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File: 87 KB, 275x375, Blake_Stone_Aliens_of_Gold_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10371350 No.10371350 [Reply] [Original]

>released one week before DOOM

What are some great games that got fucked over due to their release date? It's a shame that Blake Stone didn't get as much success as it deserved. I wish that it would've at least gotten a game or two during the post DOOM era of fps games. Maybe it would've joined the Build Engine trinity.

>> No.10371534

Didn't it get sequels or expansions or something?

>> No.10371543

Great game. I need to replay it, thanks for posting

>> No.10371545
File: 153 KB, 739x750, Hacx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hacx is a total conversion for Doom II. It was released by Banjo Software on September 16, 1997, and featured an entirely new set of graphics. Hacx uses a DeHackEd modified version of the Doom engine and the authors of Hacx paid id Software $5,000 for the rights to market Hacx as a commercial add-on for Doom II. Hacx itself was generally unsuccessful; by the time it was released, the superior Quake engine that had just come out made the Doom engine pale in comparison.

>> No.10371626
File: 5 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario Kart 64 was released 3 weeks after Bubsy 3D completely stealing Bubsy's thunder (which was indeed thunderous). Alas, Bubsy 3D is still remembered as the most greatest and illustrious game in all of time in history, but it could have been even more considerably greater even again on top of that, as you may well know

>> No.10371894
File: 24 KB, 296x338, ulillillia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10372114
File: 986 KB, 346x346, 1668121396759890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It got one expansion. And while good I feel like it could've at least make the jump to the DOOM era of game engines if it had its proper time in the spotlight.

>> No.10372264
File: 138 KB, 800x1132, 195782-vampire-the-masquerade-bloodlines-windows-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VTMB's release date will never not be funny
The EXACT SAME DAY as Half Life 2
One day before Metal Gear Solid 3
One week before World Of Warcraft
One week after Halo 2

>> No.10372371

SiN was rushed as fuck so it could come out three weeks before Half Life.

>> No.10372405
File: 322 KB, 1000x739, susan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came here to post this. I got it pretty soon after release and was blown away, despite the jank, but nobody else I knew was playing it and hardly anyone even knew it existed. Couldn't believe how far under the radar it had fallen after a just a handful of horny PC mag ads. Even with the almighty fuck up of the studio being rushed and shut down, if it had had a better release date, it could have got way more attention and patches and fixes.
And who knows, maybe Troika would have been revived

>> No.10372457

To be fair I'm sure 386 owners appreciated it.
It's a neat little game but it's just a slightly deeper Wolf3D with a scifi schlock skin.

>> No.10372504
File: 24 KB, 289x345, ShogoBox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Released one month before Half-Life

>> No.10372515


>> No.10372570

havent heard about this lil nigga in a while

>> No.10372708

I hope he's okay ;_;

>> No.10372735

Being released "at the same time as a big game" is a shitty excuse. The FPS market had been oversatured since Doom.

1997 was probably one of the most saturated year for the genre and yet fucking Redneck Rampage managed to be a top seller, even though revisionists want you to believe that Shadow Warrior and Blood did better. The reason is that RR had something to offer, to appeal the playerbase, that others didn't have.
Blake Stone never had something like this, it was just your average Wolf 3D clone among a sea of Wolf 3D clones.

>> No.10372737

>RR had something to offer, to appeal the playerbase, that others didn't have.
Crass humor?

>> No.10372958

>something to offer
Bro the only reason it "sold well" was because it was Walmart-core. It was discounted fairly quickly, on shelves for years and ran on old "I don't need to upgrade" computers. It had a Big Mouth Billy Bass tier concept that sold to rubes. Yeah it sold more, but it's definitely not a true classic. I don't think anyone was arguing Blood or Shadow Warrior sold more anyway. I highly doubt most people, especially said Walmarty demographic, finished this ridiculously hard and poorly designed game. At least Blake Stone was a *good* Wolf3D clone.

>> No.10372959

It was in the top 10 sellers close to release before being discounted. That came after, it's the equivalent of Planitum PSX releases.

>> No.10372968


>> No.10373192

I think it plays worse than Wolf in some aspects.

>> No.10373204

Redneck Rampage was hot fucking garbage until the expansions, while Blood and Shadow Warrior were great out of the box.

Blood and Shadow Warrior had plenty of that.


>> No.10373212

Blake Stone's cartoony enemy design mixed with it's graphic violence was a weird mix and made a big impression on me as a kid.
Killing some of the enemies looked like you just eviscerated Grimace from McDonalds or something like that.

>> No.10373538

It got one sequel, which is allegedly kind of boring.
The only reason why RR sold is because it appealed to an audience that was traditionally ignored, the same audience that bought up hunting games by the dozen. They could not have cared less if RR was good or not.

>> No.10373827

blake stone was wolf3d-tier; doom was a tech advance. gamers were very sensitive to tech advances in the 90s-early 00s and unless you had something awesome to offer, your game went by the wayside for the shinier new toy.

>> No.10375156

Gaming technology was developing at the speed of fucking light from the late 80s to the early 2000s, the rate that new kinds of games became possible was pretty insane, the rate at which CPU power kept rising across the board versus how it kept getting cheaper opened infinite doors.

Ultima Underworld comes out in 92, and it's a monumental technical achievement, and then in late 93 you get Doom, which offers comparative graphics, except instead of a slow paced RPG which controls like Microsoft Excel, it's a blazing fast action shooter, which isn't even as demanding in terms of hardware that you'd have thought at a glance.
On the console end, Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island weren't really all that old when Super Mario 64 hit the scene.
>inb4 muh croc

Very much a blink and you'll miss it era, you tuned out for just a year and you'd see shit that made you go "Wait, when did THAT happen?!"
Compare to now, when big videogames have kind of stagnated and hit a Disney capeshit formula, graphics have gotten shinier, but they were already pretty gorgeous back in 2013.

>> No.10375159

Man, what a comfy, great fucking title this is. I played the shit out of the demo disc for this with my cuzzo when we were kids. We'd take turns switching seats whenever one of us were rekt, on his dad's old gateway computer. We always chuckled at the guards screaming for a medic when you killed them, we thought it sounded like "FED-EX". Take me back bros.

>> No.10375396
File: 140 KB, 400x221, mojo_film_5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They got Toad to make the music

>> No.10375418

I genuinely like him but I'm sorry he got creeped out by the internet

>> No.10375697 [DELETED] 

HACX is neat but [spoiler[I've never beaten the first map because it's way too fucking big.[/spoiler]