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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 127 KB, 640x470, terrsn0f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10367937 No.10367937 [Reply] [Original]

I apoligize for ever saying/thinking bad things about this game.

It's a masterpiece.
The only flaw is that they didn't have the guts to have a Game Over screen or any real punishment whatsoever upon death.

>> No.10368000

It feels like grindy, unfinished mess at times, so calling it masterpiece is an overstatement.
During last playthrough I even wondered if this game knows what genre it wants to be.

>> No.10368021

But enough about Secret of Mana

>> No.10368034

how can it be grindy when you can dodge all attacks and there are tons of healing supplies + no penalty for death except retracing your steps?

>> No.10368102 [DELETED] 

+1. Terranigma is just one of those games you read about on reddit. The game aged badly, story is weak and gameplay is repetitive at best.

>> No.10368110 [DELETED] 

>admits to being a redditor
>shit taste

Like clockwork

>> No.10368116 [DELETED] 

And? Most of the retro subreddits are better than /vr/ when it comes to actuall gameplay cheats/tricks

>> No.10368119

I'd say another flaw is the mostly ugly brown world

>> No.10368120 [DELETED] 
File: 589 B, 78x45, go_back_soul_blazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10368261 [DELETED] 

holy fucking giga retard at going to reddit for old game CHEATS/TRICKS and not gamefaqs the holy father. your generation genuinely has brain damage.

>> No.10368340

>how can it be grindy when you can dodge all attacks
Yeah, and that 1-2 dmg pecking at stronger enemies sure is fun.

>> No.10368349 [DELETED] 

It is so obvious you never played the game and are just baiting. Get better material man!

>> No.10368365 [DELETED] 

Yeah man reddit is so much better. You should go there and never return because this board is so bad. You'd have to be some kind of retard to continue posting on a board that is no fun, so if you post again you are confirmed to be gay, stupid, fat, and ugly.

>> No.10368371

I love Elle so much.

>> No.10368460 [DELETED] 

You guys are just sheep, nothing more. Imagine hating a site, just because someone told you, that it's bad. Retro reddit is comfy, but you just hating, so you sound cool on 4chan.

>> No.10368480 [DELETED] 

Reddit is confirmed cancer no matter which bubble you crawl from. Stop derrailing the thread and lurk moar before posting.

>> No.10368537

terranigma balls

>> No.10368545 [DELETED] 

Which subreddit is this? Because I just went to retro games and the bulk of posts was coomllectors showing off and shitty fanart.

>> No.10368550
File: 57 KB, 717x664, got'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10368552

Name an action RPG on the SNES.


You can't.

>> No.10368567 [DELETED] 

The only discussions in there are about mainstream shit. No one ever deviates from the same games everyone has already played. It's boring at best.

>> No.10368568

It has one or two points where the story pacing is laborious but otherwise I enjoyed it. It's kind of a sentimental experience too because I was unemployed and floundering in isolation when I played it.

>> No.10368665

my biggest gripe is that magic is poorly thought out and implemented, but it doesn't matter because physical combat is good enough to carry the game.
too bad the human chapter is weak compared to the pre-human chapters, but i still like the over all trajectory of the game immensely.

>> No.10368726 [DELETED] 

You are gay stupid fat and ugly.

>> No.10368741

Secret of Evermore

>> No.10368751

Pacong later on in the game is not the best, also has level scaling issues.

Oh, and remember that useless block skill you learned in the beginning but completely forgot about later in the game? Yeah, that one is mandatory for the final boss.

Overall still a great game, perhaps not masterpiece level but still excellent.

>> No.10369783

My personal favourite snes game

>> No.10369898
File: 367 KB, 768x718, Terranigma (Europe) (patched)_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all that brown someone help me I'm going mad!

The only boss you deal 1 dmg against is the first one. Sounds like you got filtered by the first boss, decided to grind there, and quit

>> No.10369923

It wasn't useless, I used it for most of the game

>> No.10370223

It’s biggest problem is that it doesn’t really get good until the second half of the game, after you revive humanity.

>> No.10370242

>Sounds like you got filtered by the first boss, decided to grind there, and quit
Nice projection. I take grind for granted in older RPGs so I just rolled with it throughout this 6/10 game.

>> No.10370249

The only JRPGs that require some grind by design are the older turned based Famicom ones.
This is an SNES action-rpg from 1995 in which you can dodge all enemy attacks and are swarmed in healing items. There is no grind.

>> No.10370650

Let me guess, you got filtered by Bloody Mary because you didn't think of equipping the weapon effective against ghosts, despite the game telling you about weapon effects multiple times...

But even when dealing 1 dmg at a time you should have enough healing items against her without needing to grind unless you really suck

>> No.10370651

Dude, there were some bosses in the game that would give you hell if you were even one level below them even though you could breeze through the normal enemies on the path towards them, like that witch in the castle or the final boss. Game is still amazing though.

>> No.10370656

>that witch in the castle
That was mostly because the game never told you about certain weapons having elemental affinities and the one you found in the castle just happened to be of an element that Bloody Mary was resistant against.

>> No.10370662

>you got filtered by Bloody Mary
She was manageable. These dolls before her however can go fuck themselves.

>> No.10370675

The game specifically tells you which weapon is effective against ghosts.

>> No.10370767

Even with an effective weapon, you'll do shit damage if you're not at a high enough level.

>> No.10371068

There is no way to be underlvled unless you avoid killing all enemies on purpose

>> No.10371498

as far as restoring a cursed world piece by piece, its not quite as tight or uh... soulful as Soulblazer.

>> No.10371515
File: 12 KB, 602x421, terra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonderful game with an all-time ending

>> No.10371559

Soulblazer, Illusion of Time/Gaia, Terranigma, SoM, SoE, SD3, LttP and Shadowrun to some extent. Theres probably a bunch more but I'm to lazy to think for a post that will be ignored.

>> No.10372928
File: 82 KB, 256x239, ezgif-1-c0f4b8cc1b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it say?

>> No.10373206

i dropped the game right after jumping into the big hole. it was really weird. like it was just going progressively extremely off the rails

>> No.10373290

That's when the game starts getting good, you only played the tutorial

>> No.10373338
File: 719 KB, 768x1434, Terranigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10373350
File: 473 KB, 768x1195, Illusion of Gaia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10373351
File: 627 KB, 768x1195, Soul Blazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10373358
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I only used it once early game for testing, and then there was so few of it I never dared to use it in fear of wasting it

Then I got to the final boss, whelp, time to crank out those invicibility spells I've been saving!
>You can't use magic here!

>> No.10373395

OP is mah terranigga

>> No.10373412

More like terraligma