricane struck and I'm out of electricity. I'm posting this with my phone, before it discharges.

>> No.10383669

Alright I'm getting out of bed.
Even if I do post it you'll dispute it's even me. Looking for my charger now guys.

>> No.10383779
File: 544 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20231106-120140_Video Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My laptop got a virus but I was able to snap this picture proving my claim. Full video once I can figure this all out.

>> No.10384676


>> No.10384697

>Scorched earth on original Mario kart.

>> No.10384790

Makes sense. Some may struggle more with momentum-based platformers like Mario over more rigid and reliable physics like Ninja Gaiden.

>> No.10385398

Mega Man 8 is almost always regarded as one of the easiest games in the series. People only freak out about the jet sled segments.

>> No.10385419

Been playing them relentlessly since I was a kid, and I think they're mostly okay difficulty with a few entries being bullshit (1,2,&B), a few entries being piss easy (2,5,6,8), and the rest being either standard difficulty or genuinely challenging but fair (9).
I tried introducing some of the easier ones to my friends (4 and 6), and it was too hard for them. One of them even insisted that having to restart a stage after a game over is bad design even though Mega Man games are super forgiving for their time and let you keep everything when you die and let you pick another stage. He also said the controls were bad. He was playing 4.
I also remember playing ZX and one of my friends wanted to try it for a bit and the controls fucked him up. Maybe it's because I've just been playing these games for a long time and got really accustomed to them idk. A lot of people these days like to spam rewinds and savescum through Mega Man games, too.

>> No.10385431

Lost Levels is harder than Ninja Garden, or at the very least I can stand to play Ninja Garden for far longer than Lost Levels and can get farther, too.

>> No.10385496

Ninja Gaiden isn't really hard until like stage 5 and that's right at the end of the game. The stages are short and the bosses don't do anything for the most part. It's just the final stage and boss which are total bullshit.

>> No.10385641
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I went out clubbing with friends one time, and our last stop was an 80's themed club literally called DeLorean's. They had several NES games on the wall (the consoles were behind the wall, so all you saw was the screen and the controllers), including SMB and Punchout. This was my opportunity to show off to the qt3.14s accompanying us, since I fancy myself bretty gud at those games. Disastrously, however, as soon as I tried to actually play, I noticed the controls were completely off, and that's when I saw the controllers were cheap chink knockoffs that only superficially looked like the originals. Suffice it to say, my inputs didn't register half the time. I Game Over'd in like World 1-3 in SMB, and lost to fucking Von Kaiser in Punchout. The girls just kinda laughed and went elsewhere, and I swore to my friend that the controllers fucking sucked, but he laughed said I probably just had too much to drink. Fuck 'em all.

>> No.10387468
File: 25 KB, 497x373, images - 2023-11-07T145703.926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prince of Tennis would win with broken rackets. You're no prince.