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/vr/ - Retro Games

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10364039 No.10364039 [Reply] [Original]

Why was Halo CE critically acclaimed when it came out?

>> No.10364041

Because it was fun you dingus.

>> No.10364046

Probably, because of asthectic and pseudo-open world sections, its design felt outdated on pc

>> No.10364047

Tight gameplay
Good level design
Good visual
Good performance

>> No.10364052 [DELETED] 

best local multiplayer since goldeneye. high skill ceiling for a console shooter. fun campaign with good AI for when you weren't playing with friends
the level design is awful

>> No.10364058

best local multiplayer since goldeneye. high skill ceiling for a console shooter. fun campaign with good AI for when you weren't playing with friends
>>10364047 #
the level design is awful

>> No.10364075
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Beautiful and colorful (unlike all the shitty sequels), huge maps, fun vehicles (unlike the sequels which make them death traps), fun physics and generally didn't take itself too seriously (unlike the sequels)

>> No.10364082

It was a great game. Original Xbox had a lot of those. It was a pioneer of shooters in general with two weapons and recharging shield. I remember when cod copied it and cod fags made a big deal. I should know, I was a cod and halo fag. I remember the hype leading up to Halo 2. Phenomenal

>> No.10364105

well realized setting/fiction with competent gameplay that in a few areas was relatively cutting edge. Combine this with iconic music and you have a classic.

>> No.10364113

fun selection of enemies like in doom

>> No.10364118

There was nothing (and still isn't) like Halo back then.

>> No.10364135

star wars
science fiction

>> No.10364181

>Orchestral music made it feel majestic and wasn't the sort of pumping techno soundtrack you expected for a sci-fi game
>Enemies are organized into a rogue's gallery of multiple different species, plus the flood appears halfway as a plot twist to contrast the crystal-jihad feel of the covenant and the US military humans
>AI is actually fairly smart, uses cover and grenades properly, charges when out of ammo, flees without a leader
>Heroic difficulty was just right for most people in singleplayer
>Weapons all feel different without needing to be realistic or have ten brands of sniper rifle manufacturer, a few standouts like the needler are very fun
>Ripoff ringworld meant yoy weren't just on a one-terrain planet
>Probably one of the best arena shooters for couch play with a decent amount of customization

>> No.10364190

because you could jump really high and drive future humvee filled with npcs that had psychopathic accuracy.

>> No.10364239

This is the type of thing where there are literally dozens of videos, hundreds of articles, all better composed than what a random guy on 4chan will respond with.

No one should be spoon-feeding this lazy retard. Throw rocks at him instead.

>> No.10364269


When will you be satisfied, OP?

>> No.10365120

first playable console shooter in the dual analog era

>> No.10365142

I think one factor a lot of people forget in CE is how easy it is to tell at a glance what you're looking at. Every enemy type has distinct behaviors and a distinct shape; the health elites have is communicated through color. Every weapon is shaped differently and has a function you can figure out just by looking at it. Bullet speed and tracking is calculated to be possible to dodge.
In most modern games everything blends together because of "muh realism" but halo wisely gives the aliens purple ships and goofy looking color coded armor for the sake of clarity.
honestly it looks timeless compared to the shitty remaster.

>> No.10365348

The CE remaster gives you Elites that move around as if they're a man in a costume like the Predator and the Marines all look like they're in Iraq. Keyes also looks like Bill Clinton and Cortana is completely dead-eyed.

>> No.10365757

What is the most spammed thread on /vr/? Is it:
- Why was Halo lauded?
- RE4 ruined Resident Evil
- Ocarina of Time is overrated
- (box art) What am I in for?

>> No.10365942

>- Ocarina of Time is overrated
Haven't seen this one in a while. The Zelda seether just spams in Zelda threads now it seems

>> No.10365949

Never mind he has the 'why do OoT characters look bad' thread going on

>> No.10365952

Most anons who comment on threads like this just want an excuse to briefly relive the hype that they experienced back when they played the game as kids. I personally have fond memories of playing Halo CE online with one of my best friends when it was released for PC.

>> No.10366003

why is Halo giving you so much trouble???

what was there like FPS in 2001???
Perfect Dark on an old generation console?
TimeSplitter on AliasingStation 2 and its crappy pad?
Quake 3 on Dreamcast??

And the PC??
how much did it cost at the time? $1000? $1500?

>> No.10366028

Computers had not yet been embraced by the masses, so a fun FPS shooter that you could easily play by just hooking up a console to your tv was perfect.
HALO is often refered to as Baby's first FPS, which it really was for a lot of people.
its pretty much what Goldeneye did on N64 but for the generation that came after that.

>> No.10366048

impeccable presentation, a memorable epic soundtrack, a gripping plot, solid gameplay, large maps, vehicles, pretty visuals for the time and integrated network play. It put the available PC shooters of the time to shame and that's why it gets so much flak from CS players. It also made the PS2 look like a fucking joke.

>> No.10366056

2 words: wort wort wort

>> No.10366151


>> No.10366220

It was pretty good. First popular console shooter that controlled and played well and still holds up against modern games today.

>> No.10366251

XBOX hype.

>> No.10366460

You could game at the high end pretty easily back then by shopping around. You'd just look out for an office or family PC that had a good motherboard/processor and slap a GPU in there.
It was actually much more accessible than it is now price-wise unless you were going to insist on getting a gaming prebuilt.

>> No.10367835

Shilled for Xbox and also a casualfag fps built for spiritual zoomers.

>> No.10367848
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Anon Can't Use a Search Engine: the Thread.

>> No.10367904

>colour blind

>> No.10367917

It brought fps to the retard masses that did not have computers and internet.
And here we are.

>> No.10367925

People being mindbroken by Sonic Adventure in various ways is also up there

>> No.10367930

because it saved us from the shitfest that was Half-Life

>> No.10367972

because it was a good game. next

>> No.10367982

Near perfect controls compared to everything that came before (and first to use both analog sticks well)

Dual Wielding

Local networking allowing many players to play against each other at the same time.

Aesthetic and physics that allowed for fun unexpected situations or conclusions to battle interactions (hilarious goofy shit happening in a serious setting where the stakes could be felt because of the serious setting, graphics and music).

Strategy and mastery (great maps and the ability to do head shots every time, but only if you were genuinely good at playing it).

Great pacing and perfect speed sweet-spot for both advanced and novice gamers (anyone could play it and have fun, even if they died a lot).

>> No.10368117
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Xenial g*mers still haven't noticed how much of it was copy-pasted from Iain M. Banks because g#mers don't read

>> No.10368142

still better than the scum who play exactly one MOBA every day and nothing else

>> No.10368153

>sci-fi influences itself
>this is NOT ALLOWED

>> No.10368183

No DWing in Halo 1.

>> No.10369092

On PC it was definitely something that was already done, however this was a console game so this was all brand new to that market (keep in mind that back then the PC and console markets were heavily segregated, very few younglings had the privilege of having access to both) and people were eating it up.
It also helped that there was a good game underlying all the cool beans thrown in your face, that alone kept the brand up high for years.

>> No.10369101

You forgot the anti-N64 console war spammer, though now he's splitting it between here and regular /v/

>> No.10369160
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>the level design is awful

>> No.10370096

It's a party game. It brought the LAN experience to consoles.